Surname Page: W23 - We ve found widman in the following databases SURNAME WIEGAND SURNAMEWIEGAND Given Name johannes Country Germany
Ship Lists DRAGON, 1749 File Contributed For Use In USGenWeb Translate this page Christoph Eich* Bernhart Wacker johannes Godtel Friederich Minler* Christian Hoffstattle* johannes Enders Hans Georg Hartlieb Johan Friederich widman
Extractions: Ship Lists: DRAGON, 1749: File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Faye Moran USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. Dragon Sept.26, 1749. Foreigners from the Palatinate and Zweibrucken,- ship Dragon, Georg Spencer, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Deal. - 563 passengers. Christoph Eich* Bernhart Wacker Johannes Godtel Friederich Minler* Christian Fuchs Peter Suhn Jacob Leber Johannes Wagner* Johannes Eckel Matheis Wagner Georg Hostman Johannes Zwalle* Johannes Hust Casper Zirn Bastian Leinthrick? Tobias Fey Simon Richter Johann Diwall Hans Gauffs* Kilian Hagert Valentin Weber Antony Muller Johannes Weber Leonard Waller* Jacob Weber Adam Egart Anthony Ohber Jacob Bruner Jonas Bohrer Adam Brommer Martin Sier* Valentin Weber Anthony Moor* Dewald Shnyder* Jacob Wey? Johannes Ross Peter Heimbach Johan Nickel Eich Henrich Brill Johan Georg Fedel Jacob Brown* Johan Peter Weyand Jacob Miller* Johan Jacob Peterman Adam Gerber Joh. Christ. Heinrich Beck Matheas Miller* Andreas Gustus Seytz Hans Katzenbacher Joh. Heinrich Hartman Ludwig Haspelhorn* Michael Kilian* Johan Philip Bauer Ludwig Heitz John Nicklaus Hayn Jacob Heitz John Nicklaus Reisinger Jacob Ness Joh. Peter Reisinger Martin Loroh* Johan Peter Eckert Stephan Bauer Philip Jacob Schmit Jacob Frey* Joh. Heinrich Pengler Peter Dagon* Philip Jacob Eger Georg Cump* Joh. Heinrich Sies Wilhelm Muller Johan Nickel Wentz Weyrich Beck Jacob Byshall Jacob Roth Johan Georg Dellen Jacob Fihr Wilhelm Hoffmann Tobias Lawer* Melchior Benedict Martin Foll Michael Zyndelbach* Johannes Partts* Kilian Duvinger Jacob Beck* Joh. Nicolaus Schneider Johan Georg Ludwig Johan Henrich Weber Philip Muller John Peter Schlarbst Ambrosius Bender* Jacob Wendling Frantz Wittman Friederich Schutz Johan Georg Krauss Philip Jacob Schmidt Johannes Durr* Georg Philip Hartung Johan Nicklas Shaffer* Johann Martin Kolter Michael Schneider Friederich Schweickhart George Jacob Shaffer* Christian Hoffstattle* Johannes Enders Hans Georg Hartlieb Johan Friederich Widman Michael Lenard* Balthaser von Konnen Henry Weber* Martin von Konnen Johan Valtin Weber Jacob Weidler Jacob Kraus Johann Henrich Eyrt Paulus Hartman Anthoni OEhler
MDRC - Publications: Youth & Teen Mothers Janet Quint, johannes Bos, Denise Polit. Hard copy $18. William Diaz, JosephBall, Nancy Jacobs, Loren Solnick, Albert widman. Hard copy $15.
MDRC - Publications Listed By Title johannes Bos, Veronica Fellerath. Hard copy $12. William Diaz, Joseph Ball,Carl Wolfhagen with Judith Gueron, Stephanie Sheber, Albert widman.
Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Operation und hüpsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft, by johannes widmann (born c . widman wrote, Was ist / das ist minus vnd das + das ist mer.
Extractions: Earliest Uses of Symbols of Operation Last revision: Dec. 1, 2004 ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION SYMBOLS Plus (+) and minus (-). Nicole d' Oresme (1323-1382) may have used a figure which looks like a plus symbol as an abbreviation for the Latin et (meaning "and") in Algorismus proportionum, believed to have been written between 1356 and 1361. The symbol appears in a manuscript of this work believed to have been written in the fourteenth century, but perhaps by a copyist and not Oresme himself. The symbol appears, for example, in the sentence: "Primi numeri sesquiterti sunt .4. et .3., et primi numeri sev termini sesquialtere sunt .3. et .2." [Dic Sonneveld]. The plus symbol as an abbreviation for the Latin et , though appearing with the downward stroke not quite vertical, was found in a manuscript dated 1417 (Cajori). The + and - symbols first appeared in print in Mercantile Arithmetic or , by Johannes Widmann (born c. 1460), published in Leipzig in 1489. However, they referred not to addition or subtraction or to positive or negative numbers, but to surpluses and deficits in business problems (Cajori vol. 1, page 128). Here is an image of the first use in print of the + and - signs
Math Lessons - Plus And Minus Signs Behende und hüpsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft or MercantileArithmetic by johannes widman in 1489, used to indicate surpluses and deficits.
Extractions: Search algebra arithmetic calculus equations ... more applied mathematics mathematical games mathematicians more The are used universally to represent the operations of addition and subtraction , and have been extended to many other meanings, more or less analogous. Though the signs now seem as familiar as the alphabet or the Hindu-Arabic numerals, they are not of great antiquity. The Egyptian hieroglyphic sign for addition, for example, resembled a pair of legs walking in the direction in which the text was written ( Egyptian was written in varying directions), with the reverse sign indicating subtraction: In Europe in the early 15th century the letters P and M were generally used. The earliest print appearance of the modern signs seems to come from a book on "Behende und hüpsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft" or Mercantile Arithmetic by Johannes Widman in , used to indicate surpluses and deficits. The is a simplification of the Latin "et" (comparable to the ampersand ). The
Neurosurgery - UserLogin Bien, Christian G. 1; widman, Guido 1; Urbach, Horst 2; Sassen, Robert 1; Kuczaty,Stefan 1; Schramm, johannes MD; Kral, Thomas MD; Clusmann, Hans MD
Estudiar Física Translate this page Durante este período las matemáticas elementales adoptan su forma actual graciasa matemáticos como johannes widman (utilización de los signos + y -)
Extractions: LA FÍSICA Y SUS PROTAGONISTAS BREVE HISTORIA DE LA FÍSICA ESTUDIAR FÍSICA EN LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA LA FÍSICA Y SUS PROTAGONISTAS MÁS RETRATOS... AMPERE BARDEEN BOHR BOLTZMANN CURIE DE BROGLIE DIRAC EINSTEIN FARADAY FERMI FEYNMAN GALILEO GAMOW HEISENBERG KELVIN LANDAU VON LAUE LORENTZ MAXWELL MEITNER NEWTON PAULI PLANCK SCHRODINGER TOP PAG. BREVE HISTORIA DE LA FÍSICA Para entender el progreso de la ciencia a lo largo de la Historia hay que tener en cuenta que las sociedades desarrollan conocimientos científicos una vez que tienen necesidades materiales a las que la ciencia debe encontrar una solución. Por tanto la ciencia no aparece en la historia hasta que las sociedades humanas se hicieron lo suficientemente complejas, y su evolución ha ido pareja con los avances que cada civilización hizo sobre las que la precedieron. Con el paso de los siglos la ciencia helenística fue perdiendo vitalidad. Entre las causas cabe citar el debilitamiento de las ciudades y de los poderes públicos a partir del siglo III dC, pero también hay que tener en cuenta que la ciencia helenística no era una ciencia experimental tal como las conocemos ahora: no eran los resultados de la vida real los que daban validez a una doctrina científica, sino que estas se enunciaban a partir de ideas preconcebidas de la Naturaleza y no se concebía realizar un experimento para refutar o confirmar una teoría. Además, la ciencia griega fue quedando progresivamente aislada de la sociedad en la que se encontraba y fue olvidada en gran parte por esta cuando la élite que todavía la albergaba fue desplazada en las transformaciones que llevaron a la Alta Edad Media.
[Foundation] Voting Results + Meeting Minutes Nickurak Luis Peralta Ulrich Staudinger johannes Wagener James widman Thefollowing JSF members did not vote this time nor the previous two times;
Extractions: Wed Oct 30 13:10:57 CST 2002 As a result of our recent voting and the membership meeting held today, The following individuals have been accepted as new members of the JSF: Jared Cluff Ed Coughlin Paul Curtis Russell Davis Craig Kaes Justin Karneges Martin Lesser Mike Mintz Jeremy Nickurak Luis Peralta Ulrich Staudinger Johannes Wagener James Widman The following JSF members did not vote this time nor the previous two times; therefore they have been purged from the membership: Piers Herding Eric Shattow Official meeting minutes are here: A full log of the meeting is here: In addition to validation of the voting results, we discussed other items of interest in an informal manner. I'd encourage all members to read the log so you're up to speed on the latest and greatest. :) Thanks! Peter Peter Saint-Andre Jabber Software Foundation
Tieteen Ja Ajattelun Historiaa - Renessanssi johannes widman (sn 1460) kirjoitti kaupallisesta aritmetiikasta (Behede vndhubsche Rechnung auff allen kauffmanschaft, 1489) ja Luca Pacioli (n.
Extractions: Reijo Rasinkangas Etusivu Antiikin kulttuurien tutkimuksen mukana alkoi vähitellen renessanssiksi kutsuttu aikakausi, jonka on sanottu synnyttäneen modernin individualistisen ihmiskuvan. Näin humanismilla - jolla oikeastaan tarkoitetaan juuri antiikin tutkimusta - ruvettiin myöhemmin ymmärtämään myös ihmisen arvon ja henkisen kulttuurin korostamista. Sen vaikutuksesta skolastiikka korvautui retoriikalla ja erilaisilla taikauskoisilla filosofioilla luonnontieteiden jäädessä vähemmälle huomiolle; myöhäiskeskiaikaa voidaan jopa pitää tieteelle suosiollisempana aikakautena kuin renessanssia. Toisaalta erilaisia käytännön taitoja ruvettiin arvostamaan, ja kehittyvää matematiikkaa käytettiin lisääntyvän kaupan tarpeisiin ja mm. navigoimiseen. Alkaneet tutkimusmatkat syvensivät talouden globalisoitumista. Taide kehittyi monella rintamalla, ja esim. maalaustaiteissa löydettiin sekä perspektiivi että öljyvärit. Francesco Petrarca 1304 - 1374 Ensimmäinen moderni runoilija ja yksilöllisyyden korostaja, 'ensimmäinen humanisti' [ks. Cicero]. Petrarcan ajattelu korosti kommunikaatiotaitojen, kuten retoriikan ja kielten opiskelun, merkitystä kulttuurille.
ISTG Vol 2 - Ship St Andrew 1 Hendrick Kugley 33 2 Hendrick widman 38 3 Michl Middelercher 40 4 Paulus Forster 30 22 johannes Good 44 23 Maurice Edzebel 24 24 Jerich Caspr Henlen
Extractions: (Contributor's note: Following is a transcription of part of List B. I apologize for not getting all of it, but I decided to transcribe the partial list as an illustration of how the spelling varies from one list to another. It also shows who signed their own names and who used a mark, illustrated by characters in parentheses.) Pennsylvania German Society Donated and Transcribed by Thera for the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 25 July 1999
Art History - Famous Artists - Index W widman, Lazar Wiecek, Magdalena Wiedemann, Guillermo Wiedewelt, johannes Wiegele, Franz Wiegers, Jan Wieland, Johann Georg Wieland, Joyce
Faust-Chronologie Translate this page 1599, Erster Theil der Wahrhafftigen Historien von Doctor johannes Faustus.Zweites Volksbuch, von Georg Rudolff widman.
Extractions: Jahre Das Volksbuch Die The Historie of the damnable life, and deserved death of Doctor John Faustus In diesen Jahren entstand Christopher Marlowes Drama The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus Ander Teil D. Johann Fausti Historien, von seinem Famulo Christoph Wagner Erster Theil der Wahrhafftigen Historien ... von Doctor Johannes Faustus Zweites Volksbuch , von Georg Rudolff Widman. Faust-Marionettenspiel Drittes Volksbuch , von Nicolaus Pfitzer. Viertes Volksbuch , von einem "Christlich-Meynenden" 'musikalisch-pantomimisches Ballett' D. Faust Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Dr. Faust Johann Wolfgang Goethe schrieb seinen Urfaust Johann Faust, ein allegorisches Drama in Wien. Fausts Leben dramatisirt Fausts letzter Tag Pantomime komponiert von Karl von Ordonetz.
[CDBooks-News] Archive CD Books News : February 14 2004 page ** Recollections of johannes Brahms Albert Dietrich JV widman 1899Published just two years after the death of the great musician and composer,
Extractions: Sat Feb 14 20:14:12 GMT 2004 From Archive CD Books at *only* GBP 5.00 and scroll down to the "Books for All of Britain" page For more details of those listed above, with photographs, see: ... Staffordshire Lookup Month - February British-Genealogy:
The History Of The Devil: List Of Illustrations By johannes Gehrts. p. 242. Ragnarok, or Doomsday of the Teutons. By johannes Gehrts widman s Faust. p. 427. Wagner Conjuring the Devil Auerhan
Extractions: Sacred Texts Evil Index Previous ... Next p. v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Frontispiece p. vi Demonolatrous Ceremonies of the Old Inhabitants of Haiti. After Picart p. 11 Human Sacrifices Among the Greeks. After an ancient cameo in Berlin p. 12 A Hind Substituted for Iphigenia. After a Pompeian fresco p. 13 Apapi (Apophis) and Atmu. After Rawlinson p. 16 Forms of Taourt. After Rawlinson p. 16 Seth. After Brugsch p. 16 The Soul Visiting the Mummy. From the Ani Papyrus p. 16 Set Teaching the King the Art of War. After Erman p. 18 The Weighing of the Heart in the Hall of Truth. After Lepsius's reproduction of the Turin papyrus p. 21 The Abode of Bliss. After Lepsius's reproduction of the Turin papyrus p. 25 Xisuthrus (the Babylonian Noah) in the Ark. After an ancient Babylonian cylinder. Reproduced from Smith p. 32 Wall Decorations of the Royal Palace at Nineveh in Their Present State. After Place, reproduced from Lenormant p. 33 Sacred Tree and Serpent. From an ancient Babylonian cylinder. After Smith p. 35 The Tree of Life. Decorations on the embroidery of a royal mantle. British Museum p. 36
The History Of The Devil: In Verse And Fable in his work Dr. johannes Faust (3 Volumes, Stuttgart, 1846). The preface of theVolksbuch states Another version by widman appeared in Hamburg in 1599.
Extractions: Sacred Texts Evil Index Previous ... Next p. 407 IN VERSE AND FABLE. THE DEVIL in folklore is entitled to our ungrudging admiration for his indefatigable energy. There are innumerable devil-stones thrown at churches, there are devil-walls, devil-bridges, cathedrals, monasteries, castles, dikes, and mills, built by him for the purpose of seducing and gaining souls. He has had his finger in the pie everywhere and appears to be all but omnipresent and omniscient. In popular literature the Devil plays a most important role. While he is still regarded as the incarnation of all physical and moral evil, his main office has become that of a general mischief-worker in the universe; without him there would be no plot, and the story of the world would lose its interest. He appears as the critic of the good Lord, as the representative of discontent with existing conditions, he inspires men with the desire for an increase of wealth, power, and knowledge; he is the mouth-piece of all who are anxious for a change in matters political, social, and ecclesiastical. He is identified with the spirit of progress so inconvenient to those who are satisfied with the existing state of things, and thus p. 408
Untitled Document Translate this page A regra das três coisas. Treviso Arithmetic 1478. johannes widman 1489. Regra dasproporções. Rechenung auff Allen Kauffmanschafft (compra e venda)
Storia Dell'Arte, Info Tratte Dal Dizionario Comanducci widman Bruno widman Georg V. WITMAN widman Hans widman Johan WIEDERSEIM Grace Gebbie V. DRAYTON Grace Gebbie WIEDEWELT johannes
Las Matemáticas En El Renacimiento Translate this page Por otra parte, johannes widman (1462-1500), natural de Eger (hoy día en laRepública Checa), publicó en 1849 el libro Mercantile Arithmetic,
Extractions: Aparte de la adopción de los dígitos arábigos y del trabajo de unas pocas personas de talento (como Pappus y Fibonacci ), durante los siglos que prosiguieron a Diophantus no se habían producido avances significativos en Matemáticas. En los siglos XV y XVI tuvo lugar un repentino brote de actividad impulsado por el descubrimiento chino de la imprenta, la cual llegó a Europa en 1450 y propulsó a unas Matemáticas (tanto las puras como las aplicadas) que se habían quedado estancadas en los logros de tiempos ancestrales. Es conveniente recalcar la importancia de la imprenta para la difusión del conocimiento matemático. El copiado a mano de textos matemáticos requería mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. En los tiempos antiguos, de la mayoría de los textos sólo existía una copia única que se encontraba en la biblioteca de Alejandría; ésta es la razón por la cual toda la actividad matemática estuvo concentrada en un solo sitio durante unos ochocientos años. Con la llegada de la imprenta dichos textos pasaron a estar disponibles por todo el mundo civilizado y la gente podía aprender matemáticas en lugares tan distantes como Bohemia o Escocia. En este episodio y en los dos siguientes se van a presentar los avances que se dieron en esta época en las siguientes áreas: notación matemática, teoría de las ecuaciones, descubrimiento de los logaritmos, y mecánica y astronomía.
Biographies For Famous People Starting With The Letter W widman, johannes Biography Widnall, Sheila E. Biography Wiedemann, HansRudolfBiography Wieland, Heinrich Otto Biography Wielandt, Helmut Biography