Extractions: MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD RENA C. WILSON, Appellant, v. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, Agency. DOCKET Number CH-0353-03-0729-I-1 DATE: June 20, 2005 Nichol J. Palumbo , Esquire, East Tawas, Michigan, for the appellant. Deborah W. Carlson , Esquire, Chicago, Illinois, for the agency. BEFORE Neil A. G. McPhie, Chairman Barbara J. Sapin, Member OPINION AND ORDER The appellant has petitioned for review of an initial decision that dismissed her appeal for lack of jurisdiction. For the reasons set forth below, we GRANT the petition for review, VACATE the initial decision, and REMAND this appeal for further adjudication consistent with this Opinion and Order. BACKGROUND The facts of this case are not disputed. The appellant began her employment with the agency in 1975 and resigned in 1978. Initial Appeal File (IAF), Tab 10 at 3 and Exhibit 1. Thereafter, in 1985, she received an appointment as a non-career Rural Carrier Associate. In 1988, she suffered a compensable injury and, in either late 1989 or early 1990, she stopped working because of the injury. See IAF, Tab 5, Subtab 4d, Subtab 4f at 3; Tab 10 at 5. She was carried in a leave without pay (LWOP) status until May 20, 2000, when she returned to work in a different craft as a part-time flexible general clerk. IAF, Tab 5, Subtab 4J. The agency granted her career status as of May 20, 2000.
Postal Service's HR System Grants Gov Honored By Federal Councils In streamlining its human resources management processes, the postal Service is Benchmark labor rates, monitor task orders, and access agency contacts, http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/35486-1.html
Extractions: USPS streamlined all its human resources management processes, from health benefits to recognition awards, for more than 700,000 employees across the country. Using the shared services approach, the Postal Service has moved these paper processes online, reducing the high rate of error and saving money. Grants.gov, one of the more successful Quicksilver projects, consolidated the number of Web sites from many to one, which citizens and groups use to find more than 900 federal grant opportunities. It also standardized the online form applying for grants. Grants.gov turned a process that was 80 percent paper to one that is 100 percent online.
Some Agencies Shift From Postal Mail To E-mail Some agencies shift from postal mail to email By PREETI VASISHTHA Benchmark labor rates, monitor task orders, and access agency contacts, profiles, http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/17401-1.html
Extractions: When mail deliveries in some areas of downtown Washington slowed or stopped last month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Federal Communications Commission, and Interior and Transportation departments encouraged e-mail filings in place of postal mail, according to NetCompliance Inc., a Washington Internet provider.
Federal Career Corner The variety of government agencies can make it possible to match up with a mission that s Be Wary of Federal or postal Job Info. You Have To Pay For http://www.resume-place.com/newsletter/vol_2_issue_5.html
Extractions: NEW! Due to popular demand, we are adding an easy-to-use email message with the website address for each newsletter so that you can more easily send a copy of our popular Federal Career Corner Newsletter to your customers, clients, and friends. Simply copy and paste the text between the stars below and send the email to your friends! They can read the entire newsletter on-line!
Extractions: Twelve bills have been introduced in the 107th Congress that have implications for employees of the Federal government. This quarter, the Treasury/Postal Appropriations bills were introduced in the House and Senate. Both bills propose a 4.1% pay raise for Federal employees, and contain language prohibiting numerical quotas for outsourcing Federal jobs. PENDING LEGISLATION: Bills H. R. 29 - Government Shutdown Prevention Act. Representative George Gekas (R-PA) introduced H. R. 29 on January 3, 2001 to provide continuing funding in the event that a regular appropriation bill for FY2002 does not become law prior to the beginning of FY2002 or a joint resolution making continuing appropriations is not in effect. The measure provides such sums as may be necessary to continue any program, project, or activity for which funds were provided in FY2001. The bill was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. As of September 3, 2002, there are no cosponsors
Extractions: Thirteen bills were introduced in the 107th Congress that have implications for employees of the Federal government. Treasury/Postal Appropriations bills were introduced in the House and Senate. Both bills propose a 4.1% pay raise for Federal employees, and contain language prohibiting numerical quotas for outsourcing Federal jobs. This quarter, a new bill that would define the powers and compensation package of the NIH police force was introduced. The bill would put NIH police officers on a par with officers of the United States Park Police, and was designed to increase opportunities for NIH police officers and stem attrition from among their ranks. PENDING LEGISLATION Bills H. R. 29 - Government Shutdown Prevention Act. Representative George Gekas (R-PA) introduced H. R. 29 on January 3, 2001 to provide continuing funding in the event that a regular appropriation bill for FY2002 does not become law prior to the beginning of FY2002 or a joint resolution making continuing appropriations is not in effect. The measure provides such sums as may be necessary to continue any program, project, or activity for which funds were provided in FY2001. The bill was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. H. R. 252
Federal Benefits For Veterans And Dependents VRA allows federal agencies to appoint eligible veterans to jobs without Such appointments may lead to conversion to career or careerconditional http://www1.va.gov/opa/is1/workplace.htm
Extractions: Weekly unemployment compensation may be paid to discharged servicemembers for a limited period of time. The amount and duration of payments are determined by individual states. To apply, veterans who do not begin civilian employment immediately after leaving military service should contact their nearest state employment office and present a copy of their military discharge, Form DD-214. Transition Assistance Program The Transition Assistance Program is available to servicemembers and their spouses who are scheduled for separation from active duty. The program, a joint effort by the Departments of Defense, Labor, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs, provides employment and training information to servicemembers within 12 months of their separation or 24 months of retirement from the military. Together with the military services, these agencies offer a number of services to help separating servicemembers learn basic job-hunting skills and gain the self-confidence necessary to make informed career choices.
United States Postal Service Jobs And Career Information Vault You must take the postal exam to be hired for a career position. postal service at the brink of extinction as a government agency. will likely partner http://www.thevault.com/companies/company_main.jsp?co_page=10&product_id=7773
Promising Paths To Public Service (California Job Journal) Training Education CAREER RESUME SERVICES (NEW!) Or go to www.corr.ca.gov and click on career. A corrections officer must be at least 21 years old http://www.jobjournal.com/article_full_text.asp?artid=757
Guarding The Gateways (California Job Journal) US Customs and Border Protection is looking to secure a few good agents. Petty, who began his postal service career as a letter carrier 24 years ago, http://www.jobjournal.com/article_full_text.asp?artid=1080
Extractions: Welcome to the Web's MOST COMPLETE and MOST RECENT listing of Federal Government Jobs as well as related SEARCH RESULTS for Federal law enforcement and Federal Government Service candidates! THESE ARE NOT OLD, DEAD, UNCHECKED LINKS LIKE MOST "LINK PAGES"! Results last updated: SAVE HOURS OF YOUR VALUABLE TIME AND LET PoliceCareer.com "Police (Combat) Résumé Writing Techniques" "Impact" Law Enforcement & Career Publications ... Learn More About PoliceCareer.com Click on these titles for EXPERT HELP IN LANDING YOUR FEDERAL JOB! Regional Police Officer Examination Guides by Random House - Learning Express. Complete guides to the written and pre-employment testing procedures in New York City - California - Massachusetts - Chicago - New Jersey - Suffolk and Nassau Counties, NY - New Jersey - Florida - Texas - the Midwest and Southern States.
Inspectors And Compliance Officers, Except Construction As law enforcement agents, postal inspectors have statutory powers of arrest and For information on a career as a specific type of Federal inspector or http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/ooh9899/27.htm
Extractions: * Because responsibilities vary, ranging from those of aviation safety inspectors to food inspectors, for example, training requirements and working conditions vary greatly. Inspectors and compliance officers enforce a wide range of laws, regulations, policies, or procedures. They inspect and enforce rules on matters such as health, safety, food, licensing, or finance. Inspectors' and compliance officers' duties vary widely. Agricultural commodity graders apply quality standards to aid the buying and selling of commodities, and to insure that retailers and consumers know the quality of the products they purchase. Although this grading is not required by law, buyers may not be willing to purchase ungraded commodities. Graders usually specialize in an area such as eggs, meat, poultry, processed or fresh fruits and vegetables, grain, tobacco, cotton, or dairy products. They examine product samples to determine quality and grade, and issue official grading certificates. To maintain sanitation standards, graders may inspect the plant and equipment used in processing.
Redirect Page bar examiners, legal research sites, federal government agencies, states and state Rutgers University and the Office of Career Services assume no http://www.camlaw.rutgers.edu/cservices/links.html
Hope College | Career Services Internship Bible Government agencies/Offices, Politics, Public Policy Civil Service Career Starter Entrylevel Government Jobs Federal Personnel Guide http://www.hope.edu/student/career/clusters/government.html
How To Work For The Government Manage your career Get the information you need to apply for the job youre interested in. The US postal Service, for example, is one such agency. http://www.startribune.com/stories/1761/5296516.html
Career Services-Careers In Government The GCA, Government careers Association is an official UT student We encourage you to send more than one agency representative so that you will have a http://career.utk.edu/government/fairemp.asp
Extractions: University Center Ballroom The Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy and the Career Services office at the University of Tennessee are pleased to invite you to our 3rd Annual Government Job and Internship Fair to be held on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 from 10:00-2:00. With over 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and law students expected to participate this year, don't miss this great opportunity to find the best and brightest talent for your career opportunities, as well as internships, co-ops, and summer jobs. The Government Job and Internship Fair is a chance for you to meet informally with students from over 250 degree programs to talk about a wide range of topics. We are also planning a GCA mixer between 5:00 and 6:30 on Tuesday evening at the University Club. The GCA
Government Jobs Government Jobs US postal service, federal, state, city, civil service, and military duty and National Security Agency Career Opportunities http://jobsearchtech.about.com/od/governmentjobs/index_a.htm
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Careers Job Searching: Technical More Tech Jobs Government Jobs Careers Job Search: Technical Essentials Free Downloads ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/C.htm','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','http://z.about.com/0/ip/496/7.htm','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the Job Searching: Technical newsletter! See Online Courses Search Job Searching: Technical Search and browse federal, state, city, military, military-civilian, civil service and postal service jobs. Note: Sites with .com in the URL instead of .gov are typically not affiliated with the US Government. Sort By: Guide Picks Recent Up a category Air Force Civilian Employment This page describes how you can work for the Air Force without joining. Free, downloadable job kit for offline viewing. Air Force Recruiting All about joining the U.S. Air Force. Airport Security Jobs and Employment - Transportation Security Screener Airport security jobs are also called transportation security screener jobs. Get more details about employment in airport security jobs, including how to apply and qualifications the Transportation Security Administration or TSA requires. America's Job Bank The official, central site for all employment offices run by state governments. Search for government jobs (included in "regular" job searches if available) and link to your state employment office.
Extractions: Not Applicable Executive Summary This RFA supports the career development of individuals from the basic, biomedical, clinical, and information sciences and engineering who are pursuing research that applies nanotechnology development and application for the prevention, detection, diagnosis, or treatment of cancer. This funding opportunity will use Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (Kirschstein-NRSA) to support individual postdoctoral fellowships (F32) and senior fellowships (F33). The NCI intends to commit approximately $15.5M dollars over three years to fund a total of 36 new grants in response to this RFA (approximately 18 for each mechanism). The total amount of funds committed for F32 awards for FY 2005 is approximately $0.75 M. The total for F33 awards and supplements for FY 2005 is approximately $4.42M. An applicant may request a project period of up to 3 years for F32 (stipend levels depend on full years of post-degree experience at the time of award, and include an Institutional allowance; both amounts are determined yearly by Congress) and 2 years for F33 awards (stipend not to exceed the level of NRSA stipend support for individuals with more than 7 years experience). An applicant may request a project period of up to 3 years for F32 and 2 years for F33 awards. The anticipated start date for awards is September 2005, and funding will terminate no later than September 2008.
Sims Library Government Resources US Government agencies (Middleton Library, Louisiana State University); America s Career InfoNet (US Department of Labor and others); http://www.selu.edu/Library/InternetRes/government.html
Extractions: The U.S. Government's official "one-stop" search engine for locating information on hundreds of agency web sites. Provides a list of hot topics, and search boxes for simple keyword searching and more complex searching. Also includes links to some state government information resources. GoogleUncle Sam (Commercial Search Engine); http://www.google.com/unclesam A special section of the Google search engine allows the user to limit a search to U.S. government information sources. One can also find information about other levels of government by following the subject links in Google's web directory (select "Society," then select "Government.") FEDERAL SITESGENERAL Avalon Project-Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy (Yale Law School); http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/avalon.htm