Domus Aurea: Le Meraviglie Translate this page zenodorus Mercurio facto in ciuitate Galliae Aruernis per annos decem, esset et zenodorus scientia fingendi caelandique nulli ueterum postponeretur.
Extractions: XXXIV. ... Verum omnem amplitudinem statuarum eius generis uicit aetate nostra Zenodorus Mercurio facto in ciuitate Galliae Aruernis per annos decem, Hs quater centies centena milia manupretii; postquam satis artem ibi adprobauerat, Romam accitus a Nerone, ubi destinatum illius principis simulacro colossum fecit CXIX pedum longitudine, qui dicatus Soli uenerationi est, damnatis sceleribus inius principis. Mirabamur in officina non modo ex argilla similitudinem insignem, uerum et de paruis admodum surculis quod primum operis instaurati fuit. Ea statua indicauit interisse fundendi aeris scientiam, cum et Nero largiri aurum argentumque paratus esset et Zenodorus scientia fingendi caelandique nulli ueterum postponeretur. La statua bronzea, alta più di 35 metri, raffigurava Nerone con attributi solari e si ispirava, con ogni probabilità, al colosso di Rodi. L'imperatore era rappresentato nudo e con il braccio sinistro piegato per sorreggere una sfera, il destro proteso in avanti. Sul capo portava una corona composta da sette raggi, lunghi ben sei metri ciascuno. Le uniche raffigurazioni che ci rimangano dell'immane colosso sono state ritrovate su alcune monete degli imperatori Gordiano III ed Alessandro Severo.
Dynamic Caterpillar Event-based Database: Preface If you note that there are 400+ records of Pyrrhopyge zenodorus (Hesperiidae)caterpillars from Vismia baccifera and only 5 from Vismia ferruginea,
Extractions: Authors' preface to (5 December 1999): ). We began this inventory in 1978, and since then many institutions and persons have participated and contributed to its content and structure. The content of the core FileMaker Pro (FMP) database was initially derived from field notebooks in 1988. After that, the data was field notebooked and subsequently computerized at the end of the year (1988-1999). From 1999-2000 onward, the data is being progressively more directly computerized without a hard copy intermediate. Currently in FMP 4.0, as the years pass it will migrate to new structures, applications and their versions, and platforms. A lengthy methodological document for the inventory databases will be placed on this site by 31 January 2000. We feel that misuses of data, layouts and searches are less likely if time is invested in this document. The methodological essay on the inventory process itself should be read as its companion piece. We suggest that these databases be used in the positive sense. The inventory is by its nature a work in indefinite progress, and this is reflected in the databases. If you want a photograph of a last instar
Organisms Of Hawaii -- Images BISH info Google images zenodorus microphthalmus (Salticidae) BISHinfo Google images Zetes australis (Acari Galumnidae)
TLG: TLG Date Sorting When it is simply impossible to suggest a date, the word Incertum has been usedinstead, as for zenodorus Trag. Incertum is also assigned to many of the
Extractions: Last Revised: 2000-5-12 The following defines the sorting order for dates in the TLG Canon as used on the TLG CD ROMs and online databases. Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: Canon of Greek Authors and Works. 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. xix-xx.) Arabic numerals in cardinal form indicate the century of an author's floruit . A dash between numerals indicates that the author's floruit spans the two centuries. Thus, the date given for Strabo Geogr. is 1 B.C.-A.D. 1, based upon the approximate dates of his sojourns in Rome (44-35 B.C., again ca. 31 B.C., and a third time in 7 B.C.), Egypt (25 until ca. 19 B.C.), and Amasia (ca. 7 B.C. until his death sometime after A.D. 21.) When no firmer evidence can be adduced, a virgule between numerals is used to suggest the earliest and latest possible dates. Thus, the date given for Alciphron Rhet. et Soph. is A.D. 2/3, meaning that the earliest possible date for his letters (though purportedly written by Athenian fishermen, farmers, parasites, and courtesans of the fourth century B.C.) is the second century and the latest is the third. When only a terminus ante quem is discernable, or at least logically to be assumed, this is indicated by, for instance
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