Teacher Education Faculty Staff Information State University, Dothan, Alabama Admin. Faculty, Dev. Glenville D. Education Stanford University Pennsylvania State http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Teacher Education Faculty And Staff Directory Education Wayne State University University, Dothan, Alabama at Gbg. Director, Admin. Faculty, Dev. Pennsylvania State http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Bachelor Of Science In Education - Military Instructor/Staff Bachelor of Science in Education Military Instructor/Staff Development Career/Tech. CE 434 Course Dev. Eval. Beaty Street Athens http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Semester FOR COMPLETE POLICY The tuition and fees refund policy used by Athens State University is mandated by the Alabama State Board of Education. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Staff Development Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People Alabama Reading Initiative. AMSTI Community Education. Calendar Position Openings Contact Us Site Map Home teacher/staff resources Staff http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Title VII Grantees, FY1996 Program STATE GRANT PROGRAM Recipient ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GORDON PERSONS VISTA ELEMENTARY SCH DIST LANGUGE ACQUISITION DEV DEPT http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. US Publishers List FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTING MACHINERY (ACM) ASSOCIATION FOR CONSUMER RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATION http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Alabama Best Practices Center The Alabama State Department of Education recently released the Color Key Staff Development, Other Teacher Resources Professional Dev http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Education World Administrators Center Decisions, Decisions! A ELearning Prof Dev Oppty Center or major consequences for their staff and at Goodwyn Junior High School in Montgomery, Alabama, told http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
PLS Client List alabama education Assoc., AL; Alachua County Schools, FL; Albany BOCES, Phoenix, AZ; Nat l staff development Council (NSDC); Nat l staff dev. http://www.plsweb.com/professional_development/clients/
Extractions: Where am I? Home Customized Professional Development PLS Client List View PLS by topic: Brain-Based Learning Classroom Management Coaching and Mentoring Critical Thinking Learning Styles Motivation Multiple Intelligences Reading and Literacy Responsibility Technology Go With expertise in school-based management, leadership skills, and problem solving, PLS has an impressive list of clients, including state, intermediate, and local educational agencies. Here is a partial list of clients with whom we have worked: Alabama Education Assoc., AL Alachua County Schools, FL Albany BOCES, Special Educators, NY Alliance for Education, Shreveport, LA American Assoc. of Peer Collaborators American Assoc. of School Personnel American Federation of Teachers Area Resource Center of Central KS Arlington ISD, TX Ashtabula County Educ. Service Center, OH Association of Teacher Educators Badgett Regional Coop. for Educ. Enhancement, KY Balston Spa School District, NY Boston City Schools, MA Breckinridge County, KY
Extractions: Skip Navigation and go to content Professional Development Alabama Reading Initiative ... 2005 Calendar Driving Directions UM Home Resources Resource Guide We want to meet your professional development needs so if you have an area of interest that would require an inservice please do not hesitate to call Betty Abbott at 205.665.6447. Our goal is to enable you to provide quality training to assist you in meeting your educational and professional goals for your school. Title Series Title Author(s) Publisher Aeronautics: An Educator's Guide with Activities in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Grades K-4 NASA Alabama Adventure Discovering Alabama Doug Phillips AL Museum of Natural History Alabama Rivers Discovering Alabama Doug Phillips AL Museum of Natural History Attempting Change: Teachers Moving from Writing project to Classroom Practice Steve Gardiner Noynton/ Cook Pub.
ALSDE - On-Line Education Directory (Program Key Contacts) Instructional Support Coordinator For staff dev. (205) 8704203 BottomLeft.Supported By alabama Dept. of education/Information Systems Services http://www.alsde.edu/html/program_contacts.asp?syscode=157
The Mentoring Leadership And Resource Network Home Page education Specialist, Lowndes County Public Schools, Hayneville, alabama 36040 Violet Mitchell, staff dev. Resource Teacher, 925 Arlington AveNorth http://www.mentors.net/03memberdir.html
Katy Independent School District Athletics Career Tech education Community education Curriculum staff dev . Fri, 4Mar, alabama State Univ. Mon, 7-Mar, Kansas State Univ http://www.katyisd.org/services/human_resources/employment/recruiting.htm
Extractions: About Katy ISD Campuses Elementary Schools Junior High Schools ... Human Resources Quick Links Athletics Attendance Zones Bus Information Calendars Construction Projects Contact Us D.A.R.E. Employment Facility Rental Fine Arts Health Services Katy ISD News Katy ISD Facts Leadership Katy ISD Map to Merrell Center Menus Scholarship SafetyNet School Board Sitemap Special Education Spelling Words Supply List Teacher Websites Testing Katy ISD Spring 2005 Recruiting Schedule Date Day University Wed 16-Feb Trinity Interviews Thurs 17-Feb Baylor Wed 23-Feb Alabama Thurs 24-Feb BYU Fri 25-Feb UHmain campus Thur-Fri Fri 4-Mar Alabama State Univ Mon 7-Mar Kansas State Univ Wed 9-Mar Univ of Kansas Wed 16-Mar Gateway/St. Louis
Radiologic Technology Continuing Education Providers alabama Society of Nuclear Medicine, Tonya Voitch, (205) 9399667, No, No Citrus Memorial Hospital, cmchugh@citrusmh.org, Carol Mc Hugh-staff dev http://srdappsdoh.doh.state.fl.us/RadTech/CeProviders.aspx
Extractions: WE WILL NOT ACCEPT UNAPPROVED COURSES. Find out how to tell an approved course from an unapproved course. Please make sure you tell your provider you are certified in Florida and give them your Florida certificate number. All approved providers will report your CE course to us automatically. You can check the total number of course hours reported to us by calling our 24 hour, toll-free, automated phone system at (888) FLA-XRAY. All courses reported to us by approved providers will be printed on the reverse side of your renewal form, which we will send to you approximately 60 days prior to your expiration date.
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing - UserLogin J Nurs staff dev. 1993;93539. Medline Link Context Link is also anapproved provider of nursing continuing education in alabama, California, http://www.cinjournal.com/pt/re/cin/fulltext.00002771-200011000-00013.htm
IX. Staff Summary - PD/A CRSP 14th Annual Administrative Report education dev Coordinator (from 5/96). Danielle Clair Program Assistant Corvallis,Oregon Karen Veverica Senior Research Associate * $ Auburn, alabama http://pdacrsp.oregonstate.edu/pubs/admin/admin14h/admin14.9/admin14.9.html
Extractions: Table of Contents Next Section The Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP represents the joint efforts of more than 60 professional and support personnel from U.S. universities. It also represents the collaborative efforts of over 75 scientists, technicians, and graduate students from project sites in three host countries. The expertise of host country and U.S. personnel is broad-based and encompasses the major fields of specialization included in this CRSP: Limnology and Water Quality; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Soil Science; Sociology; Data Management, Analysis, and Modeling; Sociology; Biotechnology; Agricultural Economics; and Research Administration. The program's United States-based personnel is drawn from each of the partcipating institutionsthe University of California at Davis, Oregon State University, Auburn University, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, the University of Hawaii, and The University of Michigan. Key for Personnel functions: *Limnology/Water Quality