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Alexa - Sites In: Kitesailing Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank.
Bloomingdale's: Kitesailing - Did you mean sailing? Sorry, we did not find any results for kitesailing. Please try again using an alternate spelling or keyword.
Extractions: Home Client Access Contact Help ... (empty) Keywords or ID More Options Browse by Theme Search Results: 57 Stock Photos found for: Kitesailing More Kitesailing Stock Photos To view or buy as Stock Photos, click on any thumbnail, or view as View as Fine Art Prints (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RM) Add to Lightbox (RF) Add to Lightbox More Kitesailing Images - Walking on the Spray - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - The Sky is Under My Feet - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Kiteboarder Jumping off wave at Mana Mana Beach Club Bintan Island Indonesia - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Touching the Air - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Panoramic Action Sequence Image of Kiteboarder On the Move Taking Off and executing Tweaked Tail Grab Reverse Table Top - Taking Off - Kiteboarder in Action Singapore - Kiteboarder in Action during Air Blast 2006 Kiteboarding Games at Mana Mana Beach Club Bintan Indonesia - Kiteboarder in Action during Air Blast 2006 Kiteboarding Games at Mana Mana Beach Club Bintan Indonesia
Essex Kiteboarding And Essex Kite Sailing Sports Factor UK, sailing lessons, windsurfing tuition, kiteboarding, kitesailing and expert water sports tutition provided by ex olympian.
Extractions: kite sailing windsurfing sailing kayaking ... contact the team Kite Sailing / Kite Boarding - Essex Sports Tuition Kiteboarding is a relatively new sport based on the ever-growing sport of kitesurfing. Whereas in kite surfing the rider is pulled over the water on a wakeboard style board, kiteboarding also involves the use of a land board which is essentially a big skateboard with off-road wheels and sometimes suspensions. The rider gets the kite into a neutral position (over head) and once he is strapped in the board can get the kite to pull him across the ground. Like kite surfing, competent riders are able to "get some air" which is essentially manoeuvring the kite to pull you into the air, normally 10's of feet up and landing up to a 100ft away. More competent riders are able to do several moves in the air such as grabs, rotations and flips. Ideally this sport is to be done on large empty areas without any obstructions such as trees or people and where the wind is at a constant. o sports factor UK
Easy Penpals - International Pen Pals | Kitesailing kitesailing. Last 1 000 ads. CoolLogo.gif, 3 kB. Filters ? ICQ, Off. Female, Off. Male, Off. Authorizied, Off. Area filters. North America, On | Jon Rawlinson: KiteSailing THE RAD BLOG was all about my travels but now I m back in Vancouver so this blog has morphed into a blog about my interests in activism, travel, photography
Extractions: Main Whoa! Sailing using a giant Kite!!! Kite For Sail LLC. is a unique Maui based company that is leading the way in wind powered ocean transportation in Hawaiian waters. We are using our kite powered vessel for fishing and troll with 100 % fuel reduction during normal trade wind patterns. Sustainable technology for ocean transport is the wave of the future to combat global warming, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and ensure a strong and healthy future for our ocean environment. Wind powered transportation is already underway in Europe (check out the article on our website ) and Kite for Sail is at the forefront of this movement in the Pacific. Aug 02, 2007 Permalink wow imagine the tension on those cables! Posted by: Duncan Aug 02, 2007 at 09:30 PM looks super fun! Posted by: Mike Hedge Aug 03, 2007 at 02:15 AM hostName = ''; Name: Email Address: (Not displayed with comment.) URL: Remember personal info? Comments: Banaue Rice Terraces. (22 MB Quicktime)
Surfing & Kite Sailing In fact, in China and Polynesia, kitesailing was a form of transportation in the Pacific Rim beginning in the 13th and 14th century!
Extractions: Although the sport of KiteSurfing is new, it is not a one-man invention, and people have been playing with the concept for a long time. In fact, in China and Polynesia, kitesailing was a form of transportation in the Pacific Rim beginning in the 13th and 14th century! Indonesian and Polynesian kite fishermen dragged their canoes with kites, as early as the 12th century. In the early 1800's, British inventor George Pocock enlarged common kites and flew them in groups to pull carts on land and boats on the water. His efforts resulted in what were, at the time, the fastest speeds on land and water. Pocock's kites were fully controllable, using 4 lines, just as we use today. His boats and carts could sail upwind, his boats could beat other boats he raced against. His original patent number was GB5420, dated 1826. In November 1903, American inventor Samuel Cody kitesailed across the English Channel. In the late '50s individuals used the concept of being trailed by a parachute/wings above and on water. In the mid 1970's, Englishman Peter Powell developed the dual line control and built a 2-line delta kite with which he sailed small dinghies. These were the first commercially successful 2-line deltas, based on Francis Rogollo's patents of the early 1940's. They were marketed for use with boats and buggies, and in fact, a stack of 6 Powell deltas was used by Englishman Keith Stewart with a nine foot catamaran to cross the English Channel, purposely duplicating the Samuel Cody's 1903 crossing.
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Kitesailing water sports kitesailing resources. Kite Sailing. Discover plans, links and a brief article about gaining maximum speed across water.
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Kitesailing Web Directory. Visit the most comprehensive kitesailing Directory on the Web.
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Kitesailing Com Inc In Kahului,HI - kitesailing Com Inc in Kahului, Hawaii yellow page listing. Phone number, address, driving directions provided for each yellow page listing.
BoredGourd :: Kitesailing kitesailing is an activity to do when you are bored.