Iyi.gen.tr : News - Media - Regulation_and_Policy - communications media Center at New York Law School resources on US FindLaw Legal Subjects communications Law - Links to resources related to http://www.iyi.gen.tr/siteler/index.php/News/Media/Regulation_and_Policy/
Extractions: Federal Communications Commission - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. FCC website resources include Public Notices, News Releases, Orders, Notices of Proposed Rulemaking, FactSheets, databases, and audio recordings
Home A marketing, media and corporate communications Consulting and Training firm with a site offering a range of useful and useable marketing info resources http://www.themarketingbureau.co.nz/
Communication Studies Resources: The University Of Iowa Directory of web resources related to media, culture and related issues, compiled by University of Iowa communications Studies Department. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/index.html
Extractions: General Advertising Cultural Studies Digital Media ... Search Listservs related to communication and media Journals Iowa Scholar's Desktop Resources Citation Style Guides ... Google's Advanced Scholar Search "peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts. . ." Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe In Other Words: A Lexicon of the Humanities Research on the Web Front List Books the best new books for the scholarly avant-garde and other theoretically-minded readers. Books in Print (Bowker's Global Books in Print) requires U. Iowa ID U. Iowa Library Gateway and InfoHawk catalog search
Extractions: Sep 14, 2005 - PAETEC to Provide Kinney Drugs with Services, Equipment Sep 08, 2005 - PAETEC Announces TruConnect Diversity Service Sep 01, 2005 - PAETEC Opens Switching/Sales Facility in Newark Aug 15, 2005 - PAETEC Connects With OSG Billing Services for Direct Billing ... Jan 04, 2005 - PAETEC to Acquire American Long Lines "With PAETEC's integrated approach we will streamline our communications and enable our employees to work more efficiently," said Craig Painter, president and CEO,Kinney Drugs. "We are excited to be working with a New York-based company that shares similar values in respect to customer service.This will ultimately assist us in providing the best service to our customers."
The Media Center At New York Law School resources on U.S. communications, information and media law. Files include Statutes, Cases, Papers, Conferences and Courses. Also News Bulletins on current events and articles from media Law Policy. http://www.nyls.edu/pages/107.asp
Extractions: Telecommunications Lecture, June 1, 2005 The Media Center at New York Law School will present its Thirteenth Annual Telecommunications Policy Lecture with guest speaker Richard D. Parsons, chairman of the board and CEO of Time Warner Inc., at 7:00 p.m. on June 1, 2005. The event is open to the public at no charge, but registration is required. Registration Form Media L
Morality In Media, Inc - Home Frameset Commentary, resources and current developments from a national interfaith organization which seeks to combat obscenity and to uphold decency standards in mass communications. http://www.moralityinmedia.org
Distance Education General Resources This Web site is meant to augment Wentworth Worldwide media s existing Internetpresence, The OnLline Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication. http://nova.umuc.edu/~erubin/de-gen.html
Extractions: General Resources R.H. Logan's Distance Education Resouce List - A comprehensive list of distance education links. Paul Wallace's detailed list of distance education links. Micro-electronics Research Ctr-On-line Class at the Univ of Idaho. Principio Project An integrated, interdisciplinary, and globally networked way of learning designed for students entering the 21st century. A two year curricular option for sophomores at Peddie. Distance Learning Directory at Howard University. Lots of links to other sites. Yahoos Education Index. Also try Yahoo's distance education links and Yahoo's On-line Teaching and Learning links. Technology and Distance Education Branch Ministry of Education Province of British Columbia, Canada. Commonwealth of Learning The Commonwealth of Learning is an International Organisation established by Commonwealth Governments in 1988. It is dedicated to supporting open and distance education among the British Commonwealth nations of the world. Shumpert Communications Christian Home Schooling Programs. Satellite networking. AGN Home Page South African Growth Network of Distance Learning. Africa Growth Network is a distance learning organisation delivering training and education programmes via satellite to learners in the Union of South Africa.
Extractions: Find a Pro Find a media communications resource. Select a Category Associate Producers Blank Recording Media Business Television Camera Equipment Rental Captioning Consulting Crew-Payroll/Search,Ca... Directors Duplication/Dubbing Editing Educator Equipment Repair Equipment Sales/Lease/... Executive Producers Festivals Field Production Gaffer/Grips/Lighting ... Graphics/Animation Insurance Interactive/Multimedia... Internet/Web Tech Make-Up Artists Managers Manufacturing Music Composers/Lib None Selected Post Production Producers Production Assistants Production Co./Underwater Production Companies Prompters Remote Truck Restoration Video/Audio Rights Clearance Satellite Uplink/Downlink Scriptwriters Specialty Services Steadicam Stock Footage Libraries Studios/Stages Talent (Actors/VO/Spok... Talent(Payroll/Consult... Transfers-Film-Video/V... Translation/Multilingual Video Conferencing Video Engineers Videographer/Cameraman Workshops/Classes/Semi... Select a Location AK - Alaska AL - Birmingham AR - Little Rock AZ - Arizona CA - Bay Area CA - Orange County/LA CA - San Diego CO - Denver CT - Central New England CT - New York CT - Connecticut CT - Hudson Valley DC - Maryland DC - Washington DC DE - Maryland DE - Philadelphia DE - Washington DC FL - Tampa FL - Palm Beach FL - Jacksonville FL - Miami FL - Orlando GA - Atlanta GA - Charlotte GA - Chattanooga GA - Augusta GA - Georgia So HI - Honolulu IA - Des Moines ID - Idaho ID - Seattle ID - Inland NW IL - Central IL IL - St. Louis
Extractions: menu home help Confluent Communications provides a full range of creative and cost-effective solutions for all of your human resource, employee relations, and employee benefit communication needs. With over twenty years of corporate communications and consulting experience, we can provide you with: Use the cascading menu above to find descriptions of our experience. The menu will also let you browse the Web Portal, which has links to useful web sites in relevant areas such as grammar, benefits and HR, internet technology, and human-computer interface design. Confluent Communications Inc.
LSC529 News, resources and discussion from the Theory and Production of Library media and communications course at Wheaton (MA) College. http://webedit.wheatonma.edu/mt/lsc529/
SBC Communications Inc. media News Room The Future of Advanced communications and EntertainmentServices SBC Uversesm is just one of many advanced communications and http://www.sbc.com/gen/landing-pages?pid=6080
Illinois Restaurant Association A comprehensive food service resource. Includes details on membership, activities and events, education, government resources, media and communications, and contacts. http://www.illinoisrestaurants.org/
Extractions: The Illinois Restaurant Association has been a steadfast advocate and representative for thousands of foodservice enterprises in the state of Illinois for over 90 years. The IRA has worked to build, motivate and inform its members on many issues in an effort to promote and strengthen our industry. The IRA serves as the primary source of industry information, training and purchasing power. These services are designed to give our members a competitive edge through the delivery of seminars, workshops and quality vendors.
The Media Center At New York Law School US centred, but contains some EU information. resources on communications, information and media law. Files include Statutes, Cases, Papers, Conferences and Courses. Also News Bulletins on current events and articles from media Law Policy. http://www.nyls.edu/cmc/
Extractions: Telecommunications Lecture, June 1, 2005 The Media Center at New York Law School will present its Thirteenth Annual Telecommunications Policy Lecture with guest speaker Richard D. Parsons, chairman of the board and CEO of Time Warner Inc., at 7:00 p.m. on June 1, 2005. The event is open to the public at no charge, but registration is required. Registration Form Media L
CARC Amateur radio, shortwave listening, international news, international radio stations on-line, satellite TV, and other aspects of broadcast media. resources, links. http://www.netsync.net/users/obrienaj/carc.htm
U Of M: General College: Communications. The communications Office in General College is responsible for internal andexternal communications Responds to media and other information requests http://www.gen.umn.edu/programs/communications/default.htm
Extractions: Return to: General College U of M Home One Stop Directories ... The Communications Office in General College is responsible for internal and external communications for the college. This includes college publications such as brochures, newsletters, and Access , the General College magazine; oversight of the college Web site; liaison with University Relations; and media relations.
Extractions: The Straight Story / Une histoire vraie. 1999. Co-produced by Les Films Alain Sarde, Picture Factory, Le Studio Canal Plus. 111 min, Starring: Richard Farnsworthh, Sissy Spacek, Everett McGill, Harry Dean Stanton, John Farley, Kevin P. Farley, etc. DVD ASIN: B00004Z4SD / B00004SX6X. Buy it at Amazon.com
Journalism And Mass Communications Videotapes In The Media A discussion featuring Attorney gen. Robert Kennedy, Gov. of Georgia Carl Sanders Presented are the voices and ideas of media advocates and community http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/JournalismVid.html
Extractions: Almost Real: Connecting in a Wired World In a decade, the Internet has transformed the economy and employment and has re-defined the essence of how people conceive of communications and personal relationships. This documentary looks at the end of the first phase of the Internet - a far less utopian age than some had hoped. Focusing on six individuals for whom the Internet has become a lifeline, the film questions how the World Wide Web has transformed the sense of community. 2002. 46 min. Video/C 9865
Mountains And Rivers Order Of Zen Buddhism An organization of associated Zen Buddhist temples, practice centers and sitting groups. Founded by Abbot, John Daido Loori Roshi. The mainhouse of the order is Zen Mountain Monastery. The order also operates Dharma communications, a media company supplying resources for home practice. Groups of students around the world are joined in the MRO training program through the Society of Mountains and Rivers. http://www.mro.org/
Extractions: The Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism (MRO) is an organization of associated temples, practice centers and sitting groups in the United States and abroad. The MRO was founded by Zen Master John Daido Loori, Roshi in 1980. It is inspired by the teachings of Zen Master Dogen as presented in his "Mountains and Rivers Sutra."
Upcoming Advertising Effort Features Gen-X TV Spots The Diocese of Texas offers a variety of advertising and media resources and the the necessary professional media resources in their local community. http://www.southernvirginia.anglican.org/cross/jul05/advert.htm
Extractions: July 2005 Previous Article: "Anglican Center for Theology and Spirituality Courses Being Scheduled This Fall" Young adults facing everyday challenges are the focus of new television spots inviting viewers to visit the Episcopal Church. Designed for a target audience of Generation-X viewers unaffiliated with any church, three new 30-second ads are scheduled to air on national television in English and Spanish in late August, early September, and next May. The initial advertisements will appear the weekends of August 26th to 29th and September 9th to 12th. The ad concepts are based on some two years of market research, including focus testing conducted in May by an independent Indiana firm. The Office of Communication has teamed with the Boston-based Partners+Simons agency in producing the spots. The August-September ads are timed for the back-to-school season, a decision based on research which confirms that Gen-X viewers give attention to important life issues and organization during this period. Produced in English and Spanish, the back-to-school ads make their case by portraying - on a series of television monitors - the memories and prayers of four persons, one of whom is dealing with realities of military deployment, another with a hospitalized child, another with overdue bills, and another haunted by an automobile accident. The ads subtly invite viewers to address their anxieties in the context of prayer and church attendance.