Famous Ukrainians Anatoli Skorokhod (as in the Skorokhod topology in probability), Pavelurysohn (as in urysohn s lemma in topology), Jan Lukasiewicz (inventor of reverse http://www2.uwindsor.ca/~hlynka/ukfam.html
Extractions: The Famous Ukrainians List is a list of over three hundred people with links discussing their contributions. The people listed were either born in what are today's boundaries of Ukraine, or were/are of Ukrainian ancestry. The emphasis is on people who would be known OUTSIDE Ukraine within their particular area of specialization. There is no claim that all the people listed are "ethnically" Ukrainian but they all have some Ukrainian connection. This list is maintained by Dr. Myron Hlynka , Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. hlynka@uwindsor.ca If you are interested in the Mathematics and Statistics program at the University of Windsor, click HERE. The concept for The Famous Ukrainians Web Page came from the Montreal ukemonde (www.ukemonde.com) former list of Montreal famous Ukrainians, from the nomination form of Dr. Roman Yereniuk for the World's hundred most important Ukrainians, as suggested in the Ukrainian Voice newspaper in December, 1999, and from an article in the Spring, 2000 issue of FORUM: A Ukrainian Review , (Number 101), written by Andrew Gregorovich. That article, titled "Hall of Fame of Ukraine," is highly recommended. There is some order in our list. It includes sports, art, science, literature, history, music, politics, movies and TV, religion. The highly regarded multi volumed English language
Natura Alan Turing. George Eugene Uhlenbeck. Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck. pavel SamuilovicUrysohn. Abraham Wald. Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl. Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler. http://www.gymtc.cz/natura/2003/8/200308.html
Extractions: èíslo 8/2003 Jedlobukový karpatský les v ohroení. Podle materiálù ÈSOP KOSENKA Na naem území vzácný jednobukový karpatský les je ohroen. ÈSOP KOSENKA z Valaských Kloboukù se prostøednictvím veøejné sbírky pokouí o jeho záchranu. Americký národní raketový obranný systém. (6) Podle studie Union of Concerned Scientists zpracoval: Jiøí Svrek. Bezpeènostní rizika nasazení systému NMD (Rusko. Vývoj americko-ruských vztahù. Èína. Nespolehlivé státy. Dalí státy.). Zastraování a diplomacie (Nespolehlivé státy s raketovou výzbrojí. Dalí státy. Rusko a Èína.). Jaderné zbranì v Rusku. Podle zprávy " Nuclear weapons in Russia. Safety, Security and Control Issues " výzkumné sluby amerického Kongresu z dubna 2002 zpracoval: Jiøí Svrek. Jaderné zbranì po rozpadu Sovìtského svazu. Kooperativní programy pro omezení jaderné hrozby (Nunnùv-Lugarùv kooperativní program pro omezení hrozby. Program na odstranìní strategických útoèných zbraní. Program ochrany, kontroly a evidence jaderného materiálu. Iniciativa pro prevenci íøení jaderných zbraní. Iniciativa o jaderných mìstech. Ruská pøechodová iniciativa). Struèná historie pracovních skupin od 90. let 20. století (Rusko-americká komise o ekonomické a technologické spolupráci. Pracovní skupina strategické stability. Rozhovory o zárukách, prùhlednosti a nevratnosti likvidace jaderných zbraní. Problém nestrategických jaderných zbraní. Dohoda o pøemìnì plutonia z jaderných zbraní. Sdílení dat vèasného varování. Pohotovostní stupnì strategických jaderných zbraní.)
Bio Links - Letter U Urry, Meg library.thinkquest.org/20117/urry.html; urysohn, Pavelwwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/urysohn.html; Ustinov, PeterAlexander http://www.ebiog.com/links/link-u.htm
List Of Russians -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about Paul Samuilovich urysohn) Paul Samuilovichurysohn (18981924), a mathematician http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_russians.htm
Extractions: This is a list of people associated with (Click link for more info and facts about Imperial Russia) Imperial Russia , the (A former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia an others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991) Soviet Union , and (A federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia; formerly Soviet Russia; since 1991 an independent state) Russia of today. For a long time Russia has been a multinational country, and many people of different nationalities contributed to its culture, to its glory, and to its sorrow. They may be ethnic (A native or inhabitant of Georgia in Asia) Georgian s (like (Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953)) Stalin (A person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties) Jew s (like (Russian revolutionary and Communist theorist who helped Lenin and built up the army; he was ousted from the Communist Party by Stalin and eventually assassinated in Mexico (1879-1940))
Contents Mengerurysohn s order of a point. Curves of a finite order. urysohn s examplesfor each positive integer there is a continuum X(n) consisting solely of http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pyrih/e/e2001v1/c/ect/node1.html
SEMINARIO DE GEOMETRÍA Y TOPOLOGÍA spaces and Frechet-urysohn property for topological groups and topological http://www.mat.ucm.es/deptos/gt/public/seminario.html
Extractions: SEMINARIO DE GEOMETRÍA Y TOPOLOGÍA El próximo día 1 de junio, a las 13.00 horas, el Profesor Pavel WINTERNITZ, (Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Canada) impartirá la conferencia titulada Symmetries of Linear and Nonlinear Difference en el Departamento de Geometría y Topología de la U.C.M. El acto tendrá lugar en el seminario 225 (2ª planta de la Facultad de CC. Matemáticas). RESUMEN A review is given of a research program, the purpose of which is to apply the theory of (continuous) Lie groups to discrete systems. Two different approaches have proven to be fruitful. For nonlinear difference equations it is necessary to use symmetry adapted lattices that transform together with the difference equation. Then it is possible to keep the concept of point transformations. For linear and linearizable equations it is possible to use fixed uniform lattices and to formulate symmetries in terms of commuting difference operators. They however represent generalized symmetries, rather than point ones. SEMINARIO DE GEOMETRÍA Y TOPOLOGÍA
Æóðíàë "Êâàíò" The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://kvant.mccme.ru/1974/08/pavel_samuilovich_uryson.htm
Title The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://gu.wikipedia.org/wiki/વિàªàª¿àªªà«àª¡àª¿à�