Perfusion Line: Miscellaneous Perfusion Line miscellaneous Glossary of Terms and Acronym Expansions forPerfusion Technology. A large Glossary of Terms and Acronym Expansions for
Extractions: in particular? More search options Assessing, Controlling, and Assuring the Quality of Medical Information. - W.M. Silberg, George D. Lundberg, MD and Robert A. Musacchio, PhD (Added: 22-Nov-2000 Hits: 191 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Avoiding the Hazards of Surgical Smoke - A continuing Education activity to the Operating Room personnel. (Added: 22-Sep-2002 Hits: 175 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Cardiac Output Calculator - An online cardiac output calculator. (Added: 22-Nov-2000 Hits: 152 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Care, usage, maintenance and complication management of central venous cath - Instruction module. (Added: 22-Nov-2000 Hits: 137 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Electrosurgery Continuing Education Module - Valleylab Institute of Clinical Education (Added: 22-Sep-2002 Hits: 128 Rating: Votes: 0) Rate It Glossary of Terms and Acronym Expansions for Perfusion Technology.
Extractions: Abbreviations ACRO Advisory Committee on Repair and Overhaul ADM(DIS) Assistant Deputy Minister(Defence Information Services) ADM(Fin CS) Assistant Deputy Minister(Finance and Corporate Services) ADM(IE) Assistant Deputy Minister(Infrastructure and Environment) ADM(Mat) Assistant Deputy Minister(Materiel) ADM(HR-Mil/Civ) Assistant Deputy Minister(Human Resources - Military/Civilian) ADM(Pol) Assistant Deputy Minister(Policy) AFC Armed Forces Council AIRCOM Air Command ARLU Annual Reference Level Update ASD Alternative Service Delivery $BY Budget-year Dollars BP Business Plan BPRT Business Plans Review Team $CY Constant-year Dollars CANUS Canada-United States CAPS Conventional Armaments Planning System (NATO) Canadian Annual Procurement Strategy CAS Chief of the Air Staff CDS Chief of the Defence Staff CF Canadian Forces CISOE Construction in Support of Equipment CLS Chief of the Land Staff CMS Chief of the Maritime Staff CNAD Conference of National Armaments Directors (NATO) CRS Chief Review Services (Audit and Evaluation) DAOD Defence Administrative Orders and Directives DC Defence Council DCDS Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff DCSA Defence Chief Scientific Advisor DEM Daily Executive Meeting DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade DFPPC Director Force Planning and Program Coordination DGMRS Director General Management Renewal Services DGPA Director General Public Affairs DGSP Director General Strategic Planning DIN Defence Information Network DIP Defence Industrial Preparedness DISO Defence Information System Organization DM Deputy Minister
CDT | Resource Library: Miscellaneous Acronym Finder Searchable database of 300000+ acronyms and meanings. Coverscommon acronyms, computers, technology, government, telecommunications,
Extractions: Page Content Main Menu Section Menu Search Support Us Contact Us Resource Library: Miscellaneous GetNetWise Guide to Internet Terms Internet Literary Consultants Glossary of Internet Terms Terms Used In Internet Mail - Long list of definitions used in the Internet mail industry Domain Names Encryption Expression International ... Feedback
Exploratorium: Ten Cool Sites: Miscellaneous Archived reviews of the best miscellaneous sites. This site rides to therescue, turning any acronym back into plain English. Cool Site November 1999
Extractions: Cool Site: March/April 2005 My House, My Shack - "Around the world, the barriers are increasing between rich and poor. In South Africa, you can see it in black and white." See the legacy of South Africa's apartheid in this stunning interactive by Sue Johnson and Thiago deMello, and The free Flash player is required. Cool Site: March/April 2005 QuickBird Images of Tsunami Sites - These highly detailed satellite images of sites hit by the Indian Ocean Tsunami reveal the magnitude of the tsunami's destruction from a bird’s-eye view. The images provide a "telescopic" perspective of this natural disaster's impact on the land where so many people's lives were lost or tragically destroyed.
Science -- Science Collections: Miscellaneous miscellaneous. Citations 110 of 92 total displayed. Like slang, acronymscan smooth communication if you re in the know but often befuddle the
Science -- Science Collections: Miscellaneous miscellaneous. Citations 2130 of 92 total displayed. RESOURCES AcronymsExplained PDQ Science 295 1199b. Do the letters ZGMMV mean anything to you?
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