Teaching Archeology Lesson Plans Interesting lesson plans ranging from 'What Is an Atlatl?' to 'Mapping and Excavating a Jello Mold' integrate archeology with social studies http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Teachers Click on your subject area to find archeologyrelated lesson plans. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Teaching With Historic Places -- Archeology Lesson Plans s page.To better understand the role of archeology in learning history, To learn more about TwHP s other lessons, visit the Lesson Plan http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/archeo.HTM
Extractions: To better understand the role of archeology in learning history, Teaching with Historic Places posted on the web the following complete lesson plans. Created by National Park Service interpreters, preservation professionals, and educators, these lessons are free and ready for immediate classroom use by students in history and social studies classes. At a Crossroads: The King of Prussia Inn
Lesson Plans Links to both lesson plans and strategies for teaching social science, history, and government. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
TPWD Teacher Tool Kit Lesson Plans Loaner Trunks Posters Directory of Sites E M The Stream Game. Archeology Level. Lesson Plan/Activity. E M Draw Your http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Science Lesson Plans Science Lesson Plans circulation sci22.txt minilesson on wood pond ecology sci23.txt mini-lesson on dinosaurs/archeology dig sci24.txt mini http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
The Lesson Plan Library Offers Middle School Lesson Plans For Some lesson plans include suggestions for adaptations for older or younger audiences. Archeology and Storytelling. Asia Tradition and Culture http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Teaching Archeology > Lesson Plans Interesting lesson plans ranging from What Is an Atlatl? to Mapping and Excavating a Jello Mold integrate archeology with social studies, math/science, http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/teach/lessons.html
Extractions: Texas Beyond History TBH Home Listed below are lesson plans currently available as Adobe PDF files (you may need to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader ). Check this site frequently for new additions. In addition, there are two five-day Unit Plans available. Lessons focus on family history, using primary sources, map-making and map analysis, graphing population, analyzing artifacts, and doing archeology. signifies lesson plan correlated to exhibit on Texas Beyond History Language Arts Social Studies Math/Science Art A Day in the Life Students explore the roles of a variety of people who lived or worked at a nineteenth-century Texas frontier fort or in a nearby frontier town. By writing about a character in his/her own voice, students reach a greater understanding of life on the Texas frontier. Suggested for grade level 4. View TEKS and download page.
Teachers It s a great way to teach kids of all ages about life in the prehistoric past. Click on your subject area to find archeologyrelated lesson plans. http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/teach/
Extractions: Texas Beyond History TBH Home Texas Beyond History is rich in information and resources to help you teach about the past in Texas, using archeology as a lens for discovery. In this section are lesson plans for both elementary and secondary grades based on the objectives of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the related Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) and Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). All of these lesson plans were written by experienced teachers enrolled in graduate courses at The University of Texas at Austin. Each lesson can be downloaded and printed for easy use in class. Welcome to the fun and excitement of teaching Texas' cultural heritage and archeology! And don't miss "Imagine It!" in the Kids section. It's a great way to teach kids of all ages about life in the prehistoric past.
NPS Archeology Program: For The Public US Dept. of Interior National Park Service archeology Program Ideas, lesson plans, activities, and other resources for teaching heritage are included on http://www.cr.nps.gov/archeology/public/teach.htm
Extractions: @import url("../css/menuMatt.css"); Where To Start? Two great ways to start learning about how to use archeology as a teaching tool are our online guides, Archeology for Interpreters: A Guide to the Resource and its counterpart, Interpretation for Archeologists: A Guide to Increasing Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities . Created to help National Park Service interpreters and archeologists discuss archeological resources with the public, educators can also use these guides to learn about incorporating archeology into their classroom toolkit. Archeology for Interpreters answers questions about archeological methods, interpretation with archeological data, sensitivity in cultural resource matters, and encouragement of a sense of stewardship in youth. It also provides numerous links to get you started, including recommendations on parks to visit, lesson plans, and publications. Perhaps most importantly, the guide intends to help you feel comfortable using archeology as a multi-disciplinary resource. Interpretation for Archeologists offers methods for encouraging students to find personal meanings in archeological resources. This guide discusses the elements of interpretation that teachers can develop for their classrooms, such as the connections between tangible, intangible, and universal elements that facilitate learning and discussion.
Archeology Dig Lesson Plan SUBJECT archeology TOPIC archeology Dig GRADE LEVEL Elementary Return to Top of lesson Plan. Return to lesson plans Index. http://ted.coe.wayne.edu/sse/lesson/dig.htm
Extractions: Procedure Divide the class into cooperative learning groups. Each group should appoint a discussion leader, scribe, presenter or any other tasks depending on the size of the group. Tell the class they are part of an archeological team that has discovered a site where some interesting artifacts are located. Their task is to continue with the dig and see what they can find. Give each group a shoebox containing the items they will be digging up, a sheet of paper to record their findings, and the tools that will be used.
Awesome Library - Materials_Search Archaeology (Smithsonian Institute). Provides three lesson plans called Decoding the Past. (Archaeology is sometimes misspelled by visitors as archeology, http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Library/Materials_Search/Lesson_Plans/Science.html
Lesson Plan Central - Thousands Of Free Lesson Plans The lesson Plan Central offers 1000 s kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school Dinosaur archeology Dig Mini lesson on dinosaur archeology dig http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/new/new0.htm
Extractions: About the Society Society Activities About Archeology Teachers ... Kids + Archeology Teachers Resources Opportunities Lesson Plans Intrigue of the Past: A Teacher's Activity Guide for Fourth through Seventh Grades Hands-on Archaeology: An Archaeological Manual for the Teacher (1998) White, J. R. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Adventures in Prehistoric Archaeology (1988) Bleiweiss, R. Manassas, VA: Gifted Education Press. The River People: Lessons for the Classroom (1999) Black, M. S. (Ed.) Austin, TX: The Lower Colorado River Authority. [May be ordered for $10 by writing Daniel Prikryl, LCRA, PO Box 220, Austin, TX 78767-0220 Online lesson plans on Texas Beyond History Books of lesson plans on Texas Historical Commission TAS Home About the Society ... Kids + Archeology
Lesson Plans Acadian Culture SLEC / CDLS SAMPLE lesson PLAN II Objects Speak to Us/Archeological Detective. Basic Information. Field of Experience The Acadians Subject archeology, Artifacts http://www.unb.ca/slec/lelien/resources/lessons_acadian.html
Extractions: Reflection/Re-integration The Basic information allows the teacher to immediately identify the theme, topic and materials. Outcomes are stated for each of the multidimensional syllabi. The Teaching/learning Steps and Procedures involve three components. The personalisation phase allows learners to consider their own experiences and attitudes about the subject under consideration. The contextualisation phase offers key information about the communicative situation and the nature of the text. Regarding the communicative situation students should know who is communicating with whom, for what reason, in what relationship (eg., mother-daughter, boss-employee, friend-friend). The nature of the text should be made clear by indicating certain key discourse characteristics (eg. poems may have uneven lines and atypical punctuation; letters usually have formulaic openings and closings). Teachers will also encourage learners to use their knowledge of similar texts from their mother tongue. Employed effectively, these two components, personalization and contextualisation, permit learners to anticipate new information.
Lesson Plans 4 Teachers Tools allowing users to seach for over 120000 original lesson plans found on hundreds of BBC ESL lessons. archeology lessons. Math lesson Archive http://www.lessonplans4teachers.com/