Extractions: NEW YORK (July 7, 2005) Ahmed Hollywood Kaddour , who recently appeared on The Contender, will become the first contestant from the NBC reality series to return to boxing when he takes on former West Virginia State Champion Maxell Taylor in the eight-round junior middleweight co-feature Friday, July 22, 2005, on ShoBox: The New Generation. In the main event, California State Junior Welterweight Champion Rolando Reyes will take on International Boxing Federation (IBF) No. 14 lightweight contender Courtney Burton for the vacant North American Boxing Organization (NABO) lightweight title from Chumash Casino Resort in Santa Ynez, Calif. Both fighters will make their second ShoBox and Chumash appearances. SHOWTIME will televise the Gary Shaw Productions doubleheader at 11 p.m. ET/PT (tape delayed on west coast). The telecast represents the 64th in the popular ShoBox series, which debuted on SHOWTIME in July 2001.
Krav Maga Of San Francisco degree black belt in Chinese boxing and a certified instructor of Krav Maga, Foland was a general contractor for 20 years before making the move to http://www.kravmaga-sf.com/bios.html
Extractions: He is the director of the Krav Maga Official Training Center San Francisco, which offers primary fitness and self-defense techniques to enhance physical preparedness, mental readiness and instinctive movements. Foland, 54, oversees and supervises all activities and training programs at the Bush Street center. "What we do is get people physically and mentally fit through simple exercise and training techniques," said Foland, who teaches daily classes at the Krav Maga Official Training Center. "This workout program is fun, and a great way to exercise and get fit. It also prepares people for unexpected times when self-defense is necessary." As a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, Foland served with the United States Marine Corps Ground Forces in Southeast Asia. After the war, he returned to the States and launched several successful private businesses. Foland was a general contractor for 20 years before making the move to become co-owner of the City's only official Krav Maga Training Center, a community-based studio to further the practice of this simple, effective fitness and self-defense system. Prior to becoming a certified Krav Maga instructor in 1999, Foland had the vision to bring the center to the Bay Area. The Krav Maga Official Training Center San Franicsco is a franchise studio and a member of Krav Maga Worldwide Enterprises, headquartered in Los Angeles since 1999 with more than 200 locations nationwide.
Extractions: All the latest news and information from the WBC. 11 countries formed the WBC in order to create an international boxing organisation that would achieve the unity of all commissions of the world to control the expansion of the sport. Badminton Association of England National Badminton Centre, Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge,
Presidential Symposia: Limits Of Performance: Speaker Bios. and Section Chief of general Internal Medicine in the VA Palo Alto Health CareSystem. to aerial artistry in a circus, to boxing with Archie Moore. http://prelectur.stanford.edu/symposia/limitsbios.html
Extractions: Harry Edwards Harry Edwards is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is one of the internationally most distinguished specialists in the field of Sport Sociology. Professor Edwards has published a large number of essays one historical, and above all, contemporary political and social issues concerning sports. Among his books are A Sociology of Sports (1973) and The Struggle that Must Be (1980). In 1968 Harry Edwards helped organize a boycott by Black American athletes of the Olympic Games in Mexico City. Over the years he has been hired by professional sports teams and other organizations, including the San Francisco 49ers, the Golden State Warriors, and the Office of the Commissioner of Major League Baseball as a consultant on a broad range of institutional, intergroup and interpersonal problems. Franz Grehn Franz Grehn was born in 1948 at Wuerzburg (Germany). Professor Grehn received his medical education at his hometown, at Freiburg (Germany), in Scotland and San Antonio, Texas. Between 1974 and 1976 he had a fellowship for basic research in vision at the Institute of Physiology, Free University of Berlin. Residency in Ophthalmology at Freiburg from 1976 to 1981. In 1990 Professor Grehn was appointed chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospitals of Mainz (Germany), since 1995 he occupies the parallel rank at the University Hospital at Wuerzburg. In 1997 Professor Grehn was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Iasi (Romania). His main areas of research and medical practice are: Microsurgery of the anterior segment of the eye. Pathogenesis and therapy of Glaucomas. Basic mechanisms of wound healing in ophthalmic surgery. Visual pathophysiology.
Washington State University bios 102 198201 Gen Biology BI 120T general Biology (SCI) bios 102B 198201 GenBiology BI 120T PEAC 109 198603 Beg boxing PE 100T Elective or Major http://duckweb.uoregon.edu/pls/prod/bwsktrfr.P_PrintCatalog?sbgi_code=003800
USA Boxing - NOTICE ANNOUNCING MEETING The ballots will include bios of the nominees to enable the Board of After thatdate, the hotel will release the unreserved rooms for general sale and http://www.usaboxing.org/92_1254.htm
Extractions: NOTICE ANNOUNCING MEETING DATE: June 10, 2005 TO: USA Boxing Board of Governors FROM: Julie Dale Membership Services Director SUBJ: USA Boxing's 2005 Annual Meeting, October 19-23, 2005 United States Amateur Boxing, Inc.'s (USA Boxing's) Annual meeting for 2005 will be held in Boise Idaho , beginning October 19 with the Board of Directors meeting and ending October 22 with the Board of Governors meeting. Arrival and delegate registration day has been set for Wednesday, October 19, departure for Sunday, October 23, 2005 . The headquarters hotel is the: Doubletree Hotel Boise Riverside Reservations: 800-222-TREE This notice provides you with important information about the annual meeting, to include the tentative agenda. TENTATIVE AGENDA: The Rules and Regulations Committee meeting on Thursday morning is scheduled so that the majority of the delegates have the opportunity to attend and participate in discussion on the proposed legislation. Please review the proposed agenda carefully as not to miss meetings you plan to attend. Delegates will receive the final agenda with their delegate packets upon arrival..
Crazy But Able » 2003 » December Quite a while ago I updated Matt and Heathers bios on the sidebar. max 6rounds chess, 5 rounds boxing). Posted in general foofiness 6 Comments » http://www.crazybutable.com/weblog/archives/2003/12/
Extractions: Tuesday, December 30th, 2003 Posted in pic of the day Monday, December 29th, 2003 Wall shadows. Posted in pic of the day Saturday, December 27th, 2003 Posted in general foofiness Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003 Posted in general foofiness Saturday, December 20th, 2003 Top of the tree. This is the last pic of the day before I go on vacation to Michigan. Merry Christmas! Posted in pic of the day Saturday, December 20th, 2003 My first impression thoughts; may contain spoilers, but I guess it depends on your definition of spoiler. Posted in general foofiness Saturday, December 20th, 2003 Virginia Postrel [blog] has an article on Reason Online about christmas tree lights and what they say about the economy. But what struck me was the price she gave for a 100 bulb strand of christmas tree lights: 2 dollars and 44 cents.
Extractions: Known worldwide as "the Greatest", three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer Muhammad Ali (USA) was appointed UN Messenger of Peace in 1998. Spending most of his time outside the boxing ring devoted to the pursuit of peace, Mr. Ali first came to the UN in 1978 to address the UN Special Committee against Apartheid with a message of peace and spirituality. He brings people from all races together by preaching "healing" to everyone irrespective of race, religion or age. Over the years Mr. Ali has been a relentless advocate for people in need and a significant humanitarian actor in the developing world, supporting relief and development initiatives and hand-delivering food and medical supplies to hospitals, street children and orphanages in Africa and Asia. Anna Cataldi (no picture available) Author and journalist Anna Cataldi (Italy) was appointed UN Messenger of Peace in 1998. She is the author of "Letters from Sarajevo" which chronicled the impact of war on Bosnia’s children. To mark the 50 th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ms. Cataldi initiated a project to create and distribute a "passport" version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for children. As a human rights advocate, she has traveled to a number of conflict zones where the UN is engaged, including the Balkans, Central Africa and Afghanistan.
Northern Michigan University - USOEC - Boxing Interesting Fact, The USOEC s first and only female boxer facility use Interesting Fact, 1st place at the 2002 American boxing Classic and 1st place http://usoec.nmu.edu/boxing/bios.cfm
Extractions: Name: Coordinator Bill Bergin Hometown: Lansing, MI Years at USOEC: Academic Major: Interesting Fact: Athletic Director of Dwight Rich. Jr. High 1974-78, Assistant Principal of Lansing Public Schools District 1978-1988, Principal of Marquette Area Public Schools (MAPS) 1988-1990, Assistant Superintendent of MAPS 1990-1991 and Superintendent of Schools for MAPS 1991-99 Name: Jesse Carradine Hometown: Cincinnati, OH Years at USOEC: Academic Major: Collision Repair Interesting Fact: 2003 Missouri Expo Champion, 2004 National Jr. Golden Gloves silver medalist and 3rd place at 2004 American Boxing Classics Name: Gregory Carter Hometown: Waterbury, CT Years at USOEC: Academic Major: Accounting Interesting Fact: 2001 Golden Gloves quarterfinalist, 7th place at the 2005 U.S. Championships and 4th place at the 2005 Golden Gloves Name: David Clark Hometown: San Diego, CA Years at USOEC: Academic Major: Criminal Justice Interesting Fact: 2004 Olympic alternate, and gold medalist at 1999 Silver Gloves, 2000 Police Athletic League, 2001 Jr. Golden Gloves and 2004 American Boxing Classic Name: DeRae Crane Hometown: Rock Island, IA
IGN: Knockout Kings 2001 Review Knockout Kings is the best looking boxing game I have ever seen. The commentatorsreact to the actual fights in general and the kinds of throws and http://ps2.ign.com/articles/164/164647p1.html
Extractions: Sonic Next-Gen SECTIONS CHANNELS Insider Members Games Entertainment IGN Services GET GAMES Compare Prices IGN Games PlayStation 2 ... Boards Guide FAQs Cheats Reviews Previews News ... Features Knockout Kings 2001 EA's premiere boxer comes out swinging hard. The question is, is it fast, deep, or any fun? by Doug Perry February 8, 2001 - Three years ago Electronic Arts single-handedly brought boxing back to the forefront of the videogame sports theater with Knockout Kings. License-hungry and prepared to expand its sports kingdom, EA bought up nearly all of the great licenses for old greats and current belt holders. From Sugar Ray Robinson and Rocky Marciano to Sugar Ray Lewis and Muhammad Ali to Lennox Lewis and Oscar De La Hoya, the franchise Knockout Kings was essentially perfectly built. But while the series immediately appealed to rapid boxing fans, hardcore gamers found the actual boxing to be awkward, slow and unsatisfying. Now, in its fourth iteration and for the first time on the PlayStation 2 Knockout Kings looks and plays better than ever before. With great Fantasy Fights between classic and modern contenders and Exhibition fights for true boxing fans and a deep Career mode for hardcore gamers, KK 2001 is a well-rounded boxing game that will satisfy most gamers without any excuses.
Diversity FAC: Member Biographies Temple served as Assistant general Counsel at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting In 1986 he moved in front of the cameras as ABCs boxing analyst, http://www.fcc.gov/DiversityFAC/biographies.html
Extractions: LANDMARK COMMUNICATIONS In January 2002, Decker Anstrom became president and chief operating officer of Landmark Communications, Inc. in Norfolk, Virginia. He also serves as chairman of The Weather Channel, which is owned by Landmark. Prior to assuming his current role, Anstrom was the president and chief executive officer of The Weather Channel in Atlanta, Georgia beginning in August 1999. He Prior to joining NCTA, Anstrom was president of Public Strategies, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy consulting firm where he directed a broad range of public policy and economic analyses for investment banking and corporate clients. From 1978 to 1981, Anstrom was an assistant director of the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, handling presidential appointments to the Cabinet and other senior political posts. Prior to this post, Anstrom was a senior staff member in the Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, where he worked on various government reorganization projects, specifically the creation of the U.S. Department of Education.
The LeRoy Neiman Sketchbook Sketches, Commentary, and boxing Lore by LeRoy Neiman gambling, horses, MonteCarlo, baseball, golf, Carnaval in Rio, and man at play in general. http://www.powerhousebooks.com/titles/theleroyneimansketchbook.html
Boxing And Sports Links. New Resources Added Regularly. Keep upto-date on Baby Joe Mesi and boxing in general through the sports andboxing links shown below. New resources are added regularly, so keep checking http://www.babyjoemesi.com/related_links.htm
Extractions: Profile Highlights Training Team Mesi ... Autographed Photos MESI GEAR SITEMAP CONTACT Fan Club Mesi Gear Multimedia Photo Gallery ... Downloads Related Links Keep up-to-date on Baby Joe Mesi and boxing in general through the sports and boxing links shown below. New resources are added regularly, so keep checking back.
Extractions: Profile Highlights Training Team Mesi ... Autographed Photos MESI GEAR SITEMAP CONTACT Profile Highlights Training Team Mesi "I cannot afford to get out of shape. My speed and punching strength are keys of my game. The afternoon workouts in the gym with Juan are very important for me to keep myself in boxing shape." Aside from some days off around Christmas and the New Year, the undefeated heavyweight "Baby Joe" Mesi continues his regular, intense multiple workout sessions since his last fight. Depending on the weather, the 30-year-old boxer begins his daily run at 6:30 each morning around Delaware Park or on the treadmill at Canisius College. He continues his training with trainer, Chuck Pelitera , the strength and conditioning coach at Canisius. Since the beginning of 2001, Mesi spends each afternoon working out in the boxing gym at the Northwest Community Center with head trainer Juan DeLeon "I cannot afford to get out of shape," Mesi said. "My speed and punching strength are keys of my games so the morning work is vital. The afternoon workouts in the gym with Juan are very important for me to keep myself in boxing shape."
Extractions: Two sons of former world championsJulio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Jorge Paez Jr.join undefeated World Boxing Association North American Boxing Association bantamweight champion Jose Aguiniga on the nationally televised boxing card presented by Sycuan Ringside Promotions in association with Zanfer and Top Rank Aug. 12 at Laredo, Texas.
Sycuan Ringside Promotions - San Diego Boxing 2005 BGen Mike Lehnert, USMC, Commanding general, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton . Sycuan Ringside Promotions has many notable boxers in its stable, http://www.sycuan.com/sycuan_casino/ringside_promotions.html
Midway Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Reviews , Midway Ready 2 Rumble boxing Reviews VideoGameReview.com is the general/Summary Pretty good game for $10. I had a lot of fun with this game. http://www.videogamereview.com/PRD_86980_3748crx.aspx