Extractions: Teachers can use the Museum's exhibits and Hands-on Collection to make their lessons come alive. The Gallery of Alaska will be open for school Tour on Your Own programs during this school year. The Museum Store with its expanded learning resources will remain open, and there is additional public parking in the back of the museum. Tour on Your Own allows teachers and home schooling parents to take their students on a self-guided tour of the Museum's regional galleries. Use our exhibits to make your own lessons real and meaningful for students. All grades are welcome! Planning for Tour on Your Own The Museum Education staff can assist teachers in planning activities for your students during a Museum visit. We have ideas and worksheets that we will be happy to share. Reservations are required so please contact us to set up a time to talk over your needs at (907) 474 - 6948. There is a $2 per student admission; teachers and adult escorts are FREE. Purchase orders, checks, credit cards, and cash are accepted. Docent Led Tours use grade-appropriate inquiry-based activities, the Museum exhibits, and the Hands-on Collection to supplement classroom teaching themes for K-6th grade classes. These guided tour topics change each semester. Teacher Resource Guides for each Docent Led Tour are available to prepare students prior to the Museum visit; program objectives, vocabulary, discussion questions, and background information are included. Guides are located in the Reference Section in each elementary school library in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. Due to the museum expansion construction
PlanetYouth The Native American Youth Connection parent resources A collection of links to health information, family services and Offices of Indian education Programs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs http://www.hud.gov/offices/pih/ih/codetalk/planet/learn_text.html
Extractions: A collection of links to health information, family services and parenting. Planet Youth connects American Indian, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian youth to people, cultural resources and fun using the internet. Parents, researchers, and teachers will find the site an important and useful resource for providing opportunities for Native and non-Native youth and their families with access to a base of knowledge about American Indian history, facts and culture.
Educational Adventures banner logo for National Park Servicealaska education (This is for teaching resources outside of the Fairbanks area.) The Great alaska Mystery Box http://www.nps.gov/aplic/fieldtrip/fair_local.html
Extractions: (nps photo) (about the center) Kids Corner Have you ever felt the fur of a Polar Bear? You can at theAlaska Public Lands Information CentersKids Corner. Young learners can participate in several activities at Kids Corner, from reading a book to taking a look through a microscope. Parents and their children are invited to use the materials in Kids Corner while they visit APLIC. (educational opportunities) Field Trips Groups organizers can schedule in-service training for teachers and leaders on resources fromAlaska Public Lands Information Centersby calling the center. Well give your staff a tour of our facility, introduce our teaching resources, and review the checkout procedures for kits and library materials. Bring your school or other groups to the center for a variety of field trips.
Extractions: Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools Charleston WV. Issues in the Education of American Indian and Alaska Native Students with Disabilities. ERIC Digest. This Digest presents suggestions for addressing selected issues in the education of AI/AN students with disabilities. Issues include preparation and recruitment of special educators and related service providers, the rights and responsibilities of parents, development and use of culturally and linguistically appropriate assessments, and education in the least restrictive environment. PREPARATION AND RECRUITMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATORS AND RELATED SERVICE PROVIDERS Personnel preparation grants have also been awarded to tribal colleges and universities. * Dull Knife Memorial College (MT) will train 24 paraprofessional and professional special educators. * Ft. Peck Community College (MT) will grant 16 associate and 16 bachelor degrees in special education.
Extractions: Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools Charleston WV. Postsecondary Financial Aid for American Indians and Alaska Natives. ERIC Digest. One of the many critical issues confronting the education of American Indians and Alaska Natives [hereafter, "Natives"] is ensuring that Native students gain equal access to postsecondary education and that they are prepared for academic success. This Digest summarizes challenges Native students confront in obtaining adequate financial aid; general sources of aid for Native students; and ways communities and parents can support students through the financial aid process. The Digest ends with some readily available print and Web-based sources of information about student financial aid. FINANCIAL AID CHALLENGES AND REALITIES Lack of family resources. Many Native students enter college with no resources other than what they receive through financial aid. High levels of unemployment in many Native communities severely limit students' and their families' ability to save money for education (LaCounte, 1987). During the 1992-93 academic year, about 62 percent of Native American undergraduates needed financial assistance. Most of these students received financial aid in the form of grants, loans, and work-study (Pavel et al., 1998).
Family Village -- Parent Training & Information Centers SEAC Special education Action Committee. alaska parentS, Inc. LINKS - MatSu parent Resource Center. Arizona Raising Special Kids. Arkansas http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/education/pti.html
Central Council - Tlingit&Haida Tribes Of Alaska strives to connect children with the care and resources of both parents. Funding Agency State of alaska Department of education Early Development http://www.ccthita.org/grantancmnts.html
Extractions: Grants promote economic self-sufficiency and strengthen marriage Grant Objectives: HHS' Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., today announced the award of $7.3 million to 13 Alaska Native organizations to promote economic self-sufficiency and strengthen healthy marriage. The announcement was made during site visits in Alaska this week by the Administration for Children and Families' Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans, Quanah Crossland Stamps. Her trip this week is intended to strengthen partnerships to promote social and economic self-sufficiency for Native Americans. "The Bush Administration values the vibrant cultural heritage of Native Americans in Alaska," said Dr. Horn. "By strengthening marriage and the well-being of Alaska's Native families, these grants not only keep that heritage alive but also ensure that more Alaska Natives will enter and stay in the economic mainstream." Today's $7.3 million is over and above $3.9 million in grants to Alaska Natives for environmental enhancement, language preservation and social and economic development released during site visits by HHS Deputy Secretary Alex Azar and Dr. Horn earlier this month. ANA has also provided $37 million to Native American communities around the country this year in social and economic development, language preservation and environmental regulatory enhancement grants.
NASP - Culturally Competent Practice American Indians alaska Natives/Violence Prevention resources (National Multicultural education Resource Center (Minnesota Independent School Forum) http://www.nasponline.org/culturalcompetence/website.html
Extractions: IDEA Partnership The IDEA Partnership, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, brings together 55 national organizations to participate with states and each other in a variety of cross-stakeholder activities to build capacity of states, districts and schools to improve results for students with disabilities. The website of the IDEA Partnership provides a rich array of news, resources and information about IDEA 2004, NCLB, and descriptions of the various initiatives underway by the Partnership. Recent postings include the Dialogue Guides, which are a communication tool and strategy for increasing discussion and collaboration on key issues for students with disabilities. (National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention) The National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention provides technical assistance and training to more than 200 school districts and communities that receive grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This particular page of the website houses descriptions and links to American Indian and Alaska Native organizations, federal agencies, and data summaries and articles on crime rates, violence prevention efforts, and gang activity among American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Amby's Education Resources Amby s education resources includes materials for parents, teachers, and students Info about alaska s High School Graduation Qualifying Examination is http://amby.com/educate/ed_res.html
Extractions: For ADDITIONAL topics, please check the other pages of Education Resources Education Resources Index ADD / ADHD Resources Specific Learning Disabilities Gifted Driver Education Language Arts Math Education Science Resources Social Studies Home Schooling Other Educational Materials Tests and Test Preparation Learning to Surf the Internet Effectively An excellent essay which provides examples and concrete advice for helping students make good use of online research time. Includes a section on "Search Strategies, Hints, and Addresses" with descriptions of search engines with hyperlinks to each. Joanne Troutner / Global SchoolNet Foundation http://www.gsh.org/wce/troutner.htm The Headbone Derby A fun, free, fascinating way to practice search skills. Work alone or with a team (you can even compete for prizes!!). Registration requires only selecting an ID and a password (more is required if you want to be eligible for prizes). Solve puzzles by locating specific facts online; cartoon format with materials designed to be accessible to those in middle school and up. Caution for older students and adults - don't be TOO LITERAL - go with the "obvious" answer!! Provides links to Yahoo! although you might rather use AltaVista (this link will provide a NEW WINDOW ). Includes an
PHP : Resource Details parents Inc. is a partnership of alaska families with disabilities that provides support, Resource library; parent Training on Special education Laws http://www.php.com/include/agency/agency_item.php?AgencyID=816&where_keywords=
Extractions: SECTION FOUR ALASKA NATIVE EDUCATION Report of the Education Task Force Contents Introduction and Historical Background Western Education of Alaska Natives Prior to 1867 Western Education of Alaska Natives After 1867 Contemporary Background Current Western Education and Alaska Natives, K-12 Alaska Native Students in the 1990s
Iditarod Webquest To convince your parents that alaska is the best place to go for a vacation, your class is Off Line resources. Adventure In alaska By Sydelle Kramer http://education.nmsu.edu/webquest/wq/iditarod/
Extractions: Introduction You know how weird parents can be, right? Well, yours have just announced that the family is going to take a vacation during the school year and you have a chance to decide where. The catch is (you know there's always one with parents) it has to be an educational experience. You know the other kids are trying to figure out how to make a trip to Disneyland educational. This will never get past your parents. You have to come up with a vacation plan that everyone will love. You have to make this good, cause you don't want to end up wandering through a stuffy old museum like last year. You've heard about this sled dog race in Alaska called the Iditarod and wonder if maybe this would be not only a vacation but an adventure your family would never forget. The Task To convince your parents that Alaska is the best place to go for a vacation, your class is going to learn as much as they can about the race, Alaska, and the people that live there. To add to the fun, the class will act as a TV news team to gather information. There will be 5 groups of reporters. Each one will cover one of the following topics: history, geography, art and culture, math, and science. We will have a live news cast that will be taped for parents who won't be able to make it. History Reporters 1. You will need to know some history of the Iditarod. To help you with this there are several
AKInclusion The alaska Department of education provides encouragement and support to all There are many resources available on inclusive education; following are a http://interact.uoregon.edu/wrrc/AKInclusion.html
Extractions: A Summary of the Research Prepared by Caroline Moore Western Regional Resource Center University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon in cooperation with Debra Gilbreath Alaska Department of Education, Teaching and Learning Support and the Alaska 2000 Design Team, with special assistance from Fran Maiuri January, 1998 Educating Students With Disabilities in (Dr. Shirley Hollaway, Commissioner of Education for Alaska, in a speech given to the Special Education Directors' Conference, Anchorage, AK, September 1996) "The entire context of American education is changing. We need teachers skilled in using computers as a powerful teaching tool, and many more teachers well-versed in teaching English as a second language. Our teachers need to teach to a higher level of achievement, and be prepared to teach all of America's children-the gifted and talented, our many new immigrants, the college-bound achiever, and the disabled child who is learning so much more because he or she is now included."
AIE: State Education Resources Texas Guaranteed s educational web site for parents, students, and high school counselors. State education resources. Western States. alaska http://www.adventuresineducation.org/Portal/index.cfm?page=_st_west.cfm
Office Of Indian Education Programs: Resources Researching American Indian education Other resources ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural and Small Schools American Indian/alaska Native education http://www.oiep.bia.edu/resources.html
Extractions: This bibliography, compiled by the Anthropology Outreach Office of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, is a response to these and other teachers' concerns about choosing culturally sensitive and historically accurate books for children about American Indians and Alaska Natives. Parents and the general public may also find it to be a valuable resource for making informed choices about books. The antibias guidelines and critiques found here can help readers develop an ability to critically evaluate books and teaching curricula and provide a foundation by which to assess the value of materials about any culture or ethnic group.
Extractions: Advanced Search by HOME ABOUT I H S SITE MAP HELP ... Bright Futures : health supervision PACER Center: material for parents Maternal child health material Sex ed materials for parents SIDS material A.D.H.D. resource pamphlets TIPP sheets for injury prevention Identifying fetal alcohol exposure Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents This cornerstone publication of the Bright Futures project is a practical, comprehensive resource to help professionals, families, and communities more effectively promote the health and well-being of our nation's children and adolescents. The second edition provides developmental nutrition guidelines for children and adolescents from birth to age 21. The guide contains strategies and tools to help health professionals provide nutrition supervision partnerships with families and communities. Info and ordering, on-line Materials for parents of children with and without disabilities PACER Center's Family Strengths Series teaches and affirms parents of children ages birth to five. The five short booklets are full of photos of children from a variety of backgrounds and are written in an easy-to-read manner. A single-cassette recording includes all 5 booklets. Booklets and tapes are available in English, Spanish, or Hmong. Call the PACER Center in Minneapolis at 952-838-9000 or 888-248-0822 or visit them
Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) parent Advocacy Center for education Rights 8161 Normandale Boulevard Sunrise Children s Foundation parent Information and Resource Center (Nevada) http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_cd=PRC
Alaska Department Of Education & Early Development The official website of the State of alaska. Department of education Early Achieve Resource Center, Advanced Placement, alaska Community Learning http://www.eed.state.ak.us/
Extractions: Level Results ... Summary: 2004 IDEA Reauthorization Go to.... 21st Century Community Learning... Achieve Resource Center Advanced Placement Alaska Community Learning Center Alaska Math Consortium Alaska Resources Education Alaska Science Consortium Alaska State Council on the Arts Alaska State School for Deaf. . . Alaska State Writing Consortium Alaska Student ID System Alaska USDA Commodity Program Archives Assessment Bilingual Multicultural Education Charter Schools Child Nutrition Services Competitive Grants Comprehensive School Reform Correspondence Schools Curriculum and Assessment Curriculum Frameworks Daily K-9 Lessons Developmental Profile Directories Directory of EED Officials