Albuquerque Tribune Blog | Bill Richardson Log bill richardson is just a point behind former Sen. John Edwards in the latest poll among Democrats New Hampshire, according to a new CNN poll.
Extractions: Contact Us Site Map Archives Subscribe to the paper ... December 12, 2007 By Kate Nash Obama has Oprah. Hillary has Streisand. Now, Gov. Bill Richardson has his own star power: Martin Sheen. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBacks (0) November 27, 2007 By Kate Nash Kudos to blogger Heath Haussamen, who wrote this piece on the petitions apparently going around Santa Fe to put Gov. Bill Richardson on the ballot for the state's Senate race.
National Governors Association bill richardson served for 15 years as representative of New Mexicos 3rd Congressional District. He was the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1997 Phone (505) 9822291 Fax (505) 982-3652 Address 811 St. Michaels Drive, Suite 206 Santa Fe, NM 87505 bill richardson is a current officeholder
My Way News - AP Richardson Ends Presidential Bid bill richardson ended his campaign for the presidency Wednesday after twin fourthplace finishes that showed his impressive credentials could not compete
Extractions: Full Image MERRIMACK, N.H. (AP) - New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson ended his campaign for the presidency Wednesday after twin fourth-place finishes that showed his impressive credentials could not compete with his rivals' star power. Richardson planned to announce the decision Thursday, according to two people close to the governor with knowledge of the decision. They spoke on a condition of anonymity in advance of the governor's announcement. The Richardson campaign would not comment on the governor's decision, reached after a meeting with his top advisers Wednesday in New Mexico. Richardson had one of the most wide-ranging resumes of any candidate ever to run for the presidency, bringing experience from his time in Congress, President Clinton's Cabinet, in the New Mexico statehouse as well as his unique role as a freelance diplomat. As a Hispanic, he added to the unprecedented diversity in the Democratic field that also included a black and a woman. But Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama dominated the spotlight in the campaign, and Richardson was never able to become a top-tier contender. He accused his rivals of failing to commit to bring troops home from Iraq soon enough.
Extractions: Printer Friendly comments (48) ... trackbacks (6) Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand. A reminder: Anyone who fails to comply with my may lose his or her posting privilege. Adios, Bill Richardson : The Sundries Shack The Moderate Voice The Moderate Voice Rhymes With Right ... Trackback URL On January 9th, 2008 at 7:26 pm, backwoods conservative said: Didnât you know that he was Energy Secretary and Governor of New Mexico?!?! Yes, and he also made a lot of mistakes. On January 9th, 2008 at 7:27 pm, uhangtight said: On January 9th, 2008 at 7:28 pm
Religion And Politics 2008: Bill Richardson Summaries and media links to the former presidential candidate s background, religious biography, issue positions and public opinion.
The Bilerico Project | Bill Richardson: I Screwed Up As the first openly gay member of the NM State Senate in the early 90 s, Congressman bill richardson supported me in my first race for elected office which
Extractions: Sign up for our newsletter! Jan Search Enter your search terms Web The Bilerico Project Submit search form [EDITOR'S NOTE:] The following guest post is from New Mexico Governor and Presidential candidate Bill Richardson. Two weeks to the day after my August 10th appearance at the televised HRC/Logo LGBT Forum, I arrived at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada for a meeting. I had specifically requested the meeting be held with a few prominent Las Vegas LGBT community leaders in the very room where they had watched the LOGO Forum together with over 100 other GLBT residents. Let's face it: I had stumbled through a question from singer Melissa Etheridge two weeks before about whether people choose to be gay or are born that way. That stumble had created doubts about me in the gay community, after I had spent over 20 years fighting for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and, yes, transgender rights. I needed to let the community know about that record and show them my determination to eliminate discrimination of any kind for every American. So I walked into the GLBT Center that day and saw some unsmiling faces. My only choice was to be as frank and honest as possible:
Flickr: Photos From Richardson For President Photos from the presidential campaign trail organized by set and tags. Includes archives, favorites and profile.
Extractions: YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'load', F._window_onload); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'resize', F._window_onresize); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'blur', F._window_onblur); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'focus', F._window_onfocus); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, 'unload', F._window_onunload); You aren't signed in Sign In Help Sets Tags Archives Favorites ... View as slideshow var photostream_owner_nsid = "58176632@N00"; pretty lat/long Our State Director and National Field Director have fun in the warm weather by throwing snowballs. Uploaded on Jan 8, 2008 comments Uploaded on Jan 8, 2008 comments Uploaded on Jan 8, 2008 comments Uploaded on Jan 8, 2008 1 comment Uploaded on Jan 8, 2008
Why Tuesday? » Blog Archive » Candidate Challenge: Bill Richardson This just in from the bill richardson camp a response to the Why Tuesday? Candidate Challenge! Im sitting in the rafters of a theater at Coe College in
Extractions: Sign up for email alerts: Subscribe: Embed: URL: Monday, October 29th, 2007 This just in from the Bill Richardson camp: a response to the Why Tuesday? Candidate Challenge liveblogging * Update: If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed . Thanks for visiting! Jacob Soboroff Share This The BRAD BLOG : Duncan Hunter Calls for Paper Ballots in Response to Why Tuesday's 'Candidate Challenge' Says: November 5th, 2007 at 9:22 pm Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Liveblogging @ Barack Obama MTV/MySpace forum Candidate Challenge: Barack Obama Why Tuesday? is an effort to make Americaâs democracy stronger through increased voter participation. We work to make election reform an issue that our politicians cannot afford to avoid. Read More... Register to vote today! ernest : i am ernest from kosovo i voting foor hilray clinton foor president usa i liked too been and how is usa...
Apogee Weblog: Bill Richardson For President? Does bill richardson still have a chance to be President now that only four Democratic candidates were present at tonight s presidential debate?
Extractions: @import url(""); @import url(""); Blog for Apogee Web Consulting LLC. Topics covered include search engine marketing and pay per click advertising strategies. Does Bill Richardson still have a chance to be President now that only four Democratic candidates were present at tonight's presidential debate? Since the debate, more people are searching for information about Governor Richardson than the other Democratic candidates. Here's the current search trends data from (used by the experimental TagTrends tool ). Notice the word "hourly" in the data feed URL. This is very current data: bill richardson governor richardson Is this an indication that he is still in the race? From a search advertising perspective, notice that neither of those searches currently have any pay per click ads running alongside the natural search results. Over the short term, the long tail of search is often the short head. IOW, there's plenty of opportunity for nimble pay per click advertisers. Ditto for
Extractions: SEARCH Welcome to the Political Machine. Here you can get the latest political news, engage with our bloggers and interact with the most dynamic community on the Internet. Stay tuned for the launch of our latest interactive features. Jump in! RSS Feeds Email our editors with your tips corrections complaints , inquiries, suggestions , etc. By Justin Paulette Jan 10th 2008 3:38PM Filed Under: Bill Richardson Primaries 2008 President Primaries are funny things (as I noted earlier today ). They tend to be susceptible to dramatic convulsions due to various unpredicted influences. Candidates have provoked marked shifts in their numbers through entirely unplanned episodes - think of Hillary's recent near-tear-shedding epiphany, George Allen's Macaca-moment and Howard Dean's infamous scream-heard-'round-the-world. Often, the actions of candidates have profound effects on their rivals. The most prevalent factor (apparently unless you're Fred Thompson) is simply whether or not a candidate is present in the race. Ross Perot and Ralph Nader (and, potentially, Ron Paul?) demonstrate the incredible impact of a third-party presence.
Extractions: Next on our list, we have Governor Bill Richardson. Richardson has quite a few education issues in his platform , among them increasing minimum teacher pay to $40,000 around the country, redesigning high schools, increasing parental involvement with schools, increasing college affordability, implementing universal, non-compulsory, free preschool, and mandating full-day kindergarten. He says he is for reforming the widely unpopular No Child Left Behind, especially by eliminating sanctions for low-performing schools and increasing state flexibility, but during the YouTube debate he advocating abolishing NCLB, for the same reasons. He is for charter schools because he feels the promote innovation, but he is purportedly against vouchersâ although he supported vouchers publicly in 1996. New Mexico has an average amount of charter schools compared with other states; currently there are 67 charter schools operating. These schools have various rates of student performance ; some have very high test scores, and others have very low scores. This is normal for charter schools, as mission, student body composition, location, and methodology vary widely between sites. - Special Reports - News bill richardson Q A. Email Print Text size + By Charlie Savage. Globe Staff / December 20, 2007. 1. Does the president have inherent powers under the
Extractions: Local Search Site Search otherTab = document.getElementById('searchLocal'); THIS STORY HAS BEEN FORMATTED FOR EASY PRINTING Home News Politics Special reports ... Print Text size By Charlie Savage Globe Staff December 20, 2007 1. Does the president have inherent powers under the Constitution to conduct surveillance for national security purposes without judicial warrants, regardless of federal statutes? No. 2. In what circumstances, if any, would the president have the constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress? (Specifically, what about the strategic bombing of suspected nuclear sites a situation that does not involve stopping an IMMINENT threat?) The Constitution assigns to Congress, not to the President, the power to declare war. However, in the case of an imminent threat, when there is no time to go to Congress, the Commander in Chief may, and indeed must, act to protect the United States. Given that the Iranian nuclear program does not pose such an imminent threat, if the President believed it was in the US national interest to attack Iranian nuclear sites, he should seek prior authorization from Congress. 3. Does the Constitution empower the President to disregard a Congressional statute limiting the deployment of troops either by capping the number of troops that may be deployed to a particular country, or by setting minimum home stays between deployments? In other words, is that level of deployment management beyond the constitutional power of Congress to regulate?
The Swamp: Bill Richardson Accumulates $7.1 Million Warchest Democratic presidential candidate bill richardson showed rising financial strength during the second quarter of the year, accumulating a campaign warchest
NEA: Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) Addressess NEA Annual Meeting bill richardson (DNM) unveiled one tremendous solution in his address to bill richardson (D-NM) said elected leaders cannot ignore the voice of NEA
Extractions: Home Issues in Education Legislative Action Center Press Center ... Other Events July 3, 2007 There's a lot wrong with current education policy, and Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) unveiled one tremendous solution in his address to yesterday's RA. Watch a video clip of Richardson's speech "I commit right here, I will name a teacher to be Secretary of Education," Richardson declared. After the assembly erupted into applause, Richardson asked: "Anybody interested?" Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) said elected leaders cannot ignore the voice of NEA when setting education policy. RA Today photo by: Calvin Knight Richardson made clear that he wanted substantive involvement from educators to address his concerns around ESEA/No Child Left Behind in its current form. High on the list is the unfair penalization of schools and the focus on testing as a means of educating children. In New Mexico, one high school failed to make adequate yearly progress because two of its students could not take the required standardized tests on the appointed day, Richardson said. "This is unfair and this is crazy," he said. "It's got to stop." NCLB "can be improved, it must be improved and when I'm elected it will be improved or it will be abolished," Richardson said. "If a school isn't doing well, we should help that school, not hurt it," Richardson said. Such sound decisions will only come if educators are respected, he said. There must not only be "teachers at the table, but teachers in the cabinet. We need to create educational policy from the bottom up, and not the top down."
Extractions: Politics Policy News Columns ... Mail Channels Enter your search terms Web OrlandoReport Submit search form National Sites Profiles Links document.write(String.fromCharCode(67, 111, 110, 116, 97, 99, 116, 32, 117, 115, 32, 97, 116, 32, 111, 114, 108, 97, 110, 100, 111, 114, 101, 112, 111, 114, 116, 32, 91, 65, 84, 93, 32, 103, 109, 97, 105, 108, 46, 99, 111, 109)); Bill Richardson profile, Bill Richardson bio, Bill Richardson candidate, Bill Richardson for President More Profiles Starting in 1997, Bill Richardson held two posts in the Clinton White House, first as an ambassador to the United Nations and then as Secretary of Energy. While in that second post, he was been heavily criticized for his involvement in the imprisonment on spying charges of Taiwan-American scientist Wen Ho Lee. After that, he started to become involved in the kind of controversies that get nationwide attention, signing one bill law legalizing medical marijuana and another bill illegalizing cockfighting. After a number of early unofficial announcements, he officially threw his hat into the Presidential ring in late of 2007, becoming the only current or former governor in the Democratic race. While seriously overshadowed by three current or former senators and running fourth or below in polls, his named is frequently mentioned as a vice presidential possibility.
Annick Press In 1997, bill became the host of a new program, richardson s Roundup. The Roundup is very interactive with its listening audience.
Extractions: Bill Richardson talks to supporters at the Capitol Rotunda in Santa Fe, N.M., Thursday. He announced he was dropping out of the presidential race. (AP Photo) adsonar_placementId=1338106;adsonar_pid=144757;adsonar_ps=-1;adsonar_zw=320;adsonar_zh=139;adsonar_jv=''; New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson dropped his bid for president Thursday in Santa Fe without offering his endorsement to any of the remaining Democratic candidates. Richardson ended his campaign following back-to-back fourth-place finishes in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. He had been unable to break through the pack of his better-known, better-funded Democratic competitors. Richardson said that although his support at the polls lagged the front-runners, many of his leading rivals moved closer to his positions on such issues as the war in Iraq, energy and education. But Clinton and Barack Obama dominated the spotlight in the campaign, and Richardson was never able to become a top-tier contender. He accused his rivals of failing to commit to bring troops home from Iraq soon enough.
Concord Monitor - Richardson: Congress Is Too 'wimpy' bill richardson has chided other Democratic presidential candidates for squabbling with each other, but, during a meeting with Monitor editors,