JCU - Appropriate Use Of Information Information resources, Copyright and Intellectual Property (From the Australian Department of communications, Information Technology and the Arts http://www.library.jcu.edu.au/subjectgds/Gen/appropriate.shtml
Extractions: @import /* hide from IE5 */ url("http://www.jcu.edu.au/includes/styles/JCUstyles.css"); Web Sitemap Search A-Z Index Contacts ... Events I nformation F or Prospective Students International Students Current Students Visitors ... Jobs at JCU I nformation A bout The University Research Teaching Intellectual Property Access to Information Internet Regulation Intellectual Property (James Cook University Guidelines) Conduct of Research (James Cook University Statement and Guidelines on Research Practice) (Available to JCU students and staff. Username and password required, contact InfoHelp for details). (Includes guidelines and procedures on audiovisual, print and graphic electronic copying).
X-Rays: An Inside Look At Gen X Resources Since he is a media analyst, much of Rushkoff s emphasis is on the media and modern Among gen X values, they list community, friendship, oneness, http://www.tagnet.org/dvm/xray.html
Extractions: X-Rays: An Inside Look at Generation X Resources X-Rays is a periodic feature release to ministry periodicals which will highlight an eclectic variety of resources pertaining to young adults ages 18-35, popularly dubbed "Generation X." Various Xers and ministry specialists will be providing the resources compiled in this feature by dre.am VISION ministries. Reviewers will subjectively rate resources based on the following scale: X = Xcellent Y = Y not check it out Z = Zilch, a real snore ZZZZZZ Generating Hope: A Strategy for Reaching the Postmodern Generation. Jimmy Long. (1997). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. $14.99 This book is one of the clearest and most profoundly practical books written on Generation X. It comes at Gen X from a philosophical point-of-view, rather than a generational one, and provides incredibly practical applications from cover to cover. It is a must read!! After working for many years on a university campus, Jimmy Long began to realize that today's students are very different from students a few years ago. This book is the result of his analysis of the reasons for these radical shifts in attitude and thinking. Long's contention is that although Howe and Strauss may be correct in their generational theory, and that there is a shift between Boomers and Generation X, that the current attitudinal shift is also (and more importantly) a shift from Enlightenment thinking to Postmodern thinking. Generation X is the first truly postmodern generation. Long explores what this means, emphasizing postmodern characteristics, including community, tribalism (a term he uses to refer to sub cultures within today's youth), hopelessness and pessimism.
Gen-Probe: Corporate Governance Code Of Ethics 2.7 Inquiries from Shareholders or media genProbe has an obligation to ensurethat all No gen-Probe funds, assets, or resources may be used directly or http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=135117&p=irol-govConduct
Electronic Design Welcome Nextgen Chips Propel Summer Design Sizzle Mark David At a media eventannouncing 90-nm RapidChip platform ASICs, resources, Part Finder http://www.elecdesign.com/Articles/ArticleID/10746/10746.html
PULSE! June 2005 how Baby Boom and gen X leaders view leadership, transitions and their work . The guide offers tips, tools and resources to develop communications http://www.allianceonline.org/publications/Pulse
Extractions: info@allianceonline.org Alliance for Nonprofit Management Publications PULSE! June 28, 2005 Volume 9, Number 3 The Alliance/NCNA Joint Conference, "The Communities We Serve: Building Capacity for Impact," July 14-17, 2005 in Chicago is nearly sold out! We expect more than 600 participants at this major event for nonprofit capacity builders. If you would like to attend, note that registration and payment must be received by Thursday, June 30 for pre-registration rates. For full conference details and registration information, visit www.allianceonline.org/annual_conference
Extractions: Gen Ed Institute Workshop Writing and Oral Communication in the Disciplines July 16, 2002 Background : Some 20 faculty from various disciplines met to discuss what we need to be pay attention to at UD if we want a successful initiative. The suggestions were consolidated and organized at the workshop for presentation to the University Task Force on Oral and Written Communication. Leaders : Steve Bernhardt, Debby Andrews, and Deborah Bosley (UNC-Charlotte) Question : If we are to be successful in moving writing and oral communication into the disciplines, what do we need to pay attention to? Pedagogy Student attitudes Need to develop within students an appreciation for the importance of good writing and communication skills. Need to get buy-in from students to make initiative successful. Need to create culture at UD that values strong writing and communicationso students learn what they need to know, are prepared to work productively, are able to express themselves creatively, and are ready to contribute to the community. Teaching Strategies Need to find ways to balance attention to writing and speaking activities (we tend to privilege writing) Students need to write and speak in a variety of ways for different audiences and purposes (expressive, creative, persuasive, technical, expository, scientific, electronic
KLRU: Family > Family Resources The gen Austin Web site provides resources that empower girls to be true to Challenges kids to question advertising, evaluate media and become smart http://www.klru.org/family/resources.asp
Extractions: KCTS/Seattle Television, in cooperation with PBS, has developed a public broadcasting, multimedia initiative, entitled Parenting Counts: A Focus on Early Learning. Using content provided by the Talaris Research Institute, the Parenting Counts campaign disseminates research-based information about how children think, feel, and learn and supports parents with examples of best parenting practices.
For Youth Media Makers - Native Networks resources. Downtown Community Television Center (DCTV) The Youth and MediaCommunications Initiative creates opportunities for underserved youth http://www.nativenetworks.si.edu/eng/yellow/fymm.htm
Extractions: Each summer since 1992, the Koahnic Broadcasting Corporation has conducted the week-long Alaska Native Youth Media Institute in Anchorage. For each institute, more than a dozen Native high school students are selected from throughout the state to receive hands-on instruction in media. Some of the country's best Native media professionals guide the students through writing, recording, and producing audio for radio broadcast and Internet distribution. By the program's end, the students have produced a radio feature program that is offered for broadcast by Native radio stations across the country. Indian Island School, Video Program, Penobscot Nation
Staples High School Communication and Mass media Complete Use if your topic deals with media! Teen Links; Community resources for Teens. Miscellaneous Links Dictionary http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/staplesLMC/
Extractions: Introduction Welcome to our list of resources and summaries. Simply reading through this list will give you an excellent idea of all that is being hidden from us. Weve listed only the very best, most reliable resources and summaries from the mountains of information available on the Internet, in books, in the public record, and elsewhere. We present this information to inspire us to work together to strengthen democracy and to build a brighter future for us all. Much of what you find on the Internet is difficult or impossible to verify. Some of it is even disinformation. Yet on this list, almost every resource and summary gives a wealth of reliable references and footnotes, so you can independently confirm information provided
Media & Cultural Studies Resources David Chandler s media and Communication Studies Site Useful explanations University of Iowa s media Studies resources PageAn extensive collection http://stephen.macek.faculty.noctrl.edu/mediastudies.htm
Extractions: Courses CV Writing Urban Nightmares My Blog Macek's Home Page Teaching and research Resources North Central College Resources Speech Communication Homepage Department Newsletter College Home Page Steve Macek's Home Page ... New media General Sites I Want Media Portal to the corporate media universe. Want links to the major media conglomerates' pages? Access to industry trade publications (Billboard,Variety, Broadcast and Cable, etc.)? The latest box office numbers and ratings data? Look here. David Chandler's Media and Communication Studies Site Useful explanations of all aspects of media criticism and cultural theory together with some links to outside material. Could be called "David Chandler explains it all for you". The semiotics section alone is worth a visit. Cultural Studies Central Compendium of cultural studies resources.
Com Gen 150 W02 Com gen 150 Integrative Seminar Winter 2002 Reading Packet Robert McChesney,Ch. 2 from Rich media, Poor Democracy Communication Politics in Dubious http://communication.ucsd.edu/courses/syllabi/150W02.html
Extractions: A seminar is a course where class discussion, not lecture, is the order of the day. Many Communication students have never had the privilege of taking a seminar. Students need to be in class, ready to talk about the readings and the issues posed by them. A seminar requires a different kind of reading practice, oriented not just to getting through the assigned materials, but to think about them and have an informed opinion about them. The course meets only 10 times. Students may miss one session without repercussions. Every unexcused absence thereafter results in a full grade penalty on the final grade (eg, two absences takes a B to a C; three absences takes a B to a D, etc.).
UCSD Communication Introduction Undergraduate Program Com/gen 150 Senior Seminar in Communication *. One media methods course.Three courses beyond the introductory courses (one must be chosen from each of http://communication.ucsd.edu/undergraduate/undergrad.html
Extractions: Student Web Sites Workspace Graduate Program Burn ... Undergrad Scholarships Components of our Program (Find out about our undergraduate program, including everything you'll need to know to apply: the requirements for the major and the minor , and the honors program . At the bottom of this page you'll find out how to receive the application materials necessary to apply to our program.) We recommend that you read the UCSD catalog description of our undergraduate program, for information about requirements, courses, and policies. Communication at UCSD is a field of study that emphasizes the role of different technologies of communication, from language to writing to television to computers, in mediating human experience. It draws from such social science disciplines as anthropology, psychology, sociology, and political science, and from the humanities and fine arts, including theater, literature, and visual arts. Communication students will develop a critical awareness of the communicative forces which affect their everyday lives. The communication major is not designed as a training program in advertising, journalism, production, or public relations. It provides students with a solid liberal arts background necessary for graduate studies in communication and other disciplines, and for professional work in a number of communication-related fields, including primary and secondary education.
Film & Media Studies Guide This guide highlights core resources for JHU Film and media Studies students andfaculty. Index to over 200 communication and mass media journals. http://www.library.jhu.edu/researchhelp/film/
Extractions: Students, faculty and staff of Johns Hopkins University may contact Madeline Copp Library Catalogs (what films do we, and other libraries, own?) Databases and Indexes (use these to find criticism and film reviews) Books and Media in Print (main distributors for all kinds of film) Public Performance Rights (what are they and why you should care) MSEL Audiovisual Center
Extractions: The next version of Microsoft Corp.'s enterprise instant messaging and presence server will be available on Dec. 1, the company said late on Monday. With the release of its Office Live Communications Server 2005, Microsoft also is adding an enterprise edition along with its standard version. ADVERTISEMENT While the basic functionality is available in both editions, the enterprise option supports more users, provides load balancing and server clustering, and includes more management features, said Dennis Karlinsky, the lead product manager for LCS. As reported earlier, new features in LCS 2005 include federation, so an enterprise can connect its IM and presence with other organizations running LCS 2005, and the ability for remote user to connect without a VPN (virtual private network). LCS 2005, released to manufacturing on Friday and formerly code-named Vienna, is the successor to LCS 2003, which was
Tough Customers: How To Reach Gen Y The Microsoft Sales and Marketing Resource Kit. Save time. Save money. Desire for community. Lots of gen Y choices come from viral marketing another http://www.microsoft.com/smallbusiness/resources/marketing/market_research/tough
Extractions: Members Technical Support Tech Support Overview Computer Security Community Get More from Products Get More Overview Success Stories Products Products Overview Windows Office Small Business Server ... Other Tools Online Services Online Services Overview View All Services Getting Online Selling Online ... Maximizing Results Learning Center Learning Center Overview How To Buy How to Buy Overview Special Offers Site Map About Us ... Market Research By Joanna L. Krotz They're growing up on the wired alphabet: PC, CD, PDA, DVD and CUL8R. They average $100 a week in disposable income, spending a stunning $150 billion a year. And they influence another $50 billion in family purchases, bumping the total to $200 billion. Related Links Women power: How to market to 51% of Americans Dos and don'ts in search-engine marketing How to capture wary customers Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2003 ... Online seminars and business events in your area Say hello to Generation Y, also known as Echo Boomers or Millennials. For sheer spending power and cultural hegemony, this consumer group is unrivaled in American history. If you haven't thought much about how your wares might attract this cohort of big spenders who are savvy and wary in equal parts start thinking. It's where your future lies.
Video Resources - Academic Alliance - Microsoft UK To view a video trailer or netshow, please click on the Windows media Player link . theSpoke.net is an online community that allows student developers to http://www.microsoft.com/uk/academia/video-resources/
Extractions: Microsoft.com Home Site Map Search Academia Home Page ... Useful Links Video Resources The video clips on this page cover a range of Microsoft projects, topics and initiatives. We hope they will inform and inspire you. How to view video resources To view a video trailer or netshow, please click on the Windows Media Player link. (Please note: you'll need to sign in using your .NET Passport.) Video resources Windows Codename Longhorn Higher Education Concept Video The sharing of ideas is a central part of Higher Education. Longhorn makes it easier for ISVs and publishers to meet education objectives in community interaction, shared annotations, lifelong digital portfolios, licensed content, mobility, and digital media. In this concept video, Carter shows some early work with McGraw-Hill, as he steps through physics calculations to send a space probe to Saturn.
Resource Type - Filter - Application Notes In this sample configuration, the PARTNER Advanced communications System lines are Configurations and implementation guidelines for Avaya media Servers http://www.avaya.com/gcm/master-usa/en-us/resource/filter.htm&Filter=Type:Applic