Adult, Community And Further Education (ACFE) Supports the development of adult, community and further education in the state. Includes publications, accredited course list and ACE Cluster Program information.
Extractions: The ACFE Board works in partnership with Regional Councils and eligible organisations to provide education and training opportunities and personal development programs for people of all ages in communities across Victoria, Australia. Information for Learners Information for course providers Information about regional councils Information for communities Contact: ACFE (
NRS: National Reporting System For Adult Education additional resources, and publications in the field of adult education. Lists adult Basic education levels and English as a Second Language levels.
Extractions: NRS Web is the primary Web site for the National Reporting System (NRS) for Adult Education. This site includes information about the NRS, recent workshop materials, additional resources, and publications in the field of adult education. In addition, the NRS Web offers a question and answer section, and contact information for project staff, advisory board members, and U.S. Department of Education staff. NRS Implementation Guidelines
Adult Basic Education Publications Directory of adult Basic education publications magazines, newsletters, journals and more.
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Education Adult / Continuing Education Education ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the Adult / Continuing Education newsletter!
Norfolk County Agricultural High School Information on departments, environmental summer camp, adult education and student publications.
Extractions: 400 Main Street Walpole MA Phone: Fax: Vanguard School School Calendar Today in Sports For Admissions Information click Here Summer Enrichment Camp eChoices General Information Program of Studies Student Information ... SmartEDU, Inc. Laura E. Lynch Technology Admissions March 1, 2004
The Partnership For Reading: Recommended Publications ResearchBased Principles for adult Basic education Reading Instruction This publication represents the best information available about how adults
Extractions: PDF format HTML (accessible format) This publication represents the best information available about how adults learn to read. It is designed to serve two primary audiences: educators and policy makers who make decisions about the content of adult basic education reading instruction and researchers eager to identify new avenues of study to add to our understanding of this field. Adult Education Reading Instruction Principles and Practices
Ashwell Education Services : Education Consultancy education consultancy offering history and local history courses for schools, adult education classes, inservice training for teachers, conference organisation and the production of teaching materials. Information about the village and a list of publications.
Extractions: Ashwell Education Services Ashwell Education Services is an education consultancy. For more information on what AES offers choose from the following: Ashwell is a picturesque village in north Hertfordshire which stirs the imagination of past communities. AES produces a number of local history publications, many of which are transcripts of original documents and can be used with both school and adult classes. AES has many records of people as well as biographical notes.
Virginia Adult Education Health Literacy Toolkit This Toolkit is a resource to help adult education instructors and administrators better understand the problem of health literacy as it affects their
Extractions: Home Section A Section B Section C Section D ... About the Author The Virginia Adult Education Health Literacy Toolkit grew from many teachers' observations of adult literacy learners whose education paused or ended because a small health problem became bigger and brought on a host of other difficulties. Many adult learners, particularly those with the lowest literacy skills, are unaware of accessible health care options for the un- and underinsured and have a limited understanding of prevention of those conditions for which they are at increased risk. Those who are able to access care often do not know how to advocate for themselves in the complex, changing U.S. health care system. The spoken and written language of the U.S. health care culture seems to them beyond their reach. This Toolkit is a resource to help adult education instructors and administrators better understand the problem of health literacy as it affects their learners. It is designed to support creative approaches to help learners increase health literacy as they engage in sound, productive adult literacy instruction. Information and resources are provided to educate the educator about health care in the United States and cultural issues relating to health, and to simplify creation of health lessons and curricula for teachers and programs. You may view the full table of contents or choose one of the individual sections below.
Marchmont Observatory - Research For The Learning Age adult education research organisation. Includes news and events, research papers, details of publications, a bulletin board and contact information.
Extractions: Research for the learning age Home About us Services Projects ... Subscribe The Marchmont Observatory aims to improve evidence based policy and practice in the field of lifelong learning through analysis, good practice capture and dissemination, networking, learning programmes and research. There are a number of job vacancies at Marchmont/SLIM at the moment. Visit SLIM's website for more information. Latest Flash
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center (VALRC) Welcome! We provide adult education and literacy resources, publications, and training for teachers of adults in Virginia.
Extractions: Important note: You are reading this message either because you were unable to download our stylesheet or because you are using a web browser that does not support modern web standards. Please see the section in our Site Help about upgrading your browser if you have any problems accessing the site. About Us Contact Us Help Search for: We provide adult education and literacy resources, publications, and training for teachers of adults in Virginia. You can find helpful websites and adult education and literacy programs near you in our student section. The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center, located at Virginia Commonwealth University , is funded primarily through the Virginia Department of Education We are excited to offer all of our online courses this fall. Take advantage now of these free (to Virginia adult educators) professional development opportunities. The courses offered are Adults as Learners: An Orientation, ESOL Basics, and Using Technology to Enhance GED Instruction. The registration deadline for both courses is Wednesday, September 21; courses begin Monday, September 26.
Psychiatrypsychiatrist adult outpatient psychiatrist specializes in depression, bipolar illness, GLBT and Asian issues, ADD/ADHD, eating and anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and industrial psychiatry. Includes education, credentials, and publications.
Extractions: SCOPE OF PRACTICE Adults, young adults, and adolescents on an outpatient basis Evaluations and reports for third parties (disability, attorneys, courts, employers, schools, etc.) Treatment Anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder Depression Eating disorders, including obesity and binge eating Bipolar/manic-depressive Illness Borderline personality disorder Substance abuse Asian-American issues ADD/ADHD GLBT issues Psychological testing Second opinions Sexual dysfunctions, including erectile dysfunction (ED) and fetishes Forensic evaluations
Extractions: This section contains summaries of AONTAS publications which are either available for download or directly from the AONTAS office. Contacts/Links A comprehensive list of links categorised under the following headings: Adult Education, Adult Literacy, International Organisations, Irish Government Sites, Library Sites, Mature Students, National Organisations, On-line/Distance Learning, Scholarships and Third-Level Colleges. Information Resources Details of a number of resource which may prove useful to those with an interest in adult and community education.
NSW AMES | Homepage An agency within the NSW Department of education and Training that provides a range of English language, literacy and numeracy services for migrants. Includes programs, services, training, publications, locations and links.
Journal Of Adult And Continuing Education Journal of adult and Continuing education, a twiceyearly journal published Please phone Publication Sales on 0116 204 4216 to place an order or send a
Extractions: Path: Home Book Shop Journals Up ... Adult Learning Yearbook [ Journal of Adult and Continuing Education ] Concept Journal of Access Policy and Practice Convergence Current Issue Back Issues Special Offer! Reviews ... Notes for Contributors The Journal of Adult and Continuing Education is essential for keeping in touch with the field of post-compulsory education. Published twice a year, it provides a forum for rigorous theoretical and practical work in the broad fields of lifelong learning and adult, community and continuing education. The journal focuses on international and national issues and is aimed at researchers, professionals and practitioners in all sectors. It publishes both research articles and reflections on policy and practice, and offers opportunities for all concerned with post-compulsory education to make contributions to debate. The journal is available online to subscribers. Published by NIACE, the
Studies In The Education Of Adults (Arthur L Wilson, Cornell University, coeditor of adult education Quarterly) Submissions for publication must be clearly presented on A4 (or
Extractions: On this page: Reviews Editorial Board International Advisory Group Notes for Contributors ... Online Version Now Available! Studies in the Education of Adults is an international refereed academic journal, publishing theoretical, empirical and historical studies from all sectors of post-initial education and training. It aims to provide a forum for the debate and development of key concepts. Two issues are published each year, and each normally contains 6-8 refereed articles on academic topics in the education of adults, an editorial and a substantial book review section. Studies in the education of adults is published by NIACE in association with the Standing Conference on University Research and Teaching in the Education of Adults ( SCUTREA ), the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (
Undervisningsministeriet With the adult education reform, Denmark is already now living up to the as a public task to finance continuing and advanced education and training.
Extractions: Denmark is right now introducing a major reform of the vocational education and continuing training system. In May 2000, the Folketing (the Danish Parliament) adopted a number of acts which will tie continuing training and further education programmes together into a single coherent and transparent adult education system. The adult education reform implements a political agreement from 1999 between the Government (the Social Democratic Party and the Social Liberal Party) and a number of other political parties. The agreement was based on a proposal from the Government concerning a reform of the adult education and continuing training activities. This proposal had been drawn up in a co-operation among those ministries which are responsible for adult education in Denmark, i.e. primarily the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour.
Publications: Principles And Issues In Education: Chapter 5 adult education can be divided into general adult education and The general adult education centres offer qualifying singlesubject instruction.
Extractions: Adult education can be divided into general adult education and vocationally oriented adult education. The general adult education centres offer qualifying single-subject instruction. They offer those subjects which are completed with an examination after the 9th and 10th forms of the Folkeskole as well as the subjects which form part of the higher preparatory examination (HF). It is possible to sit for examinations in all subjects. It is the aim of these courses to give adults a possibility of improving or supplementing their general knowledge and skills. The State defrays the expenses in connection with the holding of these examinations, whereas the counties pay for the teaching. The educational institutions are free to admit all qualified applicants. The non-residential folk high schools etc. offer teaching, the main aim of which is liberal education for persons over 18 years of age. The offer, which is organised as full-time education for people with a low level of educational attainment, is meant to strengthen the personal development of the participants and to improve their possibilities in the education system as well as in the labour market. Up to 1/3 of the teaching time at the individual course may be spent on qualifying education. The expenditure is financed by the State, the counties and the municipalities. There is free intake to this provision. General adult education also comprises the courses held under the "Act on Folkeoplysning"
Related Literacy Resources: Literacy Publications Selected existing National adult Literacy Survey (NALS) publications include Kentucky adult Literacy Survey, (Kentucky Department for adult education
Extractions: site index Literacy Publications Publication Plan ... websites On This Page: National Adult Literacy Survey Other Publications State Adult Literacy Surveys Publications Other State Reports ... International Adult Literacy Survey In addition to the publications that will be produced by the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy, a number of reports have analyzed data on the literacy attainment of adults and youth. Listed below are publications produced by the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey, State Adult Literacy Surveys, the 1991 Department of Labor's Assessment of the Literacy of Job Seekers, the 1985 Young Adult Literacy Survey, and the 1994 International Adult Literacy Survey. For more information, see the Overview of NCES Literacy Assessments View a complete listing of NCES adult literacy products Selected existing National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) publications include: Survey Results Irwin S. Kirsch, Ann Jungeblut, Lynn Jenkins, and Andrew Kolstad
ACVE Comprehensive Information Services in adult and Continuing education Career education ACVE publications. ACVE publications Search the ACVE site
ACVE - Major Publications Information Technology, Basic Skills, and adult education Getting Ready and Moving Forward educational Planning, *educational Technology, Internet, Public Policy,