A Title Location Z alt.fan.tarantino source source ftp//ftp.eunet.be/pub/documents/faq/beekeepingfaq BeesLees.txt. http://village.fortunecity.com/bernhard/827/fileag.htm
Extractions: Title: Location: a source ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/dx/text/schedules/Oceania/australia.p a source ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/devel/adatcl7.3.t a source ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/devel/addinput-3. a source ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/devel/apptalk1.0b a source ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/incoming/apple2-emul a source ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/incoming/apple2-emul a source ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/emulators/apple2-emul a source ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/incoming/apple2-emul a source ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/incoming/apple14_fix a source ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/asmutil/amisl092.zi a source ftp://ftp.eunet.be/pub/documents/faq/fusion-faq/glossary/a A beginners guide to hacking unix source http://www.algonet.se/~dm-mag/dtec/underground_files/hacking A list of articles about MIDI projects source http://www.repairfaq.org/filipg/LINK/MIDI_EE_index.txt a list of habitual spammers source http://www.halcyon.com/natew/spam_domains.txt
Etched On Devon's Memory Reprinted from the J. of the Royal agric. Soc., Vol XI, Part II. Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey with a section on meadmaking / by Brother Adam. http://www.devon.gov.uk/library/locstudy/autha.html
Guest Book GOV ALPHAOSF-MANAGERS@ornl.gov alt-PHOTO-PROCESS@VAST.UNSW.ED alt-PHOTO-PROCESS@VAST.UNSW.EDU.AU ALZHEIMER@WUBIOS.WUSTL.EDU ALyons@localaccess.com http://www.glink.net.hk/~ycwong/guest/guestbook.html
Extractions: Thank you for visiting my guestbook. Here you will find comments from other folks that have been here before, as well as the neat links they have provided. If you wish to add your own comments (or link) to this page, click here "NOW LISTEN I RUN THE COPS OF NEVADA MISSOURI HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS DONT THINK ANYTHING CAN BE HAPPENING AT THE NEVADA POLICE DEPARTMENT THAT I DONT KNOW ABOUT AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME JUST CALL ME MY NUMBER IS 417-667-6724."
RUSSIA - LoveToKnow Article On RUSSIA in pearly 10oo schools, beekeeping, and in 300 silkworm culture is taught; VV, agric. Sketches of Russia; Golovachov, Capital ~mI Peasant Farming; http://84.1911encyclopedia.org/R/RU/RUSSIA.htm
Extractions: RUSSIA The Russian empire stretches over a vast territory in E. Europe and N. Asia, with an area exceeding 8,660,000 sq. m., or one-sixth of the land surface of the globe (one twenty-third of its whole superficics). It is, however, but thinly peopled on the average, including only one-twelfth of the inhabitants of the earth. It is almost entirely confined to the cold and temperate zones. In Novaya Zemlya and the Taimyr peninsula, it projects within the Arctic Circle as far as 77 6 and 77 40 N. respectively; while its S. extremities reach 38 50 in Armenia, 35 on the Afghan frontier, and 42 30 on the coasts of the Pacific. To the W. it advances as far as 20 40 E. in Lapland, 17 in Poland, and 29 42 on the Black Sea; and its E. limitEast Cape on the Bering Straitis in 191 E. The White, Barents and Kara Seas of the Arctic bound it on the N., and the northern Pacificthat is, the Seas of Bering, Okhotsk and Japanbounds it on the E. Bound- . . . Russia has no oceanic possessions; her islands are all appendages of the mainland to which they belong. Such are Karlo, East Kvarken, the Aland archipelago, Islands. -. Dago, and sel or Oesel in the Baltic Sea; Novaya Zemlya, with Kolguyev and Vaigach, in the Barents Sea; the Solovetski Islands in the White Sea; the. New Siberian archipelago, Wrangel Land and Bear Islands, off the Siberian coast; the Commander Islands off Kamchatka; the Shantar Islands and the N. of Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk. The Aleutian archipelago was sold to the United States in 1867, together with Alaska, and in 1875 the Kurile Islands were ceded to Japan.
Extractions: Sitios interesantes relacionados Asociación cultural para la recuperación del bosque (ACREBO). Una asociación para la defensa del medio ambiente, y mas concretamente en la zona de la Sierra de Chiva en Valencia. Secretaría de medio ambiente, recursos naturales y pesca, México. Medio ambiente en Galicia. Instituto nacional de defensa civil prevención de desastres naturales, desastres tecnológicos, preparación, protección, prevención. Proteger la vida, patrimonio y medio ambiente de la nación peruana de los efectos de los desastres. Escuela de agricultura en la región tropical húmeda EARTH. Instituto Interamericano De Cooperación para la Agricultura. Ministerio de Agricultura República de Chile. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca. Campocom. Genplast plásticos agrícolas e industriales, reciclaje y recuperación de plásticos. Cámara de Comercio, Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá. Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural, México. Ministerio de Agricultura República de Perú. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y pesca.