Uczony Heretyk - Nowinki Matematyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Dokladna data urodzin Tabita ibn Qurry (thabit ibn Qurra) nie jest znana; W historii matematyki zapisali sie jeszcze jego syn sinan ibn Tabit oraz wnuk http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/matematyka/200102/20010219-001.asp
Extractions: W iw.pl Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Matematyka Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka: Tabit Ibn Qurra (ok. 826-901) Dok³adna data urodzin Tabita Ibn Qurry (Thabit ibn Qurra) nie jest znana; mie¶ci siê w przedziale lat 824-836. Wiadomo natomiast, ¿e Tabit pochodzi³ z Harranu w Górnej Mezopotamii (obecnie Turcja), gdzie podobno w m³odo¶ci para³ siê wymian± pieniêdzy. Miasto to by³o o¶rodkiem kultu astralnego: cz³onkowie tamtejszej sekty sabijczyków utrzymywali, ¿e jako pierwsi uprawiali ziemiê, budowali miasta i... rozwinêli naukê. Dzieje Harranu tak siê potoczy³y, ¿e jego mieszkañcy przyswoili sobie jêzyk grecki w epoce hellenistycznej, a po podboju przez Arabów - arabski, zachowuj±c jednak ojczysty aramejski wraz z religi± przodków. Niemniej wolnomy¶licielskie pogl±dy Tabita sprawi³y, ¿e popad³ w konflikt z sabijczykami i opu¶ci³ Harran. Wêdruj±c spotka³ na swej drodze matematyka Muhammada Ibn Musê Ibn Shakira (jednego ze s³ynnych trzech braci Banu Musa), na którym g³êbia wiedzy matematycznej i filozoficznej Ibn Qurry, jak równie¿ jego bieg³o¶æ w jêzykach wywar³y olbrzymie wra¿enie. Muhhamad zaprosi³ go do Bagdadu, gdzie pod rz±dami dynastii Abbasydów rozkwita³a nauka. Najwybitniejszym jej patronem by³ kalif Al-Mamun, który za³o¿y³ Dom M±dro¶ci (
Extractions: Tenth Infallible Ali (AS) the eight Imam Born in Madina 11th Dhul-Qida 148 Hijri (756 AD). Died in the city of Tus Iran on 17th Safar 203 Hijri (819 AH). Period of Imamat 20 years. His grandfather Imam Ja'afar Al-sadiq (AS) died one month before the birth of Imam Reza (AS). The family must have been consoled by his birth which took place after such a great loss. He was brought up and instructed by his affectionate father under whose supervision he passed his boyhood and youth. He availed himself of the instructions of his learned father for thirty one years till the later was taken to Baghdad to suffer the hardship of imprisonment for four years till his death. Imam Musa Ibn Ja'afar (AS) could foresee that the hostile Abbasid ruler would not allow him to live peacefully and circumstances would take such a turn that his followers would not be able to see him or enquire about his successor prior to his death. So while free and undisturbed in Madina he felt the need to introduce his successor to his followers. He, therefore, assembled seventeen prominent dignitaries from the descendants of Imam Ali (AS) and proclaimed that his son Ali Ibn Musa (AS) would succeed him. He also wrote his will on which 60 respected elders of Madina signed as witnesses. Such elaborated arrangements were never made by any other Imam and they proved to be most appropriate due to the controversy about the Imamat which ensued after the death of Imam Musa Ibn Ja'afar (AS).
The World He Build Aswad ibn Yazid, Hammad and Abu Hanifa Numan ibn thabit, in the Yemen Tawus There were however, two Prophets named Khalid ibn sinan and Hanzala, http://www.islamanswers.net/moreAbout/theWorld.htm
Extractions: This is the tribute of Lamartine, a French historian, to the person of the holy Prophet of Islam: The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, made desert men crude, ignorant, savage and obstinate into an army of skilled fighters, a community of sincere devotees of a sublime cause, into a society of gentleness and compassion, and an assembly of sainthood, and into a host of intellectuals and scholars. In no community of the world and in the followers of no great man of history, including the Prophets, do we see fervor and ardor combined with gentleness, kindness, sincerity and compassion, as history has shown among the sincere followers of the Prophet Muhammad in every century. The school of the Prophet Muhammad Islam has been a garden rich in every kind of flower; through it, like water cascading, God has brought forth grain and plants, and gardens luxuriant. Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, and the others in succeeding centuries, like Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, Mahdi al-Ab-basi, Harun al-Rashid, Alp Arslan, Mehmed the Conqueror, Salim and Sulayman were not only statesmen of the highest caliber and invincible commanders, but they were also men of profound spirituality, deep knowledge, eloquence and literature.
La Matematica Del Mondo Islamico Translate this page Tra i vari fondamentali contributi alla teoria dei numeri di thabit ibn Continuando a usare i metodi greci tradizionali, Ibrahim ibn sinan (nato nel http://www.arab.it/islam/la_matemtica_del_mondo_islamico.htm
Extractions: Gli Arabi, ovvero i matematici del mondo islamico che vissero tra il nono e il quindicesimo secolo, non furono semplici traduttori degli scritti greci di matematica, ma, come dimostrano studi recenti, elaborarono molte parti della matematica che poi ricomparve in Europa tra il Cinquecento e il Settecento. Sino a tempi recenti la maggior parte degli storici della matematica conti nuano a rifiutare l'ipotesi di qualsiasi contributo originale del mondo islamico allo sviluppo della matematica sia omettendo di riportare le loro scoperte sia accettando quasi acriticamente l'opinione del filosofo della scienza Pierre Maurice Duhem per cui la scienza araba non avrebbe fatto altro che riprodurre quanto le era pervenuto dalla traduzione dei matematici dell' antica Grecia e consegnarlo ai matematici europei. In questo modo, il cammino della scienza, in particolare della matematica, si sarebbe interrotto per circa 1000 anni, per poi riprendere dal punto in cui i Greci l'avevano lasciata. Unione sovietica francobollo commemorativo con il nome Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Musa Al-khwarizmi "1200 anni"
Muslim Science thabit ibn Qurrah, his grandson Ibrahim ibn sinan (909946), Abu Sahl al-Kuhi (dc995), and Alhazen solved problems involving the pure geometry of conic http://www.amualumni.8m.com/MScience.htm
Grandes Éditions Translate this page I Fondateurs et commentateurs Banu Musa, thabit ibn Qurra, ibn sinan, al-Khazin,al-Quhi, ibn al-Samh, ibn Hud, 1996, 1125 p. http://chspam.vjf.cnrs.fr/Grandstextes.htm
Extractions: Maroun AOUAD Commentaire moyen Rhétorique d'Aristote. Edition critique du texte arabe et traduction française par M. Aouad, 3 vol., Union Académique internationale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Averrois Opera, Series A : Averroes Arabicus, XVII, coll. "Textes et traditions" 5, Vrin, Paris, 2002.
Hélène Bellosta Translate this page Ibrahim ibn sinan on analysis and synthesis », Arabic sciences and Kitab al-mafrudat de thabit ibn Qurra », Science and technology in the Islamic world http://chspam.vjf.cnrs.fr/Personnel/Bellosta.htm
Extractions: e-mail : h.bellosta@free.fr LISTE DES PUBLICATIONS Ouvrages : Participation à des ouvrages collectifs : Histoire des sciences arabes , sous la direction de R. Rashed avec la collaboration de R. Morelon , volume 2 Mathématiques et Physique , révision et mise à jour du chapitre géométrie (p. 121-162), Paris, Seuil, octobre 1997. États, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval (X-XVe) , sous la direction de J.C. Garcin, tome 2 Sociétés et cultures (chapitre XII Philosophes et savants, Les Mathématiciens p. 376-380), tome 3 Problèmes et perspectives de recherches (chapitre XI Destin de la pensée musulmane médiévale, les Sciences mathématiques p. 197-200), Paris, février 2000 (P.U.F. Nouvelle Clio).
Khilafah.com - Ramadhan Qiyam-Ul-Lail Slough Jabir ibn Haiyan, alKindi, al-Khwarizmi, al-Fargani, al-Razi, thabit ibn Qurra,al-Battani, Hunain ibn Ishaq, al-Farabi, Ibrahim ibn sinan, al-Masudi, http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=749&TagID=8
Books By Rashed I Fondateurs et commentateurs BanuMusa, thabit ibn Qurra, ibn sinan, alKhazin,al-Quhî, ibn al-Samh, ibn Hud, London al-Furqan Islamic Heritage http://cc.usu.edu/~bekir/rashed/books.htm
Extractions: Selected Books by Prof. Rashed Some pages of the books with " " are available online in Adobe's PDF format. If you do not have the free Adobe Acrobat® Reader, please follow the link to download it New! Entretien de Roshdi Rashed (avec A. Hasnawi, C. Houzel et R. Morelon) (In French) Table of Contents To order the book please follow the link New! Book Description in French: To order the book please follow the link T he Development of Arabic Mathematics: Between Arithmetic and Algebra (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 156) by R. Rashed; Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN: 0792325656; (August 1994). -French version: Entre Arithmétique et Algèbre. Recherches sur l'Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes. Collection "Sciences et philosophie arabes - Études et reprises", Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1984, 321 p.
Worried About My Relationship With Allah (swt) Abu Sa id Sa d ibn Malik ibn sinan alKhudri said, Some of the people of theAnsar asked for Abu Yahya Suhayb ibn sinan said, The Messenger of Allah, http://www.sunnipath.com/resources/Questions/qa00002924.aspx
Extractions: Worried about my relationship with Allah (swt) Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Due to physical problems, I can't go any where without someone escorting me. I am discouraged about life and my lack of capabilities to do things for the sake of Allah (swt). I don't understand why Allah (swt) would want someone who is as insignificant as I am nowâ¦. Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, âIf Allah loves a servant, He sends them tests.â Our response to the trials Allah sends us should be to turn to Him, in patience, contentment, submission, and thankfulness for His countless blessings. Allah has told us, 014.034 And He gives you of all you ask of Him, and if you would count the bounty of Allah you cannot reckon it. Lo! man is verily a wrong-doer, an ingrate. 014.035 And when Abraham said: My Lord! Make safe this territory, and preserve me and my sons from serving idols. 014.036 My Lord! Lo! they have led many of mankind astray. But whoso follows me, he verily is of me. And whoso disobeys me - Still You art Forgiving, Merciful. 014.037 Our Lord! Lo! I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near unto Your holy House, our Lord! that they may establish proper worship; so incline some hearts of men that they may yearn toward them, and provide You them with fruits in order that they may be thankful.
7.Battle Of Uhud Malik ibn sinan, very upset, licked away the blood from his face. Zayd ibnThabit (may Allah be pleased with him) said, On the day of Uhud, http://alislaah3.tripod.com/alislaah/id8.html
Extractions: Search: Lycos Tripod Star Wars Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... 6.Battle of Badr 7.Battle of Uhud 8.Battle of the Trench 9.The Expedition Against the Banu Quraiyzah 10.The Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 11.Inviting the Kings and Rulers to Islam ... THE 24 Hrs. ROUTINE OF NABI(sallallaahu alaiyhi wassallam) AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS 7.Battle of Uhud THE BATTLE OF UHUD: When their heroes were defeated on the Day of Badr and the remnants of the army returned to Makkah, it was a terrible blow for the Quraysh. Men who had lost their fathers, sons and brothers approached Abu Sufyan and others who had valuable merchandise in that caravan. They wanted the profits to be used for lighting the Muslims again. The merchants agreed to their request. The Quraysh decided to conduct a new war. Poets spurred the people on with their militant verses and provoked fanatical zeal in readiness for battle.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Suhaib ibn sinan relates that the Holy Prophet said Wondrous is the case of abeliever; there is good for him in everything, and it is so for him alone. http://www.alislam.org/library/links/00000071.html
Extractions: Gardens of the Righteous, 1975 The salutation to the Holy Prophet in the words `upon whom be peace and blessings of Allah' after his name, and the invocation `may Allah be pleased with him' after the names of his companions are expressly set out in the manuscript but are omitted in print in order to accomodate the text to the modern reader. They should, nevertheless, be understood as repeated in each case. In this translation the form ibn has been used in both initial and medial positions in the names of persons, in order to conform with current usage, although bin occurs medially in the originally text. Allah, the Exalted, has said: 7. O ye who believe, be steadfast and strive to excel in steadfastness (3.201). 8. We will surely try you with somewhat of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits, then give glad tidings to the steadfast (2.156). 9. Verily, the steadfast shall have their reward without measure (39.11).
Muhammad & Islam : Stories Not Told Before - By Mohammad Asghar Thus Hasan ibn thabit, a poet of Medina who later became a Muslim and Muhammad spersonal poetlaureate, says that when he received his poetic vocation, http://www.mukto-mona.com/Articles/asghar/muhammad_islam4.htm
Extractions: Women Human Rights violation Great Personalities Humor By Mohammad Asghar PART - While the educational process and training was continuing, Waraqa recognized the fact that he alone could not prepare Muhammad fully for the momentous mission he was soon to embark upon and that if he wanted to see his surrogate succeed, he then must seek the help of one whose erudition on the subjects he was imparting to his student was superior to his own. Waraqa knew a monk by the name of Adas; some say his name was Suhaib ibn Sinan, who was well versed in the desired subjects, but spoke in Hebrew. Waraqa, himself knowing Hebrew well, enlisted his help, and both of them began teaching Muhammad all that they knew about the Jewish and Christian religions. Muhammad continued the process of his learning for a long time; some say, without substantiating their claim, for fifteen years. Then suddenly one night in the month of Ramadhan, in the year 610 A. D., when he was forty years of age, he declared that he received revelations from God, and that the deity appointed him his last Prophet and Messenger on earth.
Extractions: (prononcer "al-jaber-oual-mouquabalaa" et "al-kouarizmi") Ce livre est dédié au calife al-Mamoun qui régne à Bagdad de 813 à 833 La traduction habituelle du mot jabr est restauration , et dans ce cas précis, il indique le passage d'un terme d'une équation de l'autre côté du signe égal. Par exemple, on fait une "jabr" quand on transforme y + 4 = x en y = x - 4 Le mot muqabalah est traduit par confrontation ou réduction , et dans ce cas précis, il désigne l'opération consistant à éliminer les termes identiques et opposés dans une équation. Par exemple, on fait une "muqabalah", quand on transforme
Islam: El Poder De Las Mujeres - Capítulo 3 de Hassan ibn thabit cuando un judío se acercó a la fortaleza a espiar. http://www.webislam.com/BEI/islam_poder_mujeres/islam_poder_mujeres_3.htm
Extractions: «Dijo ella: ¡Consejo de nobles! Dadme un dictamen sobre mi caso, no tomaré ninguna decisión hasta que os pronunciéis. Dijeron: Nosotros tenemos fuerza y también un ejército poderoso, pero tuya es la decisión, mira pues lo que vas a ordenar. Dijo: Cuando los reyes invaden una ciudad la devastan y humillan hasta a sus habitantes más poderosos. Así es como actúan. Voy a enviarles un regalo y esperaré lo que traigan de vuelta los mensajeros». Vemos que poseía claramente mejor juicio y discernimiento que sus consejeros. En primer lugar, acuerda enviar un presente a Suleyman para probarle y averiguar de este modo si es un rey mundano o un Profeta; lo que ilustra sobre su manera de enjuiciar y su sabiduría en tales asuntos. Más tarde, cuando visita a Suleyman y se encuentra delante de su propio trono, que había sido desplazado desde su palacio y disimulado, dice acerca de él, «Es muy
La Mujer Política Translate this page fortaleza de Hassan ibn thabit cuando un judío se acercó a la fortaleza a espiar . Tras la batalla, Jalid ibn al-Walid le curó con aceite caliente la http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2002/175/Temas/mujer_polÃtica.htm
Extractions: «Dijo ella: ¡Consejo de nobles! Dadme un dictamen sobre mi caso, no tomaré ninguna decisión hasta que os pronunciéis. Dijeron: Nosotros tenemos fuerza y también un ejército poderoso, pero tuya es la decisión, mira pues lo que vas a ordenar. Dijo: Cuando los reyes invaden una ciudad la devastan y humillan hasta a sus habitantes más poderosos. Así es como actúan. Voy a enviarles un regalo y esperaré lo que traigan de vuelta los mensajeros». Vemos que poseía claramente mejor juicio y discernimiento que sus consejeros. En primer lugar, acuerda enviar un presente a Suleyman para probarle y averiguar de este modo si es un rey mundano o un Profeta; lo que ilustra sobre su manera de enjuiciar y su sabiduría en tales asuntos. Más tarde, cuando visita a Suleyman y se encuentra delante de su propio
Malikischolars Kharija ibn Zayd ibn thabit. Ubaydullah ibn Utba ibn Mas ud. Sulayman ibn Yasar,.There is disageement about the seventh. It is said to be Abu Salama ibn http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/malikis.html
Extractions: Maliki Scholars Known as Name year died where buried Imam Malik, founder of the school Malik ibn Anas Madina Ibn al-Qasim, student of Imam Malik 'Abdu'r-Rahman ibn al-Qasim 191/806 died Egypt Ibn Wahb 'Abdullah ibn Wahb ibn Muslim Egypt Ibn Bashir Muhammad ibn Bashir ibn Israfil ca. 198/813 Cordoba Ashhab Miskin ibn 'Abdu'l-'Aziz Egypt Ibn Nafi' as-Sa'igh 'Abdullah ibn Nafi' ca. 207/823 Madina Ibn 'Abdu'l-Hakam 'Abdullah ibn 'Abdu'l-Hakam Egypt Asad, the author of the basic text of the Mudawwana Asad ibn Furat ibn Sinan Sicily Ibn al-Majishun 'Abdu'l-Malik ibn 'Abdu'l-'Aziz Madina Ibn Nafi' the Younger az-Zubayri 'Abdullah ibn Nafi' Madina Ibn Maslama al-Makhzumi Muhammad ibn Maslama Madina Mutarrif Mutarrif ibn 'Abdullah ibn Mutarrif Madina Ibn Maslama al-Qa'nabi 'Abdullah ibn Maslama Madina Yahya al-Laythi, the transmitter of the Muwatta' of Malik Yahya ibn Yahya Cordoba al-Asbagh, student of Ibn al-Qasim Asbagh ibn al-Faraj ibn Sa'id Egypt Ibn Habib, author of the
Institute For The Secularisation Of Islamic Society thabit ibn Qurra was a pagan. Hunain ibn Ishaq was a Christian. AlFarabi taughtsecret doctrines and was also persecuted. ibn Sina was Persian and didn t http://www.secularislam.org/visitors/28.htm
Extractions: Visitor Feedback, Page 28 Shias, Qadiyanis exposed in the previous page. UNABATED CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN IN THE USA, a report too in the previous page, which is page 27. "the "West" is a far better place to live in", THIS STATEMENT OF YOURS IS WRONG. Home sweet home, indeed I agree, but major part of your home is Latrine, bathroom, Kitchen, dining room, and the circling compound, where we don't live. Similarly You have seen only focussed picture of the west, the bed room of your home. You know how science went to Europe. You are just a kid in these matters, You know who are Illuminati, you know who free masons are. These are facts, perception and comprehension of which only begins from the horizon of what you have understood so far in life.
AbdullaMuchaf ibn Malik sagen, Meine Mutter thabit ibn Zaid ibn Qais al-Khazradschi, Abu Zaid Sa id ibn Aus sagte, http://www.ansary.de/Islam/AbdullaMuchaf.html
Maths In Arabic 850); thabit ibn Qurra (836 901); al-Fadl al-Nayrizi (c. 880); Abu Kamil ibnAslam (c. ibn Lablan, Kushyar. Principles of Hindu Reckoning. Univ. http://library.thinkquest.org/C006364/ENGLISH/history/historyarbic.htm
Extractions: Mathematicians Banu Musa (sons of Musa ibn Shakir) (ninth century) al-Hajjaj ibn Matar (c. 800) Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780-c. 850) Hunayn ibn Ishaq (Johannitius) (808-873) ` Abd al-Hamid ibn Turk (c. 850) Ahmad ibn `Abdullah al-Marwazi Habas al-Hasib (c. 850) Thabit ibn Qurra (836 -901) al-Fadl al-Nayrizi (c. 880) Abu Kamil ibn Aslam (c. 850-930) Qusta ibn Luka (d. 912) Abu `Abdallah Mohammad ibn Jabir al-Battani (Albatenius) (c. 858-929) Abu Nasr al-Farabi (Alpharabius) (c. 878-c. 950) Ibrahim ibn Sinan (909-946) Abu Sahl al-Kuhi (c. 950) Abu l'Hasan al-Uqlidisi (c. 952) `Abd al-`Aziz al-Qabisi (c. 950) Muhammad Abu l'Wafa (Albuzjani) (940-998) Abd al-Jalil al-Sijzi (c. 970) Abu `Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (c. 965-1039) Abu l-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni (973-1055) Abu Bakr al-Karaji (al Karkhi) (c. 1000) Abu `Abdallah al-Hasan ibn al-Baghdadi (c. 1000) Kushyar ibn Labban (c. 1000) Maslama al-Majriti (c. 1000) Abu Nasr Mansur ibn Iraq (d. 1030) Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi (c. 1025) `Abd al-Rahman al-Khazini (c. 1150) Abu-l-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126-1198) Ibn Yahya al-Samaw'al (1125-1180) Sharaf al-Din at-Tusi (c. 1175)