LESS Seminar: Leiserson detector for cilk, an algorithmic multithreaded programming language. If acilk program run on a given input data set has a determinacy race, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/less/seminar/leiserson.html
Extractions: Debugging Multithreaded Programs Charles Leiserson MIT Lab for Computer Science A parallel multithreaded program that is ostensibly deterministic may nevertheless behave nondeterministically due to bugs in the code. These bugs are called determinacy races , and they result when one thread updates a location in shared memory while another thread is concurrently accessing the location. We have implemented a provably efficient determinacy-race detector for Cilk, an algorithmic multithreaded programming language. If a Cilk program run on a given input data set has a determinacy race, our debugging tool, which we call the "Nondeterminator," guarantees to detect and localize the race. The core of the Nondeterminator is an asymptotically efficient serial algorithm for detecting determinacy races in series-parallel dags (directed acyclic graphs). For a Cilk program that runs in T time on one processor and uses v shared-memory locations, the Nondeterminator runs in O( T a v v )) time, where a is Tarjan's functional inverse of Ackermann's function, a very slowly growing function which, for all practical purposes, is bounded above by 4. The Nondeterminator uses at most a constant factor more space than does the original program. On a variety of Cilk program benchmarks, the Nondeterminator exhibits a slowdown of less than 12 compared with the serial execution time of the original optimized code, which we contend is an acceptable slowdown for debugging purposes. We have recently extended the original Nondeterminator tool to check programs that incorporate locking. We overview how our new Nondeterminator-2 tool detects data races. We also discuss the guarantees of determinacy that it can offer.
DBLP: Charles E. Leiserson Charles E. Leiserson Efficient Detection of Determinacy Races in cilk Programs . E. Leiserson programming Irregular Parallel Applications in cilk. http://www.sigmod.org/dblp/db/indices/a-tree/l/Leiserson:Charles_E=.html
Extractions: List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Ask others: ACM CiteSeer CSB Google ... Bradley C. Kuszmaul , Charles E. Leiserson: Adversarial Analyses of Window Backoff Strategies. IPDPS Next Generation Software Program - NSFNGS - PI Workshop 2004 EE Michael A. Bender Jeremy T. Fineman ... Seth Gilbert , Charles E. Leiserson: On-the-fly maintenance of series-parallel relationships in fork-join multithreaded programs. SPAA 2004 EE Charles E. Leiserson: Design and Analysis of Dynamic Multithreaded Algorithms. SWAT 2004 EE Charles E. Leiserson: Cache-Oblivious Algorithms. CIAC 2003 Thomas H. Cormen , Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest Clifford Stein : Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. The MIT Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company 2001 EE Ching Law , Charles E. Leiserson: A New Competitive Analysis of Randomized Caching. ISAAC 2000 EE Matteo Frigo , Charles E. Leiserson, Harald Prokop Sridhar Ramachandran : Cache-Oblivious Algorithms. FOCS 1999 EE Charles E. Leiserson: Design and Analysis of Algorithms for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (Abstract). WADS 1999 EE Robert D. Blumofe
MIT EECS Event cilk minimally extends the C programming language to allow interactions among Not only do cilk programs scale up to run efficiently on multiple http://www.eecs.mit.edu/AY98-99/events/4.html
Extractions: Abstract Cilk is a language being developed in the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science with the goal of making parallel programming easy. Cilk minimally extends the C programming language to allow interactions among computational threads to be specified in a simple and high-level fashion. Cilk's provably efficient runtime system dynamically maps a user's program onto available physical resources, freeing the programmer from concerns of communication protocols and load balancing. In addition, Cilk provides an abstract performance model that a programmer can use to predict the multiprocessor performance of his application from its execution on a single processor. Not only do Cilk programs scale up to run efficiently on multiple processors, but unlike existing parallel programming environments, such as MPI and HPF, Cilk programs "scale down:" the efficiency of a Cilk program on one processor rivals that of a comparable C program. In this talk, I will provide a tutorial on the Cilk language for people with a basic background in computer programming. I will explain how to program multithreaded applications in Cilk and how to analyze their performance. I will illustrate some of the ideas behind Cilk using the example of MIT's championship computer-chess programs, *Socrates and Cilkchess. I will also briefly sketch how the software technology underlying Cilk actually works.
LtU Classic Archives cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. cilk is cilk provides an effective platform for programming dense and sparse http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/classic/message11724.html
Extractions: 3/30/2004; 2:34:09 PM (reads: 10944, responses: 1) Cilk Cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. Cilk is designed for general-purpose parallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploiting dynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficult to write in data-parallel or message-passing style. Using Cilk, our group has developed three world-class chess programs, StarTech, *Socrates, and Cilkchess. Cilk provides an effective platform for programming dense and sparse numerical algorithms, such as matrix factorization and N-body simulations, and we are working on other types of applications. Unlike many other multithreaded programming systems, Cilk is algorithmic, in that the runtime system employs a scheduler that allows the performance of programs to be estimated accurately based on abstract complexity measures.
Announcements cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C.cilk is designed for generalpurpose parallel programming, but it is especially http://www.lambdacs.com/cpt/Announcements.html
Extractions: Last modified: Tue Aug 28 16:00:27 PDT 2001 : Announcing release 2.2 of the Hood threads library : DEC's thread analysis and debugging tool Visual Threads. : Race condition test tools : GNU Pth - The GNU Portable Threads : Assure for Threads (from KAI) : Flow-Based Programming: A New Aproach to Application Development : Executable formal semantics of Java. (PhD work) : Draft 3 of the joint revision to POSIX and the Single UNIX Specification V3 : Alternate Solaris 8 Multithreaded libthread Library : RELEASE: FSU PThreads V3.14 : I am pleased to announce the availability of Cilk-5.3. : Research Position in Execution-Driven Performance : New project underway to enhance Linux Threading : New threaded database server released to the opensource ================================================================ A001: Announcing release 2.2 of the Hood threads library A002: DEC's thread analysis and debugging tool Visual Threads. Hi guys, I wanted to contribute a pointer for you FAQ's to DEC's thread analysis and debugging tool called Visual Threads. Its one of the few tools around that can detect/locate race conditions and deadlocks (among other errors). It runs on Alpha and is compatible with programs using pthreads or Java. Here's a pointer: http://www.unix.digital.com/visualthreads/ - Stefan P.S. Truth in advertising: this product had its genesis in some research I did as an intern at DEC. ================================================================ A003: Race condition test tools
CSLI Calendar, 23 September 1998, Vol. 14:1 Not only do cilk programs scale up to run efficiently on multiple existingparallelprogramming environments, such as MPI and HPF, cilk programs scale http://www-csli.stanford.edu/Archive/calendar/1998-99/msg00000.html
Extractions: [Next] [Index] [Thread] http://math.stanford.edu/html/colloquium.html http://www-pcd.stanford.edu/cs547/ 2:00pm International Computer Science Institute Main Lecture Hall at ICSI, 1947 Center Street, Berkeley AVALANCHE - Simulating Value Chain Coordination with Artificial Life Agents Boris Padovan University of Freiburg Abstract below 3:15pm Computer Science Infolab Seminar Gates B-12 Rethinking Information Dissemination and Use: New Models for Documents, Collaboration and Information Access Robert Wilensky UC Berkeley Abstract below WEDNESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 4:15pm AI-Vision-Robotics Division Colloquium Gates 104 To be announced http://www-formal.stanford.edu/aicolloq/
Dictionary Of Programming Languages While cilk was developed in academia, it is robust enough for developing sizable cilk programs have won or placed in several programming competitions. http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl?_key=Cilk
Cilk cilk is designed for general purpose parallel programming, According to cilk,a programmer should structure a program to expose parallelism and exploit http://directory.fsf.org/devel/prog/Other_programming_languages/cilk.html
Extractions: Top Software development Programming languages Other programming languages cilk Cilk is designed for general purpose parallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploiting dynamic asynchronous, parallelism. The current release runs on symmetric multiprocessor machines that support Posix threads, GNU make, and gcc. You can also run Cilk on uniprocessor machines, which is useful for development and debugging, although you won't get any parallel speedup. According to cilk, a programmer should structure a program to expose parallelism and exploit locality, leaving the runtime system to schedule the computation to run efficiently. Thus, the runtime system handles details like load balancing, paging, and communication protocols. Unlike other multithreaded languages, however, cilk is algorithmic in that the runtime system guarantees efficient and predictable performance.
CSAIL Research Abstract Jcilk is a Javabased multithreaded language for parallel programming that extends Jcilk introduces three keywords into Java cilk , spawn , and sync . http://publications.csail.mit.edu/abstracts/abstracts05/jsd_angelee_cel/jsd_ange
Extractions: Theory Introduction JCilk is a Java-based multithreaded language for parallel programming that extends the semantics of Java by introducing "Cilk-like" Language Design and Features JCilk introduces three keywords into Java: cilk spawn , and sync . The keyword cilk is used as a method modifier to declare a method to be a Cilk method, which means that it can be spawned to execute it in parallel. When a parent method spawns a child method (by preceding a method call with the spawn keyword), the parent can continue to execute in parallel with its spawned child method. The sync keyword acts as a local synchronization barrier. Program control cannot go beyond a sync statement until all previously spawned children have terminated. In general, until a Cilk method executes a sync statement, it cannot safely use results returned by previously spawned children. Since Java allows a method to signal an exception rather than return normally, JCilk's semantics must extend the Cilk semantics to handle this possibility. A method generally throws an exception to indicate that it has completed abnormally or unsuccessfully. When this happens in Java, control is passed to the nearest dynamically enclosing
Diary For Pfdietz A team using cilk won the ICFP 98 programming Contest, and cilkchess, a chessprogram written in cilk, came in 4th (out of 30 programs) in the 1999 World http://advogato.org/person/pfdietz/diary.html?start=15
Compilers.net > Directory > Free > Compilers > C/c++ Using cilk, our group has developed three worldclass chess programs, StarTech, cilk provides an effective platform for programming dense and sparse http://www.compilers.net/Dir/Free/Compilers/CCpp.htm
Extractions: compilers.net directory free compilers > c/c++ free c/c++ compilers ACC Apple's Macintosh Programmer's Workshop ATTOC Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 Latest version of excellent Inprise's compiler now completely free for download. Borland Turbo C 2.01 Bloodshed Dev-C++ A freeware C compilers for 6502 based systems. This is a C-compiler for Microchip (PIC) and Scenix (SX) microcontrollers. It works under MS Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and has a built-in user interface. cc65 is a C compiler that was originally adapted for the Atari 8bit computers by John R. Dunning. It is a Small C descendant but has several extensions, and some of the limits of the original Small C compiler are gone. Ch: an embeddable C/C++ interpreter Ch from SoftIntegration, Inc. is a superset of C interpreter. It is the most complete C interpreter in existence for scripting. Ch can interface with C/C++ binary libraries and be embedded in other application programs. It supports 1990 ISO C Standard (C90), major features in C99, classes in C++, POSIX, X11/Motif, OpenGL, ODBC, XML, GTK+, CGI, 2D/3D graphical plotting, socket/Winsock, and shell programming. It can run in Windows, Solaris, Linux and HP-UX. The extensions in Ch provide the simplest solution for numerical computing and visualization in C/C++ domain. Cilk CINT CINT is a C/C++ interpreter aimed at processing C/C++ scripts. Scripts are programs performing specific tasks. Generally execution time is not critical, but rapid development is. Using an interpreter the compile and link cycle is dramatically reduced facilitating rapid development. CINT makes C/C++ programming enjoyable even for part-time programmers.
Cilk: A Multithreaded Programming Language cilk provides an effective platform for programming dense and sparse numerical Unlike many other multithreaded programming systems, cilk is algorithmic, http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2003-October/005416.html
Extractions: Limitations: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Description: Final rept. May 1997-Nov 2000 Pages: Report Date: DEC 2001 Report number: Keywords relating to this report: ABSTRACTS COMPUTER PROGRAMMING CONTRACTS N BODY PROBLEM ... VEHICLES Printed Format - $23.95 Adobe PDF - $20.95 Please check the box for the format you wish to order. Shipping Terms
Tasks As Objects cilk !Blumofe95! is a Cbased multithreaded parallel programming system.A cilk programs is composed of threads, which the run-time system distributes http://charm.cs.uiuc.edu/papers/RobertThesis.www/node14.html
Extractions: Next: Data as Objects Up: Related Work Previous: Process Scheduling and Migration Contents Several distributed multi-threaded systems allow objects or threads representing tasks to migrate to different address spaces of a distributed-memory machine. Although not all of these systems are based on traditional object-oriented languages such as C++, the tasks in these systems are related to objects in that they have private state ( e.g. a thread stack) and code. UPVM [#!Konuru:1997:MUL!#] presents a lightweight process model with a PVM-like message-passing library, which supports thread migration independent of an object-oriented framework. PM2 [#!PM2-96!#] is another migratable-thread system, which treats threads as remote procedure calls, that return some data on completion. These systems simplify the migration of threads by reserving thread stack space in the virtual memory space of every processor, so that pointers to stack items remain valid after migration. An early object-based parallel programming system is Sloop [#!Lucco87!#]. Sloop distributed objects are collections of component objects, managed by system-defined container types called domains . Applications can use a variety of alignment calls to advise the run-time system on object placement, but the run-time system has the freedom to redistribute objects. Object interactions are monitored so that the run-time system can relocate objects to improve locality. Although a simple load balancing system is mentioned, no detailed description is provided.
Index Of /pub/programming/language/cilk .DIR Parent Directory CMP cilk-5.2.1.tar.gz 05-Dec-1998 0000 1.0MIndex of /pub/programming/language/cilk. Icon Name Last modified Size http://custom.lab.unb.br/pub/programming/language/cilk/
Freshmeat.net: Project Details For Cilk cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C.It contains the cilk http//supertech.lcs.mit.edu/cilk/cilk5.3.2.tar.gz http://freshmeat.net/projects/cilk/
Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2004-74 of radio programming undertaking cilkFM Kelowna, British Columbia. to add an FM transmitter at Penticton to broadcast the programming of cilk-FM. http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Notices/2004/pb2004-74.htm
Extractions: Application No. Application by Radio CJLS Limited to amend the licence of radio programming undertaking CJLS-FM Yarmouth. The licensee proposes to add a low-power FM transmitter at Yarmouth to broadcast the programming of CJLS-FM, in order to resolve the signal problems caused by a ridge or rough terrain blockage from the Tusket Falls transmitting site. The applicant noted that adding an FM transmitter is the most economical way to improve the signal deficiencies of CJLS-FM.