Andorra Culture Population 66824 (July 2000 Est.) Nationality andorra culture. Population 66824 (July 2000 est.) Nationality noun Andorran(s) adjective Andorran Ethnic groups Spanish 43%, Andorran 33%,
Culture Of Andorra - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The single most important event in Andorran cultural life is the EscaldesEngordany international jazz festival, where stars such as Miles Davis,
Extractions: English Deutsch Portail et guide de la Principauté d'ANDORRE TOURISME en ANDORRE Locations de voitures Agences de voyages Campings d'Andorre Restaurants ... Mode VIE PRATIQUE Bourse du travail Petites annonces Associations BUSINESS Immobilier (1) Construction Architectes Consultants ... Autres entreprises PRESSE - TV Presse Radios TV ART ET CULTURE Cartographie Faune et flore Histoire Culture ...
Extractions: Andorra is situated in Southeastern Europe. To know more about Andorra, Maps of World provides information on Andorra, details of its flag, its people, its economy and other details Maps of World People of Andorra Andorra is the highest inhabited state in Europe, with the Spanish accounting for 43% of the population, the Andorran 33%, the Portuguese 11%, the French 7% and others 6%. Due to the large number of immigrants and high birth rate, the Andorran population has always been on the rise. Today, 20.46% of inhabitants are under 20 years of age. The official language is Catalan, although most inhabitants also speak French and Spanish due to the many economic and social links to the neighbouring states. Arts and Crafts Apart from the natural beauty that has been endowed on it, Andorra can boast of a rich architectural heritage and ancestral traditions, which have been preserved for more than thousands of years now. It is this rich heritage that contributes to its sense of identity and provides evidence of its origins. Fairs and Festivals Andorra can definitely get in to a festive mood with most of the popular festivals and traditions coinciding with religious festivals and natural cycles on Earth. Some of the famous festivals are St. George's Day (Sant Jordi), where roses and books are given as presents; Festa del Poble, celebrated on St. John's Day (Sant Joan) marks the summer solstice. St.Lucia fair is another festival where materials for making traditional Christmas crêches and typical Christmas products are on sale.
Extractions: ADVERTISING INFORMATION Andorra Culture Until the 1950s, Andorra's population hovered around 6000. Today, only about a quarter of the population - almost two-thirds of whom live in Andorra la Vella and its suburbs - are Andorran nationals. The rest are mainly Spanish, French and Portuguese. The official language is Catalan (Català), a Romance language most closely related to Proven al but with roots in Castilian and French. Local lore has it that everyone in Andorra speaks Catalan, Spanish and French, but there are plenty of people who can't understand more than 10 words of French. Hardly anyone speaks English. Andorran cuisine is mainly Catalan, with strong French and Italian influences. Sauces are typically served with meat and fish. Pasta is also common. Local dishes include cunillo (rabbit cooked in tomato sauce), xai (roast lamb), trinxat (bacon, potatoes and cabbage) and escudella (a stew of chicken, sausage and meatballs).
Andorra Travel Guide @ andorra Travel Notes The Principality of andorra is a dutyfree country from the Ministry of Tourism and culture of the Principality of andorra.
Extractions: Directory of newspapers and news sources from around the world. About Andorra Andorra is only 468 square kilometres and has a population of around 65,000 inhabitants that's less people than there are in Barcelona's Nou Camp stadium every week although during the ski season , visitors often overwhelm the place. There are no railways or airport in Andorra, but the roads are in excellent condition and there is a helicopter service if you want look at the country from the air. The Parishes of Andorra
Andorra Guides And Directories andorra Guides and Directories. andorra Accommodation andorra Media Catalan culture and Language More About andorra
Trips To Andorra | IExplore iExplore does not currently offer any trips to andorra. Many aspects of Western culture came into being in Greece drama, art, philosophy and science. and Trips
Andorra - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia with which andorra shares many cultural traits, though Spanish, Portuguese and French are also commonly culture. Main article culture of andorra
Andorra: Map, History And Much More From (Click to enlarge) andorra (Mapping Specialists, Ltd.) An·dor·ra ( andôr ?, -dor ? ) A tiny country of culture. Main article culture of andorra
Extractions: showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Government ... More... On this page: Dictionary Encyclopedia Map Local Time Dialing Code Currency Stats Anthem WordNet Wikipedia Translations Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Andorra Dictionary (Click to enlarge) Andorra (Mapping Specialists, Ltd.) An·dor·ra Än-d´r É, -dÅr A tiny country of southwest Europe between France and Spain in the eastern Pyrenees. Although it pays nominal yearly homage to its suzerains in France and Spain, it is an independent republic. Andorra la Vella (population, 23,000) is the capital. The country's population is 68,403. An·dor ran Encyclopedia Andorra Änd´r ) , Fr. Andorre ¤Nd´r ), officially Principality of Andorra, autonomous parliamentary co-principality (1995 est. pop. 66,000), 179 sq mi (464 sq km), high in the E Pyrenees between France and Spain, under the joint suzerainty of the president of France and the bishop of Seo de Urgel, Spain. Andorra la Vella (1990 est. pop. 20,437; Span. Andorra la Vieja ) is the capital and the most important city. Drained by the Valira River, Andorra comprises several high mountain valleys. Highways link the country with Spain and France.
Extractions: Mesure d'audience ROI frequentation par GEOGRAPHIE L' et sa situation géographique de 42° 39'15" au Nord et 1 °47'19" à l'Est. L'Andorre est un pays montagneux dont le point culminant se trouve au Pic du "Coma Pedrosa" à 2946 mètres et le point le plus bas au confluent des rivières "Runer" et "Valira" à 840 mètres. Le climat est sain. Il est influencé à la fois par la méditerranée et par l'Atlantique, en particulier au Pas de la Casa (N.E du pays).
ANDORRA.COM: LeiSure And CUlture - Activities Fear Principality of andorra to the oil on cloth fabric and subject and technique free. Place Centre cultural La Llacuna C/ Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer, 4.
Extractions: Thursday 1, to the 21.30 Thursday 15, to the 21.30 Dismissal-muscatel and coca, with the Catalan orchestra Juvenil Agramunt, in the sport Complex. XVIII Group of sardanas. Saturday 3, to the 17.30 12th To the 20.15 Dinner of brotherhood in the room of congresses. To the 22.15 Sunday 4, to the 10.30, to 17 and to 22,