4th International Conference - International Alliance That indigenous peoples rights to land, forest and territories despite recognition by In bali The people of bali are dependent on tourism for a living. http://www.international-alliance.org/international_conf_4.htm
Extractions: Brussels, Belgium 16-17 JUNE, 2002 Nairobi Declaration eng.doc eng.pdf fr.doc esp.doc Country Resolution eng.doc eng.pdf The 4th Conference concluded with the 'Nairobi Declaration'. Further documentation will become available soon. The Nairobi Declaration and Country resolutions passed during the 4th Conference are available below in Word and PDF formats. Country Resolutions Resolution on Nigeria Delegates called on the Nigerian Federal government to respect the ethnic and indigenous rights of organisations like the Odua Peoples Congress, Igbo Peoples Organisation, Egbesu, Movement for the Survival Ogoni People Edo Cultural Association and other similar organisations and not to treat them as violent or terrorist organisations.
World Poverty: It's All About Power The Summit itself will take place in Johannesburg, South africa, in August. the ecumenical team recommends ensuring indigenous peoples communities http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/341.htm
Extractions: World Poverty: It's All About Power World Council of Churches 29 May 2002 "It's all about power": Ecumenical team at WSSD PrepCom underscores the need to regulate corporate power As the negotiations at the 4th Preparatory Committee to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (PrepCom4 WSSD) proceed, one issue takes centre stage: the consolidation and expansion of political and corporate power. "It is time to acknowledge this," says Wendy Flannery from the Sisters of Mercy. An ecumenical team of more than 15 people from World Council of Churches (WCC) member churches and associated ecumenical organizations is attending the PrepCom taking place in Bali, Indonesia from 27 May to 7 June. The Summit itself will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, in August. Sr Flannery was speaking as a team member at a 29 May press conference jointly organized by the Government of Fiji, the WCC, the South African Council of Churches, Christian Aid and the ecumenical team. The debt issue, as seen from an ecological perspective, is high on the team's agenda. Martin Robra from the WCC's "Justice, Peace and Creation" team, explains: "People and Jubilee movements call for the cancellation of foreign debt. But we should not only question the legitimacy of the foreign debt of indebted countries in the South. We should also recognize what the North owes the South after centuries of colonialism, slavery and exploitation of natural resources, as well as the resulting ecological debt - a debt that accumulated over the centuries and continues to do so at an ever-accelerating speed."
Statement Of The International Mining Workshop, Bali bali, Indonesia, 2427 May, 2002. We, 74 representatives of communities of our countries and the survival of indigenous peoples and local communities. http://www.miningwatch.ca/publications/Bali_Workshop_stmt.html
Language English Español Portugués Français [Home] [Contact indigenous peoples CAUCUS STATEMENT FOR THE MULTISTAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE ON 169 on indigenous and Tribal peoples, especially those in africa and Asia. http://www.rio10.dk/index.php?version_id=1118&a=show&doc_id=832
Language English Español Portugués Français [Home] [Contact Forum in bali. THE GLOBAL peoples FORUM. (revised concept document by the international civil society entities South africa to determine the theme, http://www.rio10.dk/index.php?a=show&doc_id=916
[India-ej] Indegenous People In The Commonwealth And The WSSD Indiaej Indegenous people in the Commonwealth and the WSSD Capacity-Building,bali, 27 May, 2002 34 indigenous peoples Political Declaration, Prep. http://puggy.symonds.net/pipermail/india-ej/2002-August/000434.html
Extractions: List of Acronyms ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plans APPTDP Andhra Pradesh Participatory Tribal Development Project APTDP Andhra Pradesh Tribal Development Project ASOCUCH Association of Cuchumatanes Organizations CARC Upper Basin of the Cañar River Rural Development Project CDC Community Development Committee CHARM Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CISP Oudomxai Community Initiative Support Project FEAS Promotion of Technology Transfer Project to Peasant Communities in the Highlands GCC Girijan Cooperative Corporation HPM Ha Giang Development Project for Ethnic Minorities ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Extractions: Presented by UNDP and the Equator Initiative Alvaro Umaña, UNDP, introduced this event, which presented community perspectives on sustainable development, with a focus on partnerships and community action. He stressed the need to work with communities to realize global, national and local policies, and announced the upcoming launch of UNDP's Capacity 2015, a platform to assist communities in building local capacity.
Report On World Parks Congress indigenous peoples, mobile peoples and local communities across the world are In April, South africa National Parks proposed the creation of five more http://www.plant-talk.org/stories/34prkcon.html
Extractions: The 10-day World Parks Congress, more properly the Fifth World Congress on Protected Areas, concluded in an unseasonably chilly Durban, South Africa, on 17 September, after agreeing a host of documents. in situ by 2010, an ambitious target that goes beyond that in the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. The Conference also agreed a Message to the Biodiversity Convention, whose 7th Conference of Parties in February 2004 is due to consider protected areas as a priority theme. A gap analysis undertaken by Conservation International and IUCN showed that at least 10% of the 11,000 threatened animals on the IUCN Red List were not in protected areas in any parts of their range. The percentage would probably be considerably higher for plants, suggests Hugh Synge, Plant Talk editor. Another study presented at the Congress showed that protected areas were underfunded with many lacking the staff and basic infrastructure they need. Achim Bruner, who presented the study, said that the shortfall is some $2.5 billion per year, on top of an estimated present expenditure of about $7 billion. While not all agreed with the figures, there was general agreement that more funding was needed.
Extractions: RIGHTS TO DEVELOPMENT, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT STRESSED AS BALI PREPARATORY MEETING CONCLUDES MINISTERIAL DISCUSSION (Received from a UN Information Officer.) BALI, 7 June The three-day ministerial segment of the fourth Preparatory Committee for the upcoming World Summit for Sustainable Development ended this afternoon, as speakers concluded their discussion on the elements for a political declaration to be adopted by heads of State at the Summit, which will open this August in Johannesburg. The political declaration of the World Summit was described in General Assembly resolution 55/199, which calls for a concise and focused commitment to a global partnership to implement Agenda 21. According to the Assembly, the document should also address the main challenges and opportunities faced by the international community in that regard, and it should reinvigorate, at the highest political level, commitment to a North-South partnership, with a higher level of integrated solidarity towards an accelerated implementation of sustainable goals. Also speaking this afternoon were the representatives of Honduras, Jamaica, Norway, Greece, Libya, El Salvador, Zimbabwe, Panama, United States, Kuwait, Australia, Japan, Egypt, Nauru, Nicaragua, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, United Republic of Tanzania, Nigeria, Peru and Armenia.
Extractions: Round-up AFTER TWO WEEKS OF INTENSE NEGOTIATIONS, BALI MEETING SENDS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TO JOHANNESBURG FOR FINALIZATION Final Preparatory Committee for World Summit On Sustainable Development Concludes in Early Morning Session (Received from a UN Information Officer.) BALI, 7 June The fourth and final Preparatory Committee for the upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development concluded its session early this morning by deciding to entrust its Chairman, Emil Salim (Indonesia), to facilitate agreement on all outstanding issues in a draft plan of implementation to be transmitted to the Summit. Agenda 21, the text says, establishes the fundamental principles and programme of action for achieving sustainable development. In addition to the introduction, the draft text contains chapters on, among others: poverty eradication; changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production; and protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development. Also tonight, a document was circulated during the meeting summarizing the informal meetings held during the session on partnerships (see document A/CONF.199/PC/CRP.4). Jan Kara (Czech Republic) and Diane Quarless (Jamaica), Committee vice-chairpersons, introduced the report.
Wfn.org | WCC Update: WSSD PrepCom In Bali (2) WCC Update WSSD PrepCom in bali (2) Regarding energy the ecumenical teamrecommends ensuring indigenous peoples communities access to and control http://www.wfn.org/2002/05/msg00317.html
IUCN/WSSD Calendar AT PREPCOM IV IN bali. The New Partnership for africa s Development indigenous People and Sustainable Development Rhetoric in Globalization Era? http://www.iucn.org/wssd/old/prepcoms/four_sideevents.htm
Extractions: BUSINESS AND CIVIL SOCIETY URGE WORLD'S GOVERNMENTS TO RECOMMIT TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT As the final preparatory talks before the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) come to a close in Bali, the world's business and civil society leaders pledge to curb poverty whilst protecting the environment. In an unprecedented meeting convened by IUCN, speakers from Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Business Action for Sustainable Development (BASD) and the International Chamber of Commerce voiced their shared concern over the lack of progress and government leadership in finalizing the WSSD agenda. After a three-day marathon of negotiations, the world's Ministers of Environment leave Bali with no new targets or timelines agreed for addressing global environmental and social challenges. Bali was the last stop before the Heads of State convene in Johannesburg in some 80 days.
Dana Declaration News & Announcements They referred to the bank s new policy on indigenous peoples Seeking supportto bring further indigenous leaders from africa, Asia and Latin America. http://www.danadeclaration.org/main_announcements.html
Extractions: Insight and the Macaulay Institute invite you to: Encounters with Farmers and Nomads of the Himalayas: Innovative steps in Participatory Action Research A joint project by Insight and the Macaulay Institute using Participatory Video to value and share indigenous knowledge and ways of managing natural resources. Enabling bottom-up communication with external agencies such as Research Institutions, Policy Makers and NGOs. You will see excerpts of four participatory video messages filmed and directed by communities from Ladakh (India), Pakistan and China (Eastern Tibet). You will also see how the films were used to elicit responses from international scientists at a recent workshop. Click here for a copy of the Invitation (141kb PDF). Thursday 15th September; 6.30 to 9.00pm Meetings can be arranged with Chris Lunch (Insight Director) or Grant Davidson (Macaulay) by prior appointment. Individual/small group screenings of the films can also be organized with advanced notice. For those who would like to learn how to use Participatory Video, Insight are conducting a 5 day training course in
United Nations Johannesburg Summit 2002 4 June, bali, Indonesia At the time South africa ended apartheid and became 22 May Using the old ways and methods, there are indigenous people in the http://www.johannesburgsummit.org/html/whats_new/otherstories.html
Pc7june RIGHTS TO DEVELOPMENT, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT STRESSED AS bali PREPARATORY The declaration should also recognize the rights of indigenous peoples and refer http://www.johannesburgsummit.org/html/bali/pressreleases/envdevb20-e.htm
Extractions: Home Campaigns Mining Mining Policy and Money Bali International Convention Centre, Bali, Indonesia, April 27, 2003 We, civil society participants who went through the self-selection process in the Asia-Pacific Extractive Industries Review, have played an active role in the Extractive Industries Review (EIR) consultation process concerning World Bank policy regarding extractive industries. Evidence of this is our sustained input to the EIR Eminent Person Dr. Emil Salim throughout this process, including papers and testimonies given directly to the EIR Eminent person, based on extensive documentation showing the failure of the Bank to achieve its stated goals of poverty allevation and sustainable development. As the World Bank's own leaked internal Operations Evaluation Department (OED) draft audit of January 21, 2003 shows, closely associated with extractive industries are "
Links To Travel Photographers 2 Tim Schermerhorn romantic design and pictures of bali and Egypt. Destinations Andrew Ross indigenous people and landscapes of Mexico, South africa, http://www.photosecrets.com/links.photographers2.html
Extractions: Contents Index Home E-mail Travel Photographers Vadim Aristov loads of scenic photographs from around the US Wee Keng Hor Excellent shots of Nepal, China, Pakistan, Indonesia and Singapore, and an attractive design. Also here Chris Taylor National parks in the US and Canada. Peter Murphy An excellent slide show, overland from Edinburgh to Lahore Tajicat's Photo-Travel Patrick Horton Australia and North Korea Boca Joe's Floradays Joe Seamone's photo journal of two years traveling around tropical Florida. Daniel Chase - Santa Barbara and New England. Simon Burn - a creative director of a Toronto-based company has shots of Canada, New York, and Mallorca. Ron Kness - good tips page. Hans de Kort - a great layout with pictures of Miami and Argentina. Francesco Alberghina a beautiful site with photos from around the world. Tewfic El-Sawy - the Imperial cities of Morocco, also Istanbul and Rajasthan Quotidian Crossroads - a photo album of America by Hank Lentz Hans Rooselaer - France, Switzerland, Alaska
Extractions: WSSD 2002: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Who are they? Positions regarding freshwater - Business - Youth and Children - Indigenous People - Local Authorities - NGO's - Science and Technology - Women - Workers and Trade Unions - Farmers Who are they? Participation of civil society is key to sustainable development. Chapter 23 of Agenda 21 defines the commitment and genuine involvement of all social groups as critical to the effective implementation of the objectives, policies and mechanisms agreed to by Governments in all programme areas of Agenda 21. Agenda 21 recognizes the following groups: Business and Industry, Youth and Children, Indigenous Peoples, Local Authorities, NGO's, Scientific and Technological Community, Women and Trade Unions. Stakeholders are looking towards the following as possible outcomes of the WSSD; Delivery of a programme of action for the Millennium Declaration target on access to water and sanitation services, promotion of the integrated water management approach, emphasising cross-sectoral and decentralised management, the need to apply economic and market mechanisms to deal with the increasing scarcity of water resources, importance of education and to enhance international and regional co-operation on water in shared ecosystems. See the synthesis document [PDF format] of Stakeholder Forum for more information.