Oklahoma Baptist University The Residential Life Handbook. 9) Residential Life staff Directory I hope tocontinue my education very soon in the area of Counseling. http://www.okbu.edu/campuslife/reslife/handbook/section_9.html
Extractions: document.write(""); document.write(''); document.write(''); Campus Life Mark Lamb, Undeclared Sunday, September 18, 2005 About OBU Admissions Academics Campus Life ... Giving To OBU Jill Hardin Kerr and Howard Residence Centers Jessica Patterson WMU Dormitory Michael Burns Men's Housing Monica Mullins Assistant Dean of Students/Housing Director Melissa Rogers Taylor and West University Apartments Welcome to OBU! I am completely new to OBU and am so excited to be a part of such a great university and to be your RD this year. I believe that your dorm should feel like home, so your RAs and I are going to do absolutely everything we can to make this happen, from keeping the building functioning properly, to making this a great place of study, to helping us be good neighbors to each other. Getting to know you and sharing my life with you will be among my main priorities, so dont be a stranger! Stop by my office or my apartment to say Hello, and we can have tea or coke or water or whatever! I am married to Justin, who is an OBU New Testament professor. We have two children, Ethan (2 1/2 yrs.), and Drew (10 months). Ethan is pumped about our new, BIG house and our HUGE back yard!
SERVE Assessment Instructional Quality SERVE, directed by Dr. Ludwig David van Broekhuizen , is an education organization Building on theory and craft knowledge, SERVE staff develop tools and http://www.serve.org/Assessment/Classroom/Ref_Skills_q2.php
Extractions: Overview Professional Development Assessment Subtopics: Classroom ... References Popham, J. (2001). The Truth about Testing , Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. , Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction , Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Understanding by Design , Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development Back
Centre For The Advancement Of Teaching And Learning - Resources OSDS resource library lists books and videos available for loan to staff from Implementing Outcome Based education @ UWA (Centre for the Advancement of http://www.catl.uwa.edu.au/resources/tandl/resources
Out Of Control Staff Meetings And Boring Inservice Anne is a regional staff developer, based in alabama. Technology staff devis almost all I do, so Carolyn s stories are quite familiar to me. http://www.middleweb.com/MWLISTCONT/MSLboringPD.html
Extractions: The teachers begin to act like Middle School students and talk across the room and among themselves. They make cute comments and I often feel like I am often getting hit with fifty items at one time. We have them on Monday afternoons and there have been times I have been so overwhelmed I have just gotten up and left the room.
BIO-TBL Information from both faculty and Al. dev. 14%. Information from coaching staff,1%. Information from Career Services, 7% http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/natsciences/bio/bio-tbl.html
Extractions: In what fields are they working? FIELD OF EMPLOYMENT NO. Arts/Crafts (musician, actor, artist) Business (accountant, sales, personnel, mgmt) Clergy/Ministry Computer (programming, systems analysis) Education (professor, el ed, day care) Engineering/Construction (architect, interior design ) Farming/Conservation Foreign Service (interpreter, diplomat, Peace Corp) Health Services Homemaking Law (lawyer, judge, police, politician) Mental Health (social worker, psychologist) Scientific Research/Application Writing/Journalism Unemployed Other No Update
2002 WHISC Courses MTT2 Battalion/Brigade staff Operations Mobile Training Team A project ofthe Latin America Working Group education Fund in cooperation with the Center http://www.ciponline.org/facts/soacou02.htm
Extractions: //Top Nav Bar I v2.1- By Constantin Kuznetsov Jr. (script@esolutiononline.com) //Modified by Dynamic Drive for NS6/Opera6 compatibility and code streamlining March 4th, 2002 //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script var keepstatic=0 //specify whether menu should stay static 0=non static (works only in IE4+) var menucolor="#1F5AA0" //specify menu color var submenuwidth=150 //specify sub menus' color Source: WHISC home page: http://www.benning.army.mil/whinsec/academics_courses_description.htm , November 2002. CMS-1 Civil Military Operations Course Course Length: 6 weeks This course is designed to prepare students to serve as Civil Military Officers, either as military officers or as government civilian officials interacting with the military on civil military operations (CMO) activities. It consists of training in military civic action, the proper role of the military in support of civilian authority, civil defense, disaster preparedness/relief, and CMO support to counterdrug activities. Students are exposed to emerging U.S. military doctrine to organize and integrate the entire gamut of governmental, international, and non-governmental entities into coherent disaster preparedness/relief plans. Students are exposed to the interagency planning process by working with the local, state, and federal disaster relief agencies available in Georgia and Alabama.
Valdosta State University - University Relations Meredith to Accept New Higher education Post in Mississippi serving aschancellor of the University System of alabama, which he joined in June 1997. http://www.valdosta.edu/news/FullStory.php?story=meredith_072105
7/20/94 Type LocationGBR ABC 9 AM Opening Ceremony 7/20 Piloting several technologies, the education network of Maine has provided a Email and alert are used among students and staff statewide outside and http://www.rit.edu/~ewcncp/symposium/Abstracts
UAB Pediatrics Residency Program/Med-Peds Program Educational Experience. The Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics program at UAB The UAB Hospital, located in the University of alabama Medical Center, http://www.uab.edu/pediatrics/Med_Peds.html
Extractions: Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Program Meet the Med-Peds Residents The Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine offer a newly established a combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics residency training program. This program is fully accredited, meets all the recommendations regarding combined training as set forth by the two Boards in December, 1988, and leads to eligibility to take the certifying examinations of both the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Internal Medicine. Unlike almost any other field, the Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatric Program must provide full training and qualification in two separate specialties Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. We believe this can only be accomplished with a high volume of patients, a broad diversity of clinical material, a strong teaching faculty in both disciplines, and a commitment to the education of house officers. Our residents are responsible for the care of patients with a wide variety of medical illnesses, ranging from those routinely encountered in primary care practice to those seen only in the tertiary care setting. Each member of the residency program is, at times, the student and, at other times, the teacher. This enthusiasm to learn and to teach characterizes the Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Educational Experience The Combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics program at UAB has been developed with careful consideration for the special needs of our residents. Combining two excellent university teaching programs with a comprehensive ambulatory training track ensures a well-balanced experience for individuals seeking a career in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. The program is structured to include a balance between ambulatory, inpatient and subspecialty rotations with progressively increased responsibility to senior supervisory status. At the completion of the training program, graduates will have maximum flexibility for career options in primary care, further subspecialty training in either medicine or pediatrics, or academic medicine.