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         Bowles Paul:     more books (100)
  1. The Paul Bowles Reader (Peter Owen Modern Classic) by Paul Bowles, 2000-12-01
  2. Paul Bowles on Music: Includes the last interview with Paul Bowles (Roth Family Foundation Music in America Book) by Paul Bowles, 2003-09-02
  3. Up Above the World by Paul Bowles, 1968
  4. Pages From Cold Point by Paul Bowles, 1986-12
  5. Morocco by Paul Bowles, Barry Brukoff, 1993-09
  6. Paul Bowles by His Friends by Gary Pulsifer, 1993-12
  7. United States Authors Series: Paul Bowles (Twayne's United States Authors Series) by Gena Dagel Caponi, 1998-10-01
  8. Paul Bowles: A Descriptive Bibliography by Jeffrey Miller, 1986-02
  9. Too Far from Home: The Selected Writings of Paul Bowles by Paul Bowles, 2006-11-01
  10. In Touch - The Letters of Paul Bowles by (BowlesPaul), 1993
  11. Jane und Paul Bowles. Leben ohne anzuhalten by Jens Rosteck, 2005-09-30
  12. O my land, my friends; the selected letters of Hart Crane, foreword by Paul Bowles, edited by Langdon Hammer and Brom Weber, introduction and commentary by Langdon Hammer. by Hart] Crane, 1997
  13. The Fiction Of Paul Bowles.The Soul is the Weariest Part of the Body. (Costerus NS 21) by Johannes Willem Bertens, 1979-01
  14. Tennessee Williams in Tangier; translated from the Arabic by Paul Bowles, foreword by Gavin Lambert, note by Tennessee Williams. by Mohamed Choukri, 1979

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