Cayman Islands Jamaica by the British cayman islands English caymanian Cayma Island caymanians . history geographical data hstory gepgraphy statistics dwl tourism,
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ZUJI Destination Guides Caribbean cayman islands. cayman islands. history.Whatever aboriginal inhabitants the islands may have had left no trace of their,1277,ZUJISG|15548|4245|1,00.html
Extractions: History Whatever aboriginal inhabitants the islands may have had left no trace of their existence. The first human known to have laid eyes on the islands was Columbus, who in 1503 spotted a swarm of turtles around Cayman Brac and Little Cayman and named the islands Tortugas in their honor. By the time Francis Drake got to Grand Cayman in 1586, the islands were commonly known as Caymanas, after a Carib word for crocodiles. For the next century or so, the Caymans were used by lurking pirates and turtle-hunting sailors, but there were no permanent settlers until the 1660s, when a couple of deserters from the British army came over from Jamaica. In 1670, the islands became possessions of the British Crown, falling under Jamaican administration. The Crown turned a blind eye to the use and abuse of the Caymans by privateers, pirates and parrots. Aside from cotton farming and turtle hunting, the major early occupation was wrecking - the practice of salvaging the remains of ships that ran aground on the islands' many reefs. The most famous of these disasters is the Wreck of the Ten Sails, which occurred when a ship struck a reef in 1794, causing a chain reaction involving nine other vessels. According to legend, the Caymanians went to such lengths to aid the shipwrecked that a grateful George III granted the islands tax-free status then and there. By 1800, the population was still under 1000, half of whom were slaves. After slavery was abolished in 1835, most freed slaves remained on the islands, and by 1900 the Caymans' population had quintupled. Cotton, mahogany, sarsaparilla and thatch rope (mostly exported to Jamaica) joined fishing, turtling and shipbuilding as the Caymans main industries until tourism and banking took the mantle during the mid-20th century.
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World History Blog: 12/19/2004 - 12/25/2004 history of cayman islands. This is a brief essay on the history of this beautiful The Chaco Boreal is a region of land occupying approximately 100000
Extractions: What does this mean? BlogThis! Blog that features different aspects of world history. I can't cover it all but sites dealing with any historical issue or topic are possible future posts. Also includes sites which discuss teaching history. Some descriptions for sites are taken from the Open Directory Project. Secrets of the Norman Invasion - Nick Austin examines the primary sources. He is particularly interested in trying to determine exactly where the Normans landed prior to the Battle of Hastings. The following work arose out of my insatiable desire to know exactly where the Normans landed prior to the Battle of Hastings. This interest was awakened shortly after moving to the village of Crowhurst (one of Harold's personal manors) where I was able to hear at first hand some of the local accounts of the Norman landing and search for Norman remains in the village. Over the last six years I have tried to read everything important associated with Norman landings and the battle and have spent many months carrying out detailed searches of the documents contemporary with the battle. I have become increasingly alarmed at the discrepancies between the texts and the lie of the land where the landings were supposed to have taken place. In this work I attempt to explain how all these discrepancies can be reconciled only if the contextual references are applied to a landing site different from Pevensey.
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Books List Information on Grand cayman and the cayman islands books, novels, guides, Packed full of information, from geology, history and folklore to the flora,
Extractions: Robert Clark's collection of books about or set on the Cayman Islands. I have linked the titles to their entries at , (use the ), or at , (use the ), At the bottom of this page there are search boxes to find authors, titles or subjects directly from or Packed full of information, from geology, history and folklore to the flora, fauna, people and places on the island with photos on the many adventurous and exciting activities to be found there. Includes details of 15 beach, swimming and snorkeling sites, 30 shore diving sites, over 40 boat diving sites, over 70 rock climbs, 19 hiking trails and 13 caves as well as information on running, fishing, bars, restaurants and accommodation. A full review by Nicky Watson that appeared in the February 2003 issue of The Journal newspaper is available at
Maps Of Latin America - LANIC Aztec, Olmec and Mesoamerican Maps history Link 101; Caribbean Area Subject Search The cayman islands Back to Top. The cayman islands CaribbeanOn-Line
Extractions: The 1562 Map of the Americas by Diego Gutirrez Library of Congress America noviter delineata 1600s, Library of Congress Americae sive qvartae orbis partis nova et exactissima descriptio 1562, Library of Congress Antiquarian Maps of the Americas Yale Map Collection Carte d'Amerique dress.e pour l'usage du Roy 1780, Library of Congress Cartes et plans de l'Amerique 1745, Library of Congress Central America, the West Indies South America and portions of the United States and Mexico United Fruit Company, 1909, Library of Congress Central/South America and the Caribbean DCW Map Interface Data at the Texas/Mexico Borderlands Information Center David Rumsey Historical Map Collection Early Maps from the Benson Latin American Collection The University of Texas Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC Exploring Florida Maps Geoscape Colombia Geographic Business Intelligence in Latin America Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Latin America and Caribbean Newsletter GSDI IPGH Latin America Maps of the Americas Maps of Nuclear Power Reactors: North America International Nuclear Safety Center, US Department of Energy
Environment In Latin America - LANIC Translate this page Brazil. cayman islands Back to Top. cayman islands Turtle Farm Virgin islands.regional Resources. Portal, Directories and Search Sites
Extractions: Today's Business Headlines Aves Chilenas Aves de Chile Bosques para Chile Casa de la Paz ... Centro AGRIMED CEA Ciren CIPMA Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente Universidad de Chile Chile Sustentable Chloris Chilensis CNE CONAMA CODEFF CONAF Defensores del Bosque Chileno Eula IMA Iniciativa del Medio Ambiente Instituto Forestal de Chile INFOR Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Oasis de la Campana RENACE Revista Chilena de Historia Natural ... Revista InduAmbiente SESMA SEIA, CONAMA
Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras - A Brief History Roatan , Bay islands A Concise history and Current Facts In 1834, slaveryended in the cayman islands and both the slave owners and the freed slaves
Extractions: Roatan Dreams by Joe Mankawich Featured Listing Roatan FAQ Photo Gallery History ... Home On Columbuss fourth voyage to the New World in 1502 he discovered the Bay Islands and landed a party on the island of Guanaja on July 30, 1502. Columbus sent his brother Bartholomew ashore who found the island inhabited by friendly natives which they named the "Porras". His recorded comment was "very robust people who adore idols and live mostly from a certain white grain from which they make fine breads and the most perfect beer". ( Archeological evidence suggests that large populations of the Paya Indians lived here for thousands of years. Expeditions have discovered clay figures, mace heads, votive pots, chipped knives, jade, marked monuments, earth mounds, and rough stone foundations. While these do not match the sophistication of those at Copan, similarities with the Mayan culture have been noted. It has also been determined that the islands supported populations greater than todays in pre-Columbian times. ) Columbus named the island "Isla de Pinos" for the tall pine forests on the island. A most interesting episode was the capture of a large canoe laden with merchandise. Bartholomew reports: "seized a ship whose cargo of merchandise and wares came from some area to the West called "Maiam". The canoe cargo included small knives, copper hatchets, obsidian toothed swords, copper bells, dyed cotton clothing, ceramics, maise beer, and cacao beans used as currency. This has been cited as the first European encounter with people from a higher civilization in the Americas. From information available, it is impossible to verify thatq this merchant came from the Mayan culture on the mainland, but the cargo would indicate that this is likely. Columbus retained the merchant who he named "Juan Perez"and forced him to serve as an interpreter and navigator for further explorations to the mainland.
COA :: Regional Species Lists If you know of a regional list (or checklist) of mollusk species that is availableon the Cumulative Checklist Of cayman islands Marine Mollusks
Extractions: These species lists are provided as a service to our viewers. COA does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of these lists, nor for any links, or absence of links, from them. If you know of a regional list (or checklist) of mollusk species that is available on the Internet that is NOT listed here, please send the URL (address) to ANTARCTICA ASIA AUSTRALIA EUROPE GENERAL / MULTI-COUNTRY BRITAIN ITALY SPAIN TYROL (Austria) Faunistik der Weichtiere Gesamttirols "A check-list of the inland-shells from Tyrol and South-Tyrol (Northern Italy) with their habitats." Helmut Nisters.
History Bahamas (Also directly served by this office Turks and Calcos islands) The following regional and subregional centers are under the technical and
Extractions: Brief administrative history The International Sanitary Bureau, precursor of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, was established by the First General International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics held in Washington, DC., in 1902. The Bureau, "according to the resolutions adopted", consisted of a board of seven health officials, residing in five countries, who were assigned the responsibility for the receipt and distribution of information on health conditions in the American Republics and to formulate sanitary agreements and regulations so that quarantine requirements would be reduced to a minimum in respect of cholera, yellow fever, bubonic plaque, smallpox and "any other serious pestilential outbreak". These functions and responsibilities were adopted both by the Second Conference of American States (1901) and by the First General International Sanitary Convention. Five other international sanitary conferences held in the Americas between 1902 and 1920 approved resolutions to the effect that the Bureau would undertake the investigation of outbreaks of communicable diseases, the facilitation of commerce through the improvement of sanitary conditions in the sea-ports of the American Republics, through sewage disposal, drainage of the soil, and the destruction of mosquitoes and other vermin. However, resources available at the time in terms of staff, office space, travel and other expenses were not appropriate to allow compliance with these Conference resolutions.
Extractions: Cayman Islands National Archive What is a Memory Bank? Why have the people of the Cayman Islands invested considerable time and money on one? Why is it part of the National Archive? How do you design and implement an oral history program that seeks to document the social history and traditions of a group of scattered islands? Particularly where recent development has brought rapid and dramatic changes, prompting one of our informants to say "Only three things in Cayman haven't changed: the sun, moon and stars. Everything else has changed"? And once having gathered it, how do you ensure that the information is preserved and readily accessible to the public? These are some of the questions that this paper attempts to answer. It outlines what we have done and are doing to preserve both the voices of "the unknown majority of the people" as Paul Thompson calls them, as well as that of leaders, officials, etc. (Please note that transparencies will be shown during the presentation of this paper) I am honoured to have been invited to speak to you this morning and to have the opportunity to tell you about the Cayman Islands Memory Bank, but before I do, I would like to briefly tell you something of our Islands and their history so that you can understand
Caribbean Islands regional Overview THE COMMONWEALTH CARIBBEAN GEOGRAPHIC SETTING cayman islands and the Turks and Caicos islands Geography Population Education
Caribseek Cayman Islands News | Online Cayman Islands News cities in history is now the newest dive site in the cayman islands. The cayman islands Home to the Caribbeans Newest and Finest Biological Field
Extractions: Caribseek Cayman Islands News Cayman Islands - September 19, 2005 Search News in All News Caribbean Caribbean Hotel Association Caribbean Media Corporation Caribbean Tourism Organization Caricom Greater Caribbean Tradewatch Sir Ronald Sanders Commentaries Global Caribbean AFP Anthens 2004 BBC Caribbean Caribbean Sun CubaNet News Hard Beat News Antigua and Barbuda Aruba A.M. Digital Bahamas The Nassau Guardian Barbados Daily Nation Belize Bermuda Bonaire Cayman Islands Radio Cayman Cuba Prensa Latina Curacao Amigoe Extra Nobo Dominica Dominican Republic El Caribe Listin Diario Grenada Guyana Haiti AlterPresse Haiti Press Network Haiti Progres Jamaica Puerto Rico Caribbean Business Saba Saint Croix Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Thomas The Virgin Islands Daily News Sint Eustatius Sint Maarten The Daily Herald Trinidad and Tobago Daily Express Caribseek News Home Hurricane Coverage Caribbean Global Caribbean ... Trinidad and Tobago Top Cayman Islands Headlines
The Beer-Drinker's Guide To Cruising, Part I | Cayman Islands cayman islands Deals News The BeerDrinker s Guide to Cruising, Part I In the Caribbean, tours are offered at several regional brewers,
Extractions: The Consumer Newsletter for Serious Divers Since 1975 Overview Articles/Reports Seasonal Planner Related Links ... Recommended Books For full reviews of the following Cayman destinations, see: Southern Cross Club - Little Cayman, Undercurrent - August 1999 Little Cayman Diver II, Undercurrent - August 1998 How to Dive Grand Cayman, Undercurrent - April 1998 Guide to Grand Cayman, In Depth - January 1996 Pirate's Point Little Cayman, In Depth - September 1996 Divi Tiara Cayman Brac, In Depth - October 1995 Newsletter Subscribers Only:
Cayman Islands To the outsider, the cayman islands Ð cayman Brac, Grand cayman and Little book introduces you to the history, geography and people of the region first,
Extractions: Go to the Cayman Islands From the Adventure Guides series. To the outsider, the Cayman Islands Ð Cayman Brac, Grand Cayman and Little Cayman Ð are almost always equated with watersports and glorious beaches, plus offshore banking opportunities. This is hardly surprising, since the Cayman Islands do offer world-class scuba diving in crystal-clear waters, as well as a tax-free haven. But these three islands have so much more to offer the traveler who's willing to wander off the traditional tourist paths, walk away from the beachside resorts and explore by themselves. Diverse woodlands and pristine wetlands occupy much of the islands' interiors, rugged hiking trails meander across the peaks and valleys, and mangrove swamps cushion the shoreline, offering a unique breeding ground for many birds and fish. These protected wilderness areas are often left unexplored by lay-in-the-sun-all-day tourists, who miss some of the biggest attractions the islands offer. Regularly: $18.99
Welcome To PAHO CPC There is a long history of PAHO involvement in the Caribbean, since Zone Officeswere created Jamaica (responsible for Bermuda and the cayman islands)
Extractions: PAHO is an inter-governmental organization which aims to improve health through ensuring equity of access to the conditions which facilitate good health and to strengthen regional national and local health systems throughout the Americas - from Canada in the north to Argentina in the south, including the islands of the Caribbean. The countries cooperate technically with and among each other with the support of the PAHO Secretariat. While the focus of coordination for cooperation in each country is the Ministry of Health, PAHO collaborates with all relevant governmental ministries and non-governmental organizations whose activities at the national or local level impact on health and development. PAHO collaborates closely with the international community, universities and religious institutions to foster sustainability of successful interventions. For this purpose scientific and technical experts in health are stationed in a network of PAHO country offices and centers in most countries in the Americas.
Sears Travel - World Travel Guide history The two smaller cayman islands were discovered by Columbus in 1503.Sir Francis Drake explored the area in 1586, but it was 1670 before the islands
Cayman Forum Island Money, Cayman Islands cayman Island Airline cayman Island Vacation cayman Island history To develop a sustainable institutional capacity in the Caribbean region to
Extractions: (1) Patterns of Global Terrorism1999, United States Department of State Publication 10687, April 2000.A wide-ranging joint FBI and Department of Treasury investigation into interstate cigarette smuggling, involving a suspected Hizballah terrorist cell operating in Charlotte, North Carolina, led to the July 21, 2000 arrest by U.S. authorities of 18 individuals. Ten days later a federal grand jury in North Carolina indicted these individuals, including seven suspected Hizballah supporters, for immigration fraud and related bribery and conspiracies; conspiring to smuggle contraband cigarettes; and conspiring to launder money. Many of the defendants continue to be detained prior to trial, while the investigation continues. At least seven of the defendants are suspected members of, or sympathetic to Hizballah, a foreign terrorist organization designated as such under U.S. law in 1997 and again in 1 ... [ Read More The following are summaries of the most significant priority issues:Refocus Efforts of High Intensity Financial Crime Areas (HIFCAs). HIFCAs are special, high-risk areas or sectors where law enforcement will concentrate its resources and energy to combat money laundering. The 2001 Strategy mandated that the HIFCA task forces become operational and conduct investigations designed to result in indictments, convictions, and seizures, rather than focus primarily on intelligence gathering. Each of the six HIFCA Task Forces is now actively working cases. HIFCA Task Forces are composed of, and draw upon, all relevant federal, state, and local agencies. The Departments of Treasury and Justice jointly supervise the HIFCA Task Forces, and the 2001 Strategy primarily tasks the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) and Justices Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section to develop an advanced money laundering training program to enhance the HIFCA Task Forces abili ... [