The History Of PARENTS, Inc The alaska Department of education coordinated the conference and funded most of it. The Board of Directors also voted to relocate the PARENTS Resource
Extractions: The History of PARENTS, Inc. by Tim Weiss (5/8/01) PARENTS, Inc. began in April 1988 when 50 parents and professionals from across the state came to Juneau with the intent of forming a parents group. The meeting was funded and organized by the Alaska Department of Education and the Governor's Council for the Handicapped and Gifted. Four presenters from the lower 48 gave testimony on their parent organizations. After brainstorming ideas and concerns, a core group was set up to construct bylaws and set up a board. From this meeting Pathways and PARENTS, Inc. were formed. Much of the force behind creating and funding both Pathways and PARENTS, Inc. came from Governor's Council Executive Director Dot Truran. An award in her honor was named after her death and is given out at each Pathways Conference. We became a nonprofit corporation in 1989. The First Pathways Conference was held at the Anchorage Hilton in April of 1989. The Alaska Department of Education coordinated the conference and funded most of it. The new PARENTS, Inc. group was asked to coordinate scholarships. Other contributors of the first conference included the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Infant Learning Program, the Governor's Council on Handicapped and Gifted, Special Education Services Agency, and the Anchorage Special Education Parent Resource Center. We planned on 100 people attending. Registration went over 500 with 75 parents traveling on scholarships. During the April 1989 Pathways conference, the first formal meeting of the board of directors was held. Officers were elected, including:
Extractions: Homeschooling Information and Resource Pages! On this site you will find bloggers bringing you up-to-date homeschooling information, news and views, free online newsletters, networking lists, and selections from Home Education Magazine, including articles, interviews, columnists, resources, reviews and more! Use the menu at the left for a site overview or see HEM Site Notes below for more news, information and highlights from this site. This site is sponsored by Home Education Magazine - 23 years of bringing families the best in homeschooling! Selections from the September-October issue
Extractions: Welcome to the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Use the links below to navigate the resources available on our site. Home About NW Lab Job Openings People ... Advanced search improves educational results for children, youth, and adults by providing research and development assistance in delivering equitable, high-quality educational programs. The Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) provides research and development assistance to education, government, community agencies, business, and labor. NWREL's primary service area is the Northwest states of Alaska Idaho Montana Oregon , and Washington About the Lab Job Openings Registration is now open for the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory's to be held August 22-23, 2005 in Portland, Oregon. Workshop sessions will be conducted in Spanish and the $385.00 registration fee includes materials. Register or get additional information on the Assessment Web site or contact Matthew Whitaker at 1-800-547-6339 extension 582 or
Asperger This group, which is sponsored by the Special education Parents Resource Center, meets monthly. Anchorage, alaska. Meetings are held in the library.
Extractions: Parents Support Group for Asperger Syndrome This group, which is sponsored by the Special Education Parents Resource Center, meets monthly. Meeting Times: Meetings held on the 4th Thursday of each month (during the school year) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Location: Special Education Parent Resource Center
Alaska Homeschooling - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling alaska education Code For Homeschooling AN A TO Z RESOURCE Charter school parents in alaska are pioneering an unusual hybrid of public funding and home
Extractions: Click on the banner for recommended books and supplies for homeschooling A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Regional I am Ann Zeise , your guide to the best and most interesting and useful sites and articles about home education on the web. Search All of A to Z Articles Calendar Curriculum Explorations 4 Kids Field Trips Jokes Laws Links Methods Older Kids Regional Religion/Cultural The Web Home Recent Articles Events Join Email List ... Curriculum Shopping
Alaska Homeschooling Laws - A To Z Home's Cool From alaska State education Laws, Home education Magazine Complete Home Learning Source Book The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents,
Extractions: Homeschooling books and supplies at discount, no sales tax, and now free shipping! A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling I am Ann Zeise , your guide to the best and most interesting and useful sites and articles about home education on the web. Search All of A to Z Articles Calendar Curriculum Explorations 4 Kids Field Trips Jokes Laws Links Methods Older Kids Regional Religion/Cultural The Web Home Recent Articles Events Join Email List ... Curriculum Shopping
UNDERSTANDING THE REGULATIONS The training requirement is similar to the continuing education required of The alaska Center for Resource Families can assist foster parents in
Extractions: UNDERSTANDING THE REGULATIONS: What Alaskan Foster Parents Need to Know FOSTER PARENT TRAINING 1.0 Hour Training Credit Written and Produced by: The Alaska Center for Resource Families Funded by the State of Alaska Office of Children's Services UNDERSTANDING THE REGULATIONS: What Alaskan Foster Parents Need to Know Foster Parent Training Reference 7 AAC 50.250 This series was compiled with help from the State of Alaska Office of Children's Services to help foster parents understand the foster care regulations. This series is a guide to the regulations, but not a substitute. In all differences between the information in this series and the regulations, the regulations are the final authority. Contact your licensing worker for a complete copy of the regulations. Under the foster care regulations, foster parents are required to complete a certain amount of training each year. This self-study states the training requirements for foster parents and offers ideas of how to get and record your training. WHY DO I NEED TRAINING? I
Alaska alaska resources. Each state sets eligibility ages for services to children and youth with alaska Congress of Parents and Teachers PO Box 201496
Springfield Public Schools http// Explorer Educational resources Student parent resources Navigation. parent Information Center Summer School Information
Extractions: NEW Parent Quick Facts Finder NEW Guide to Educational Acronyms - Glossary of Educational Terms and Acronyms. Community Resources: Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community (SDFSC) program Springfield OWL Adult Education Center Step Up Springfield Springfield School Volunteers ... The Community Anti-Drug Coalition Of Hampden County Subject Areas: Reading Mathematics Science Social Studies ... Technology Reading Comprehension Links
AlaskaSIGSummary The Quality education in the Last Frontier (QELF) project, alaska s state improvement Train staff and parents; Develop a resource guide for parents
Extractions: State Improvement Grant Applications Funded in 2000 Alaska Abstract Basic Information Improvement Strategies Return to Main Page Alaska Abstract or Conceptual Framework for State Systemic Change Based on an extensive needs assessment, the following six goals were identified: Goal 1: Increase the participation of all students, including students with disabilities, in activities related to Alaska's Quality Schools Initiative and other school reform efforts Goal 2: Support the full participation of parents, families, and community members in activities promoting student achievement Goal 3: Develop and sustain effective partnerships with state agencies that provide services affecting students' educational achievement Goal 4: Develop the infrastructure to recruit, train, and retain education professionals Goal 5: Develop the infrastructure to recruit, train, and retain paraeducators Goal 6: Develop an evaluation program to ensure the efficient use of federal, state, and local resources for project activities The QELF project will advocate for full inclusion of students with disabilities in statewide education reform activities by providing training, resources, and technical assistance to school districts, parents, families, communities, and state agencies. The project will also increase cooperation among stakeholders and build the capacity of systemic structures currently in place. Twenty-six organizations representing parents, school districts, school personnel, Alaska Natives and other under-represented groups, state agencies, institutions of higher education, and private employers have signed partnership agreements that identify specific areas of collaboration. These partnerships will enable the QELF project to achieve its goals with a small staff and low administrative overhead. They will also ensure that Alaska's systemic capacity continues to grow after the project's completion.
Education Resources Welcome to Denali National Park Preserve s education resources page. We offer resources for teachers, students, and parents to learn about Denali s
Extractions: Information for: Kids Educators Parents Teachers Check It Out! - E-Field Trips Electronic Field Trips to Denali! Discover amazing animals and their adaptations to the subarctic environment, or join a virtual climb of North America's highest peak through an electronic field trip with
ENC Online: Education Headlines US Department of education, August 11, American Indian, alaska Native Infants Possess Healthy ENCA Resource for Mathematics and Science Educators
Alaska Student Loans - Planning_Helping Kids alaska Commission on Postsecondary education and alaska Student Loan America s Career Resource Network. Parents play such an integral role in their
Extractions: A child thrives on a parentâs attention so it's critical that you be involved with their education. Help encourage and develop their creativity and talents. Cultivate, inspire and develop their skills. Emphasize the importance of all matters relating to education, even when that may include asking them not to take the easy way out. Encourage the Challenging Courses Did you know that according to the National Center for Education Statistics, in fall of 2000 more than one quarter of entering freshman enrolled in one or more remedial reading, writing or mathematics courses? Although our children begin studying these subject areas in elementary school, as they get older, they donât automatically challenge themselves to learn beyond the basic level. Often, students who can excel in school will opt for the easier courses so they can be with their friends or avoid being labeled a âbrain.â Talk with your children and help them to push themselves to learn as much as they can. They should be taking the most advanced classes they can handle academically.Â
Sopris West Educational Services Proven and Practical education Products and Services. April 5 Anchorage, alaska, May 6 - Honolulu, Hawaii May 11 - Houston, Texas
Extractions: A perfect complement to Safe, Supportive, and Successful Schools, this manual shows school-based teams how to assess and respond effectively to student threats of violence. The goals are twofold: (1) maintain a safe school environment by preventing acts of violence, and (2) resolve problems that underlie threatening behavior. Includes guidelines on conducting assessments and implementing interventions, findings of current research, reproducibles, and case examples. Without the hassle and expense of traveling, you can connect with top instructors who speak on topics of importance to today's educators. You'll learn cutting edge strategies and proven techniques that will help you reach even your most challenging students. These convenient and cost-effective conferences are approximately two-hours long. Internet Achieving Early Reading Skills Internet Acquiring Word Recognition Skills Internet Building Vocabulary and Fluency Skills Internet Developing Comprehension Skills Click here for individual event details or call (800) 296-4770 for registration information.
Welcome | Alaska Autism Resource Center The alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC) is a resource provided by the Special education Service Agency (SESA) located in Anchorage, alaska.
Extractions: Serving the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, their families, caregivers, and service providers throughout the state of Alaska via information, referral, training, and consultation. The Alaska Autism Resource Center (AARC) is a resource provided by the Special Education Service Agency (SESA) located in Anchorage, Alaska. AARC services are provided by SESA through a contract with the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED). The Alaska Mental Health Land Trust and DEED provide funding for the AARC. Please use the navigation tools in the left hand column to view our site. To contact the AARC, please use the contact information located in the right hand column on this and the About Us page. View RSS feed click here for previous what's new links (blog) 2217 E. Tudor Rd Suite 1
Parenting Classes alaska Women s Resource Center 610 C Street, Suite 2A Anchorage, AK 99501 Hope Community resources Supported Parenting Project Ask for Karen
Alaska SEED: System For Early Education Development alaska SEED System for Early education Development alaska s Regional Childcare Resource and Referral Agencies. There are three regional resource and
Extractions: Members of AEYC-SEA have been actively promoting excellence in early childhood education in Southeast Alaska for over twenty years. AEYC-SEA offers support and resources to families and programs caring for young children, and information to businesses and communities. CARES: Children's Advocates, Resources, and Educational Services
General Science Resources AAAS Directorate of education and Human resources Programs. The American Association for the There are some fun things here for educators and parents.
Extractions: General Science SM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U ... W X Y Z This compilation of El Niño information and sites attempts to determine whether this is "one of the most severe ENSO events in history." Including reports from contributors all over the world, its fascinating reading. This is a compilation of information about women in science . There are more than 125 women from our scientific past documented in biographies and photographs. A bonus is the inclusion of the reference list of books and articles used to develop this site. The American Association for the Advancement of Science promotes science, math, and technology education improvements and an even playing field for all students. This site offers news, programs, their film and book review journal, and the most recent issue of Science Education News , offering current science, math, and technology education news and activities. Past issues are archived.
Migrant And Bilingual Education Since 1966, the US Department of education s educational resources parents, professors, and others access educationrelated resources about rural
Extractions: Migrant Education Program Programs/Services Summer School Program iGrants Information Bilingual Education Program Emergency Immigrant Education Program Refugee Child School Impact Grant State Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program Title III, Language Acquisition ... Wash. Lang. Proficiency Test Interpretation of Scores General Information Program Directory 2003-2004 Director Meetings Events Manager Director's Presentations ... Legal Precedents to Education of ELL and Undocumented Students
Alaska Departmental Resource Guides alaska Departmental Resource Guides. Information for students, parents and education professionals on college search and test preparation.
Extractions: Home Division EED State of Alaska ... > Dept Resource Guides > Education Resources Thank you for visiting the Department of Education and Early Development State Library Resources page! We hope that this selection of services and resources will be useful in your work. If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact us either by e-mail at , our Ask-a-Librarian form , or by calling 465.1301. Developed by Sheri Somerville Liaison Librarian to EED At no charge to your agency, you can have the Table of Contents (listing of articles) from a long list of magazines and journals delivered to your desk as soon as new issues are published. Choose the articles that you are interested in, and the library will send you the full article(s). Some journals we offer that might be of interest to Department of Education and Early Development employees are: Education Finance Alaska Journal of Commerce Bradners Alaska Economic Report Economic Indicators Employment and Earnings National Tax Journal Harvard Business Review Journal of Accountancy