Coaching People Het oplossen van zakelijke en priveconflicten buiten de rechtbank.
Extractions: start("coachingpeople", "homepage", 2) conflictbemiddeling Mediation. De oplossing voor een zakelijk geschil Iedereen die dat wil, zal wel een rechtvaardiging vinden van zijn gelijk in het verleden. Maar daarmee breng je de oplossing nog niet dichterbij. Dat geldt voor brandhaarden in de wereld, maar ook voor zakelijke en meer persoonlijke conflicten. Van een geschil moet je zo snel mogelijk af. U wilt en moet verder. Liever een normale werkbare verhouding dan een langdurige en dure juridische procedure. Mediation is de praktische oplossing waarvoor steeds meer mensen kiezen. Gewoon omdat het vaak effectiever is en een - vaak noodzakelijke - toekomst mogelijk maakt. Via mediation los je samen met de andere partij het geschil op met hulp van een ervaren, neutrale conflictbemiddelaar, ofwel de Mediator. Kiezen voor een oplossing is een keuze, net als je kunt kiezen voor het voorbestaan van het conflict. Het is een keuze uit kracht, een kracht die Mandela en Gandhi konden opbrengen op macroniveau. Of op microniveau kiezen voor een leefbare relatie in huis of op de werkvloer. Het ligt in uw eigen handen. Zeker als u erin slaagt het conflict uit de juridische molen te houden. De Mediator helpt bij het vinden van de oplossing die voor beiden aanvaardbaar is. Het gaat erom dat er een klimaat geschapen wordt waarbinnen beide partijen creatief, oplossingsgericht dichter bij elkaar komen.
Herman Janssen Communicatietraingen En Coaching; Nlp, Hypnotherapie Voor persoonlijke begeleiding, coaching van bedrijven, leidinggevenden, werknemers, leerkrachten en leerlingen. Vanuit de visie dat ieder mens zijn eigen hulpbronnen heeft en die ook kan aanspreken om zijn doelen te bereiken.
Extractions: Events Calendar Atlanta Q100FM Interview (4.3MB MP3) Welcome to Paul - Motivating you to be Simply the Best! The landscape of the sales industry has changed in recent years. The faltering economy, more savvy customers, lower margins and increased competition has made it harder for your sales executives to meet quotas and harder for them to stay motivated. What your sales managers are looking for is a program that will do both: increase their sales skills and motivate employees. What sales managers are looking for is motivational sales training Welcome The Paul Bramson Companies, with its Motivational Sales Training Presentation Skills Instruction Personal Coaching Services and Keynote Speaking The Motivational Selling Series , the cornerstone of the Paul Bramson Companies, is an instructional program designed to teach sales professionals the latest techniques and strategies for winning in today's economic situation. An enhancement to the basic skills your sales professionals already posses, the Motivational Selling Series prepares sales teams to excel in the current sales environment with a new skills set that is sure to motivate your team. Right now, Paul is being tapped by organizations for three things: He is being tasked with motivating the teams, supplying them with skills and tools they need to do their jobs more effectively and show results. Paul is getting results in all of those areas. Never before has a motivational leader combined his talents with a proven sales strategy in order to provide the complete package. Pauls' clients will attest to the success his services bring and upon meeting Paul you will immediately know - you can't help but be motivated by him.
The McGuire Group Provides outplacement, career transition services, and executive coaching to corporations.
CCB - Consulting Kerngebiet des Unternehmens bildet die allgemeine prozessorientierte Beratung im Bereich Unternehmens und Personalentwicklung, deren Inhalte zur Umsetzung trainiert und gecoacht werden k¶nnen. Angeboten werden Themendownloads zu integrierten Lernsystemen, F¼hrung und Wissensmanagement. D-65199 Wiesbaden
Writing Retreats & Writer Workshop In Asheville, NC Writing teacher helps each student free her or his writing voice. In this container whether it's a class, workshop, retreat or individual session - each person feels nurtured and safe, allowing her to risk revealing the complexity and fullness of her experience-her story. Held in Asheville, North Carolina plus online.
Extractions: "My work as a writing teacher and coach is to create a container in which each student can free her writing voice. In this containerwhether it's a class, workshop, writing retreat or individual sessioneach person feels nurtured and safe, allowing her to risk revealing the complexity and fullness of her experienceher story. By sharing our stories we honor our courage and strength, joy and pain. Stories also serve as guides to others and as touchstones for our children. Stories lead us into discovery of the deepest part of ourselves, that which transcends the human condition." Peggy Tabor Millin, MA NEWSLETTER SIGN UP Please enter your email address:
Welcome To Your Web Site Helps entrepreneurs and small business owner increase the visibility and profitability of their business. Specializing in guerilla marketing and business coaching.
Extractions: Volleyball Youth Tennis The Guide to Coaching Sport's objective is to "coach the coaches" so that you can continue to help your child develop tennis skills. You will learn new techniques and drills that will enhance your child's ability to be successful. We cover practice organization, coaching philosophy, and other fundamentals. We do all of this with one underlying emphasis: MAKE THE GAME FUN! Our goal is not to turn your young player into a professional, but to give him or her the tools for success that will make the game more enjoyable for the both of you. If tennis is your game add this Web to your favorites right now. Different players want to accomplish specific things. Some players would like to become elite novice competitors. Many of us would just like to have the opportunity to rally for six or seven hits. Weekend tennis players should not spend much time on perfecting certain shots such as the top spin or lob; however, the different grips are important aspects. If you know the three different grips and understand the benefits of them, then you will become a decent player with limited practice.
SUNY Cobleskill Equestrian Team Contains a team photograph, coaching staff, season notes, membership details, and a brief overview.
Extractions: Bottom: Janelle Amerine, Lee Whelihan (not on the team but isn't she cute.), Melissa Loyas, Veronica Volpe, Christi Schupp, Kelly Baril, Jessica Norton See the team stats and how the coach feels about the team. Answers any questions that you may have about the team, the way the colleges host the shows, or the process in general. Come see pictures taken by the team, of the team and just for fun (Enjoy). Coaches Notes Information Page Photo Gallery
Lifestyle Coaching Services Includes available services and contact information
Balance Coaching Grit Sehmisch coaching durch berufliche oder pers¶nliche Umbruchsituationen zur Wiederherstellung der Balance. D86911 Dieen am Ammersee
Chambers Communications And Training Techniques Customize workshops and individual coaching plans to build competencies and promote individualto-organizational growth in support of human resource objectives.
Snooker Coaching Hints, tips, and coaching, provided by Anthony Wonnacott.
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