Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Corrado Segre Does anyone know if there is a Nachlass for corrado segre (most probably inTurin if it exists)? I am particularly concerned to find letters from http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0119.html
Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Corrado Segre (works of Enrico D Ovidio, Giuseppe Veronese, corrado segre and Gino Fano), Next message Elena Marchisotto Re HM corrado segre ; Previous message http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0156.html
HWWA - Portal Migration Universitá di Roma III via corrado segre 2 I00146 Roma www.uniroma3.it Universitá di Roma III via corrado segre 2 I-00146 Roma www.uniroma3.it http://www.hwwa.de/migration/news_veranstaltungen.html
Peano When corrado segre submitted an article to Rivista di matematica Peano pointed out It was not only corrado segre who suffered from Peano s outstanding http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/199899/biopeano.htm
Extractions: Died: 20 April 1932 in Turin, Italy Peano was the founder of symbolic logic and his interests centred on the foundations of mathematics and on the development of a formal logical language. Giuseppe Peano's parents worked on a farm and Giuseppe was born in the farmhouse 'Tetto Galan' about 5 km from Cuneo. He attended the village school in Spinetta. Then he moved up to the school in Cuneo, making the 5 km journey there and back on foot every day. His parents bought a house in Cuaneo, but his father continued to work the fields at Tetto Galant with the help of Giuseppe's brother and sister, while his mother stayed in Cuneo with Giuseppe and his older brother. Giuseppe's mother had a brother who was a priest and lawyer in Turin. He realized that Giuseppe was a very talented child and he took him to Turin in 1870 for his secondary schooling, and to prepare him for university studies. Peano took exams at Ginnasio Cavour in 1873 and then was a student at Liceo Cavour from where he graduated in 1876. In that same year he enrolled in the University of Turin. Peano joined the staff at the University of Turin in 1880, being appointed as assistant to D'Ovidio. He published his first mathematical paper in 1880 and a further three papers the following year. Peano was appointed assistant to Genocchi for 1881-82 and it was in 1882 that Peano made a discovery that would be typical of his style for many years, he discovered an error in a standard definition.
CASE NEWSLETTER Livia Giacardi e Tiziana Varetto, Il Fondo corrado segre della Biblioteca G.Peano di Torino, Università di Torino, Quaderni del Dipartimento di http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/casenl2.htm
Extractions: Cooperation on Archives of Science in Europe Coopération pour les Archives Scientifiques en Europe In October 1998 a small group of CASE members from Britain, France and Italy met in London at Imperial College Archives courtesy of the College Archivist Anne Barrett to consider the way forward for our collaborative venture in scientific archives in Europe. A range of issues was on the agenda such as membership, publicity, funding of projects, cooperation with other international archival organisations, the problem of electronic records and future meetings. Members were very keen to support the promotional activities of CASE including the Website and the Newsletter and encourage projects of archival collaboration which could be accomplished in manageable stages, thus recognising the many other commitments of CASE members. The question of bilateral agreements between members in different European countries was an area for investigation including funding possibilities. The decision to go ahead with the second issue of the CASE Newsletter was an important outcome of the meeting and, as editor, I am particularly grateful to those colleagues whose contributions have made the second issue possible: Denise Ogilvie for her report on archival work at the Institut Pasteur and Giovanni Paoloni for his report on the archives of the Italian electricity industry and his Italian bibliography. Bibliographic work is an example of a possible CASE step-by-step approach to collaboration in scientific archives in Europe. Giovanni Paoloni's Italian bibliography follows the francophone bibliography compiled for the first CASE Newsletter by our colleague at CNRS in Paris, Odile Welfelé and it is expected that further instalments of a European science archives bibliography will appear in future issues of the Newsletter.
1860_1869 Index (18631924) segre, corrado (1863-1939) Grave (1863-1942) Young (1863-1933)Painlevé (1863-1953) Padé (1863-1923) Adler (1863-1942) Zaremba http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Indexes/1860_1869.html
Bibliography segre, corrado, 18631924, Opere, Roma, Edizioni cremonese, 1957-1963. Seidel,Jaap J. , 1919-, Geometry and combinatorics selected works of JJ Seidel http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=S&
CISUI corrado segre teacher at Turin. The birth of the Italian school of algebraicgeometry. Italian version. Summary. At the turn of the 20th century the http://www.cisui.unibo.it/annali/05/testi/09Giacardi_summary.htm
Extractions: Corrado Segre teacher at Turin. The birth of the Italian school of algebraic geometry Italian version Summary At the turn of the 20th century the scientific scene in Turin was extraordinary. The University took on a key role in research which, with regard to certain sectors, gravitated at first around the Accademia delle Scienze and the Regie Scuole di Artiglieria e Fortificazione. Schools of thought developed, scientific discussion flourished, new journals sprang up, University and industry worked together, and publishers turned to the popularisation of science. Mathematics came to play a crucial role in Italian research, thanks to three scientific schools which flourished in Turin in this period thanks to the work of three important figures: Corrado Segre, Giusep- pe Peano and Vito Volterra. Segre was still very young when he became the leading light in the field of algebraic geometry, making Turin, at the end of the XIXth century, one of the most important points of reference for scholars in Italy and across Europe. In the light of the unpublished lecture notebooks, and of the testimony of students and colleagues of the time, it is also possible to trace the characteristics of Segre's university teaching, showing how his working method reflected his perception of the important role higher studies should play in the education of the young. Particular attention is given to the conflict with Giuseppe Peano, founder of the school of mathematical logic - a conflict which was played out on the pages of the "Rivista di matematica" and at the Turin Faculty of Sciences itself, and which pointed up the differing points of view on the issue of working method as regards scientific research, the relationship between rigour and intuition and, once again, the best way to start young people off on research.
CISUI corrado segre, Relazione sulle Conferenze di La tesi fu pubblicata nelle due memorie corrado segre, Studio sulle http://www.cisui.unibo.it/annali/05/testi/09Giacardi_note.htm
Extractions: 1 Francesco Severi, Prefazione , in Corrado Segre, Opere , Roma, Ed. Cremonese, 1, 1957, p. V-XII, citaz. p. VI. 2 Cfr. Livia Giacardi, C. Silvia Roero, La nascita della Mathesis (1895-1907) in Dal compasso al computer , Torino, Associazione Mathesis, 1996, p. 7-49. Conferenze della Scuola di Magistero di Scienze , VII 84: [Relazione del direttore Andrea Naccari] 25.6.1908; Registro delle Conferenze di Magistero dettate dal Sig. Prof. E. D'Ovidio, 1899-900 ; Enrico D'Ovidio, Relazione sulle conferenze della Scuola di Magistero, sezione Matematica per l'anno scolastico 1906-07 Registro delle Lezioni della Scuola di Magistero dettate dal Sig. Prof. Cav.r Segre Corrado, 1907-08; Corrado Segre, Relazione sulle Conferenze di Magistero, sezione Matematica, 1907-08. Relazione sul concorso al premio reale per la Matematica, pel 1895, "Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rendiconti delle sedute solenni", 1 (1898), p. 354-374, citaz. p. 367. 6 Guido Castelnuovo, [
Complex Projective Geometry - Cambridge University Press A tribute to corrado segre F. Ghione and G. Ottaviani; 13. Un aperçu des travauxmathématiques de GH Halphen (18441889) L. Gruson; 14. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521433525
Giorgio Ottaviani - Publications List AMS 341 (1994), 677693; 13 (with F. Ghione) A tribute to corrado segre, inComplex Projective Geometry, London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Series 179, 175-188 http://www.math.unifi.it/~ottavian/public.html
Extractions: Pubblicazioni didattiche Home page [38bis] From a homogeneous bundle to the quiver representation. Examples of tensor products. Informal note, November 2004 [38] (joint with E. Rubei), Quivers and the cohomology of homogeneous vector bundles, math.AG/0403307 , to appear in Duke Math. J. [37] (joint with E. Rubei), Resolutions of homogeneous bundles on P^2, math.AG/0401405 , Ann. Inst. Fourier 55 (2005), 973-1015 [36] (joint with C. Dionisi) The Binet-Cauchy Theorem for the Hyperdeterminant of boundary format multidimensional Matrices, math.AG/0104281 , Journal of Algebra, 259 (2003), 87-94 [35] (joint with L. Costa) Group action on instanton bundles over P , Math. Nachr. 246-247 (2002), 31-46, math.AG/0103076 [34] (joint with L. Costa) Nondegenerate multidimensional matrices and instanton bundles, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 49-55. math.AG/0103078 [33] (joint with P. Katsylo) Regularity of the moduli space of instanton bundles MI P (5), Transformation Groups, vol. 8, n.2, 2003, 147-158
Corrado Segre Université Montpellier II Translate this page corrado segre (1863-1924). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1795
Mercantiquo: Where Books Get Their Bearings More results from www.mercantiquo.it eruditssavantss Translate this page SEGRÉ corrado (1863-1924). Originaire dItalie. Mathématicien et professeur degéométrie à Turin, il fut récipiendaire de nombreux prix dans ce domaine. http://www.mercantiquo.it/index.php?curr_auth_first=CORRADO&curr_auth_last=SEGRE
KOLOKWIUM DLA DOKTORANTÓW W 1883 roku 20letni corrado segre przedstawil na Uniwersytecie w Turynie Praca corrado segre pisana byla, zanim ugruntowaly sie podstawowe pojecia http://www.impan.gov.pl/Biuletyn/arch/coll02.html
Extractions: prof. BronisÅaw Wajnryb (Technion-Haifa oraz IMPAN) Geometryczna monodromia i grupy Artina dr Anna Talarczyk (MIM UW) Czas lokalny samoprzeciÄÄ proces³w gaussowskich o wartoÅciach w przestrzeni dystrybucji temperowanych mgr Witold Jarnicki (IM UJ) Por³wnanie pseudometryk Kobayashiego-Roydena i Hahna w C dr hab. RafaÅ LataÅa (MIM UW) O pewnych modelach matematycznych szkÅa spinowego mgr Piotr Jucha (IM UJ) ZupeÅnoÅÄ obszar³w pÅaskich wzglÄdem metryki Bergmana prof. Zbigniew Marciniak (MIM UW) Algebra pierÅcieni grupowych prof. J³zef Siciak (IM UJ) Zbiory pluripolarne i przedÅużenia analityczne prof. Henryk Å»oÅÄ dek (MIM UW) Topologiczny dow³d twierdzenia Abela-Rufiniego mgr Aleksandra Nowel (Uniwersytet GdaÅski) Sumy znak³w funkcji analitycznych i rodziny Noetherowskie prof. MichaÅ Szurek (MIM UW) Kwadryki wczoraj i dziÅ prof. Mariusz LemaÅczyk (UMK ToruÅ) Losowe twierdzenie ergodyczne von Neumanna, kocykle i kombinatoryczna teoria liczb prof. Tomasz Rychlik (IMPAN) Optymalne nier³wnoÅci w statystyce. Metoda rzutowania
UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA Dipartimento Di Astronomia Translate this page a segre, corrado - Accademia delle Scienze, Roma (?) 1 c., cm 21x27 italiano,minuta, dattiloscritto oggetto scambio di pubblicazioni http://www.bo.astro.it/~biblio/Archives/Buste/busta52-1.html
Mathematicians Born In Italy corrado segre Severi Siacci Tartaglia Torricelli Tricomi Vacca Vailati Valerio Veronese Vitali Viviani Volterra http://www.archimedes-lab.org/borninItaly.html
Dipartimento Per Le Politiche Comunitarie Translate this page di una settimana di Conferenze sulla Costituzione Europea promossa dallaFacoltà di Scienze Politiche (Via corrado segre, 4 - Tel 06.55176312). http://www.politichecomunitarie.it/0002Italia/0005Sezion/0035Inizia/0716Costit.h
APPUNTI TESINE Translate this page *segre, Beniamino (1959) Roma *segre, corrado (1892) Torino *Sella, Quintino (1862)Torino *Semerano, Giovanni (1978) Padova http://www.matura.it/enciclopedia/accademia_nazionale_delle_scienze elenco_alfab
Extractions: Home Scuola Università Forum ... Gioca e vinci document.title = "Accademia nazionale delle scienze/elenco alfabetico dei soci" + " - " + document.title Home scuola > Accademia nazionale delle scienze/elenco alfabetico dei soci Accademia nazionale delle scienze/elenco alfabetico dei soci L'elenco che segue presenta in ordine alfabetico dei soci dell'Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL (quaranta).