MCA-I Chicago Chapter Local chapter of media communications Association International. Features support and networking meetings, events and resources for professionals in video, film, distance learning, web design and creation, and all forms of interactive visual communications, along with all associated crafts.
Extractions: Welcome! Welcome to the new look of the MCA-I Chicago Chapter Website. Over the coming weeks we'll be adding new functionality to the site as well, so keep returning to check out the latest changes. If you encounter any problems, or have any suggestions, we'd like to know, so drop us a line September Meeting Learn some lighting tips and tricks for shooting better tabletop and talking heads. More details... March Newsletter The March Newsletter is here, hot off the presses! You can download it (PDF) today to get the latest news and information about the Chicago MCA-I Chapter. E-Mail Announcements Sign up for our e-mail "Announcements" list and never miss out on an MCA-I Chicago Event. Just send an e-mail to majordomo with "subscribe announce" in the body of the message. Welcome to the new MCA-I Chicago Chapter Website A new look for the coming new year Undoubtedly the last year has brought on many changes for many MCA-I Chicago members, and hopefully those changes have been predominantly for the better. So where would we be this holiday season without some changes to usher in the New Year?
Communications Solutions (TM) Next-Gen Networks February 2001 communications Solutions Nextgen Networks Network Re-Soul, Based on Anatel s TAP 806 resource products and media gateways,
Extractions: Channels Home VoIP Broadband Telephony Conference Call/Audio Web Enterprise VoIP Gateways Headsets ... Wholesale VoIP CRM Bus. Relationship Software Conference Call/Audio Web Converged Solutions CRM Solutions ... Workforce Optimization Call Center Remote Call Monitoring Agent Performance Call Center Call Center Software ... Workforce Productivity Requirements for Next-Gen, Carrier Class VoIP Gateways A few months ago, in an article entitled " Soul Of A New Network ," we described various architectures for packet-based telephony. Among other points, we described the tradeoffs between so-called open approaches and platforms built "from scratch." In general, the open approaches that is, those relying on commercial components, such as those available from Natural MicroSystems (NMS) and Dialogic emphasized the benefits of fast time-to-market and development flexibility. And the so-called custom platforms emphasized the importance of carrier-class density and capacity, while indicating that the scale of the solutions amply justified proprietary components. Since that article appeared, we've received feedback that the distinctions between these different approaches may have been overstated. Also, in the interim, vendor announcements suggest commercial approaches are persistently chipping away at capacity limitations.
SS7/C7 Next-Gen Related Resources Nextgen Tutorials media Gateway (AKA Softswitch) resources CatapultCommunications. Back to Top. SIP User Agent Clients/Servers
Biographies gen. David Poythress, The Adjutant general of Georgia Guard where he isresponsible for internal and external communications and media relations.
InfoDome - Subject Guide For Communication Includes a listing of media periodicals and audiovisual resources. field ofcommunication studies as a whole (both located on Table 13 in gen Ref) are
Extractions: Article Databases ... Make a Donation NOTE: This guide is for communication as a whole and includes resources that cover the entire discipline. Ask for separate guides for television, film, speech communication, and journalism. Online Catalog (The PAC) Guides to the Literature Annuals Encyclopedias and Dictionaries ... Internet and World Wide Web Communication mass media , and media can be used in the PAC as subjects or part of other subjects, such as mass media and women . However, note that these would be general and would not include types of communication or media. Subject headings are as specific as possible, so a book on television and children would be under that and not under mass media, media, or communication. Using keywords often helps to find what subject headings should be used. P
SUNY Oswego - General Education 1998 a database, communications, multimedia, and text/graphics management. resources Establishing new requirements in the area of General Education is
Extractions: Information For Select a Gateway Prospective Students SUNY Oswego Students Parents Alumni Skip over primary navigation About Oswego Academics Admissions ... Give to Oswego General Education 1998 Advisor's Guide (PDF, 19 KB) Approved Courses (PDF, 35 KB) Course Development ... general General Education I. WHY CHANGE GENERAL EDUCATION? The SUNY Oswego General Education is intended to help students grow and mature as learners, learn to think critically and solve problems, clarify their values, and increase their knowledge of the world and of themselves. Through General Education, the College and its faculty are trying to encourage students to become life-long learners and active, productive, and involved citizens able to participate effectively in a complex society. Because society changes, a General Education curriculum must respond to these changes. Therefore, the curriculum must be reviewed and evaluated regularly for clarity, coherence, currency, and emphasis. This evaluation must be open, honest, and as free from self-interest as possible. General Education exists for the sake of our students. The current General Education program, approved in 1979, has not had a full review and evaluation since its inception; individual courses have been given only an initial review as they have proliferated. The 1990 addition of Human Diversity requirements reflects a new component embraced in the last decade and mirrors changes in society and in other colleges across the country. Today, students often view Oswego's General Education courses as impositions in their progress toward a major, rather than as opportunities for intellectual growth. Many students see little connection between General Education courses and those related to their career aspirations.
Gen Y Teens - Wired But Wary Globally, teens trust information provided by traditional media nearly twice a free information resource from Network communications (Australia) Pty Ltd
Extractions: resources Download this 4 page article on the increasing role of PR in marketing and how important influencers are for todays marketers. Also do a self assessment on your communication. Click here Gen Y Teens - wired but wary published Feb 01 Globally, teens trust information provided by traditional media nearly twice as much as advertising in traditional media. Parents and editorials trusted more than Internet and ads.
Episcopal News Service genX TV spots, NPR options widen national advertising The Diocese of Texasoffers a variety of advertising and media resources and the award-winning
Extractions: Friday, June 24, 2005 [Episcopal News Service] Young adults facing everyday challenges are the focus of new television spots inviting viewers to visit the Episcopal Church. Designed for a target audience of Generation-X viewers unaffiliated with any church, three new 30-second ads are scheduled to air on national television in English and Spanish in late August, early September, and next May. Air time is also planned for overseas dioceses. National air dates and stations will be announced as they are confirmed through the Office of Communication at the Episcopal Church Center. Dioceses and congregations are joining the initiatives by purchasing local and regional air time under a process coordinated by the Atlanta-based Episcopal Media Center (phone: 800.229.3788). The overall initiative is funded by a total of $750,000 allocated by General Convention in 2003. Individual donors will also have the opportunity to make online contributions to assist with the purchase of air time, a measure approved June 16 by Executive Council. This service will be launched on the Episcopal Church website in July.
Archives Of General Psychiatry Select Journal or Resource, JAMA Archives Home, JAMA, Archives of, Dermatology Arch gen Psychiatry News media. , Advertisers. resources
Extractions: Vol. 62 No. 9, September 2005 Access Archives Sign in/out Subscribe Activate subscription One-time access ... Contact Us Information for Authors/Reviewers Readers Institutions/Libraries Subscription Agents ... Advertisers Resources Archives Editors and Publishers Web Guidelines Meetings Highlights From This Issue Art and Images in Psychiatry Portrait of the Family , 1913, French. MORE > Telephone-Administered Psychotherapy for Depression Mohr and colleagues examined telephone-administered psychotherapy for depression in disabled patients with multiple sclerosis. Both telephone-administered cognitive behavioral therapy (T-CBT) and telephone-administered supportive emotion-focused therapy, which encouraged emotional expression and prohibited cognitive-behavioral interventions, produced significant improvements. The T-CBT produced superior outcomes on 3 measures of depression and a measure of positive affect. MORE > Two-Year Outcomes for Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy in Individuals With Bipolar I Disorder Frank and colleagues investigated the efficacy of interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) in comparison with an intensive clinical management approach as acute and maintenance treatments for patients with bipolar I disorder. They found that acute IPSRT led to longer time without a new affective episode during the 2-year maintenance phase.
Media Release gen. Dwight Wheless, will join Haynie for the official signing of the CAPARRL resource for saving lives throughout the nation. communications plays a
Extractions: During the conference, CAP will be educating thousands of ham radio hobbyists about the communications opportunities available to civilian volunteers through Civil Air Patrol. Local CAP members will be on hand to discuss the organization's programs, and the CAP Wisconsin Wing will display its new 35-foot state-of-the-art Mobile Command Center, which was custom-built for CAP by Winnebago Corporation using a Homeland Security grant. "Civil Air Patrol has one of the largest unified communications networks in the nation," said Lt. Col. Maurice Thomas, CAP, who is also an avid ham radio hobbyist, N3ADV. "Federal, state and local agencies call on CAP members every day for communications support in search and rescue missions and disaster relief. CAP needs 'implementers' for its communications technology, and the highly skilled ham radio operators throughout the nation are a natural resource."
Extractions: FindLaw Legal Professionals Students Business ... Lawyer Search State AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY AS GU MP PR VI Select a Practice Area Administrative Law Adoption Agriculture Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Aviation Bankruptcy Law Business Organizations Child Support Civil Rights Constitutional Law Construction Law Consumer Protection Contracts Criminal Law Criminal Law Federal Debtor/Creditor Discrimination Divorce DUI/DWI Education Law Elder Law Eminent Domain Employment Law Employee Employment Law Employer Energy Law Environmental Law Estate Planning Family Law Franchising Gaming Law Government Contracts Insurance Law Intellectual Property Law International Law Internet Cyberspace Labor Law Landlord/Tenant Legal Malpractice Lemon Law Medical Malpractice Law Military Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Plaintiff Native Peoples Law Natural Resources Law Nursing Home Patents Personal Injury Defense Personal Injury Plaintiff Products Liability Law Professional Malpractice Law Real Estate Law Securities Law Sexual Harassment Social Security Disability Taxation Law Toxic Torts Trademarks Traffic Violations Transportation Law Trusts Wills Workers' Compensation Law WAR ON TERROR
FindLaw Legal News So that means if they want to subpoena a member of the media, if they want togrant immunity, And that s what I meant when I said resources.
Extractions: FindLaw Legal Professionals Students Business ... Lawyer Search State AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY AS GU MP PR VI Select a Practice Area Administrative Law Adoption Agriculture Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Aviation Bankruptcy Law Business Organizations Child Support Civil Rights Constitutional Law Construction Law Consumer Protection Contracts Criminal Law Criminal Law Federal Debtor/Creditor Discrimination Divorce DUI/DWI Education Law Elder Law Eminent Domain Employment Law Employee Employment Law Employer Energy Law Environmental Law Estate Planning Family Law Franchising Gaming Law Government Contracts Insurance Law Intellectual Property Law International Law Internet Cyberspace Labor Law Landlord/Tenant Legal Malpractice Lemon Law Medical Malpractice Law Military Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Plaintiff Native Peoples Law Natural Resources Law Nursing Home Patents Personal Injury Defense Personal Injury Plaintiff Products Liability Law Professional Malpractice Law Real Estate Law Securities Law Sexual Harassment Social Security Disability Taxation Law Toxic Torts Trademarks Traffic Violations Transportation Law Trusts Wills Workers' Compensation Law WAR ON TERROR
Artifact: Directory The guide to quality Internet resources in the Arts and Creative Industries. Home communications, media and Culture Film filmmakers,
Video Resources gen ART s Filmmaker Resource Guide Corporatesponsored, but some good content Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting s (FAIR) media Activist Kit
Extractions: The Video Activist Network Home Watch Videos Ordering Resources ... Links Basic Video Camera Tips Manual De Tips Para Camaras De Video Watching the Police A Few Tips from Copwatch ... SFPD General Order - The Rights of Onlookers "Guerrilla Video Primer" by Cascadia Media Collective "Video Activist Handbook" by Thomas Harding of Undercurrents Produce a Segment for "Indymedia" Paper Tiger TV's "How To" Resources for Video Activists ... GEN ART's Filmmaker Resource Guide Corporate-sponsored, but some good content (free site, some advertising) Witness Human Rights Witnessing Training Manuals. Introduction and Strategy OneWorld TV's guide to uploading video to the internet. FTAA Activist Resources - Video Camera Tips Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting's (FAIR) Media Activist Kit Guerrillamedia's Do-It-Yourself (DIY) media tools Media Access Project's list of "official" electronic media and telecommunications sites Openness .Org keep public records open / use scanners The Ruckus Society's Media Manual for Activists The Ruckus Society's Activist Tech Camp with an Intro to Independent Media Workshop General Media Outreach Strategy for Activists by Saul Chernos Electronic Intifada's Media Activism Advice Community Media Workshop's guide to writing Press Releases RAN's Activist Toolbox Activists Guide to Exploiting the Media at
Media Tank gen. Stanley McChrystal said, The regime determined early on that one of itsprimary He is the VP of Corporate communications for the station s owner,
Extractions: The Buying of the President 2004 reveals how the process of choosing a president has moved from the voting booth to the auction block, and highlights the special interests that heavily invest in the politicians seeking the nation's highest office. This book is a must read for anyone with an interest in learning how our democracy really works.
American Psychiatric Association Mental illness and the criminal justice system Redirecting resources toward 1977, communications media, Guidelines for psychiatrists working with the
GET ACTIVE - GUIDE TO ORGANISING A COMMUNITY GROUP More tips on using the media, writing, lobbying and communications. Its mainaim is to substantially increase the resources available for environmental
Extractions: The mission of the International Packet Communications Consortium (IPCC) is to develop the market for all products, services, applications and solutions that utilize packet-based voice, data and video communications technologies, regardless of transport medium - wireless, copper, broadband, fiber optics, or other. The IPCC evolved from the International Softswitch Consortium (ISC), the industry's most longstanding advocate, advancing the maturation of packet-based network technologies and markets. Founded in 1999, the ISC was the premiere forum for the worldwide advancement of softswitch interoperability, promoting the growth of Internet-based multimedia communications and applications. The IPCC continues to build on the groundbreaking work of the ISC. The IPCC promotes and defines the market acceptance of packet networks in four important ways: Validation: The IPCC acts as the premier public advocate for the development and acceptance of packet technologies. It facilitates the definition and acceptance of standards for interoperability and deployment and organizes interoperability test events. Architecture and Operational Definitions and Information: The IPCC publishes documentation on technical specifications and reference architectures. It offers the most comprehensive library of information on next-generation technologies and innovations. The Consortium also serves as a forum for enhancing the knowledge and ingenuity of its members. It coordinates international and domestic events to educate the industry on packet applications and deployment opportunities.
Gotham Gazette's Best Tech Links For New York City The largest communications and media union, represents over 700000 men and This site provides resources for research on freedom of information law and
Extractions: @import "/css/complex.css"; @import "/css/complex_vnav.css"; You are using an old browser: This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. Firefox is an excellent, free, browser for all types of operating systems. Citizens Union Foundation Gotham Gazette Gotham Gazette Web Gotham Gazette Web The Topic Tech refers to computers, telecommunications and the Internet, as well as public utilities such as cable and pay phone services, and the important issues that New Yorkers will increasingly face, including consumer issues, because of the growth of these technology-based industries. The Context Links in the News Grant to Help City Broaden Radio Network
What Is Enlightenment?'s Subject Directory Resource gen X and gen Y(2 media files; 7 articles) media and communications(1 media file;3 articles) Popular Culture(5 media files; 16 articles)