Extractions: Kristallblumen High quality prints in the format 40 by 60 cm. Price: Euro 45 each , plus costs for shipping (maximal seven prints). Please ask me for the shipping costs outside of Germany. Please order from Dr.-Ing. Horst Zuse Schaperstrasse 21 10719 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 881 59 88 Fax.: +49 30 886 81 678 , July 17, 2003
Konrad Zuse - Wikipedia Translate this page Konrad Zuse war Mitglied im Akademischen Verein Motiv und Ehrenmitglied des ChaosComputer Konrad Zuse Internet-Archiv Umfangreiche Dokumentation seines http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Zuse
Extractions: Es ist geschafft - unser Spendenziel von 200.000$ ist erreicht . Herzlichen Dank an alle Spender. Konrad Zuse (1992) Konrad Zuse 22. Juni in Berlin 18. Dezember in H¼nfeld bei Fulda ) war ein deutscher Bauingenieur Erfinder des ersten funktionst¼chtigen Computers und Unternehmer Zuse KG Bearbeiten machte Konrad Zuse sein Abitur am Reform-Real-Gymnasium (heutiges Lessing-Gymnasium) in Hoyerswerda . Zuse schloss 1935 an der Technischen Hochschule Charlottenburg in Berlin (heute Technische Universit¤t Berlin ) sein Maschinenbaustudium ab. Er arbeitete daraufhin als Statiker bei den Henschel Flugzeugwerken in Berlin -Sch¶nefeld. Nur ein Jahr sp¤ter begann er selbstst¤ndig am Bau eines programmierbaren Rechners zu arbeiten. Vor¼berlegungen gingen bis 1934 zur¼ck. Das Resultat war der 1938 fertig gestellte, elektrisch angetriebene mechanische Rechner mit begrenzten Programmierm¶glichkeiten, der die Befehle von Lochstreifen ablas. Die Z1 arbeitete aufgrund von Problemen mit der mechanischen Pr¤zision nie zuverl¤ssig.
Computing (FOLDOC) - Zuse Konrad Vietnamese English French online dictionary. Tu dien tieng Viet truc tuyen.Free Vietnamese online translation. http://vdict.com/i/6/zuse konrad.html
Zuse Translate this page Konrad zuse konrad Zuse gilt als der Erfinder des Computers. Konrad Zuse (rechts)mit seinem Freund Schreyrer beim Bau der Z1 im Wohnzimmer seiner http://www.weller.to/com/comp-zuse-z1.htm
Extractions: Die Zuse Z1 ist der erste programmgesteuerte binäre Rechner. Er ist vollständig mechanisch. Sie besteht aus mechanischen Schaltgliedern. Bewegliche Bleche schieben Metallstifte in zwei Positionen. Der Nachfolger Z3 ist ein Nachbau der Z1 auf Basis von Relais und gilt als der erste Computer überhaupt. Wäre die Z1 funktionsfähig und praxistauglich gewesen, könnte man die Z1 als ersten Computer betrachten, obgleich eine rein mechanische Maschine unserer Vorstellung eines Comsputers überhaupt nicht entspricht. Das Original und die Konstruktionspläne gingen bei einem Bombenangriff verloren. Konrad Zuse rekonstruierte seine Erfindung und baute sie in den Jahren 1987 bis 1989 nach. Die Z1 kann acht verschiedene Befehle ausführen: Division Foto: Nachbau der Zuse Z1 (links) im Technikmuseum Berlin. In der Mitte Z64, rechts ein frühes "Rechenzentrum". Konrad Zuse gilt als der Erfinder des Computers. Sein bahnbrechendes Konzept des programmgesteuerten, binären Rechners hat er 1936 in voll mechaninscher Bauweise in der Z1 umgesetzt.
HNF - Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum Konrad zuse konrad Zuse hit upon the idea of building a Between 1943 and1945, Konrad Zuse developed the Plankalkül programming language. http://www.hnf.de/museum/zuse_en.html
Extractions: Konrad Zuse hit upon the idea of building a program-controlled calculating machine when he had to deal with extensive calculations in statics. In 1935, he began to design and build - without any subsidies - a program-controlled calculating machine in his parents' home. It was based on the binary system and used punched tape for the program input. The Z1, which was built between 1936 and 1938, was a purely mechanical machine that was not fully operational. In 1940, Zuse began to build a successor to the Z1 based on relay technology. In May 1941, he finished the Z3 - worldwide the first freely programmable program-controlled automatic calculator that was operational. Zuse's main theoretical achievements in this development were: The insight that the logical structure of the machine is what counts, independent of different technical realizations. The use of the binary system in a semilogarithmic form to represent numbers. The use of binary logic to implement flow control.
Konrad Zuse Konrad Zuse. From Peter Deuflhard deuflhard@ZIBBerlin.DE ; Date Thu, 21 Dec1995 144004 +0100; Subject Konrad Zuse http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET95/msg00966.html
The History Of Computers: Konrad Zuse Konrad Zuse studied construction engineering in Berlin. From various sidesKonrad Zuse was awarded with the title Inventor of the computer . http://www2.fht-esslingen.de/studentisches/Computer_Geschichte/grp3/zuse.html
Extractions: THIS IS THE PAGE Konrad Zuse Konrad Zuse studied construction engineering in Berlin. Tired of repeating calculation procedures he built a first mechanical calculator, the Z1. Then he developed from waste material, together with a few friends in the living room of his parents, the world's first electronic, programmable calculator, the . The original was unfortunately destroyed later during the war. A reconstructed model can nowadays be seen at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Knowing that his invention could do a week's work of a whole calculation department within a few hours Konrad Zuse remained silent due to the dark times and the resulting relevance of his early knowledge. The Z1 and Zuse From various sides Konrad Zuse was awarded with the title "Inventor of the computer". When asked about it Konrad Zuse used to reply - "Well, I guess, it took many inventors besides me to develop the computer as we know it nowadays. I wish the following generation All the Best for their work with the computer. May this instrument help you to save the problems which we old folks have left behind." Authors:
Konrad Zuse Translate this page Education and Experience By 1927 konrad zuse had enrolled at the Technical During 1936 to 1938 konrad zuse developed and built the first binary digital http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Zuse.html
Extractions: Born June 22, 1910, Berlin-Wilmersdorf; German inventor of pre-war electromechanical binary computer designated Z1 which was destroyed without trace by wartime bombing; developed two more machines before the end of the war but was unable to convince the Nazi government to support his work; fled with the remains of Z3 to Zurich where he developed the Z4 which was successfully used at ETH. Developer of a basic programming system known as "Plankalkül" with which he designed a chess playing program. Education and Experience: By 1927 Konrad Zuse had enrolled at the Technical University in Berlin-Charlottenburg and began his working career as a design engineer (Statiker) in the aircraft industry (Henschel Flugzeugwerke) and by 1935 he had completed a degree in civil engineering. He remained in Berlin from the time he finished his degree until the end of the war in 1945, and it was during this time that he constructed his first digital computers. He later formed his own company for the construction and marketing of his designs. Honors and Awards: Honorary Degrees;
Extractions: [Back to Horst Zuse] [Back to Horst Zuse-Privat] Folgen Sie mir auf eine kleine Tour zu Konrad Zuses Rechnern. Follow me on a short guided tour of Konrad Zuse's computers. Konrad Zuse Multimedia Show New! You will find much more on Konrad Zuse, his life and his computers in Horst Zuse's Konrad Zuse Multimedia Show history of computing gesammelt. Die meisten Informationen liegen allerdings auf Englisch vor. Horst Zuse has also collected a couple of links on the history of computing Konrad Zuses patent Z391 from 1941 has been proposed for the UNESCO Program Memory for the World at August 31, 2000
Konrad Zuse: Preface EPE Online article by konrad zuse s son, Prof. Horst zuse. Well written biography,many historical pictures. http://www.epemag.com/zuse/
Extractions: by Prof. Horst Zuse Many encyclopedias and other reference works state that the first large-scale automatic digital computer was the Harvard Mark 1, which was developed by Howard H. Aiken (and team) in America between 1939 and 1944. However, in the aftermath of World War II it was discovered that a program controlled computer called the Z3 had been completed in Germany in 1941, which means that the Z3 pre-dated the Harvard Mark I. The Z3's architect was a German engineer called Konrad Zuse, who developed his first machine, the Z1, in his parents' living room in Berlin in 1938. Although based on relays, the Z3 was very sophisticated for its time; for example, it utilized the binary number system and could perform floating-point arithmetic. Zuse was an amazing man who was years ahead of his time. To fully appreciate his achievements, it is necessary to understand that his background was in construction and civil engineering (not electronics).
Konrad Zuse Internet Archiv Translate this page konrad zuse (1910-1995) hat den ersten programmgesteuerten Rechner der Welt gebaut.Archiv seiner Erfindungen, Patententwürfe, Vorträge und Vorlesungen. http://www.zib.de/zuse/
Konrad-zuse.de Translate this page Darstellung des Werkes von konrad zuse mit den technischen Daten der Rechner derzuse KG. http://www.konrad-zuse.de/
Konrad Zuse -- Part II zuse, konrad. 1970. Der Computer Mein Lebenswerk, Verlag Moderne Industrie,Munich. zuse, konrad. 1980. Some Remarks on the History of Computing in http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Zuse.2.html
Extractions: This led to my first confrontation with what is known today as "artificial intelligence". Naturally I realized my computer would never be able to run that sort of calculation. But combination memory and the general circuitry were a step in the right direction. Many developments were predictable, of course, others were still in the realm of fantasy. I remember mentioning to friends back in 1938 that the world chess champion would be beaten by a computer in 50 years time. Today we know computers are not far from this goal. But even in those days quite a lot was achieved at the drawing board. Today we call this computer architecture. The latter type of machine is known as the John-von-Neumann computer, after its namesake who first produced it 10 years later together with Goldstine and Burks. We now know this was a very elegant solution. The question is why I did not use this concept in 1939 if I already knew about it. Well, at that time it would have been senseless to try to build that sort of machine, as the necessary facilities were simply not available. For example, storage capacity was not big enough to cope - an efficient program memory needs to be able to store several thousand words. Speed was also too low. It's true that floating point arithmetic can be performed by simply following a series of single instructions (as is the case today). But that means giving 10 to 20 times as many instructions. As long as the electronical prerequisites were not available it was a waste of time. Two things were needed first - high storage capacity - around 8,000 words, as in the first magnetic-drum memories - and electronic speed. Towards the end of the 40s this seemed possible, but as Germans we were not able to participate in this development at the time.
Konrad Zuse Und Seine Rechner Detaillierte Informationen ¼ber den Pionier der deutschen Computertechnik sowie die von ihm gebauten Rechner. http://irb.cs.tu-berlin.de/~zuse/Konrad_Zuse/de/index.html
Konrad Zuse Internet Archive Large zuse site papers, comments, programs, replicas, image gallery, links. http://www.zib.de/zuse/English_Version/
Konrad Zuse's Versus John Von Neumann's Computer Concepts 5 Differences of the John von Neumann Architecture and konrad zuse?s Z3 More information about this topic can be found in the konrad zuse MultiMedia http://irb.cs.tu-berlin.de/~zuse/Konrad_Zuse/Neumann_vs_Zuse.html
Extractions: 8 Glossary 1 Introduction This document intends to discuss our arguments related to the article of Burks et al. , John von Neumann and other scientists. I like to get comments and criticism to my view. I tried to formulate the arguments as unbiased as possible. In literature the paper of Burks et al. has been cited in order to show that in 1946 the John von Neumann?s group formulated the basic principles of the modern computer. From our view it is very questionable whether this is true because Konrad Zuse in 1936 and 1941 built the machines and , which deduct in advance the architecture of the John von Neumann computer in almost every component. These facts were neglected a very long time. More information about this topic can be found in the Konrad Zuse Multi-Media Show . This show is in German, but an English version is planned.
Extractions: Schulzeit-Neigung zur Malerei Studium-Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang Der Erfinder und Unternehmer - Entwicklungen Quellen ... Links Konrad Zuse ist der Erfinder und Konstrukteur des ersten funktionsfähigen, freiprogrammierbaren Rechners der Welt - der ZUSE Z3 - der im Mai 1941 fertiggestellt wurde. Der Rechner arbeitete bereits mit Dualzahlen und Gleitkommadarstellung. Im folgenden soll kurz das Leben und Wirken von Konrad Zuse geschildert werden. Seine Erfindungen, seine Begabungen,die Z3 als erster voll funktionsfähiger Computer, die Kriegszeit und die Geschichte der ZUSE KG. Konrad Zuse wurde am 22. Juni 1910 in Berlin geboren. Die Eltern Maria und Emil waren eher konservativ eingestellt. Der Vater war ein "typischer preußischer Beamter", der bis zu seinem 40-jährigen Dienstjubiläum keinen einzigen Tag der Arbeit ferngeblieben war. Über seine zwei Jahre ältere Schwester Lieselotte schrieb Konrad Zuse später, dass es für sie sicher ein großer Nachteil war in der damaligen Zeit und als Frau gelebt zu haben, da sie seiner Ansicht nach sehr intelligent und fortschrittlich dachte. Als K. Zuse zwei Jahre alt war, verließen die Zuses Berlin und zogen nach Braunsberg, einer verschlafenen ostpreußischen Kleinstadt. Nach drei Jahren Vorschule trat K. Zuse im Alter von neun Jahren in das dortige Gymnasium "Hosianum" ein. Dort herrschte der "alte Geist". Die Lehrer thronten wie Halbgötter über den Schülern. Zuse blieb vor allem der acht Stunden in der Woche umfassende Lateinunterricht in negativer Erinnerung.
Konrad Zuse - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Biographie konrad zuse, 19101995 - Translate this page konrad zuse. Erfinder. 1910 22. Juni konrad zuse wird in Berlin geboren. Dezember konrad zuse stirbt in Hünfeld. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuse
Extractions: Over US$225,000 has been donated so far! Other charities also need your help. (Redirected from Zuse Konrad Zuse June 22 December 18 ) was a German engineer and computer pioneer. His greatest achievement was the completion of the first functional tape-stored-program-controlled computer, the , in The Z3 is sometimes claimed to be "first computer" as such, though this depends on complex and subtle definitional issues, as the machine was not truly general-purpose in the manner of later machines (see the article of history of computing for a thorough discussion). Zuse also designed a high-level programming language , the Plankalk¼l , allegedly in , although this was a theoretical contribution, since the language was never actually implemented within his lifetime and did not directly influence early implemented languages. In addition to his technical work, Zuse founded the first computer startup company in . This company built the , which became the first commercial computer, leased to