The New York Times Job Market ARCHITECTproj ARCHITECT Huntington LI based resdt l firm seeks self starter with min 5 yrs Detail coord complete bldg dwgs for new alter interiors.
The New York Times Job Market Construction proj MGR/SUPER Engineering deg req. Min 5 yrs exp. Jobs in the NY 5 boro. Hands on bldg system exp. Fax resume to Caroline 212421-4191.
UPA Formats For F 120401, Landscape architecture. 120501, Art And Design. 120601, Industrial Design 190401, Pylon Drive Research bldg. 190501, Assoc Dean Svs
Extractions: Published 2005-09-16, format last modified on 2004-02-23 Description = ouc text frequently extracted from sybase (see date) START LABEL Chancellors Office and Staff University Planning Office Public Occasions External Affairs Secretary to The Univ Bd of Trustees Expense Park Scholars Institute for Emerging Issues Emerging Issues Forum NC Progress Board Global Competitiveness University CQI Coordinator Internal Audit Division Internal Audit Div-Carryover Univ Clsd Prgm-Motor Vehicles Flex Carryover-Chancellor Executive Recruiting Campus Contingencies-Chan Resv Asst Provost-Gender Equity Assoc Provost-Acad Affairs Office of Academic Administrat NCSU Computing Center African-Amer Cultural Center Computer Graphics Center Faculty Senate Provost Publications Univ Honors Council African Program Abroad Athletic Council Chair NCSU/RTI Process and Impact African American Symposium Provost-Late Registration Fee Computing Backbone Network Learning Tech Svcs/DELTA Office for Equal Opportunity Gender Affairs Provost/Isolated Admin Service Disability Serv for Students Office of International Affair Study Abroad DELTA-Vice Provost Distance Education Video Communication Services University CQI NCSU Comp Ctr-Motor Veh Acad Computing-Instr Comp Lab Flex CO-Office of Academic Adm Executive Recruiting Expenses Special Acad Payments-Provost Univ Self Study Phi Beta Kappa Prov Res/Distance Education Provost Office-Safety Improvmn Provost Reallocations Provost Reserves Instructional Grants Cooperating Raleigh Colleges Test Capital Impr Control Graduate-Microfilm Dissertatio
FRS Training And Documentation Site AU College/Account index. College 00 No Input 228186 CUM JOB ANALYSIS 1-15572 CORNFIELD MAIZE proj 1-15573 COA SO REG WORKSHOP
NCEF Resource List: Building Commissioning For Schools http// The first chapters focus on campus architecture, master planning, and project planning.
Extractions: Building commissioning can ensure that a new building begins its life cycle at optimal productivity, and improves the likelihood that the building will maintain this level of performance. This online publication is divided into two sections: Introduction to Commissioning and Commissioning Guide for Design Professionals. The guidelines include 8 documents: Introduction to Commissioning; Commissioning Design for Design Professionals; Sample Request for Proposal; Sample Verification Checklist; Sample Functional Test Plan; How to Develop a Commissioning Plan; Design Documentation Necessary for Commissioning; and Specification Language for "Commissioning-Friendly" Features.
Department Codes DOM, Dir. of Maint/Grds bldg. DPS, Dept. of Public Safety REF, Real Estate Future proj. REG, Office of the Registrar. REL, Religion
Extractions: Hint: To find your department, use your web browser's Find feature, usually available from the Edit menu. As many of the names are abbreviated, you should look for a a portion of your department's name. Name Prefix Department Name AAS Afro-American Studies Prg ACL Alumni Colleges ACM Astro Sci/Computer Oper. ACO Prg in Appl of Computing ADM Dean of Admissions AFS Prg in African Studies AIM Assoc. Inst. Material Sci ALC Alumni Council AMS Prg in American Studies AMU Art Museum ANT Anthropology ANV 250th Anniversary Celeb. AOS APC ARA Near E Studies/Arabic ARC Architecture ARD 350 Alexander Road ART ARV Archives - Mudd AST Astrophysical Sciences ATH BEC Blairstown Education Ctr. BLG Building Serv.Dept./Main BMB "Brain, Mind And Behavior" BOT Board of Trustees BUC Butler College Admin. CAA CIT/Compu. Admin. Affairs CAD GBM/CADD CAO Facilities Contracts CAP CAS CIT/Administrative Serv. CAT CCC CIT/Copier Center CDA CIT/ Data Access CDP Ctr Domes/Comp Pol Study CEE CEP Ctr for Econ Policy Study CHE Chemical Engineering CHI E Asian Studies/Chinese CHM Chemistry CHP Center for High Pressure CHV Center for Human Values CIS Ctr of Int'l Studies CIT CIT/Information Services CIV Civil Engr CJL Center for Jewish Life CLA Classics CLB Private Clubs CLG Classics /Classical Greek CML PMI - Ceramic Materials Lab CMP Campaign Expense CMR Commercial (Real Estate) COG Prg in Cognitive Studies COM Comparative Literature CON Concerts Committee COS Computer Science CPM Chapel Music CRS "Regional Studies Council"
CT Business News Journal CT Data Engine Real Estate Data Bol index Book of Lists Connecticut andd Business New Haven Book of Lists State of Conn/DOT Railyard Facilities Transportation bldg; Navy Submarine
Cad User Magazine Readership Profile - Ordered By Company Back To NATIONAL PROVINCIAL bldg SOC, Designer/cad Manager NATIONAL GRID CO, proj Civil Engineer projects. NATIONAL GRID CO LTD, Op s and Development Manager
Extractions: Cad User Magazine Readership profile - Ordered by Company Back to Joblist Index COMPANY JOB N C PROGRAMING Self Employed Contractor Cae N DERBYSHIRE TERTIARY COLLEGE Computing Teamleader N E E LB Snr Education Officer Design Department Manager Joint IS Manager N G BAILEY COMPANY LIMITED Design Section Manager N H S Medical Auditor N I ELECTRICITY Systems Analyst (eng N I HOUSING EXECUTIVE Cad Group Leader N I HOUSING EXECUTIVE Regional Quantity Surveyor N I ITEC Technical Supp Off N T Senior Design Engineer N TYNESIDE EDUCATION OFFICES Education Advisor N. S. BARTLETT Design Engineer/Consultant N.E.I.F.H.E. Learning Centre Co-ordinator Dir of Info Services N.H. FACILITIES N.LINCOLNSHIRE COLLEGE Senior Lecturer In Cae N.P. BONNINGTON Bonnington N.R.A. Scientific Officer (data) N1 CONSULTANCY Director of Marketing NAAFI Frozen Food Buyer NADELLA UK Bearing Engineer NAIRN KINGFISHER LTD NAPIER POLY Senior Research NAPIER TURBOCHARGERS LTD Snr Installation Eng NAT INST FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH Building Services Officer NAT WEST BANK It Purchasing NAT WESTMINSTER BANK Assistant NAT. RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BOARD
NIST Technicalendar The NIST Realtime Control System (RCS) architecture Model and Software Katz, Dept of Chemistry, Harvard University, Rm. B165, Physics bldg. (NIST
Extractions: Quick ... (this issue) The NIST Technicalendar , issued each Friday, covers scheduled events which are of interest primarily to the NIST staff All items MUST be submitted electronically from this web page by 12:00 NOON each Wednesday unless otherwise stated in the NIST Technicalendar . The address for online weekly editions of the NIST Technicalendar and NIST Administrative Calendar is: . Requests for copies of this calendar should be sent to Ms. Sharon Mingo, Editor, Building 820, Room 125, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, (Telephone: 301-975-3570; FAX: 301-926-4431; or E-mail:
NIST Technicalendar The NIST Realtime Control System (RCS) architecture Model and Software LEOS, Rm. 2460, AV Williams bldg, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD .
Extractions: Quick ... (this issue) The NIST Technicalendar , issued each Friday, covers scheduled events which are of interest primarily to the NIST staff All items MUST be submitted electronically from this web page by 12:00 NOON each Wednesday unless otherwise stated in the NIST Technicalendar . The address for online weekly editions of the NIST Technicalendar and NIST Administrative Calendar is: . Requests for copies of this calendar should be sent to Ms. Sharon Mingo, Editor, Building 820, Room 125, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, (Telephone: 301-975-3570; FAX: 301-926-4431; or E-mail:
Internet Resources index of Buildings by Julia Morgan MA Sullivan, Bluffton College Vitruvius On architecture, plates from Como, 1521 ed. by Cesare Cesariano ArtServe
Extractions: C Avery Architectural Index Research Libraries Group (by subscription) Getty Research Institute Historic American Building Survey/Hist. Am. Engineering Record Natl. Park Svc. Canadian Heritage Information Network Architronic, The Electronic Journal of Architecture Kent State U. Chronological List of the Popes K. Knight, New Advent archINFORM : International Architecture databaseS. Hendel/T. Knief/K. Melan, Karlsruhe. Archidoc , patrimoine fran?ais architectural des XIXe et XXe si?cles -Ministere de la culture, France M?rim?e , notices sur le patrimoine monumental fran?ais Monuments historiques, France M?moire , Fonds graphiques et photographiques Direction de l'architecture et du patrimoine, France Thesaurus architecture , termes utiles ^ la d?nomination des oeuvres architecturales -Ministere de la culture, France National Monuments Record Thesauri English Heritage National Trust for Historic Preservation Old House Journal - An online version of "Old House Journal" magazine.
[cssn] Ya-Ya Youth Bulletin At O Henry bldg, 333 W17th St, Rm 332. Info 6756206 x261, Thursday, May 30th, Global Kids Human Rights Activist proj. (HRAP).
Extractions: From ... , Wednesday, May 29th, 4-7pm BRINGING THE NOISE: Bkln Open Mic. Youth Speaks NY. At the Bkln Public Library (1/2 to Eastern Pkway) Space is limited. Sign up on the day of the event. Info: 212-691-6590 x21, , Thursday, May 30th , 1:30pm SWEATSHOP FASHION SHOW A presentation exposing "fashion violators" of human rights. By students of the NYC Museum School. At O Henry Bldg, 333 W17th St, Rm 332. Info: 675-6206 x261, ... ,, Wednesday, June 5th, 3:30pm YOUTH MARCH TO STOP CUNY TUITION HIKE Demand in-state tuition for all NY HS/GED students, including immigrants. Meet at BMCC, 199 Chambers St (A/C/E/1 to Chambers or N/R To City Hall). March to City Hall for rally. Global Kids Human Rights Activist Proj. (HRAP). 212 226-0130,
Extractions: Updated on Sunday, September 18, 2005 at 6:00 am) - Call Phon Seats ..Class Meets.. Change Sec No Reg Avail Days Time Bldg-Rm Faculty Footnote Reason - EEE 064 INTRO TO LOGIC DESIGN 4 UNITS Group A Sections Registration required for each activity within this group of sections. 1 42388 Y Dis MW 300- 415 BRH-114 Stanonis J R S Science Laboratories UNITS 2 42389 N 2 Lab M 430- 700P RVR-3005 Stanonis J R S 3 42390 ***Cancelled*** EEE 064 INTRO TO LOGIC DESIGN 4 UNITS Group B Sections Registration required for each activity within this group of sections. 4 42391 ***Cancelled*** EEE 064 Science Laboratories UNIT Group A Sections Registration required for each activity within this group of sections. 5 42392 N 1 Lab T 1200- 230 RVR-3005 Stanonis J R S EEE 064 Science Laboratories UNIT Group B Sections Registration required for each activity within this group of sections. 6 42393 ***Cancelled***
2003 Newsgroup Postings (7/12 - 8/17) Lynn Wheeler The disk product test lab (bldg. 15 in san jose) would tend to get low single digit http// 54 360 architecture, Multics,
Extractions: List of Archived Posts Refed: "Did anyone work at a shop which ran CALL/OS or VSPC? I'd love to compare notes." I worked with a VSPC system circa 1983/84 in our "little ol' capital". I did a two month stint writing an online work request system to replace a fax based system. The object was to replace paper with request into the scheduling system. It took about three days to become familiar with the dialogue structure, a couple of weeks to map and code the system, and the rest of the time was testing and documenting the end result. It was all very interesting, but a one off other than similar exercises in ISPF at other installations. random past pco / vspc posts: Computer of the century any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercompu
2000 Newsgroup Postings (7/12 - 9/11) Lynn Wheeler 360 CPU meters (was Re Early IBMPC sales proj.. Al Gore Inventing the Internet. Why was that preferred over the S/390 architecture? misc. refs
Extractions: List of Archived Posts Refed: 158 3031 4341 Rain 45.64 secs 37.03 secs 36.21 secs Rain4 43.90 secs 36.61 secs 36.13 secs also times approx; 145 168-3 91 145 secs. 9.1 secs 6.77 secs Refed: following from: Today's system is the third step of a planned dramatic increase in computing power. The large systems are not the end but the means to drive extremely complex computer simulations. ASCI's goal is to develop the capability to simulate nuclear weapons' behavior to ensure their safety and reliability over the long term. This requires the ability to calculate what happens to billions of data points in small fractions of a second. The 10 TeraOps supercomputer at Livermore will consist of more than 8,000 of IBM's newest and fastest RS/6000 processors. Future plans call for acquisition of a 30 and a 100 TeraOps system. ........................ they mention 512 cabinets, which at 16 power3/cabinet = 8192 nodes from: Jobs In Hawaii - Search Jobs In Hawaii Job Postings index of Jobs in Hawaii Quintessential Careers College Fin Analyst Sr proj (RF-Day) Kaiser Permanente Honolulu, HI US
Extractions: FAX (301) 504-8931 Principal Investigator of the project. Research has focused on computing surface energy balance at the 8 METFLUX sites using the variance-residual method. Also investigated the utility of optical remote sensing data with a simple one-layer energy balance model for determining the spatial and temporal variation of the surface fluxes. Selected Bibliography of MONSOON 90 Related Papers Kustas, W.P., Goodrich, D.C, Moran, M.S., et al. 1991 An interdisciplinary field study of the energy and water fluxes in the atmosphere-biosphere system over semiarid rangelands: description and some preliminary results. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 72: 1683- 1705. Kustas, W.P. , Moran, M.S., Pinter, P.J., Hipps, L.E., Swiatek, E., Stannard, D.I., Blanford, J.H. 1991. Issues in mapping evapotranspiration over large areas with remote sensing data from MONSOON 90. Volume of the Tenth Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology and the Special Session on Hydrometeorology. Sept 10-13 Salt Lake City UT Amer Meteol. Soc., 151-154. Kustas, W.P., Perry, E.M. and Doraiswamy, P.C. 1991. MONSOON 90 - A remote sensing feasibility study of the energy and water balance of a semiarid basin. 42nd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation Oct 5-11 Montrael, CANADA IAF-91-160.
Extractions: Search Calendar A-Z Index Sun Sep 18 2:34 PM EDT Fall 2005 Visitor Information Due to limitations in space or other unique circumstances, classes which are not listed below do not lend themselves to visitation. COURSE TITLE DAY TIME RM BLDG INSTRUCTOR VISIT INFO AH 100 001 SURVEY OF WESTERN ART MW PMH GANN K Hauser Prior Notice W LI AH 100 002 SURVEY OF WESTERN ART MW PMH GANN K Hauser Prior Notice W LI AH 100 003 SURVEY OF WESTERN ART MW PMH GANN M Hellman Prior Notice TH LI AH 100 004 SURVEY OF WESTERN ART MW PMH GANN M Hellman Prior Notice TH LI AH 100 005 SURVEY OF WESTERN ART MW PMH GANN P Jolly Prior Notice TH LI AH 100 006 SURVEY OF WESTERN ART MW PMH GANN P Jolly Prior Notice TH LI AH 103 001 AFRICA,OCEANIA,AMERICAS TUTH TANG SOMR L Aronson Prior Notice F TANG WHIT AH 103 002 AFRICA,OCEANIA,AMERICAS TUTH TANG SOMR L Aronson Prior Notice F TANG WHIT AH 210 001 CHINESE PAINTING TUTH TANG SOMR R Linrothe Prior Notice AH 223 001 WF BO L Mechem Prior Notice AH 251 001 TUTH TANG SOMR TBA Prior Notice AH 256 001 NEOCLASSICISM TO IMPRES MW BO M Hellman Prior Notice AH 265 001 HISTORY OF MOD DESIGN WF BO K Hauser Prior Notice AH 321 001 HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY TUTH TANG WHIT M Hellman Prior Notice AH 347 001 NORTH RENAISSANCE PTG TUTH TANG SOMR P Jolly Prior Notice AH 375G 001 SEM:ASIAN-ORIENTAL RUGS TU LI R Linrothe Prior Notice AM 101 001 AM CULT:PRE CIVIL WAR MWF TLC G Pfitzer Prior Notice F TLC AM 260 001 DIVERSITY IN THE U.S.