Bulimia Nervosa Provides background information regarding eating disorders, as well as a list ofcurrent service providers in the sevencounty Metro and surrounding areas http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/nutrition/components/7043_04.html
Extractions: Bulimia Nervosa is an emotional disorder which consists of episodes of binge-eating followed by some forms of purging and/or severe dietary restraint. A "binge" is the secretive consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time. Most bulimics follow the binge by self-induced vomiting, but "purging" may take the form of laxative or diuretic abuse, fasting, diet pills, or strenuous exercising. This binge-purge cycle is normally accompanied by self-deprecating thoughts, depressed mood, and an awareness that the eating behavior is abnormal and out of control. Bulimia nervosa is more common than anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa tends to develop in late adolescence and early adulthood, but it can occur in males and females of any age. A person can be anorexic and bulimic at the same time. At least 40% of people with anorexia nervosa suffer simultaneously from bulimia.
Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia. Help For Bulimia A comprehensive website about bulimia run by a psychotherapist. Includes information on causes of bulimia, how to recover, how family and friends can help, chatrooms, and bulletin boards. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/eating_disorders/beat_bulimia/index.html
Extractions: to a friend advertisement Welcome to the Beat Bulimia website. I'm Judith Asner, M.S.W. I specialize in treating people suffering from eating disorders, especially bulimia nervosa. Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is defined as periods of uncontrolled eating. The person eats anywhere up to 10,000 calories in a sitting. The binge eating is followed by purging behaviors, i.e., vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise or sleep. Bulimia is not a pretty disease. It does not bring the admiration of peers, as starving does. Writer's have spoken about "the moral superiority" of anorexia nervosa. Being able to starve is an "art" because it involves self-control. One feels so morally superior! Society admires starving women. Not so with purging out-of-control women! There is no moral superiority in throwing up your food after stuffing yourself. But all-in-all, it is a way of avoiding feelings by focusing on food and thinness. Therefore, many people with this illness hide in shame. On the Beat Bulimia site, we'll be talking about the causes of bulimia, what you need to do to recover from bulimia, and how your family and friends can help. Our goal here is to bring bulimics out of hiding and form a virtual community where we can help each other.
InteliHealth: Bulimia Nervosa InteliHealth Featuring Harvard Medical School s consumer health information.For more than 550 diseases and conditions, learn What Is It?, Symptoms, http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9339/9637.html
AMCAB Objetivos, actividades, enlaces relacionados e informaci³n sobre las dos enfermedades. http://www.sapiens.ya.com/netamcab/
Extractions: Top Discuss this Ask an expert Print Written by: Jacob Palme First version: 02 Nov 2003. Latest revision: 02 Jul 2005. Bulimia Nervosa Overview, variants Binge eating Self-provoked vomiting Examples Diagnosis, Symptoms, Signs Diagnosing eating disorders Different kinds of eating disorders Getting satisfied when you have eaten enough More ... ... Meeting people you do not want to meet Treatment Psychotherapy Clinics More Side effects Complications Dental problems Suffering Prevention Preventing eating disorders How to help children not to develop eating disorders More about eating disorders All Web4Health menus ... Sources, references
PSICOTERAPIA DELLA BULIMIA , DELLA ANORESSIA, PSICOTERAPIA DEI DISTURBI ALIMENTA Piacenza L'associazione scuole della salute propone la psicoterapia dell'anoressia, della bulimia e dei disordini del comportamento alimentare mediante la partecipazione a soggiorni settimanali di rieducazione. http://digilander.libero.it/psicoterapia/rieducaz.alimentare.htm
Extractions: PSICOTERAPIA DELLA BULIMIA , DELLA ANORESSIA, PSICOTERAPIA DEI DISTURBI ALIMENTARI LA RIEDUCAZIONE ALIMENTARE ATTRAVERSO LA RIELABORAZIONE DEL VISSUTO ALIMENTARE E LA RISTRUTTURAZIONE DELL IMMAGINE CORPOREA NELLA PSICOTERAPIA DELLA BULIMIA DELLANORESSIA E DEI DISTURBI DEL COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTARE SOGGIORNI DI RIEDUCAZIONE ALIMENTARE PROGRAMMA PER INFORMAZIONI E PER PRENOTARE: ASSOCIAZIONE SCUOLA DELLA SALUTE CASELLA POSTALE 49 - 29100 PIACENZA TELEFONO 0523 - 326626 CELLULARE: 339 - 1216605 e-mail: ass.scuolasalute@iol.it PSICOTERAPIA DELLA ANORESSIA, DELLA BULIMIA, DEI DISORDINI DEL COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTARE,CON IL METODO DELLA RIEDUCAZIONE ALIMENTARE PSICOTERAPIA DEGLI SQUILIBRI PONDERALI CON IL METODO DELLA RISTRUTTURAZIONE DELLA IMMAGINE CORPOREA Da anni ci occupiamo dei disordini alimentari e dellobesità , condizioni patologiche correlate ma non riconducibili ad un rapporto di causa ed effetto, e abbiamo delineato i due fattori che incidono in modo determinante nel loro trattamento: La rielaborazione vissuto alimentare e La ristrutturazione dellimmagine corporea Il rapporto col cibo è di importanza straordinaria nellevoluzione della personalità e dei rapporti interpersonali: gli squilibri alimentari sono sempre connessi con turbe che riguardano gli aspetti più profondi dellidentità personale ed è questo il motivo per cui sono spesso di difficile approccio terapeutico.
Bulimia One such physical effect of that very popular eating disorder bulimia is the Of course this isn t the true definition of bulimia, a true bulimic eats http://www.yoni.com/maidenf/bulemia.shtml
Extractions: It is devastating that young girls and women still put so much emphasis on how their bodies compare to that of models and celebrities. My mother recently remarked how obsessed women of her generation were with their weight, with role models like Twiggy, and how sad is it when she looks back at photos of herself when she was teenager and realised in retrospect how how beautiful her figure was with all its glorious curves. She further remarked how tragic it is that 30 years has passed and not much has changed. Except now we seem to have an even greater prevalence of eating disorders such as bullimia and anorexia nervosa. The most prevalent reason intelligent young women ram their fingers down their throats or starve themselves near to death is because they possesss a poor self image stemming from a lack of realistic role models in the fashion and advertising industry. Recently I stumbled across an interview with a leading Australian fashion designer and several representatives of the advertising industry. I couldn't help but be amused that these perpetuators of the perfect body (ie size 8 and under) still believe that they are void of any kind of moral responsibility for projecting images into society of undernourished looking women, that suggest that this waify look is the only way women can be sexy or desirable.
The Purgatorium Community message board mainly about bulimia. http://www.livejournal.com/community/purgatorium/
Clinical Evidence Mental Health Bulimia Nervosa Interventions Cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa (CBTBN) Combinationtreatment (antidepressants plus cognitive behavioural therapy as effective as http://www.clinicalevidence.com/ceweb/conditions/meh/1009/1009.jsp
Behandling Av ätstörningar Vid MHE Kliniken Erbjudar behandling p¥ behandlingshem f¶r psykosomatiska sjukdomar. Specialiserat p¥ behandling av anorexia/bulimia nervosa och andra ¤tst¶rningar. http://www.mhekliniken.se/
Terri Schiavo Brain Damaged From Bulimia While there is no cure for bulimia, there were things that could and should havebeen done for her that would have controlled it, he said in a recent http://www.kron4.com/Global/story.asp?S=2994651
Eating Disorders Site: Peace, Love, And Hope Information, not just on anorexia and bulimia, but also on the many other demons that tend to accompany them (ie depression, self-injury, OCD). Includes chatrooms and bulletin boards. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Eating_Disorders/peacelovehope/index.htm
Extractions: to a friend advertisement Hey there mysterious 'net wanderer. Welcome to Peace, Love, and Hope: A Web Site on Eating Disorders. Included here is information not just on anorexia and bulimia, but also on the many other demons that tend to accompany anorexia and bulimia (ie - depression, self-injury, OCD, etc.) Take your time and relax, and as always, let me know if there is anything that I can do for you.=) Alexandra
Extractions: Send it to a friend! Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder where a person has a fear of becoming fat. People with bulimia binge-eat then make themselves sick and/or use laxatives to help themselves maintain their 'normal' weight. What are the symptoms? Who's affected? Prevention and treatment Binge-eating, self-induced vomiting, and excessive use of laxatives, are usual practices for someone with bulimia. Women's periods may become irregular or stop. Vomiting may cause tooth decay, bad breath, mouth ulcers, sore throats, stomach disorders and calluses on fingers. Laxative abuse can cause dehydration, kidney problems, and bowel problems. Mineral deficiency may also occur. Many sufferers also have depression. Bulimia can start at any age, though it normally starts during late teens. Up to four per cent of the population are thought to have bulimia. More women have bulimia than men and the condition is believed to be two to three times more common than anorexia.
Extractions: If you are the current registrant for this domain name* and wish to continue the registration on the domain, you must immediately renew the domain to ensure the name is not deleted from your account. If you are not the current registrant and are interested in getting this domain name, you can submit a backorder through our trusted partner, SnapNames. There is no upfront fee or risk to place a backorder. Learn More Enter a domain name:
Bulimia Nervosa True story of a patient of bulimia Nervosa and her road to recovery. It gives a graphic account of the symptoms and what the patient goes through. http://www.twilightbridge.com/truestories/bulimianervosa.htm
Bulimia Nervosa American Anorexia/bulimia Association, Inc., 293 Central Park West, Center forthe Study of Anorexia and bulimia, 1 W. 91st St., New York, NY 10024. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/bulimia_nervosa.jsp
Extractions: Web posted at: 9:49 p.m. EST (0249 GMT) CHICAGO (AP) A new study adds to evidence that the eating disorder bulimia springs at least in part from a chemical malfunction in the brain and not merely from excessive desire to remain thin, researchers say. In the study released Sunday, women who had suffered from bulimia and recovered were more affected psychologically than other women by being deprived of tryptophan, which plays an indirect role in appetite regulation, researchers found. Tryptophan is an amino acid that occurs naturally in many foods and is used by the body to make serotonin, a mood- and appetite-regulating chemical in the brain. Compared with normal women, the recovered bulimics reported bigger dips in mood, greater worries about body image and more fear of losing control of eating after being deprived of dietary tryptophan for about 17 hours, researchers said.