Extractions: Text Size A A A Front Page ... Education : Institutes and Councils 'Clock' Genes Mediate Leptin Effects On Bone Formation (September 18, 2005) full story NIEHS Launches Website With Information For Assessing Environmental Hazards From Hurricane Katrina (September 9, 2005) full story Tiny Computers Go Where No Computer Has Gone Before (September 7, 2005) full story Nano-machines Achieve Huge Mechanical Breakthrough (September 7, 2005) full story Electrical Exercise System Gives Paralysis Sufferers Power To Recover Strength (August 5, 2005) full story Permanent Deep-sea Seismic Sensors (June 9, 2005) full story Researchers Add New Tool To Tumor-treatment Arsenal (June 1, 2005) full story Scientists Levitate Heaviest Elements With Help From Cold Oxygen (May 11, 2005) full story [ More news about Institutes and Councils
Knowledge-Based Economic Development A recent issue of Fortune included five arkansas companies Wal-Mart Stores Generally, we have assembled our staff of 100 in one of two ways we hire http://comp.uark.edu/~wmillage/KBB.html
Extractions: W.R. Millager Photo credit: Mary K. Bryant Knowledge-Based Economic Development Strategy? Four thoughtful articles: Changes Needed Economic Partners Knowledge-Based Industry Biotechnology Changes Needed to Help State's Economic Picture, Researcher Says Little Rock - The Associated Press (MNNWA, 12/22/97, pg A-1) Problem Competing States New Focus The Problem: Arkansas has high employment and low inflation to start the new Year, but the state needs to make some changes to continue its economic success, says one observer. Charles E. Venus, a consulting economist, says Arkansas "has a very serious long-range economic development problem." The Arkansas Dilemma "We don't have an unemployment problem. We do have a level-of-employment problem." Economist Charles E. Venus "We don't have an unemployment problem. We do have a level-of-employment problem. We have almost everybody working, but not at jobs that are going to get them significant income increases," Venus said. "I would say we have already got security, we just don't have any success," Venus said, 'And I'm not sure we're prepared to go anywhere until we make some basic improvements in our education."
Untitled Document General education and Core Curriculum Committee (199699; chair, 1997-98). Managing Editor, arkansas Libraries, the journal of the arkansas Library http://comp.uark.edu/~neciap/pubs.html
Ark Education Coop Links Page For ACME (ACME) arkansas Center for Mathematics education, and Training. Links PageTo arkansas education Cooperatives Back To Links Main Page http://www.arkansasmath.com/linksub.htm
FindLaw Legal News AR ACORN FAIR v GREYSTONE dev., LTD. United States Court of Appeals for the eighthcircuit _ arkansas ACORN Fair Housing, Inc.,* http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/printer_friendly.pl?page=8th/981623p.html
ADEQ - Solid Waste - Recycling Br - Educational Programs June 16, 2005 Western arkansas education Cooperative office, June 22, 2005 Northeast arkansas educational Cooperative, Walnut Ridge. http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/solwaste/branch_recycling/ed_progs.htm
Extractions: (PDF File) Recycling Home Grants Prog Grants Database Weyerhaeuser Grants ... Regional Coordinators The Arkansas Department of Environmental Qualitys Recycling Section offers a variety of educational programs for teachers and communities. Attend one of our upcoming workshops, or schedule one for your organization. Contact: Robert Hunter E-mail: Other ways to reach us Teachers' Environmental Education Workshops The Environmental Education Workshops, a.k.a. teachers' workshops, address the growing problem of solid waste in schools and communities and offer hands-on classroom activities in recycling, waste management, source reduction and environmental awareness.
Pro Dev ESCworks Southwest arkansas Educational Cooperative Professional Development Online System.***** YOU MUST USE INTERNET EXPLORER 5.5 or HIGHER ***** http://et.swsc.k12.ar.us/pro_dev3.htm
Extractions: Online System ***** YOU MUST USE INTERNET EXPLORER 5.5 or HIGHER ***** " Create an account or Sign-in " Record your Password! Keeping up with your password is your responsibility. It will be used to access your Professional Development Account. You will need the password every time you enter ESCweb. Your account can be used to: Enroll in a workshop Print a list of Professional Development activities you have completed Check on your status in a workshop Check on the date, time, location, special requirements etc. for a workshop Cancel a workshop 5 or more days in advance. Workshop Calendar If you do not have a login you will need to create one. Home Up New Wksp Forms ... SWAEC STAFF WEBMAIL
Emerging Issues need to retrain staff to address community/sustainability/strategic planning remind/education agents of people, facilitation skills http://srpln.msstate.edu/plc/emergingissues.htm
January 25 A lifelong resident of arkansas, Dr. Evans holds a bachelors degree in musicand health education from arkansas State University in Jonesboro. http://www.lyon.edu/webdata/groups/greensheet/1-25_greensheet.htm
Extractions: January 25, 2002 Nineteen Lyon students selected for 'Who's Who' for 2002 Nineteen Lyon College students have been selected for the 2002 edition of Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Outstanding students have been honored in the annual directory since it was first published in 1934. Students have been included in the publication based on their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and potential for continued success. Students are chosen by campus nominating committees and the annual directorys editors. Students named from Lyon College this year are: Rich Ambler, a senior from Magnolia, son of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ambler; Emilie Brady, a junior from Bon Aqua, Tenn., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brady; Lacie Bray, a junior of Pea Ridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bray; Josh Brooks, a junior from Weiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Brooks; and Ginger Clifton, a senior from Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Clifton. Lee Sun Collier-Forgy, a junior from Little Rock, daughter of Catherine Collier; Elizabeth Gabbard, a junior from Fort Smith, daughter of Susan Gabbard; Courtney Harris, a junior from Searcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chesley E. Harris; Kristin Harris, a junior from Searcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chesley E. Harris; and Megan Looney, a junior from Springdale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Looney.
Arkansas Associations Provided By DINA arkansas Association for Counseling Guidance dev. arkansas EducationAssociation Ms. Cora McHenry Executive Director 1500 W 4th St http://www.dina.org/resources/associations.html
UALR Faculty, Staff And Student Home Pages necessarily reflect the views of the University of arkansas at Little Rock . Faculty and staff Jim Vander Putten Dept. of Educational Leadership http://www.ualr.edu/www/homes.html
Extractions: These home pages are the responsibility of the individuals listed, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. This area is NOT for departmental home pages. Send mail to WEBMASTER to have these pages added. Al Adams Applied Science Dr. Anson History Department Coleen Barger School of Law Jerry Bell Rockhound, Sometimes Poet S. Charles Bolton Department of History Libby Boyer Department of Accounting Robert H. Bradley Yupo Chan Systems Engineering Wayne Chapman Theatre and Dance Nita Copeland "Run To Live!!" Steven Crawshaw Physics and Astronomy Jerry Darsey Chemistry and Applied Sciences Deborah Laufersweiler Dwyer Criminal Justice Charlie Epperson Physical Plant Judith Faust School of Social Work, MSW Program Jim Gauntt Department of Accounting Eswaran Hari Applied Science Larry Holland Dr. Linda Holzer
UALR Strategic Planning Initiative 2003 – 2004 UALR provides excellent service to faculty and staff members. UALR has astrong commitment to serving central arkansas, the state and the region. http://www.ualr.edu/provost/strategicplanning/swot07.shtml
Extractions: APPENDIX Table 7. Faculty Survey Items with Mean Values N Mean Std. Dev. 1. UALR is a strong academic institution. 2. UALR provides an excellent education to undergraduate students. 3. UALR provides an excellent education to graduate and professional students. 4. UALR has an excellent faculty. 5. I understand the unique mission of UALR as a metropolitan university. 6. I agree with the mission of UALR. 7. I understand the priorities of UALR. 8. I agree with the priorities of UALR. 9. UALR provides excellent service to students. 10. UALR provides excellent service to faculty and staff members. 11. UALR has excellent library resources. 12. UALR has excellent academic physical facilities. 13. UALR offers excellent campus access to the public. 14. UALR receives excellent support from business and community leaders in central Arkansas. 15. UALR has a strong commitment to serving central Arkansas, the state and the region. 16. UALR is responsive to community needs. 17. UALR has excellent administrative leadership.
UA Fort Smith College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, College of education Copyright 19982005 by the University of arkansas at Fort Smith All Rights http://www.uafortsmith.edu/Home/Index
Extractions: @import url(/main-2005.css); @import url(/specialpages.css); Quicklinks Apply Class Schedules Areas of Study Visit Campus Bookstore Library Employment Registrar Faculty Directory Transfer Guides Human Resources Computer Services Welcome to UA Fort Smith Future Students About UA Fort Smith Advising Arboretum ... Student Services UA Fort Smith Foundation Other Top Stories... Electronic Communications Policy The UA Fort Smith site may include hyperlinks to websites maintained or controlled by others. UA Fort Smith is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, approve, review or endorse the contents of or use of any of the products or services that may be offered at these websites. Chancellor's Welcome Our People Our Programs Our Campus ... Employing Students
Extractions: Related Resources ... Archives Curriculum Article C U R R I C U L U M A R T I C L E Many schools, lacking the time and resources required to develop their own character education curricula, are instead turning to established programs that have proven successful in other school districts. Read about one such program -recently adopted by schools in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- in which the whole community is involved. "Academics is the cornerstone of education, but character is the building block of life." Dale Frederick, District Superintendent of Schools, Pittsburgh, PA
Extractions: Get $249 in instant savings. ... Grouping/Scheduling School Issues Article S C H O O L I S S U E S A R T I C L E Test scores were on the downswing; unfunded state mandates were on the rise. There was not enough money, not enough time. What is a superintendent to do? Lewis Diggs, Superintendent of Schools in Saratoga, Arkansas, might have found the answer for his system in the four-day school week. Saratoga, Arkansas, made news last year when the school district announced its plan to experiment with a four-day school week. The tiny (under 300), rural, K-12 system was beset by low test scores, increased (and unfunded) state mandates, and a looming tax increase. The Arkansas legislature had passed legislation in the spring of 1997 allowing school districts to shorten the school week as long as the total number of hours students attended school remained the same. Saratoga was the first system in Arkansas to take advantage of that law. Students began attending school four days each week instead of five at the beginning of the 1997-98 school year. Students attended school 142 days instead of the state-required 178 days. (The 1998-99 school calendar again calls for 142 days.)
U CD FRANKS ELEMENTARY S CALENDAR /u staff Development, 16 staff Development Registration at Margaret Daniel CD Franks AHS Band at arkansas Showcase of Bands Contest (Little Rock) http://www.geocities.com/CD_Franks_Elementary/CDfcal.htm
UACES: Publications: Arkansas Retirement-Age Migration Figure 7 Educational Attainment of RetirementAge arkansas Out-Migrants andIn-Migrants YOKO SATO is an an Extension associate - com. dev.; DR. http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/HTML/FSCDM-2.asp
Extractions: Between 1985 and 1990, the largest number of elderly in-migrants to Arkansas (14,653) chose to move to the Ozark Highlands. Following the Ozark Highlands was Northwest Arkansas, which received 9,819 elderly from 1985 to 1990. The number of in-migrants to these two regions makes up nearly half of the total elderly in-migrants in Arkansas. The Coastal Plains region received the fewest in-migrants (3,588) of all the regions.
Extractions: Cam Romund , Associate Director/ Retirement and Development - Com. Dev. Introduction The retirement industry is gaining recognition nationwide due to a "ballooning" of the U.S. retirement-age population in recent years. Attention is focusing on the economic, fiscal and social impacts of retirees on communities and local and state econo-mies. Recent studies (Miller, 1993a; Voth, 1993) have shown positive local economic impacts associated with the in-migration of retirees to Arkansas. A recent study by Miller and Hy (1998) indicates that in-migrating retirees also make a positive contribution to the state's economy. In-migrating retirees make substantial contributions to the local community and to the state. As an industry, their contributions to the state's economy are numerous, including the following:
Nashville Education Job Search | Job Search.com GROUP FITNESS INSTRUCTORSHEALTH Plus, Vanderbilt s faculty and staff wellnesscenter, Director of Continuing education (Tennessee State University) http://education.jobsearch.com/Tennessee-Nashville.htm
Extractions: Quick Education Job Search Enter keywords: Enter city: Select state: - All United States - Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming