Extractions: Winfield, Kansas 67156 USA We have just completed the fourth annual Bridges Conference at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas, USA. Highlights of the year's conference included the presentation to the college of a sculpture titled "Genesis" by sculptor and conferee Brent Collins. The piece stands in front of the Beech Science Center on the campus. The college owns one other sculpture titled "Pax Mundi" by Collins. This work is located in the foyer of the mathematics department. Collins, an independent artist, and Carlo Sequin, from the computer department of the University of California at Berkeley, have collaborated on the mathematical implications of Collins' intuitive sculptures. Sequin investigates the mathematics of the sculptures and produces three-dimensional models through a process known as sterolithography. Sequin exhibited some of these models and spoke on the second day of the conference.
Archives Of Main Stage Performances 2004-2005 Season Canadian violinist corey cerovsek s graceful mastery of the violin, thoughtfulinterpretations, and dramatic stage presence have earned him a loyal http://www.elcamino.edu/centerforthearts/ARCHIVES/fall2004/mainstage_f04.html
Recordings.html stunning musicality by internationally renowned violinist corey cerovsek. Special thanks to corey cerovsek for his stunning performance of The Lark http://www.aguava.com/recordings.html
Calendar Of Events International Chamber Music corey and Katja cerovsek. violinist corey cerovsekhas matured into an artist known for his clear sound, http://depts.washington.edu/uwch/calendar/archives/cal54.htm
The Johns Hopkins Gazette December 6, 1999 violinist corey cerovsek, Yale Gordon Young Artist, will perform on Sunday, Dec . 12, 730 pm Shriver Hall Concert Seriesviolinist corey cerovsek, http://www.jhu.edu/~gazette/1999/dec0699/weekcal.html
Extractions: Dec. 6-13 Thurs., Dec. 9, 3 p.m. "Plant Hormones and Industry in America," a History of Science, Medicine and Technology colloquium with Nicolas Rasmussen, University of Sydney, Australia; Seminar Room, 3rd floor, Welch Medical Library. JHMI Thurs., Dec. 9, 4 p.m. "What Is It Like to Be a Zombie?" a Philosophy colloquium with Robert Stalnaker, MIT; 348 Gilman. HW Fri., Dec. 10, 2 p.m. "Blue Creek: An Ancient Maya City," an APL colloquium with Thomas Guderjan, St. Mary's University. Simulcast to 218 Maryland Hall on the Homewood campus. Parsons Auditorium. APL DISCUSSION/ TALKS Mon., Dec. 6, 7 p.m. "To Serve Our Communities," a Prehealth talk by Eric Fine, Baltimore County Health Department; Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW Wed., Dec. 8, noon. Black Faculty and Staff Association general assembly meeting; Great Hall, Levering Union. HW Wed., Dec. 8, 7 p.m. "Bill Bradley for President" forum, opportunity to find out about the candidate and how to participate; Glass Pavilion, Levering Union. HW FILM/
Past Artists corey cerovsek, violinist, and Katja cerovsek, pianist Moscow Conservatory TrioGary Lakes, tenor Krystian Zimerman, pianist. Back to top 19992000 http://www.tuesdaymusicalomaha.org/past.htm
Extractions: About Us Our Season Tickets Past Artists ... Home Past Artists Established in 1892 as the Tuesday Morning Musical Club, Tuesday Musical's first concerts were held in local homes and the Fontenelle Hotel ballroom. After 1911 it expanded into local theaters and emerged as a non-profit concert series of international artists, open to all. Many of the artists, unknown at the time of their engagement here, have since become legend; some have been relegated to oblivion, but all contributed in some measure to the musical life of Omaha. It has been estimated that in the first 70 years following the change from club to non-profit organization, Tuesday Musical brought 95 percent of the world's greatest artists to Omaha. Here is a partial list of artists who have been part of this pioneer endeavor:
RBannouncement corey cerovsek, International concert violinist soloist, musician and mathematician.Guest soloist with major international orchestras who has performed http://www.pims.math.ca/RenaissanceBanff/more.html
Extractions: Aesthetical Connections between Mathematics and Humanities The Bridges Conferences, created in 1998 and running annually since, bring practicing mathematicians, scientists, artists, educators, musicians, writers, computer scientists, sculptors, dancers, weavers, model builders together in a lively atmosphere of mutual exchange and encouragement. Important components of these conferences, apart from formal presentations, are gallery displays of visual art, working sessions with practitioners and artists who are crossing the mathematics-arts boundaries, and evening musical/theatrical events. This year the conference will be extended by an additional day in which we will celebrate the life and mathematics-arts connections of the great Canadian geometer H.S.M. (Donald) Coxeter, who passed away in early 2003. Renaissance Banff matches the spirit in which Coxeter viewed his life and his mathematics. It is particularly fortunate that the Canadian Mathematical Society will bring a national perspective to the conference by its participation and support of the Coxeter Day.
Extractions: Skip to content Art Bank Canadian Commission for UNESCO PLRC ... Canada Site Search For In Entire Site Other About the Canada Council Disciplines and Offices Endowments and Prizes Grant Programs Making a case for the Arts - Advocacy News and Events Publications Utilities Advanced Search Sitemap Print this Page Grant Programs... ... Aboriginal Arts Secretariat Janet Riedel Pigott
Indiana University School Of Music Press Page not one, but two Stradivarius violins have been brought to the shop by ProfessorMiriam Fried and renowned violinist corey cerovsek for repairs. http://www.music.indiana.edu/publicity/IUMusic/soundposts.shtml
Extractions: Fiddle-off Tom Sparks The Zen of Violin Maintenance Sarah Bresnahan Throughout the class, Sparks checks work, fields phone calls, goes outside for a smoke break, and finally settles into a chair. Students approach every few minutes to show him their work. Golden Section James Chin is working on a well-made European instrument The violins are crafted from Bosnian maple wood and Swiss spruce. A few years ago, after a storm hit a maple tree across from the School of Music, the class split up the wood and waxed it to use for violins. Having Their Cake Andrew Henry's soundposts
Board Of Directors: Alumni Association: IU School Of Music The Lark Ascending by internationally acclaimed violinist corey cerovsek.(Susan Swaney, Gerald Sousa, and corey cerovsek are also alumni of the School http://www.music.indiana.edu/alumni/spotlight-boyce.shtml
Extractions: Play Music Play Music Site Index Dreams Come True Sequenza21.com Dreams Within A Dream Bloomington Chamber Singers The Lark Ascending by internationally acclaimed violinist Corey Cerovsek. (Susan Swaney, Gerald Sousa, and Corey Cerovsek are also alumni of the School of Music) Boyce, a composer and co-artistic director of the production company, decided to keep his base in Bloomington after graduating with a doctorate in composition from the IU School of Music. A growing figure on the local and national music scene, he has been featured on nationally syndicated broadcasts such as Center Stage from Wolftrap Cathedral Classics Harmonia American Record Guide and International Record Review. Upcoming performances include his Ave Maria with the Indiana University Singers in Indianapolis and Los Angeles conducted by IU Professor Jan Harrington, Nightshade
Hobart And William Smith Colleges :: News Releases Canadian violinist corey cerovsek joins the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra on theSmith Opera House stage. (January 15, 2004) GENEVA, NYThe Syracuse Symphony http://www.hws.edu/news/update/showrelease.asp?id=6286
Classical Voice Of North Carolina It featured the stunning CheeYun and the astonishing corey cerovsek, bothextraordinary He was joined by violinist cerovsek and pianist Wendy Chen. http://www.cvnc.org/reviews/2004/features/Spoleto3.html
Extractions: Spoleto Festival USA Overview: Chamber Music Series by William Thomas Walker Since the midday Chamber Music series was first organized by Charles Wadsworth, at the Italian Festival, at Spoleto founder Gian-Carlo Menotti's behest, it has been a major anchor around which many visitors organize their stay. I missed the first week of the Spoleto USA Festival, which featured a special concert honoring Wadsworth's 75th birthday, highlighted by the return of violinist Joshua Bell, cellist Carter Brey, and most provocatively, flutist Paula Robison. Robison had not at the Charleston based festival since she and her husband, violist Scott Nickrenz, left with Menotti as a result of the Great Schism of 1993. The Post and Courier featured an interview and story that was interesting for what it did not say or imply about the possible future of the two festivals. Both Robison and new "hit" pianist Jeremy Denk had left before my first concert of the second week. Program VI, heard June 6 in a packed Dock Street Theatre, was a good crowd-pleaser. Those familiar with Stravinsky's Pulcinella A vital performance of the Octet in E-flat, Op. 20, by Mendelssohn sent the audience away in high spirits. Balances were unusually good, and there was close co-ordination of phrasing with ideally chosen tempos. The resident St. Lawrence String Quartet was joined by violinists Chee-Yun and Cerovsek, violist Daniel Phillips, and cellist Alisa Weilerstein.
Press & News - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Indiana University alumnus, violinist corey cerovsek, as soloist. Mario Venzago and violinist corey cerovsek performing a Halloween Spooktacular http://www.indianapolissymphony.org/about/press/article.aspx?pressReleaseID=7
The Independent Weekly: Fall Calendars Thu, Nov 15, 8 pm violinist corey cerovsek. Memorial Hall, UNCChapel Hill.733-2750. Call for ticket information or visit www.ncsymphony.org. http://indyweek.com/durham/2001-09-12/falltern14.html
Extractions: Alphabetical by play or performer. For current theater events, please see our weekly "Theater" calendar. Raleigh BURNING COAL THEATRE : Oct 18- Nov 4; 7:30 pm, Sundays 2 pm: The Mound Builders . Kennedy Theatre/BTI Center, 2 South St, Raleigh. $14, $12 seniors/students. 388-0066 or visit www.burningcoal.org CENTER STAGE : (Also see entries under Fall Dance and Fall Concerts The Tempest . Sun, Nov 4, 3 pm: The Tremendous Journey . Sun, Nov 25, 3 pm: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse . Stewart Theatre, Talley Student Center, NCSU Campus, Raleigh. 515-1100. Call for ticket information. RALEIGH ENSEMBLE PLAYERS : Oct 11-Nov 3: Bash: Latterday Plays . Artspace Suite 109-A, 201 E Davie St, Raleigh. Call 832-9607 for showtimes and ticket information. RALEIGH LITTLE THEATRE : Main Stage Series: Oct 12-14, 17-21, 24-28:
Thomas McEvilley Violin Wikis violinist.com Patti Kim,Sharon Robinson,Maxim Shostakovich,Sidney Harth,Fredell Lack, Horacio Guttierez, corey cerovsek, Abbey Simon http://www.violinist.com/directory/bio.cfm?member=destaunton
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art - News From The Met: Press Releases The Beaux Arts Trio pianist Menahem Pressler, violinist Daniel Hope, corey cerovsek, joined by pianist Paavali Jumppanen, makes his only New York http://www.metmuseum.org/news/newspressrelease.asp?PressReleaseId={A5F58B14-3EFB
Columbia Museum Of Art: General Info (2002 News Releases) The superb CanadianAmerican violinist corey cerovsek will lead these two brilliantworks, with Kirsten Johnson (viola), Nokuthula Ngwenyama (viola), http://www.colmusart.org/html/news2002/0901.shtml
Extractions: "The Museum is thrilled to have an artistic director of Charles' caliber organize performances of internationally recognized musicians," says Margaret Skove, the Executive Director of the Columbia Museum of Art. "Not only do we have a superb space for the performances, but the Museum is also an excellent visual setting to hear chamber music." Midlands residents have enjoyed Charles Wadsworth and his engagements for years through the Spoleto festival and through our very own Columbia series. In continuing with the Wadsworth reputation, he "promises that this season will more than live up to any expectations the public might have for future musical enjoyment." The first of the five concerts will open with two of the most inspired works of all time, Mozart's "QUINTET" in G Minor, "VIOLA QUINTET," with two violas, and Brahms' String Sextet in G Major, "Opus 36." The superb Canadian-American violinist Corey Cerovsek will lead these two brilliant works, with Kirsten Johnson (viola), Nokuthula Ngwenyama (viola), and Kristina Reiko Cooper (cello).
Information On Corey's Violin Plays Wieniawski, corey cerovsek plays the famed Wieniawski del Gesu violin, ca . In this recording corey cerovsek s artistry allows the listener to http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Choir/6352/violin.html
Extractions: "Quick story on the current violin it's a Guarneri del Gesu, 1742, ex Wieniawski (definitely the coolest thing about it, aside from its being absolutely gorgeous and sounding like a dream.) It's not the same I played in Erie last year that was also a del Gesu, but 1735 and called the ex Sennhauser. This one, frankly, is even better. (I'm in love.) I'm lucky enough to have it on loan from the owner, a woman who lives in Chicago." Here's some more Corey has to say, taken from the cover notes of his CD, Corey Cerovsek Plays Wieniawski. "In my view, what makes a violin great is its ability to give you a sense that it is empathetic to you- that it moves in sympathy with your intentions. When I play the Wieniawski del Gesu, I find much more than a beautiful sound. The instrument has a soul, and I respond to its palette of colors and internal sense of timing. The way I want individual notes and phrases to be shaped in time must coincide with the way the instrument responds to the note after it is played. "The instrument is powerful and confident on the G and E strings and soulful in the middle- where there is a wolf that is frustrating but also endearing- in a way that resonates with my own personality. The wold points to a register of the instrument and tells me that near that point I have to play in a particularly human way: assertively, joyfully, throaty, and whispering by turns."