Extractions: Meryl Rutz holds a Master of Arts in History from Northern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of History from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has been interested in the maritime events of the American Revolution for several years and has recently gotten involved in reenacting the life of a sailor in the Royal Navy during that period.
Education Packet & Lesson Plans - Mackinac State Historic Parks This packet is full of readings, activities, lesson plans, music, games and ideas that A discussion of archaeology in the Straits of Mackinac region. http://www.mackinacparks.com/parks/education-packet--lesson-plans_135/
Extractions: Loan Materials Request Form This packet is full of readings, activities, lesson plans, music, games and ideas that relate to Straits of Mackinac history, as well as Michigan history. Use as a lesson on its own, as a pre/post visit lesson before you come to Colonial Michilimackinac, Fort Mackinac, Historic Mill Creek or Mackinac Island State Park or in combination with any other materials. Now includes Michigan Curriculum Framework Standards (MEAP) for each Lesson.
Archaeology And Prehistoric Mississippi Prior to the lesson on archaeology and prehistoric times, lesson plans have been developed to use along with the artifacts and resources contained in http://teacherexchange.mde.k12.ms.us/mhnlp/archaeologylp.htm
Extractions: OVERVIEW Archaeology is a growing field today because of the high level of interest in the field and because of laws that prevent construction projects from destroying an accidentally discovered site until studied or evaluated by an archaeologist. It is essential for members of our society to be knowledgeable about the field of archaeology and its ability to help us understand the past. As we continue to develop our natural environment, archaeology will be called upon to help evaluate undiscovered historic sites. The field of archaeology can help us develop not only an appreciation for the past as well as the present, but also evaluate the need for future change. Mississippi Studies Framework: Competencies 1, 3 and 4.
Extractions: See Product Info for information on academic version discounts. As a service to educators from Abiogenesis, this site focuses on lesson plans which would work really well with Lexicompatible(tm) products, but much of the information is of general interest, and all are welcome to visit. Enjoy! Abiogenesis now provides quick links to lesson plans which are available on the Internet, and notes on how the lesson plans could be used with Lexicographer
St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum: Lesson Plans lesson plans. Lighthouse staff teaches students about Florida s maritime history. Lighthouse Announces Creation of Shipwreck lesson Plan http://www.staugustinelighthouse.com/educators/standards.html
Extractions: Lighthouse staff teaches students about Florida's maritime history. Lighthouse Announces Creation of Shipwreck Lesson Plan The lesson is intended to aid teachers in instructing their students on Florida's maritime heritage while instilling the preservation ethic at an early age. Cross-curricular activities draw from a variety of sources including past Lighthouse Archeological maritime Program ( LAMP ) research, current excavations and the ongoing archival documentation of the area's maritime history. To receive a free copy of the lesson, e-mail the Director of Education . Please include your postal address, as well as the grade you teach and the name and location of your educational institution. For more information on FHEP programs, including the catalog of FHEP lessons, call 1-800-847-7278 (PAST)
Extractions: What factors caused the native people to lose their power to the Europeans? Note: This is a large topic that involves multiple factors. The risk of only teaching one or two "sample" factors would be students believing that these are THE factors and there are no other relevant causes. It is important therefore to be prepared to commit sufficient time to this unit to address a broad range of issues. The following are some of the key factors worth consideration: Smallpox decimated native communities and led to massive depopulation. Non-native settler population grew dramatically - particularly during the goldrush Land pre-emption allowed settlers to survey and occupy 'uninhabited' land. Native population was large but very widely spread out making resistance to European settlers difficult. Language barriers made it very difficult for natives to negotiate with Europeans. How, for example, could they understand the implications of signing land agreements if they couldn't read English? Different value systems had significant implications. Natives, for example, did not hold the same notion of private land ownership as the Europeans.
Egypt unearthed through underwater archaeology and incredible artifacts. Three lesson plans are available at this site, each targeted to different grade http://doe.sd.gov/octa/ddn4learning/themeunits/Egypt/lessons.htm
Extractions: Ancient Egypts Lesson Plans for Teachers Teachers have created lesson plans for Egypt. Sources involve Art, Language Arts, Math and Science, Mummies and Social Study plans. These resources contain information on the geography, climate, politics, recent history and economy of Egypt. Ancient Egypt Webquest Elementary students enjoy locating information on Ancient Egypt for free! Learn about Ancient Egyptian daily life, Egyptian mummies, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, King Tut, and Egyptian games. Ancient Egypt Webquest Group collaboration is important in this webquest, where students will work together to create a rounded picture of life and practices in Ancient Egypt. They are assigned 10 topics, from Daily Life to Chronology, with the purpose of creating an informative book on this ancient culture.
Extractions: Newton's Apple is an award-winning national science program for kids and adults produced by KTCA-TV in the Twin Cities and sponsored by 3M. Pick a lesson from the teachers' guides developed for seasons 9 through 13. They are designed to accompany the television show and are also a rich stand-alone resource. The Explorer Natural Science is a collection of educational resources (instructional software, lab activities, lesson plans ...) for K-12 science education. Browse through the science education curricula (they plan to expand to other curricula) or conduct searches that focus on specific interests. Many resources are available in the Adobe Acrobat format that is readable by Macintosh, Windows and other OSs. The Explorer is being developed jointly by the Great Lakes Collaborative and the University of Kansas UNITE group to involve educators and students in creating and using multimedia resources for active learning and "on time" delivery. Note: Adobe Acrobat is free and easily downloaded.
CHOCD - Human Origins Lab Post-Visit Lesson Plans PostVisit lesson plans. What is archaeology. I. Introduction to archaeology. II. How can you find archaeological sites? III. Archaeological excavation http://www.umsl.edu/services/chocd/post-visit/lesson-HOL.html
Extractions: Post-Visit Lesson Plans What is archaeology I. Introduction to archaeology II. How can you find archaeological sites? III. Archaeological excavation IV. After the excavation V. Dating methods Activities 1. Trash archaeology What room/rooms did the trash come from? Give some evidence. What kind of activities produced this trash? What kind of evidence do you have for these activities? How many individuals live in the household? Give an estimate and show some evidence? What can you tell about the age and sex of the individuals? What can you tell about the economic status and occupation of these individuals? Other comments? Presentation of results and discussion.
ESRARA Links Finally, teachers will find links in the Education section useful for developing lesson plans. dig.archaeology.org/index.html. Sample lesson plans http://www.public.asu.edu/~rexweeks/ESRARA_Links.htm
Extractions: Home Mission General Information Membership ... Contact Us This page features catalog of links to rock art research, education, and public interests. In the first section, you can take virtual tour of rock art sites in the eastern United States from examples posted on the Internet. A second section, entitled 'Research,' provides links to a variety of organizations, tools, and software. Finally, teachers will find links in the 'Education' section useful for developing lesson plans. Scroll down the page to locate links to education and research. VIRTUAL TOURS EAST The following is a catalog of links that illustrate and describe rock art sites in the East. Sites are arranged alphabetically by state. Fourteen states are represented and include Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Vermont. Click on the links to the right. Web addresses are listed to the immediate left. Florida Crystal River National Park www.cr.nps.gov/goldcres/sites/crysrv.htm
Activities And Lesson Plans Basic information about what archaeologists and anthropologists do, and a list of vocabulary relevant to a UPM visit. Writing in Cuneiform http://www.museum.upenn.edu/new/edu/teachers/teachers_activities.shtml
Curricula lesson plans and course outlines for potential classes in archaeology, Several lesson plans intended for teaching archaeology to middle school students. http://archaeology.about.com/od/curricula/
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Archaeology Careers in Archaeology ... Teaching Archaeology Curricula Homework Help Archaeology Essentials Ancient Daily Life ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/C.htm','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','http://z.about.com/0/ip/496/7.htm','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the Archaeology newsletter! See Online Courses Search Archaeology Lesson plans and course outlines for potential classes in archaeology, from and for teachers. Alphabetical Recent Up a category The History of Archaeology From your guide, an ongoing short course on the history of the field. Science Fair The following science fair project ideas provide numerous questions and links to information which you may use to develop into a science fair project. New ideas are added often to the science fair project index so check back or give us a bookmark. A Handbook for Teachers of Archaeology By Marcia Rollins, and specifically for elementary schools in Saskatchewan, this curriculum guide is quite useful for others teaching archaeology to grades 1 through 6. Only part is online; the complete text may be purchased through this website. The Archaeologist/Interpreter From the National Park Service, a lesson plan for public archaeology.
Battle Of Fallen Timbers/Lessons & Links An elementary level lesson plan on archaeology, written by a teacher and project Archaeology lesson plans for classroom application, written by yet http://www.heidelberg.edu/FallenTimbers/FTLessons.html
Extractions: DOCUMENTS ARTICLES LINKS PHOTOS ... HEIDELBERG Lesson Plans Archaeology: Historic Preservation: The Ohio Historical Society web site. The Fallen Timbers Memorial run by Toledo/Lucas County Metroparks. A description of the Battle of Fallen Timbers Monument at the OHS Memorial. Preservation work at the OHS Memorial by Ohio Arts and Sports Facilities Commission The National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program web site.
Front Matter Of Lesson Plans For Prehistory The prepared lesson plans ease the task of meeting curriculum guidelines regarding Teachers who include archaeology in their curricula discover that it http://www.friendsvinp.org/Programs/archeol/lesson/front.htm
Extractions: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN CARIBBEAN PREHISTORY Supplementary Curriculum Materials for Virgin Islands Teachers Vol. 1: Elementary School Level AUTHORS This elementary school material was created by the following Virgin Islands teachers: Deborah S. Ferry - Julius E. Sprauve Elementary School Edna A. Figueroa - Evelyn M. Williams Elementary School Faith Dane George - Ricardo Richards Elementary School Shirlene E. S. Harvey - Alexander Henderson Elementary School Mable Hurtault - Peace Corps Elementary School Winifred Loving - Pearl B. Larsen Elementary School Cynthia A. Morris - Evelyn E. Marcelli Elementary School Bernadette Palton - Juanita Gardine Elementary School Sandra S. Price - Joseph Gomez Elementary School May Richardson - Michael J. Kirwan Elementary School In conjunction with Emily R. Lundberg, Ph.D., archaeologist and anthropological researcher of Caribbean prehistory. Produced by Island Resources Foundation 6296 Estate Nazareth No. 11, St. Thomas, VI 00802 Supported and distributed by the Virgin Islands Humanities Council Kongens Gade 5-6, Corbiere Complex, Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802
EDSITEment - Lesson Plan Open Printable lesson Plan This site provides a list of links to historic archaeology sites, including Bledsoe s Lick Archaeological Project http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=312
Methods Of Collecting Lesson Plan lesson Plan. SUBJECTAnthropology TOPICMethods of Collecting Information GRADE LEVEL3 Receive an overview of anthropology and archaeology. http://ted.coe.wayne.edu/sse/lesson/clctn.htm
Extractions: Materials Bags or boxes containing items or pictures of items that might be found in specific areas or used by specific people Party : party hat, horn, streamers, party invitation, confetti School : pencils, erasers, paper, ruler, crayons Bathroom : toothpaste, brush, comb, mouthwash, toothbrush, shampoo Sports Field : bat, ball, football, tennis racket, wrist band Concert : sheet music, harmonica, flute, guitar, music notes
Lesson Plans--Historic Jamestowne We are pleased to share with you the lesson plan packet for Historic Jamestowne. List of links pertinent to Historic Jamestowne and archaeology http://www.historicjamestowne.org/learn/lesson_plans.php
Extractions: Home Education Lesson Plans Dear Educators, We are pleased to share with you the lesson plan packet for Historic Jamestowne. As you know, the important story of Jamestown is part of the history of Virginia and ultimately the United States. It is important to understand the early stories of Jamestown, and to include the most current research brought about through the work of the APVA-Preservation Virginia and their archaeology project, Jamestown Rediscovery. Included here are several lesson plans that we hope will share our project with you and help add a new dimension to your classroom resources. Each lesson plan has been designed for a specific grade or two, but in the hands of a good teacher, any of these lesson plans can be adjusted for other grades to use. Archaeology is a fascinating tool to use with your students, and we hope we included enough background information for you to feel comfortable using these lesson plans. We have included a short power point "Archaeology 101" for teachers to use. Have your students experience some archaeological thinking with our interactive modules designed for Jamestown Rediscovery by clicking here: Interactive Exercises . You can also use the second short PowerPoint presentation, "The Archaeology of James Fort," included here to introduce your students to Jamestown Rediscovery. It will serve as a preliminary look before visiting us or will help in the classroom if you can not visit us at Historic Jamestowne.