Music Rachel Barton The Official Website For The official website for violinist Rachel Barton Pine tour dates, music clips, merchandise, press kit and more.
Any Comment On Violinist Rachel Barton Any comment on Violinist Rachel Barton Follow Ups Post Followup Music Lane FAQ Associated Press Martin Steinberg. Rachel Barton Pine. Violinist Rachel Barton Pine is on a quest to spread classical music.
Extractions: By Mark Clague Scholars have identified two possible and markedly contrasting derivations for the term "concerto." Each of these has resonance for the musical and social parameters that surrounded the creation of the works on this recording. One school of thought emphasizes the contentious juxtaposition of soloist and ensemble by tracing the term to the Latin verb "concertare," meaning "to fight" or "to contend." Indeed, the concertos recorded here were and remain social weapons - tools created by their authors of mixed African and European descent to carve out a niche in a society of uncertain expectations.
Concert Violinist Rachel Barton's Performances Concert violinist rachel barton s performances. rachel barton, internationallyacclaimed violinist, top prize winner of many international competitions,
Extractions: setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Angelfire Free Games Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next Rachel Barton Rachel appears 5 times this season as part of Trio Settecento In a rare and wonderful time in the Chicago area, the Violinist considered by many the very best in the world will appear with the Trio Settecento in performances from September 2000 to March 2001 Rachel Bartons Fermilab Art Series January 27th, 2001 performance Rachel Barton, internationally acclaimed violinist, top prize winner of many international competitions,best selling recording artist, has recently been named a 1999 "Chicagoan of the Year" by the ChicagoTribune!, This is the second time in less than 4 years Rachel has recieved this great honor Rachel was also Chicagoan of the year in 1996. Rachel is brilliant, gifted and absolutely fantastic, a very gifted speaker as well as a incrediable violinist, her wit and charm are part of the wonderful experience of her performances. David Schrader is a master of the keyboards, playing harpsichord, fortepiano, organ and piano. Mr Schrader has done over 17 recordings for Cedille records of Chicago and London records. He teaches at Roosevelt University's Chicago Musical College, and the Music Institute of Chicago and is a Lecturer at Northwestern University in Evanston. Mr. Schrader has appeared in recital and performed with major orchestras throughout Japan, Europe and North America, including frequent appearances as soloist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Schrader is currently organist at Chicago's Church of the Ascension. David Schrader is a member of Trio Settecento and the Chicago Baroque Ensemble.
Extractions: Chicago Tribune "The exuberance of Barton's ornamentation, the naturalness of her lyricism in these consummately melodic Sonatas, and her technical command in general (and of nuanced and fleet bowings and clean intonation in particular) are complemented by the skill and energy of the continuo support, which never diverts attention from the soloist's starring role... Recommended. Period." Fantare "[Rachel Barton] is one of the rare mainstream performers with a total grasp of Baroque style and embellishment, and the whole disc is a delight… The exhilarating bravura of her incisive articulation and sharply pointed rhythms is matched by Barton's singing line in her poised and elegant lyrical movements. Superb continuo players David Schrader and John Mark Rozendaal contribute to the real sense of ensemble teamwork." Fanfare "Few non-specialists have gotten inside this procedure [of ornamentation] as convincingly as violinist Rachel Barton. Her playing is splendid on all levels - lovely tone, wonderfully expressive phrasing, secure technique, and strong involvement with the music. But the most unusual aspect of Barton's Handel is the convincing and imaginative way she embellishes the repeats in the music - adding runs, ornaments, and flourishes that give a different aspect to a phrase we've just recently heard… They help to enliven a cherishable disc."
Chicagoist: Rachel Barton Pine Shows Us That Violins Totally Rock rachel barton Photo rachel barton Pine is a violinist on a rachel brings her violin and plays everything from Metallica to Mozart.
Extractions: more Austin Boston Chicago London ... Washington DC document.getElementById(base + curr).style.display= ""; Rachel Barton Pine is a violinist on a mission spread classical music . And she's doing it by going on rock stations and playing heavy metal songs on her Guarneri violin. Rachel grew up in a poor household in Irving Park/North Center. She first played the violin at age 3 and obsessed with it soon after, she began taking lessons with a rented violin. At 10 Rachel made her solo debut with the Chicago Symphony and at 14 was playing weddings. Because her father had job troubles, she became the family's breadwinner. "I put on a lot of makeup and pretended I was older than I was," she said. "I was responsible for the mortgage, the utilities, the groceries, and there was so much pressure, growing up like that. ... When I was 17 or 18, even if I had gotten a full scholarship, I certainly wouldn't have been able to be in school and continue to work enough to ... support the family." At 17, Rachel became the youngest person, and the first American, to win the J.S. Bach Internation Competition in Germany. Then tragedy struck. When Rachel was 22, she was run over by a Metra train when the strap of her violin case got caught in a door and she was dragged to the tracks. She lost her left leg above the knee and suffered severe damage to her right.
Chicagoist: Rachel Barton Pine Shows Us That Violins Totally Rock rachel barton Photo rachel barton Pine is a violinist on a She first played the violin at age 3 and obsessed with it soon after,
Extractions: Rachel Barton Pine is a violinist on a mission spread classical music . And she's doing it by going on rock stations and playing heavy metal songs on her Guarneri violin. Rachel grew up in a poor household in Irving Park/North Center. She first played the violin at age 3 and obsessed with it soon after, she began taking lessons with a rented violin. At 10 Rachel made her solo debut with the Chicago Symphony and at 14 was playing weddings. Because her father had job troubles, she became the family's breadwinner. "I put on a lot of makeup and pretended I was older than I was," she said. "I was responsible for the mortgage, the utilities, the groceries, and there was so much pressure, growing up like that. ... When I was 17 or 18, even if I had gotten a full scholarship, I certainly wouldn't have been able to be in school and continue to work enough to ... support the family." At 17, Rachel became the youngest person, and the first American, to win the J.S. Bach Internation Competition in Germany. Then tragedy struck. When Rachel was 22, she was run over by a Metra train when the strap of her violin case got caught in a door and she was dragged to the tracks. She lost her left leg above the knee and suffered severe damage to her right. During her rehab, Rachel played her own arrangement of The Star Spangled Banner at two Bulls playoff games and at the DNC in Chicago in 1996. People were inspired and were saying they didn't know that violins were so cool. So Rachel got the idea that maybe it wasn't that most people don't like violin music, but that they haven't been properly exposed to it.
Rachel Barton Pine American violinist rachel barton Pine, Musicorda s new artistic director, is aninspiration to musicians and audiences everywhere. She began violin studies
Musicorda Names Rachel Barton Pine Artistic Director rachel barton Pine is an internationally renowned violinist who, in addition toa thriving performance career, took over the helm of the Musicorda Summer
Extractions: Home Artstic Director Young Artists Program Concerts ... Contact Musicorda A champagne reception will follow the concert in the Rooke Theatre Lobby, adjacent to Chapin Auditorium. Tickets are $50 for concert and reception, and $35 for the concert only. Tickets are available at the box office (413.493.1544). This page was last updated May 2, 2005
Say Good Things About Rachel Barton rachel barton Pine is a great violinist! We (her and me) also share the love forBach and composing, that makes me like her even more!
Brahms Violin Concerto Mine is by rachel barton with the Chicago Symphony Orchesta under Carlos Kalmar . The guy seems to go beyond the violin into a world of pure thought that