- La medicina in Roma antica: Il Liber medicinalis by Quintus Serenus Sammonicus, 1996
- The church-history of Brittany from the beginning of Christianity to the Norman conquest: Under Roman governours. Brittish kings. The English-Saxon heptarchy. ... change been professed in this our island, &c by Serenus Cressy, 1668
- De Medicine Praecepta Saluberrima. by SERENUS SAMONICUS, 1786
- Liber Medicinalis (Le Livre de medicine). by Quintus Serenus, 1950
- De medicina. Alter, ut ab Almeloveenio editus est A. 1713. Alter, ut a Constantino A. 1566. Editio novissima, in qua ad cætera omnia quæ in priore nostra, epistolæ sex accedunt Cel. Jo. Bapt. Morgagni nunquam antea vulgatæ. by Aulus Cornelius (fl. ca. 25 A.D.) & Quintus Serenus SAMMONICUS (d. 211 or 212 A.D.). CELSUS, 1750
- The incunable editions of the Liber medicinalis Quinti Sereni (Università di Macerata. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia) by Joanne H Phillips, 1985
- A practical guide to writing poetry by Marnie Pomeroy, 1997