FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION: STORIES (by Date) Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital; 1st story pub. as Caveat Emptor in ASF 1970 MAY 450 books 3X as many mag. pieces sf 15% of his output
Extractions: Issue Date Author Story Title Type Comments 1974 JAN Eisenstein, Phyllis Witch and the Well, The nv Ellison, Harlan Books br Boles, Paul Darcy Sled, The ss has novels The Mississippi Run(1977), Glory Day(1979) Wilson, Gahan Cartoon ct Harrison, M. John Centauri Device, The nv Searles, Baird Films: Jesus With Jets mr/tvr Jesus Christ Superstar(1973), has same Tim Rice/Andrew Lloyd Webber score as the Broadway play, stars Ted Neeley, Yvonne Elliman; Brother Sun, Sister Moon(1973 Italy-UK), dir. Franco Zeffirelli, has songs by Donovan Berman, Ruth Board in the Other Direction, A ss Roberts, Keith Beautiful One, The nv Bishop, Michael Tigers of Hysteria Feed Only on Themselves, The ss Asimov, Isaac Science: Eclipse and I, The sces eclipses, Part 1 of 2; his viewing of a solar eclipse on June 30, 1973 off the coast of Africa; a discussion on eclipses; Part 2 in 1974 FEB(#3470); has nf colls. of essays Asimov on Astronomy(1974), Asimov on Chemistry(1974) Coney, Michael G. Initiation of Akasa, The ss 1974 FEB Wellen, Edward Mouthpiece na Russ, Joanna
A Pathfinder For The 3rd Grade Science Curriculum Everyday astronomy. Brookfield, CT Copper Beach books, 1998. VID 523.3 mag The magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space. USA. Scholastic, Inc., c1995.
Extractions: A Pathfinder for the 3rd Grade Science Curriculum It's a big world and a larger universe. The following resources will help you in your exploration of the galaxy and points beyond. Fiction Non-Fiction Reference Videos ... Virtual Fieldtrips Fiction F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson), 1907-. Between planets New York, : Scribner, 1951. When war threatens to break out between Venus and Earth, a boy with citizenship on both planets, attending school on Earth but whose home is on Mars, finds himself in an awkward situation. F MAC MacHale, D. J. The Never War. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2003. Fourteen-year-old Bobby Pendragon and Spader from the planet Cloral journey back in time to 1937 New York City to uncover a plot by the evil Saint Dane. F MAC MacHale, D. J. The lost city of Faar 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2003. Fourteen-year-old Bobby Pendragon, apprentice to his Uncle Press, a Traveler responsible for solving interdimensional conflict, tries to locate the legendary lost land of Faar which may hold the key to their survival. F MAC MacHale, D. J.
IITB Central Library Weekly Book Additions xv,311 p. ; 23.5 cm (Nanoscience and technology Physics and astronomy online 620.168.3537.533 mag New York Kluwer Academic/Plenum pub., 2004
Extractions: 043 THESIS AND DISSERTATIONS 15 PSYCHOLOGY 16 LOGIC, THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE 2 RELIGON, THEOLOGY ... 91 GEOGRAPHY, EXPLORATION AND TRAVEL 043 THESIS AND DISSERTATIONS Top 043:621.317.3:537.53 Sur Suresh, T. Simulation of radiation effects in silicon microstrip detectors (R) Mumbai : IIT, 2004 v,57 p. ; 30 cm M.Tech (EE) ,Patil, M.B.(Supervisor) 043:621.317.3:669.782 Kat Kate, Santosh Modeling of silicon microstrip detectors : comprehensive device analysis (R) Mumbai : IIT, 2004 ix,48 p. ; 30 cm M.Tech (EE), Patil, M.B. (Supervisor) 043:621.382 Cha Chawda, Pradeep Kumar CMOS device design and circuit approaches for leakage reduction in sub-65nm high-K MOSFETs (R) Mumbai : IIT, 2004 ix,43 p. ; 30 cm M.Tech (EE), Ramgopal Rao, V. (Supervisor) 043:621.382.3:519.28 Raj Rajesh, T. Non-quasi-static modeling of MOSFETs (R) Mumbai : IIT, 2004 viii,49 p. ; 30 cm
Random House Book Extract From Jim Giraffe Archaeology, Architecture Design, astronomy, (Auto)Biography, Business books Nicked them from my dad s pub. I take a bite from the crisp.
Random House Book Extract From Powder Archaeology, Architecture Design, astronomy, (Auto)Biography, Business books This was not something that d just go away if he binned the mag.
Assorted Immigration Web Sites 8.0); Sky Catalog 2000.0, Vol 2 (to mag. 8.0). GENERAL astronomy TEXTbooks Frank Shu, The Physical Universe, University Science books, Mill Valley,
Extractions: HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE All amateur proposals to use the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) must describe a self-contained and well defined scientific program, and must include a discussion of the methods for obtaining and analyzing data in order to achieve the scientific goals of the project. The principal investigator (PI) will be expected to understand the goal(s) of his or her proposal and to publish the results in the scientific literature. This program is open to all United States citizens and legal residents who do not have an advanced degree in astronomy. The original news release from NASA and STScI points out that "a few hours of observing time" has been reserved for amateur astronomers by the director of STScI. Dr. Riccardo Giacconi, the original director, further stated that he expected amateurs "to ask refreshingly new questions." Amateur proposals duplicating proposals already submitted by professional astronomers will not be considered unless the amateur has contributed a unique and creative aspect to the observation. It should be emphasized that duplication of observation will be the exception rather than the rule. Information from your proposal will be entered in a database at STScI to estimate the resources required by the program (e.g. spacecraft time, data volume, real-time requirements) and to test for duplication with both Guaranteed Time Observers (GTOs) and General Observers (GOs). In order to give more amateurs time on the HST, total observing time will be of prime importance. However, an original, creative proposal may justify much of the allotted time if it offers a real contribution to the advancement of astronomy.
LostCarPark http// ACSES book info. SFX sci fi mag. http// Y2K disaster predictions
Mammoths Make A Comeback The Mammoth Book of Awesome Comic Fantasy edited by Mike Ashley pub. Constable Robinson Ltd. 2001. 528 pages. Get our Free mag Back top of the page
Magnitude...? Among several ``obtrusive medieval features in astronomy there is one, which is simple to Difference of 2.5 mag means the ratio of brightnesses of 10,
Extractions: Up: home www of Jan Hollan Magnitude...? Jan Hollan Among several ``obtrusive medieval features'' in astronomy there is one, which is simple to solve, but difficult to obey the chosen solution. I mean the ridiculous way of indicating, how bright the stars are. For two thousand years the stars had been just sorted into several classes. Only recently, in the 19th century, this procedure was somehow defined and refined. So, we have not just stars of first brightness class second brightness class , etc., but we can use decimal numbers as well. However, we do it rather silly. The problem is not that we would not get accurate results. Similarly, as in case of positions of celestial bodies, we only keep secret, what we really mean. What do our numbers mean. This secrecy is useless, and I am sure that it is harmful. No wonder that we are misidentified with astrologists. What we miss to be taken for physicists? In the astronomical photometry just a little. The information, how bright a star is must be expressed by a value of a physical quantity. And to this quantity, some unit of measurement should belong. For historic reasons, this unit is called magnitude . But to prevent confusion, the quantity itself must have another name. We propose to use the term
Extractions: Another Site that contained some information about the Roswell Film: The Area 51 Research Center (Attn: Glenn Campbell, HCR Box 38, Rachel, NV 89001) has their own Web Site for information related to Area 51 in Nevada at: The Alberta UFO Research Association WWW page: Web Site of Australian UFO Researcher Stan Deyo, includes information from behind the scenes from all over the world. For Information by Cosmic Awarness go to the Cosmic Connections WWW: A Web Site including Fortean Information about UFOs at: URL: A New Web Site for UFO researchers in Michigan and Illinois: From R. D. "Gus" Frederick at Abiqua ElektroGrafix Web Weaving, there is some UFO relation information on his "Current Events" page at: "ET" Web Site in England - Ben Rooney,ET editor at:
1-6-99 ACSES book info. Locus mag. index NSFA small press public. catalogue
Extractions: SFI now have a new venue. The next meeting will take place in the upstairs room of "The Bankers" in Trinity Street, Dublin 2, just off Dame Street. It will take place on Tuesday the 1st of June. This months meeting is "The Science Fiction of Edgar Rice Borroughs" which had to be rescheduled from last month for the reasons I've just outlined. The guest speaker on the topic is Alan Beattie. Non members are always welcome to come along. There is a small fee on the door (£1 members £2 non members) Entitled "Star Wars: the power of myth". This is a 2 hour show. 200 people being admitted every 15 minutes. Original movie and phantom menace props and costumes. A Darth Vader and Storm Trooper show. Gallery of Star Wars imagery. Nintendo vid games. Merchandising area. 2 spaceship displays (Naboo fighter and pod racer). Fifteen minute video of George Lucas discussing SW. In total, there are 8 show areas housing 200 people per showing. 17th-20th of June in the RDS. Book tickets via "Ticketmaster" £12.50 adults and £8.50 children per day.
Extractions: $0 /month (No Setup Fee) 1000 MB Web Storage No Banners or Pop-up Ads 20 GB Data Transfer Hosting 100 POP Email Accounts 100 MB Web Storage 10 MB Email Storage Per Account 1000 MB Monthly Transfer CGI / Perl / SSI Domain Forwarding PHP / MySQL 10 POP/Web Email Accounts FrontPage Extensions Webmail Access E-commerce Ready Email Forwarding, Autoresponder Email Forwarding, Autoresponders Plug-in Tools : Hitcounter, Email-Form... Sub-domains , Website Statistics... Free Tech Support Only $7.95/month* reg $9.95/mo 24/7 Network Monitoring See Demo Plan Details ยป New Domain. Search: www. .com .net .org .us .ca .tv .biz .info Other Extensions Purchase a Gift Domain I already own a registered
MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE USED BOOKS Used outof-print and antique books by mail about MEDIEVAL AND VG Cond, MANY Glossy Color Ilust, IPC mag pub, London, 1980, 8x10 , Paper Covers, 158pg,
Extractions: (POSTAGE PAID if order over $9) BACK TO INDEX ORDERING INFORMATION AND TERMS MIDDLE AGES, MEDIEVAL, RENAISSANCE, KING ARTHUR, ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND BOOK LIST 016186 ...., ADAMS,George Burton .., CIVILIZATION DURING The MIDDLE AGES, Especially in Relation to Modern Civilization, VG Cond, ScribnerPub, 1894, 1914, Revised Ed, 5x8", BlueClothbnd, 455pg, Charlemagne,Feudalism, Crusades,Renaissance,Reformation.Index, middle ages; feudalism; medieval;, World-Hist, 15.00 009580 ...., ADAMS,Henry .., MONT-SAINT-MICHAEL and CHARTRES, Just Good Ex- Lib Cond,Gilt TE, 1 Color ilust,Drawings, HoughtonPub, 1904,1930, 19th imp, 7x10", BrownHardcover, 401ps, French Medieval Architecture,Church.Index, france; church; cathedral; architecture; medieval; art;, art-antique, 15.00 020365 ...., AKUTAGAWA,Ryunosuke (SHIROJIRI,Seiiche trans) .., KAPPA, VG Cond, Hokuseido Press, 1949, New,Revised Ed, 4x7", DJ over Cardbd, 136pg, Gulliver in Kimono..Japan Satire...DJ has wear to fold..., japanese lit; medieval;, fiction, 15.00
Extractions: Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics 87 Rodenhurst Road South Bank University London, SW4 8AF, England London, SE1 0AA, England Tel/fax: 0181-674 3676 Tel: 0171-815 7411 Fax: 0171-815 7499 E-mail: ZINGMAST@VAX.SBU.AC.UK last Web revision:December 22, 1998 Mario Velucchi's Web Index visitors since Dec. 22, 1998 Web page processed by Web Master - Mario Velucchi Mario Velucchi / Via Emilia, 106 / I-56121 Pisa - Italy
Extractions: Books Sold in Blue NUMBERS CONTINUED FROM NEW CATALOG. CLICK ABOVE ON NEW CATALOG FOR LATEST LISTING. THIS IS NOT THE NEW CATALOG LISTING. 1000. Abele, Gustav; Die Heil- und Mineralquellen Sudbayerns. Munchen, 1950. Quarto, pp. 112, 2 folded maps. Original blue title wraps, very good+. $15. 100a. Abrams, Michael J., Conel, James E. and Lang, Harold with Paley, Helen N, ed.; The Joint NASA/Geosat Test Case Report: Final Report (3 Volumes Slipcased). AAPG, Tulsa, 1984. Quarto, pp. 780, illustrated, 13 folded plates in case. Set is in original blue cloth gold titles in blue slip case, fine condition. $50. 1001. Adair-Usher Process Ltd.;
Reber References CygnusQuasar books, Powell Ohio. 1982 Grote Reber and the First Radio Maps Symposium on Radio astronomy, Sydney, Sept.1956, pub. by Melbourne, 1957.
Children's Science Book Review: Astronomy Home astronomy Biology Botany Chemistry Crop Science Ecology Entomology New York Dorling Kindersley pub., 2001. 0789473593 (pbk.
Extractions: Home Astronomy Biology Botany ... 2005 Index of Review Astronomy The amazing International Space Station / by the editors of YES Mag ; [illustrations, Rose Cowles] . Toronto : Kids Can Press, 2003. 1553373804. Ages 8-12. Grade: A Fun book design, informal text, and excellent photographs give a clear and interesting introduction to life on the International Space Station (ISS). Answers questions like how do astronauts wash and go to the bathroom in space. Gives advice to astronaut wannabes like study math and science and go to college (and 64% of all American astronauts were involved in scouting). There is considerable talk about physical effects of zero gravity. A real problem is bone loss so the astronauts exercise for a couple of hours everyday. I really enjoyed this book and learned a lot about the ISS and what it is like to live in space for extended periods of time. Includes several activities to try at home and an index. KWR (05-04) Spotlight long review: Gibbons, Gail. Stargazers / by Gail Gibbons. New York : Holiday House, 1992. ISBN: 082340983X. (Ages 6-9) Grade: A- "Gail Gibbons' Stargazers starts with a family looking up at the sky at twilight, waiting for the first stars to appear. In doing this Gibbons starts the reader at a familiar point of reference as most children have done some stargazing. From there she presents a new idea or two on each page. She gives the reader some beginning information about the make-up of stars, and moves on to talk about stars in relation to the earth, continuing with constellations and the history of their discovery. She then brings in the study of astronomy, giving an overview and talking about different kinds of telescopes and their purposes. She ends with some dates and facts about the universe, stars and astronomy. Although the information is straight forward, concise and clear and the scientific facts sound, she does cover a lot of information for a beginning book. It may have been better to divide the information into two books."