King County Library System An outstanding resource for parents, Ready Web is an electronic collection of resources on Broad range of topics for parents on educational topics.
Extractions: The State Office of Parent Trust for Washington Children provides professional training and development, networking and consultation, support and technical assistance, community organizing and training curriculum for communities across the state. Includes over 80 parent tip sheets. Links to Local Schools
Cleveland: Education Home School Resource Center Providing information to parents who homeschool The National Home education Network exists to encourage and facilitate the
Educational Links This site is dedicated to Educational Internet Sites of use or interest to Tlingit Language and Cultural resources created by JSD students and teachers.
Extractions: This site is dedicated to Educational Internet Sites of use or interest to students of all ages, educators and parents. Feel free to browse these sites, and to discover some of your own. If you find a site that should be included in this index, please e-mail the Juneau School District. If you wish to return to the Juneau School District, it would be helpful to bookmark it now! All sites should be explored for information and ideas by people of all ages, however, sites have been organized for easy reference. Let's see what the World Wide Web has to offer... World Book Online This is a new feature! Please use the password supplied by your teacher! Tlingit Language and Cultural resources created by JSD students and teachers. General Interest Government History/Humanities Science Sister City for Educators General Interest Web 66 is a site designed to help K-12 educators learn how to set up their own Internet servers, link K-12 WWW servers, the educators and students at those schools, and help K-12 educators find and use K-12 appropriate resources on the WWW. HomeworkCentral : a research site suited to the needs of any user from kindergarten to adult. This kid-safe site was conceived with an eye toward creating a "one-stop" study site where editors continuously provide students of all ages with a definitive and comprehensive guide to the wealth of knowledge available on line.