Texas Historical Commission Teacher lesson plans for La Salle Projects lesson 1 Introduction to Historic archeology Terms and Time Periods. lesson 2 Reflections and Inquiries to http://www.thc.state.tx.us/lasalle/laseducation.html
Extractions: Teacher Lesson Plans for La Salle Projects The Fort St. Louis Archeological Project Title Page: Clues on Common Ground: The Fort St. Louis Archeological Project Lesson 1: Introduction to Historic Archeology Terms and Time Periods Lesson 2: Reflections and Inquiries to Guide Learning: What I Know/What I Want to Learn Lesson 3: Learning from Maps and Timelines: Time Travel Lesson 4: Learning from Artifacts Uncovering Clues, Large and Small Lesson 5: Learning from Primary Source Documents: One Day at a Time Lesson 6: Examining Events from Different Perspectives: Friend or Foe? Lesson 7: Archeological Preservation: Missing Pieces Lesson 8: Searching the THC Web Site Lesson 9: Mapping La Salle's Travels Lesson 10: Vocabulary Bingo Lesson 11: Classifying Artifacts Lesson 12: Ethics in Archeology Lesson 13: Internet Brochure Bibliography References Home I About Us l Calendar I Contact Us I Friends of THC I Jobs I The Medallion I News I Search I Store I THC Policies F ind links, publications and other helpful agency information here
Archeology Trunks Unit 1 The Science of Archaeology six lesson plans Unit 2 Archaeological Methods ten lesson plans Unit 3 Georgia s Prehistoric Past seven lesson plans http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/newsarch/09_04/Current/gen_info/archunit.htm
Extractions: The 9-12 trunk includes objectives, a media presentation, archeology reading materials, archeological equipment, and artifact replicas. Lessons range from an introduction to archeology, Georgia's prehistory, applying the scientific method to archeology, to thinking creatively about the public's perception of archeology. It includes five lessons, about 45 minutes to 1 hour for each.
FCCLR 2005 Summer Reading Manual: Activities Texas Beyond History Teaching archeology lesson plans A great online site with downloadable archaeology lesson plans. Most have a focus on Texas, http://www.ctlibrarians.org/events/roundtables/childrens4/wdsr/manual_activities
Extractions: This site, from the American Museum of Natural History Petra exhibit (now closed), provides detailed instructions for 11 activities exploring all aspects of archaeology. Examples: Make your own sifting screen, Make a scale drawing, Shoebox Archaeology, Do your own dig, Making mosaics. A fantastic site. Petra, Lost City of Stone: Additional Resources Another great site from the American Museum of Natural History. What does cultural research involve? How are objects studied and conserved? What do you do on a dig? This site draws from the AMNH's vast anthropological and archaeological resources to answer these and other questions about studying the human past. Includes numerous archaeology-based activities and articles. Texas Beyond History: Teaching Archeology - Lesson Plans
1999 Lessons 79 lesson plans. archeology by Jennifer Berget This lesson is intended to teach students about the purpose and process of archeology, http://www.idahoptv.org/ntti/nttilessons/99lessons.html
Extractions: NTTI LESSON PLANS The National Teacher Training Institute and IdahoPTV are proud to present the 1999 lesson plans developed by students and faculty of the University of Idaho. In 1999, IdahoPTV worked with the University of Idaho Education faculty and demonstrated the NTTI methodology. Faculty members went back to their classrooms and conducted hands-on training with pre-service teachers, modeling strategies for effectively using video to explain, motivate, reinforce, and reach students' different learning styles, as they grapple with math and science concepts. Here at IdahoPTV we feel it is critical to support and prepare teachers in the effective use of technology, both at the pre-service level and for veteran teachers.
Archaeology Lesson Plans Archaeology lesson plans You will find a collection of lesson plans and class Archaeology lesson plans Here are a half dozen archaeological lesson http://www.archaeolink.com/archaeology_lesson_plans.htm
Extractions: Archaeology Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities Home American Civil War Lesson Plans American Presidents Lesson Plans Ancient China Lesson Plans ... World Religions Lesson Plans Please note that with regard to lesson plans dealing with anthropology, archaeology, indigenous people, ancient civilizations, history, etc, there may be some cross-over and blurring of lines between the topics. For example, a lesson plan dealing with archaeology is automatically dealing with an anthropological subject. A lesson plan dealing with indigenous people is also automatically dealing with anthropology and any of them may, or may not, be dealing with history or ancient civilizations. While every attempt will be made to keep the topic lines as 'clean' as possible, be aware this may not always be possible. Appropriate grade or age levels are included with the lesson plans. The number of lesson plans available online for this topic are many. The following provides some idea of what is available and will hopefully be a good starting point. Please Note: If you sometimes get an error message when clicking on a large text link, don't give up. Try the URL link instead. There are times when the large text link doesn't "take" for some reason, thus the built-in redundancy. Thank you.
Ancient Egypt Lesson Plans For example, a lesson plan dealing with archaeology is automatically dealing with an anthropological subject. A lesson plan dealing with indigenous people http://www.archaeolink.com/ancient_egypt_lesson_plans.htm
Extractions: Ancient Egypt Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities Home American Civil War Lesson Plans American Presidents Lesson Plans Ancient China Lesson Plans ... World Religions Lesson Plans Please note that with regard to lesson plans dealing with anthropology, archaeology, indigenous people, ancient civilizations, history, etc, there may be some cross-over and blurring of lines between the topics. For example, a lesson plan dealing with archaeology is automatically dealing with an anthropological subject. A lesson plan dealing with indigenous people is also automatically dealing with anthropology and any of them may, or may not, be dealing with history or ancient civilizations. While every attempt will be made to keep the topic lines as 'clean' as possible, be aware this may not always be possible. Appropriate grade or age levels are included with the lesson plans. The number of lesson plans available online for this topic is enormous. This site can not and does not index all lesson resources relating to things Egyptian. That would be impossible, as sites appear and disappear with astonishing rapidity. The following provides some idea of what is available and will hopefully be a good starting point. Please Note: If you sometimes get an error message when clicking on a large text link, don't give up. Try the URL link instead. There are times when the large text link doesn't "take" for some reason, thus the built-in redundancy. Thank you.
Mr Donn's Ancient History Page lesson plans Units. Archaeology Unit for Middle School (5 complete lessons) Archaeology lesson Plan (using objects found in any classroom http://members.aol.com/donnandlee/
Extractions: FAQs Ancient Mesopotamia Unit Ancient Greek Olympics Mini-Unit: A Simulation for the Classroom (3-5 days) with city-state backgrounds, and events Egypt Bingo Test review game Can you save the Roman Republic? Lesson Plan, Ancient Rome. First Unit Test: Ancient Rome Buddhist, Taoist, Confucianist, Legalist
Ancient History Lesson Ideas For More lesson Ideas, by many authors, click ARCHAEOLOGY Concept Principles of Aeronautics (Mythology lesson plans) http://members.aol.com/MrDonnLessons/Ideas.html
Extractions: Be an Archaeologist Mixed Up Pots: Decorate five or six old clay flower pots with paint or magic markets. Put all the pots in a brown paper bag, and gently hit the pots with a hammer. Shake the bag. Remove half the pieces. Using glue, try to put together the pieces into something that "seems" to make sense. Submitted by: Barbara D Martin, California, USA Mystery Object: Place a "mystery" object inside a shoebox. Secure the lid. Have your kids work in small groups. Create as many shoeboxes as you have groups. Have the kids try to figure out what's inside without opening the shoe box, just as archaeologists have to do when they find a new mummy! Submitted by: Barbara D Martin, California, USA "Motel of Mysteries": This assignment is based on the book "Motel of Mysteries", which is an hilarious look at completely wrong interpretations of things found in a modern hotel by archaeologists in the future. After reading about 5 pages of the book to my kids, I have them all draw an everyday object of their own, then write a wrong interpretation of it. Makes a great bulletin board, and kids get a good idea of how things can be interpreted incorrectly! Submitted by: Barbara D Martin, California, USA
NC Project Archaeology: Lesson Plans Project Archaeology lesson plans for North Carolina are available in a book called All the Project Archaeology lesson plans on this site have UNC http://rla.unc.edu/Service/PA_lessplans.html
Extractions: Project Archaeology: Lesson Plans Project Archaeology lesson plans for North Carolina are available in a book called Intrigue of the Past: North Carolina's First Peoples , published by the Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. If you wish to obtain or use this book, the following links may be helpful: Project Archaeology lesson plans for North Carolina can also be found online at two sites, both affiliated with the UNC-Chapel Hill: the Research Laboratories of Archaeology and LEARN North Carolina . Although the format of presentation on each site is different, the lesson plans on both are essentially the same. The Research Laboratories of Archaeology maintains a complete, electronic version of Intrigue of the Past: North Carolina's First Peoples at http://rla.unc.edu/lessons . Here, one can browse the lesson plans on screen, and even download exact facsimiles of the printed lesson plans in PDF format. LEARN North Carolina maintains an extensive database of lesson plans, classified by grade level and linked to the state's Standard Course of Study, at
NC Project Archaeology: Links A web resource on North Carolina archaeology designed especially for K12 One of its many features is a database of lesson plans keyed to the North http://rla.unc.edu/Service/PA_links.html
Extractions: Project Archaeology: Links North Carolina Archaeology Archaeology and Ancient History of North Carolina. A web resource on North Carolina archaeology designed especially for K-12 students and teachers. North Carolina Archaeology. This site is the most comprehensive guide to archaeology and archaeologists in North Carolina. North Carolina Archaeological Society. This is a membership organization of people interested in North Carolina archaeology, with local chapters across the state. North Carolina Historic Sites Section, Division of Archives and History. This site contains links to state-run historic sites in North Carolina, many of which have archaeological exhibits (such as Town Creek Indian Mound, Historic Halifax, Historic Bath, Brunswick Town, Fort Dobbs, and Somerset Place). Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Home page of the oldest research center devoted to North Carolina archaeology. Contains information and links of interest to teachers.
EDSITEment - Lesson Plans Archaeology lesson plans This lesson plan uses an EDSITEmentcreated Greek alphabet animation to help students decode the inscription on the Olympic http://edsitement.neh.gov/tab_lesson.asp?subjectArea=1&subcategory=2
Archaeology Lesson Plans Archaeology lesson plans Over 30 of them. Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean Dartmouth College 29 lessons on a unique subject. http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/science/archaeology/
Extractions: Curriculum Lesson Plans Organizers Rubrics ... A Matter of Life and Death - In this lesson, students research burial tombs of ancient Egypt. Acting as pharaohs of Egypt, students create burial plans to illustrate what items they would include in their own tombs and why. Then, other students act as archaeologists by analyzing these plans. Arbuckle's Fort Archaeology - An entire online excavation. "Archaeology Dig" - Generally children do not have knowledge of or understand the methods of collecting information about prehistoric peoples. A question most often asked is, "If there was no writing, how do you know what they were like?" Archaeology WebQuest - You will examine and compare Illinois, Ontario, Canada and the Southeastern United States in the following areas: a) uses and forms of ceramics, b) uses and forms of projectile points, and c) what and how the natives ate. Ask the Archaeologist - Archeologist Bob Pearce of the London Museum of Archaeology in Ontario, Canada, answers questions about archeology and artifacts.
Dinosaur Lesson Plans Dinosaur lesson plans Over 30 of them. Home Teacher Resource lesson plans Science Archaeology Dinosaur lesson plans http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/science/archaeology/dinosaurs/
Extractions: Digging Up Dinosaur Bones - Have you ever wondered about dinosaurs? Perhaps you wondered exactly how big an apatasaurus was, or maybe you thought about what Tyrannasaurus Rex really ate. Dinosaur Babies, Fossils, and Make Your Own Dinosaur - The students will gain a better understanding of what fossils are and how to make their own fossils. They will also identify dinosaurs and their babies. Dinosaur Detectives - Understand that discoveries about dinosaurs have a long history and that each paleontologist adds his or her work to a body of fossil evidence used to support theories about dinosaurs. Dinosaur Dig - To give a classroom experience of how difficult it is to interpret a paleontological discovery while being in a classroom environment. We will use wooden models of selected dinosaurs to demonstrate a procedure a field paleontologist may use. Dinosaur Eggs - In this lesson students use the Internet to learn the basic steps in the life process from birth to extinction. They will also learn that dinosaurs hatched from eggs and how archaeologists are now able to reassemble prehistoric babies found in eggs!
Lesson Plans From The Community Archaeology Program At SUNY-B lesson plans and science, lesson plans and social science, lessons, elementary, middle school, high school, NYS learning standards, public education and http://cap.binghamton.edu/tchexercise.html
Extractions: What is CAP? What site will CAP be at in 2002? 2002 Program Registration Information Archaeology For Kids On-line ... CAP Scrapbook T he CAP for Teachers program is designed not only to offer educators hands-on experience in archaeology but also to give participants creative ideas using archaeology which they can use to fulfill curriculum needs. The broad range of skills that professional archaeology requires makes it a rich field that teachers can harvest for activities and lessons directed toward a broad range of subject areas. P ast CAP for Teacher participants have reaped the benefits of applying archaeology in the classroom using it to enhance skills related to critical thinking, multiculturalism, writing, mathematics, art and other areas of science. Because of these successes, some of our CAP teachers have offered to share their ideas with others who might also serve to benefit from incorporating archaeology into the classroom. To view a sample, please select the link below.
Archaeology Lesson Plans A comprehensive educational search engine, directory and homework helper for the K12 student. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Education/Lessons/Archaeology/
Archaeology Resources Archaeology lesson plans A resource for Archaeology lessonplans. http //lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Science/Archa Arch Net by Country http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Science/Archaeology/
Lesson Plan lesson plans. 1.jpg (18323 bytes). Archaeology has been proven by educators to be an effective forum within which students can learn about history, science, http://www.southalabama.edu/archaeology/lesson_plan.htm
Extractions: Lesson Plans Archaeology has been proven by educators to be an effective forum within which students can learn about history, science, and mathematics. This web page is intended to help K-12 teachers incorporate archaeology into their curricula through lesson plans adapted from several well-tested sources. For instance, those plans focusing on basic archaeological concepts are based on subjects recommended for study in I ntrigue of the Past: A Teacher's Activity Guide for Fourth through Seventh Grades (Smith et al.:1993), a manual used for Project Archaeology teacher workshops. Other lesson plans deal with the process of excavation, laboratory analysis of material culture, and preservation of archaeological resources. These plans are designed to be implemented as a complete unit on the basics of archaeology. However, each lesson may be used individually as a supplement to an existing curriculum. These lesson plans are designed to help meet criteria of the Alabama Course of Study and the Stanford 9 Objectives for teachers of the Social Sciences and Science at the upper elementary and intermediate grade levels.
Shoe Box Archaeology - An Educator S Reference Desk Lesson Plan Shoe Box Archaeology. An Educator s Reference Desk lesson Plan Endorsed by These lesson plans are the result of the work of the teachers who have http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Social_Studies/Ar
Extractions: Endorsed by: These lesson plans are the result of the work of the teachers who have attended the Columbia Education Center's Summer Workshop. CEC is a consortium of teacher from 14 western states dedicated to improving the quality of education in the rural, western, United States, and particularly the quality of math and science Education. CEC uses Big Sky Telegraph as the hub of their telecommunications network that allows the participating teachers to stay in contact with their trainers and peers that they have met at the Workshops. Date: May 1994 Grade Level(s): Subject(s): Description: Problem solving is increasingly important in our society, and teaching the use of clues to unravel a puzzle is one way we help children understand this concept. Goal: Archaeology is one area of the sciences that interests everyone. This interest can be capitalized on, and used to teach children the value of our past and the past of other peoples of the world.