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Extractions: Date reviewed in parenthesis Focus on Elephants and Psychology Click here for the books on Astronomy The amazing International Space Station / by the editors of YES Mag ; [illustrations, Rose Cowles] . Toronto : Kids Can Press, 2003. 1553373804. (05-04). Gibbons, Gail. Stargazers / by Gail Gibbons. New York : Holiday House, 1992. ISBN: 082340983X. (Ages 6-9) (11-03 added to CSBR Hansen, Rosanna. Space : a chapter book / by Rosanna Hansen. New York : Children's Press, 2003. [True Tales] Series. 0516229192. Ages 6-12. 08-04. Kenah, Katharine. Space Mysteries / Katharine Kenah. New York : McGraw Hill Children's Publishing, 2004. (Ages 4-8) 0769631878 (05-04). Llewellyn, Claire. The Moon / by Claire Llewellyn. North Mankato, MN. : Smart Apple Media, c2004. [Starters] 1583402608 Ages 4-8 08-04. Scholastic's , CD-ROM (11-03). Simon, Seymour. Destination, space : Exploring the Universe with the Hubble Space Telescope. New York : HarperCollins Publishers, c2002. ISBN: 0688162908 (11-03). Stille, Darlene R.
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Extractions: Despite the proliferation of computerized go-to telescopes and planetarium software for notebook computers and PDAs, printed star atlases remain extremely useful. Many astronomers, for example, use star atlases to plan their observing sessions because they prefer the "big picture" of a printed atlas to the constraints of a relatively small notebook or PDA screen. Many also use printed charts during observing sessions, preferring their familiarity and reliability. (You'll never have to cut short an observing session because the battery in your printed atlas dies.) There are numerous star atlases to choose from, and those atlases vary greatly in level of detail, scale, physical size, price, and other important considerations. Which atlas or atlases are best for your needs depends on numerous factors, including:
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DCS Mag - 1960, Summer - Page 3. Downhills Central School Archive. Most people think of astronomy as the art of telling and deciding the fate The whole pub was unusually quiet. There was no old story being told for the
Extractions: Homepage ... Most people think of Astronomy as the art of telling and deciding the fate of people and nations, but this of course is a complete falsehood, for the latter is called Astrology. Astronomy is in fact the study and science of the celestial bodies. People however would be amazed at the distances that stars are from us, when we consider that the sun, our nearest neighbour star, is billions of miles distant from us. The light from the star Rigel, which we see today, left the star when Columbus sailed. The stars of winter are the brighter because the air is cold and crisp and the air does not refract or bend the light. Stars obtain their colour depending on their heat; the coolest stars are red and the hottest blue. The most brilliant star group or constellation is Orion (the Hunter) as it has four really bright stars. Astronomy is a very fascinating hobby. How strange to hear the engine of a bus or motor car
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