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Extractions: Home E-mail Us My Account Shopping Cart Site Search Name: Enter your e-mail Name: Sign-up to hear about our specials and events Top End XLT Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,795.00 View Item Greenspeed Anura - Delta Trike Reg: Bike-On Price: $2,445.00 View Item Top End Crossfire Titanium Wheelchair Reg: Bike-On Price: $2,295.00 View Item Top End Lil Excelerator Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,495.00 View Item Top End XLT Jr. Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,495.00 View Item Altimate Medical EasyStand Magician Comfy Seat Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,878.00 View Item Quickie Shark Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,895.00 View Item Quickie Quickie Mach 2 Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,495.00 View Item Top End Top End Force Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $3,295.00 View Item Quickie Quickie Kidz Bike Handcycle Reg: Bike-On Price: $1,195.00 View Item Here's some cool stuff!
Handcyclists Looking For Right Place To Race The marathon handcyclists are renegades in the athleteswith-disabilities establishment, which is working to include the emerging sport in sanctioned http://www.ltolman.org/marathon.htm
Hand Cycle Resource My new found fun,Off Road Hand Cycling BYU Capstone Project - Composite Handcycle Rowbike. New Used Handcycles and much more. A Great Resource! http://www.sitski.com/handcyc.htm
Varna Handcycles VARNA designs and manufactures the most efficient Handcycles on the market today! Here is where you can find information on Varna handcycles. http://www.varnahandcycles.com/handcycles/handcycle.htm
Cscinvitational.com - Handcycle Races This event is designed for the entry level handcycle athlete. Participation is the objective. Come out to race or to cheer! http://www.cscinvitational.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Item
Handcycles handcycle. OneOff Titanium is pleased to announce that we have begun production of our all terrain hand cycle. This is the first hand cycle to bridge the http://www.titaniumarts.com/content/handcycles.html
Extractions: One-Off Titanium is pleased to announce that we have begun production of our all terrain hand cycle . This is the first hand cycle to bridge the gap between today's road only hand cycles and the chair-lift dependent downhill racers. With bicycle cranks for propulsion and a steering similar to the downhill racers, this vehicle can climb Mt. Snow and descend at speed with safety. We have achieved our prime goal of developing an arm-powered vehicle that is analogous to the modern mountain bike . And don't forget, a mountain bike with street tires is a great road bike.
New Mobility: The Magazine For Active Wheelchair Users At the center is a gleaming red handcycle. Lifting its front end, And we ve had a few since the handcycle came into my life two years ago. http://newmobility.com/review_article.cfm?id=263&action=browse