Crime Comics From Newspapers And The Internet Capital Punishment From Reality Check by Dave Whamond Copyright 2005 - Bill Bickel Search All Info About
WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia Social Science Law Capital punishment the death penalty CAPITAL PUNISHMENT ; THE DEATH PENALTY. All sides to the topic. The alt.activism. death -penalty
Kypros-Net ESearch Death Penalty Information An interactive exploration of capital punishment, including arguments Usenet alt.activism.death-penalty - news
Web Directory Death Penalty; Capital Punishment; Ethics; Punishment Death Penalty; Capital Punishment; Ethics; Punishment
Salon Alt Gang Land Plus Men who collect penis bones; capital punishments throughout human history.
Juveniles Against Capital Punshment / Norway Juveniles Against Capital Punishment, is working to get teenagers devoted to work against, and eduacte about death penalty especially in the United
Oklahoma Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty OCADP input type=image border=0 alt="Click here Henry commutes death sentence, May 14, 2004 for May 12, 2004 at Noon at the State
Related Website - Shameful Secrets (1993) (TV) - AlterNet M*A*S*H Search for Alt Sites mike farrell death penalty executions capital punishment moratoriums illinois governor ryan interview
Extractions: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT THE DEATH PENALTY Web sites and books Click below to visit our sponsors. Information sources: " Status of the international covenants on human rights: Question of the death penalty ," UN Economic and Social Council, 1998-JAN-16, at: This lists the current status of the death penalty, worldwide. The Clark County (IN) Prosecuting Attorney maintains a listing of over 1000 death penalty links, both pro and con. See: The alt.activism.death-penalty news group dedicated to the capital punishment issue The Michigan State University Libraries have a " Criminal Justice Resources Home Page " with many links to sites with death penalty information. See: A summary of a 15 page annual report, prepared by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics lists statistical data about capital punishment in the United States. The report was issued in 1994-DEC. See:
Newsgroup: Alt.activism.death-penalty For people opposedto capital punishment. URL alt.activism.deathpenalty. DocumentsTILE.NET/NEWS The Reference to Usenet Newsgroups.
Death Penalty: Failures Of 3 Main Arguments Newsgroups alt.activism.deathpenalty Objection 3 If capital punishment isreally a deterrence, then why are most capital crimes committed by young
Extractions: Date: 22 Jun 1997 16:38:53 GMT 22 June, 1997 Murder is unjustified intentional killing. It is not sufficient that there be justification (a sound reason) to kill somebody, the person doing the killing must kill for that reason. Thus, if I should shoot some random person in a driveby shooting, only to have it discovered later that, quite by coincidence, this was somebody who deserved to die, this would not mitigate against the fact that I committed murder. The three most common reasons offered for capital punishment do not justify killing. 1. Specific deterrence: capital punishment is justified to prevent the commission of a future crime. Objection 1: Imagine a psychological test for high school students whereby it is shown that those who fail are as likely to commit a future crime as are those arrested for having committed that crime in the past. The ability to prevent a future crime would be the same in both cases. If it is permissible to kill to prevent a future crime, than we are just as justified in killing those highschool students who fail this test as we are those who have committed murder. Or, in other words, if preventing a future crime does not justify killing these high-school students, it does notjustify capital punishment for murderers. Objection 2: (This is actually a way of rephrasing above), a person being executed to prevent a future crime is, in effect, being punished for a crime that he did not commit. Not only is he being presumed guilty (rather than being presumed innocent unless proved to be guilty), he is being presumed guilty of crime that does not exist.
Dud Arguments About Capital Punishment from my experience on the usenet group alt. activism.deathpenalty , Singling out capital punishment ignores many equally nasty practises,
Extractions: Dud Arguments A "dud argument", in this connection, does not refer to an argument I disagree with, but to an argument that has no basis in logic or which ignores or disrespects such facts as we have available. I have taken these particular dud arguments from my experience on the usenet group "alt. activism.death-penalty", but duds similar to these may crop up in many discussions of this topic (and many others). I have tried to present a balanced view of the "duds" perpetrated by people with all positions on this issue. Characterizing capital punishment as "barbaric. This assumes a level of civilization we have not yet attained. Singling out capital punishment ignores many equally nasty practises, such as imprisoning people against their will, which society uses to control criminals and attempt to discourage crime. A defence of capital punishment based solely on democratic sanction. Democracy and the rule of law entails the right to vote our wishes into law, but it equally entails the right to convince the majority of our fellow citizens the policy they voted for does not work. Our votes may make a policy legal, but they do not make it just or effective; and a living democracy gives us the right (indeed the responsibility) to make this case with respect to any government policy we consider wrong. Attacking opponents as "elitists".
Open Hand: Internet Ethics debate on capital punishment on usenet (alt.activism.deathpenalty) has And alt.activism.death-penalty lives up to that expectation pretty well.
Extractions: I have drawn the first part of these observations from a paper I wrote for a computing and sociology conference in the spring of 1997. Since then, the lively and on-going debate on capital punishment on usenet (alt.activism.death-penalty) has raised a number of other issues of internet ethics. In the spring of 1995, a participant in the usenet discussion group on capital punishment, alt.activism.death-penalty, posted an abstract to a selection of the science groups, concentrating on the statistics groups. In it, he claimed to have co-authored, with myself and two other participants, a statistical study offering "conclusive proof" that capital punishment does not deter crime. This claim had no truth to it; neither I nor the other two people he claimed as "co-authors" had participated in any statistical study of capital punishment, although I had posted a rough statistical summary of the Canadian experience, and another of the people named as "co-authors" of this fictional study had posted an extensive biography of actual studies of the effects of capital punishment. The claims of this fictional abstract provoked comments from statisticians who read the science groups, mostly denouncing the suggestion that any study of social science statistics could produce "conclusive proof" of anything. They also produced angry responses from those of us named as "co-authors".
Against Capital Punishment capital punishment, the greatest shame of the ultrareactionary German code, The forgotten death penalty is only one little isolated detail.
Extractions: Public Domain: Luxemburg Internet Archive ( 2005. This work is completely free. This is an alternate translation of the same work by a different name A Duty of Honor , which is the correct German translation for Eine Ehrenpflicht We did not wish for amnesty, nor for pardon, in the case of the political prisoners, who had been the prey of the old order. We demanded the right to liberty, to agitation, to revolution for the hundreds of brave and loyal men who groaned in the jails and in the fortresses because, under the former dictatorship of Imperialist criminals, they had fought for the people, for peace, and for socialism. They are all free now.
Extractions: F a i r T r i a l I n i t i a t i v e F a i r T r i a l I n i t i a t i v e O u r P r o g r a m O u r F e l l o w s O u r M i s s i o n N e w s B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s H o w t o A p p l y H o w t o C o n t r i b u t e F a i r T r i a l I n i t i a t i v e 2 0 1 W . M a i n S t r e e t S u i t e 3 0 0 D u r h a m , N C 2 7 7 0 1 ( 9 1 9 ) 6 8 8 - 7 9 7 3 ( f a x ) d a v i d a t f a i r t r i a l . o r g w w w . f a i r t r i a l . o r g C o - f o u n d e r s : D a v i d N e a l J o n a t h a n S o r o s M a t t S t i e g l e r S t e p h e n B r i g h t D i r e c t o r , S o u t h e r n C e n t e r f o r H u m a n R i g h t s T H E C R I S I S O F C O M P E T E N T C O U N S E L I N D E A T H P E N A L T Y C A S E S I S W E L L D O C U M E N T E D : C a l l i n g f o r a n i m m e d i a t e m o r a t o r i u m o n e x e c u t i o n s , t h e A B A f o u n d t h a t " g r o s s l y u n q u a l i f i e d a n d u n d e r c o m p e n s a t e d l a w y e r s w h o h a v e n o t h i n g l i k e t h e s u p p o r t n e c e s s a r y t o m o u n t a n a d e q u a t e d e f e n s e a r e o f t e n a p p o i n t e d t o r e p r e s e n t c a p i t a l c l i e n t s . " I N C R E A S I N G L Y , T H E E R R O R S O F T R I A L C O U N S E L C A N N O T B E F I X E D O N A P P E A L :
Extractions: Web posted at: 1:10 a.m. EST From Correspondent Gary Tuchman SMYRNA, Delaware (CNN) Convicted double-murderer Billy Bailey was executed early Thursday in Delaware. Bailey drew a lot of attention because of the method he chose: death by hanging. Only a few hundred people live in the tiny town of Cheswold, Delaware. Two of them used to live in a modest home where they grew corn and soybeans, and, more importantly, raised children and grandchildren. Clara and Gilbert Lambertson were 73 and 80 years old, respectively, when a man named Billy Bailey came into their lives and then ended their lives. "This was a heinous crime against innocent people. They were elderly, in their own home. They did not know Billy Bailey. He simply intruded and took their lives in a vicious manner," said Delaware Deputy Attorney General Paul Wallace. Bailey, 49, was convicted of shooting the Lambertsons to death 17 years ago. Bailey's was the third hanging execution in the United States since the death penalty was reinstated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1976.
Joe Sixpack S Country Music Guide - Alt.Country Twangcore, twangcore, Country music, honky tonk, Americana, favorite artists . I m anticapital punishment myself, opposed to the death penalty both
Extractions: Actor-performance artist Jo Carol Pierce has been a longtome fixture on the alt-Texas landscape: the author of the stage pieces, Chippy and Bad Girls Upset By The Truth, longtime member of the "Lubbock Mafia," ex-wife of Jimmie Dale Gilmore and, as it turns out, one heck of a songwriter. Yup... this album is packed full of songs with lyrics that bite, clever turns of phrase and caustic concepts that'll make you turn your head... The trouble is, though, that on the musical side of things it's less entralling. There's a lot of what I would consider subpar indie-rock and roots-rock on here, along with the twang that we all know and love so well. A few heavy-hitters pitch in, notably Joe Ely and Jimmie Dale Gilmore, but while Gilmore is in fine form, Ely was in a rut at the time, and even his contribution isn't terribly memorable. I remember this album causing a stir at my radio station when it first came out, but picking it up again years later, I have to admit I found it rough going... a bit grating and unpleasant to listen to, even. If you're interested in it purely from a storytelling and songcraft perspective, it might be worth checking out... But as an album you'd just want to listen to for pleasure... well, I have my doubts.
Jon Langford Fights Capital Punishment hero Jon Langford is carrying on the tradition of singing about hes donating proceeds to Artists Against The death penalty as well as The
Extractions: Jon Langford (Photo By Jim Newberry) Country music has always paid special attention to murder ballads and songs of public executioner and vigilante justice. Pick up an old Johnny Cash record and youre bound to find at least a couple of songs on the subject. hero Jon Langford is carrying on the tradition of singing about the unsavory realm of violence and vengeance and this time hes doing it with a twist. The Chicago-based, Welsh-born singer is putting together a collection of murder tunes and related songs to protest capital punishment. The project is being headed by The Pine Valley Cosmonauts , one of Langfords many bands (the prolific musician also heads The Waco Brothers and The Mekons ). The Cosmonauts schtick is that they round up a variety of guest vocalists to create theme albums in the past theyve done collections of songs by Texas swing legend Bob Wills and have also been known to pay tribute to Johnny Cash. Their new album will be called The Executioners Last Songs and will be comprised wholly of old murder ballads and death row dirges. The album will be released by Bloodshot Records on March 19.