Distinguished Guests - The Library, The Abdus Salam ICTP zeeman, Erik Christopher (b.1925). Royal Society, Fellow 1975 . Senior WhiteheadPrize 1982. ICTP Scientific Council Member 1984-1988 http://library.ictp.trieste.it/FP-DB/detail.php?ID=349
Zeeman's Catastrophe Machine Christopher zeeman s Catastrophe Machine. Applet von L. Griebl. http://abel.math.harvard.edu/~knill/math21a2000/zeeman/applet.html
PIMS Distinguished Lecturer Series Professor Sir Christopher zeeman. March 21, 2000 1430 1600 PDT He inventedthe zeeman Catastrophe machine, a simple mechanical device that http://www.pims.math.ca/activities/dist_lect/zeeman/zeeman.html
Extractions: 15:30 - 17:00 CMT using the Real Player software. Abstract: The generalized Lyness equation determines a sequence x x x ... of positive real numbers, where x x are given positive initial terms. The aim is to study these sequences. The unfolding of the equation is the diffeomorphism of the positive quadrant of R given by The orbits of f then give the desired sequence by projecting onto the x axis. The orbits are studied using dynamical systems and algebraic geometry. Following Lyness, Ladas showed that f leaves invariant a family of nested closed curves filling the positive quadrant. We show that on each curve f , is conjugate to a rigid rotation, and so the orbits on that curve are either all periodic or all dense in that curve. Lyness showed that if then all the orbits are 5-periodic. We show that if
Zeeman's Master Class In Mathematics Sir Christopher zeeman Gives Victoria Teens A Master Class in Mathematics Sir Christopher zeeman gave a lecture at the University of Victoria. http://www.pims.math.ca/education/2000/zeeman/
Extractions: On March 22, 2000 the renowned British mathematician, Sir Christopher Zeeman gave a lecture at the University of Victoria. It was one of three lectures given by Sir Christopher during his week long visit to Uvic. His lecture was entitled Master Class for Thirteen-Year Olds . The lecture was sponsored jointly by the University of Victoria and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. Forty-one attended the lecture, including twenty teens from the local school district. The Mathematics Masterclasses in Britain have grown out of the Christmas Lectures given at the Royal Institution by Professor Zeeman in 1978. Now given in about 50 centers in the U.K., a typical master class lasts for 2-3 hours on Saturday morning and runs for ten weeks. Studies conducted four years later showed that the participants in the Master Classes demonstrated increased confidence and increased problem-solving skill in all branches of science. The objective of the Master Class program is to introduce topics not found in the school syllabus using an approach that allows these young teens access to some university level material. In a one-hour presentation, Sir Christopher gave the audience a sample of some of the activities that take place in a Master Class. He demonstrated the proof of a theorem relating the sum of angles of a spherical triangle to its area. He did a demonstration on perspective showing the existence and uniqueness of vanishing points and observation points. His demonstration on gyroscopes used an apparatus made from a bicycle wheel, which he brought all the way from England for the presentation. Finally, Sir Christopher demonstrated coupled oscillations using two keys hanging from a thread. His presentations were both informative and entertaining and he engaged many of the students in the audience to assist him with his demonstrations.
CIM Bulletin #9 Sir Erik Christopher zeeman is one of the great XXth century mathematicians.His university studies were at Christ s College, Cambridge and he also received http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/h/14.htm
Extractions: Topology Atlas Document # iaah-14 from CIM Bulletin #9 As part of my homework for this interview I read a portuguese translation of the interview you gave to Lewis Wolpert for BBC, Radio 331. Some of the questions I am going to formulate are based on that interview and I want to express my debt to him. Professor Zeeman, at 7 you were fascinated when your mother showed you how to solve a problem using the unknown x. I'm sure that during your mathematical career some of the results you proved must have given you a similar feeling. Which were the peaks of your research? When my mother showed me at the age of 7 how to use x for an unknown it was a revelation to me. However, I think the feeling of revelation that you get when someone reveals something to you is different from the feeling of exhilaration that you get when you discover something for yourself. Revelation can be wonderful, but exhilaration can be even better! I can distinctly remember a few revelations such as un- derstanding limits rigorously for the first time (and hence calculus), or understanding the complex numbers as the algebraic closure of the reals, or using groups and fields to show the insolubility of the quintic, or proving the knottedness of knots, or understanding Newton's proof of elliptic orbits, and much later realising that Newton's equations are contained in the symplectic structure of a cotangent bundle, or understanding Mather's proof of Thom's theorem on elementary catastrophes.
Extractions: Feedback Zee·man (z män Pieter Dutch physicist. He shared a 1902 Nobel Prize for researching the influence of magnetism on radiation. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun Zeeman - Dutch physicist honored for his research on the influence of magnetism on radiation which showed that light is radiated by the motion of charged particles in an atom (1865-1943) Pieter Zeeman physicist - a scientist trained in physics
Warwick 40th Anniversary Coffee and conversation in the common room with Sir Christopher zeeman (centre).Corrado de Concini from La Sapienza, Rome, opens the day talking about his http://www.tallfamily.co.uk/david/photos/warwick40/
Extractions: PERSONAL HOME PAGE Family Life Photos ... ACADEMIC HOME PAGE On Friday May 6th 2005, The Warwick Mathematics Department celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the University of Warwick and the 41st birthday of the Mathematics Department, founded by Professor Christopher Zeeman a year before the rest of the university. Corrado de Concini from La Sapienza, Rome, opens the day talking about his research in topology and combinatorics, since he was a graduate student at Warwick in the early seventies. David Epstein, one of the founding members of the department recalls how Christopher Zeeman persuaded him and four others to be the first members of staff after all of them initially refused to come. Roger Carter, who came in the second year of the department, declared his reminiscences need only 40/41 of the time used by Professor Epstein. George Rowlands from Physics talked about what the rest of the university thought of the mathematics department in the early days. He said it could be summed up in one word, but never said what that word was.
4. Doctor Zeeman S Original Catastrophe Machine This device, invented by the mathematician Christopher zeeman (now Sir EC zeeman,KB, FRS), consists of a wheel which is tethered by an elastic to a fixed http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~tony/whatsnew/column/catastrophe-0600/cusp4.html
Extractions: The Catastrophe Machine This device, invented by the mathematician Christopher Zeeman (now Sir E. C. Zeeman, K.B., F.R.S.), consists of a wheel which is tethered by an elastic to a fixed point in its plane. The control input to the system is another elastic attached to the same point as the first and roughly of the same length. The other end of the elastic can be moved about an area diametrically opposite to the fixed point. This particular instantiation of the concept is about one meter high. The detail shows the way the two elastics are attached to the wheel. The catastrophe locus (roughly sketched out in chalk) is entirely contained in a small region of the plane. If the control point is displaced outside that region, the wheel tracks smoothly. The wheel responds discontinuously when the control point crosses the catastrophe locus. The "sheets" corresponding to the two cusps, and the fold lines which issue from the cusps, are connected as shown on the right. Here the stippled areas correspond to local minima; the unstippled ones are inaccessible. The sheets all extend across the picture - they have been cut away for visibility's sake. 1. What is a mathematical catastrophe?
Zeeman To Give Lecture On Catastrophe Theory Professor Sir Christopher zeeman, FRS, one of the pioneers in the development ofcatastrophe theory, will give a lecture at 4 pm Feb. http://www.tamu.edu/univrel/aggiedaily/news/stories/archive/021298-14.html
Extractions: Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman, F.R.S., one of the pioneers in the development of catastrophe theory, will give a lecture at 4 p.m. Feb. 25 in Room 120 Blocker. He will give an introduction to the theory and describe a number of applications in the physical, biological and behavioral sciences. These will include the sudden buckling of a beam under gradually increasing load, the sudden devaluation of a currency under gradually increasing speculative pressure, a model of hyperthyroidism and models of sudden change behavior or perception. The lecture is intended for a general audience. Zeeman is the author of five books and more than 150 research articles. He received his Ph.D. from Cambridge University where he was a Fellow until 1964 when he became the first director of the Mathematics Institute, Warwick University. In 1988 he was elected principal of Hertford College, Oxford, and Gresham Professor of Geometry. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, which awarded him the Faraday Medal, and was president of the London Mathematical Society and a recipient of its Senior Whitehead Prize. He was knighted in 1991 for mathematical excellence and service to British mathematics and mathematics education. Contact: Professor David Sanchez, Department of Mathematics, 862-3746
Lotka-Volterra Equations Mary Lou zeeman and Christopher zeeman have proved that any time that the carryingsimplex is convex or weakly convex (ie the carrying simplex lies all to http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/docs/forum/lotka/
Extractions: Up: Geometry Forum Articles The simplest model of population growth says that population increase is proportional to the current population. However, this does not take into account that there are limited resources. In addition, there may be many species competing more or less successfully for these same resources; some species may hunt others. To begin to take these factors into account, ecologists came up with the nonlinear model given by the Lotka-Volterra equations. This model consists of a system of ordinary differential equations for the rate of population growth of n interacting species depending on the current population. Using the Lotka-Volterra model, what happens to each species after a long time? Does one species beat out the others and become the only species left? Do the populations of the species remain constant? Mary Lou Zeeman, mathematics professor at the University of Texas, San Antonio and Drew LaMar, undergraduate at U.T. San Antonio, are looking at this question of long term behavior using dynamical systems theory. They recently visited the Geometry Center to use computer visualization to gain some intuition. Here is some of the theory of the Lotka-Volterra differential equations and a description of Zeeman and LaMar's visualizations with accompanying figures. We look at the populations of n species as a point in n-dimensional space. The question of eventual behavior becomes a mathematical question; starting at a given point in n-dimensional space, what is the eventual behavior of the solution of the Lotka-Volterra differential equations? This is an n-dimensional system with n^2+n parameters. We wish to know how the dynamics change as the parameters vary.
Math ArXiv: Search Results Morris W. Hirsch, Saunder MacLane, Benoit B. Mandelbrot, David Ruelle, AlbertSchwarz, Karen Uhlenbeck, René Thom, Edward Witten, Christopher zeeman. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/Mandelbrot-B*
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For E. Christopher Zeeman If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=24417
Photos-warwick Row 2 David Chillingworth, Luke Hodgkin, Brian Sanderson, David Fowler, ChrisZeeman, Larry Markus, Rolph Schwarzenberger, Colin Rourke http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~tony/album/warwick.html