Sloan-C - About Sloan-C - Awards Anytime Anywhere chemistry Experience University of North Carolina, Excellence in InstitutionWide ALN Programming will be presented to the State
Extractions: Login Online learning has greatly progressed since 1992 when the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation began giving grants to institutions for online learning initiatives. “The field of online education continues to show vigor and strength. Every year we see advances in the important matters of quality, scale and breadth within this still fledgling community” says Frank Mayadas, President of Sloan-C. "The individuals and institutions honored this year are recognized for showing exceptional leadership in advancing online education along these dimensions." See more information about the Sloan Consortium Awards 2004 pdf 2005 Selection Committee
Untitled Document An institution that receives an NCUR/Lancy award will have a cadre of facultywith the His intuitive understanding of the chemistry of metal finishing
Extractions: Program Announcement: NCUR/Lancy Initiative 2006 THE PROGRAM The Board of Governors of the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) and the Trustees of the Alice and Leslie E. Lancy Foundation issue a call for proposals for the 2006 NCUR/Lancy Initiative. The Initiative is designed to provide exceptional undergraduates with the opportunity to do original work in close collaboration with faculty mentors. The program will make grants to institutions only. The initial award will be $40,000 for the summer of 2006, to be used primarily for the support of student creative and scholarly work. Awardee institutions may apply for an additional $22,500 for the summer of 2007, providing they have made acceptable progress during the first year of the award. The NCUR/Lancy program encourages colleges and universities to devote additional attention and resources to undergraduates showing promise of exceptional achievement. The program focus is on helping to build communities of student and faculty scholars spanning the academic disciplines but working on a unifying theme. An institution that receives an NCUR/Lancy award will have a cadre of faculty with the time, energy, and interest to supervise six to ten undergraduates for a period of eight to ten weeks during the summer, and an administrative support structure that will nurture this activity. Scholars supported by an NCUR/Lancy award are expected to present their work at the annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research
ASCO - Association Of Schools And Colleges Of Optometry However, each institution has is own undergraduate prerequisites, so applicantsshould General chemistry with labs; College Algebra; Trigonometry
Open Archives Initiative Service Providers Member institutions and data providers have chosen to catalog their sheet Dataproviders include, bieSOn, Humboldt University of Berlin,
Extractions: R e g i s t e r e d S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r s This page lists parties that provide services based on metadata that is harvsted using the OAI metadata harvesting protocol. Service providers are encouraged to fill out this template and include it on their web site. We will link to it from this page. Service Implementer Description Protocol versions Arc source Old Dominion University A federated search services based on metadata harvested from several OAI compliant repositories. Uses JDK1.4, Tomcat 4.0x, and a RDBMS server (e.g. Oracle, MySQL). BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine template Bielefeld University Library Biblioteca d'Alessandria template The Bda team The Biblioteca d'Alessandria is a cross-platform system, composed by a set of very handy and fast tools, designed for building digital archives of any complexity, from the personal archive of a single researcher up to the repository of a big institution, such as a University or Research Centrer. It is based on a peer to peer network and is compatible with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol. Callima template infoball Callima is a search engine for scientific articles from various subject areas and sources. It provides a single point of access to a significant number of Open Archives.
ASLO: Working In The Aquatic Sciences please contact the ASLO student representatives at important source of information is our listing of institutions offering
Extractions: The American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) is often asked how students can prepare for careers in aquatic science. We hope this document will provide you with the background and resources to enable you to pursue your interest in aquatic science. If you would like to contribute to this document, or have questions, please contact the ASLO student representatives at . Another important source of information is our listing of institutions offering graduate programs in limnology and oceanography. Additional information on careers in public policy can be found here Aquatic science is the study of the planet's oceanic and freshwater environments. Oceanography is the study of the biological, chemical, geological, optical and physical characteristics of oceans and estuaries, while limnology involves the study of these same characteristics in inland systems (lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and wetlands) including both fresh and salt waters. WHERE is a particular organism, where do pollutants come from, where does the current flow, etc.
Extractions: Introduction As a means of increasing the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance, the Department of Defense (DoD) plans to award 180 new three-year graduate fellowships in April 2005, subject to the availability of funds. The DoD will offer these fellowships to individuals who have demonstrated ability and special aptitude for advanced training in science and engineering. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships are awarded to applicants who will pursue a doctoral degree in, or closely related to, an area of DoD interest within one of the following disciplines: * Applicants are encouraged to consult their academic or research advisor if they are not sure which discipline is appropriate for their course of study. In addition, applicants can learn more about the areas of interest to the DoD by consulting the Broad Area Announcements for the Army Research Office (
ETH Zurich - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Since the ETH is a federal institution, there are no admission criteria for Swissstudents Retrieved from http//
Extractions: ETH Zurich (from its German name Eidgen¶ssische Technische Hochschule Z¼rich , ETHZ) is the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Z¼rich Switzerland . It is commonly called the ETH or the Poly after its original name Polytechnikum The ETH is considered by many one of Europe's premier universities in the fields of Chemistry Physics Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering , and Computer Science . It is a member of the IDEA League ETH Z¼rich Zentrum edit The ETH was founded in by the Swiss Confederation and opened its doors in as a polytechnic institute ( Eidgen¶ssische Polytechnische Schule ). It comprised in the beginning six departements: architecture civil engineering mechanical engineering chemistry ... forestry , and a catch-all departement for mathematics , natural sciences, literature, and social and political sciences. The ETH is a federal institute (i.e., under direct administration by the Swiss government), whereas the University of Z¼rich (founded in ) is a cantonal institution. The decision for a new federal university was heavily disputed at the time. In the beginning, both universities were coâlocated in the buildings of the University of Z¼rich.
Extractions: Carnegie Institution of Washington HOME News Releases Carnegie Institution News For Immediate Release May 3, 2005 Contact Douglas Rumble, III, Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory, 202 478- 8990, The paper may be viewed at this link American Mineralogist. O, O, and The detective work involves a pantheon of scientists who have analyzed surface minerals from all over the globe, used rockets and balloons to sample the stratosphere, collected and studied ice cores from Antarctica, conducted lab experiments, and run mathematical models. The synthesis from the different fields and techniques points to ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun as an important driving force in atmospheric evolution. Solar UV photons drive the production of ozone in the atmosphere and yield ozone that is enriched in O and The discovery of isotope anomalies, where none were previously suspected, adds a new tool to research on the relationships between shifts in atmospheric chemistry and climate change. Detailed studies of polar-ice cores and exposed deposits in Antarctic dry valleys may improve our understanding of the history of the ozone hole.