Encyclopedia: Wilhelm Schickard Encyclopedia 1623Wilhelm Schickard invents his Calculating Clock , an early mechanical Wilhelm schickard wilhelm Schickard (born 1592 in Herrenberg died 1635 in http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Wilhelm-Schickard
Extractions: Related Articles People who viewed "Wilhelm Schickard" also viewed: 1623 in science History of computing hardware Konrad Zuse Colossus computer ... Marcian Hoff What's new? Our next offering Latest newsletter Student area Lesson plans Recent Updates Richard Brautigan Reinsurance Regina Coeli Redwall Online Community ... More Recent Articles Top Graphs Richest Most Murderous Most Taxed Most Populous ... More Stats Updated 10 days 14 hours 58 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard (born in Herrenberg - died in T¼bingen ) built the first automatic calculator in 1623. Events January 30 - The death of Pope Innocent IX during the previous year had left the Papal throne vacant. ... A calculator is a device for performing numerical calculations. ... Contemporaries called his machine the Calculating Clock. It precedes the less versatile Pascaline of Blaise Pascal and the calculator of Gottfried Leibniz by twenty years. Schickard's letters to Johannes Kepler show how to use the machine for calculating astronomical tables. The machine could add and subtract six-digit numbers, and indicated an overflow of this capacity by ringing a bell; to aid more complex calculations, a set of
Wilhelm Schickard - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia Wilhelm Schickard. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635),niemiecki matematyk, orientalista i konstruktor; profesor uniwersytetu http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Schickard
Extractions: ZebraliÅmy już ponad $200 000! WiÄcej informacji o dotacjach znajdziecie na stronie Fundacji Wikimedia Wilhelm Schickard niemiecki matematyk , orientalista i konstruktor; profesor uniwersytetu w Tybindze pastor luteraÅski ; w roku skonstruowaÅ na zam³wienie J. Keplera jednÄ z pierwszych na Åwiecie maszyn liczÄ cych, wykonujÄ cÄ dodawanie, odejmowanie, mnożenie i dzielenie liczb caÅkowitych; maszyna ta, zÅożona z element³w drewnianych, spÅonÄÅa w czasie wojny trzydziestoletniej , zostaÅa jednak zrekonstruowana w roku przez barona Bruno von Freytag-L¶ringhoffa na podstawie opis³w i szkic³w zawartych w odnalezionych listach Schickarda do Keplera. Maszyna byÅa nieco podobna w konstrukcji (bo nie w wyglÄ dzie!) do suwaka , byÅa jednak r³wnież zaopatrzona w uÅatwiajÄ ce liczenie koÅa zÄbate. Zobacz też specjalna witryna poÅwiÄcona maszynie Schickarda . Tamże aplet Javy, pozwalajÄ cy na symulacjÄ dziaÅania maszyny. Źr³dÅo: " http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Schickard Kategorie Niemieccy matematycy Views osobiste nawigacja Szukaj narzÄdzia W innych jÄzykach Deutsch English Fran§ais TÄ stronÄ ostatnio zmodyfikowano o 14:20, 10 lut 2005
Extractions: uni-tuebingen wsi-pi wsi Informatik studieren? weitere Informationen... Das Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut ist ein Institut der Fakultät für Informations und Kognitionswissenschaften an der Universität Tübingen. Neu: Bachelor und Masterstudium in Informatik und Bioinformatik Studium Arbeitsbereiche Hier finden Sie die einzelnen Arbeitsbereiche. Fachschaft Bibliothek Ausleihe Raumbelegung ... Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut
Wilhelm Schickard biography of wilhelm schickard. wilhelm schickard was educated at the Universityof Tübingen. After receiving his first degree, BA in 1609 and MA in http://www.thocp.net/biographies/schickard_wilhelm.html
Extractions: "What you have done by calculation I have just tried to do by way of mechanics. I have conceived a machine consisting of eleven complete and six incomplete sprocket wheels; it calculates instantaneously and automatically from given numbers, as it adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. You would enjoy to see how the machine accumulates and transports spontaneously a ten or a hundred to the left and, vice-versa, how it does the opposite if it is subtracting ... " aaa are the buttons of the vertical cylinders with the digits of the multiplication table, which can be displayed at will in the windows provided for the slides bbb . The dials ddd are attached to internal toothed wheels, each one having ten teeth geared in such a way that, if the wheel of the right makes ten turns, the wheel on its left makes only one turn; and if the first wheel on the right side makes one hundred turns, the third wheel on the left makes one turn, and so on. All the wheels rotate in the same direction making it necessary the use of another wheel of the same size geared permanently to the wheel at its left, but not with the one at its right, which requires a special attention during its construction. The digits marked in each wheel are displayed in the openings
History Of Computing Netherlands Translate this page wilhelm schickard. schickard designs a calculator and describes this to Keplerin several letters. Most important machines and inventions http://www.thocp.net/timeline/ge.htm
Extractions: Germany History of Computing in Germany Paul Stuijt 1623 - onwards This chapter is a narrative on the higlights of historic computing events in Germany Computing, in the sense of the main time line, in Germany started probably with the design of a calculator by Schickard. Timeline Wilhelm Schickard Schickard designs a calculator and describes this to Kepler in several letters. Most important machines and inventions GE = Germany GDR = German Democratic Republic (former east Germany) Manufacturer Type Country Date Reference Zuse GE Zuse GE Zuse GE Zuse GE RS p47 Zuse GE RS p47 Zuse GE BW 2 Zuse GE DP V5#3 Max Planck Institute GE CACM 1961 Zuse GE DP V5#3 TH Darmstadt GERA GE CACM 1961 Max Planck Institute GE CACM 1961 TH Munich PERM GE CACM 1961 Siemens GE DP V5#6 Zuse GE DP V5#3 Robotron DresGEn 1 (D1, D1-2) GDR SEL+ ER-56 GE Zuse GE PIRE JAN61 Siemens GE Zuse GE PAL p334 Robotron PRL GDR AEG Telefunken TR-4 GE PAL p335 AEG Telefunken RAT 700 ( Ana.) GE Zuse GE PAL p334 AEG Telefunken RA 800 (Ana) GE AEG Telefunken RAT 740 (Ana) GE Zuse GE PAL p335 Robotron GDR Siemens GE AEG Telefunken TR-10 GE PAL p336 Siemens GE Nixdorf 820 (820 P) GE Siemens GE PAL p337 Siemens GE PAL p337 Siemens GE PAL p337 Zuse GE PAL p337 CCD 516 GDR BW 393 Siemens GE PAL p338 Siemens GE PAL p338 Siemens GE PAL p338 Zuse GE PAL p338 AEG Telefunken TR-86 GE PAL p338 AEG Telefunken TR-440 (Mainframe GE PAL p338 Nixdorf GE Siemens GE PAL p339 Siemens GE PAL p339 Siemens GE PAL p339 Robotron GDR AEG Telefunken TR-84 GE Nixdorf GE Siemens GE DP Jul72 Diehl Combitron S
Proof, Computation, Complexity wilhelmschickard-Institut, University of T¼bingen, Germany; 89 April 2002. http://www-ls.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/logik/kahle/pcc.html
Wilhelm Schickard Ein Nachbau der Rechenmaschine von wilhelm schickard http://www.fh-niederrhein.de/~rehork/ge_info/geschichte6.htm
Extractions: Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard lebte von 1592 bis 1635. Er erfand die erste "Rechenmaschiene" im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1623). Die Rechenmaschine des Tübingers konnte automatisch addieren, subtrahieren, multiplizieren und dividieren. In einem Brief an Kepler zeichnete er seine Maschine. Die Maschine arbeitete mit Zahnrädern. Zu jeder Dezimalstelle der Additionseinrichtung dieser Rechenmaschine gehörte ein Rad mit zehn Zähnen, das Zählrad. Auf dem Umfang dieser Zählräder (A , A , A , ...) standen die Ziffern 0-9. Jeder Zahn entsprach also einer Ziffer. Auf der Achse jedes Zählrades saß ein weiteres Rad mit nur einem Zahn, das Übertragsrad. Dieses Rad war für den Übertrag auf die nächste Zehnerstufe (Zehnerpotenz) zuständig. Der Übertragszahn (Ü , ...) drehte über ein weiteres Rad (B , B , B ,...) das nächste Zählrad. Das Funktionsprinzip (s. Abb. links): Die Schickardsche Rechenmaschine hätte damals für die astronomischen Berechnungen ein gutes Werkzeug sein können. Man konnte mit ihr addieren, subtrahieren und - im oberen Teil - multiplizieren und dividieren. Leider arbeitete die Maschine niemals zuverlässig. Die Anforderungen an die Genauigkeit überstiegen die damaligen feinmechanischen Möglichkeiten. Ein Nachbau der Rechenmaschine von Wilhelm Schickard made by Blazej Lebek (15.5.2000)
Abteilung Datenbanken Und Informationssysteme Abteilung Datenbanken und Informationssysteme am wilhelmschickard-Institut f¼r Informatik an der Eberhard-Karls-Universit¤t T¼bingen. http://sunwww.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/
Schickard Biography of wilhelm schickard (15921635) wilhelm schickard was educated atthe University of Tübingen. After receiving his first degree, http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Schickard.html
Extractions: Version for printing Wilhelm Schickard His research was broad and included astronomy, mathematics and surveying. He invented many machines like one to calculate astronomical dates and one for Hebrew grammar. He also made significant advances in mapmaking, showing how to produce maps which were far more accurate than those which were currently available. Long before Pascal and Leibniz , Schickard invented a calculating machine in 1623 which was used by Kepler . He wrote to Kepler suggesting a mechanical means to calculate ephemerides. Schickard corresponded with many scientists including Boulliau Gassendi and Kepler Among his other skills, Schickard was renowned as an engraver both in wood and in copperplate. Schickard died of the plague either on the day given above or, possibly, one day earlier. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson List of References (5 books/articles) A Poster of Wilhelm Schickard Mathematicians born in the same country Other references in MacTutor Chronology: 1600 to 1625 Other Web sites The Galileo Project
Wilhelm Schickard's Mechanical Calculator wilhelm schickard invented a mechanical calculator about fifteen years beforeBlaise Pascal started developing his Arithmetic Machine. http://www.maxmon.com/1625ad.htm
Extractions: Wilhelm Schickard's Mechanical Calculator As was previously noted, determining who invented the first mechanical calculator is somewhat problematical. Many references cite the French mathematician, physicist, and theologian, Blaise Pascal as being credited with the invention of the first operational calculating machine called the Arithmetic Machine However, Pascal's claim to fame notwithstanding, the German astronomer and mathematician Wilhelm Schickard wrote a letter to his friend Johannes Kepler about fifteen years before Pascal started developing his Arithmetic Machine. (Kepler, a German astronomer and natural philosopher, was the first person to realize (and prove) that the planets travel around the sun in elliptical orbits.) a In his letter, Schickard wrote that he had built a machine that "... immediately computes the given numbers automatically; adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides ". Unfortunately, no original copies of Schickard's machine exist, but working models have been constructed from his notes. a See also: Leonardo da Vinci's mechanical calculator John Napier and Napier's Bones Blaise Pascal's Arithmetic Machine Gottfried von Libniz's Step Reckoner ... The invention of the slide rule a These notes are abstracted from the book Bebop BYTES Back
Extractions: German astronomer, mathematician, and cartographer. In 1623 he invented one of the first calculating machines. He proposed to Johannes Kepler the development of a mechanical means of calculating ephemerides (predicted positions of celestial bodies at regular intervals of time), and he contributed to the improvement of accuracy in mapmaking. var mm = [["Jan.","January"],["Feb.","February"],["Mar.","March"],["Apr.","April"],["May","May"],["June","June"],["July","July"],["Aug.","August"],["Sept.","September"],["Oct.","October"],["Nov.","November"],["Dec.","December"]]; To cite this page: MLA style: "Schickard, Wilhelm." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9377918
Wilhelm Schickard - Perlentaucher.de, Kultur Und Literatur Online Translate this page schickard, wilhelm wilhelm schickard Briefwechsel. Band 1 1616-1632. wilhelm schickard (1592-1635), von Haus aus evangelischer Theologe, http://www.perlentaucher.de/autoren/12216.html
Extractions: Zu den Inhalten Warum sieht der Perlentaucher so merkwürdig aus? Home Bücher ... Markt Autorenverzeichnis A B C D ... Z google_ad_client = "pub-8495454810892399"; google_ad_width = 180; google_ad_height = 150; google_ad_format = "180x150_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "CCCCCC"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "666666"; google_color_text = "333333"; Keine Biografie vorhanden! Frommann-Holzboog Verlag, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3772821626, Gebunden, 1397 Seiten, 276,00 EUR mehr lesen Schnellsuche
Lexikon Wilhelm Schickard Translate this page wilhelm schickard entwickelte um 1630 das erste Handplanetarium, mit dem sich Sonne, wilhelm schickard trat nicht nur als Theologe, Geograph, http://lexikon.freenet.de/Wilhelm_Schickard
Extractions: Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard 22. April in Herrenberg 23. Oktober in T¼bingen ) (Neffe von Heinrich Schickhardt ) war Professor f¼r biblische Sprachen, Astronomie und Mathematik an der Universit¤t T¼bingen. Er konstruierte die erste mechanische Rechenmaschine und beschrieb sie in einem Brief an Johannes Kepler , der sie zur Erstellung seiner Rudolfinischen Tafeln verwenden wollte. Wilhelm Schickard entwickelte um 1630 das erste Handplanetarium, mit dem sich Sonne, Erde und Mond bewegen lieen. Er war Gelehrter von weitgespannter Universalit¤t, Professor f¼r Astronomie, Mathematik und orientalischen Sprachen an der Universit¤t T¼bingen. Wilhelm Schickard trat nicht nur als Theologe, Geograph, Landvermesser und Kupferstecher, sondern auch als genialer Erfinder hervor. Er schuf 1623 auch die ¤lteste mechanische Rechenmaschine. Sein Bild befindet sich in der Bildnissammlung im Senatssaal in der Universit¤t T¼bingen. Quelle: Schickardsches Skizzenbuch, W¼rttembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart.
Wilhelm Schickard Translate this page wilhelm schickard (1592 - 1635). Nació en Herrenberg (Alemania), estudió en launiversidad de Tübingen hasta 1613 habiendo cursado teología y lenguas http://www.dma.eui.upm.es/historia_informatica/Doc/Personajes/WilhelmSchickard.h
A Java3D-Visualisation Of The Schickard Calculator It was invented by the German professor wilhelm schickard in 1623, but remainedunknown for 300 years. In 1960 it was reconstructed by Baron Bruno von http://www.gris.uni-tuebingen.de/projects/schickard/
Extractions: II. First edition. These letters, mostly from Schickard to Bernegger, are largely devoted to Schickard's collaboration with Kepler. The correspondence commences in 1620, with an account of an eclipse of the moon observed by Kepler and Schickard. Schickhard discusses the progress of Kepler's discoveries, and, after 1630, the posthumous influence of Kepler. There are references to Galileo and generally the Copernican cause. Finally, there is considerable discussion of astronomical observations and the preparation of astronomical data and calculations, the issues that led Schickard to devise one of the earliest functional calculators. Schickhard was a skilled mechanic, cartographer, and engraver in wood and copperplate; and he wrote treatises on Semitic studies, mathematics, astronomy, optics, meteorology, and cartography. He invented and built a working model of the first modern mechanical calculator and proposed to Kepler the development of a mechanical means of calculating ephemerides. Schickard's works on astronomy include a lunar ephermeris, observations of the comets of 1618, and descriptions of unusual solar phenomena (meteors and the transit of Mercury in 1631)...
Extractions: Suche Links zu Wilhelm Schickard Auktionen bei Amazon Was interessiert Sie? Wilhelm Schimmel Pia ... Wilhelm Schmid Wilhelm Schmidtbonn Wilhelm Schmidt (Bayern) ... ... weitere Oft gesucht Detektiv Plastische Chirurgie Ich-AG Spedition ... Notebook Kategorie A B C D ... Z Wilhelm Schickard (* 22. April in Herrenberg in Tübingen) (Neffe von Heinrich Schickhardt ) war Professor für biblische Sprachen, Astronomie und Mathematik an der Universität Tübingen. Er konstruierte die erste mechanische Rechenmaschine und beschrieb sie in einem Brief an Johannes Kepler , der sie zur Erstellung seiner Rudolfinischen Tafeln verwenden wollte. Wilhelm Schickard (1592 bis 1635) entwickelte um 1630 das erste Handplanetarium, mit dem sich Sonne, Erde und Mond bewegen ließen. Er war Gelehrter von weitgespannter Universalität, Professor für Astronomie, Mathematik und orientalischen Sprachen an der Universität Tübingen. Wilhelm Schickard trat nicht nur als Theologe, Geograph, Landvermesser und Kupferstecher, sondern auch als genialer Erfinder hervor. Er schuf 1623 auch die älteste mechanische Rechenmaschine. Sein Bild befindet sich in der Bildnissammlung im Senatssaal in der Universität Tübingen. Quelle: Schickardsches Skizzenbuch, Landesbibliothek Stuttgart. Biografie
Computing Before Computers See also schickard, wilhelm Keydriven adding machine. See Comptometer Keypunch,133, 142 Kircher, Athanasius, 19, 29105 L Lake, CD, 136, 142, 149 Lambert, http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/CBC.html
Extractions: Statement of permission to web publish Scanned, and processed into Adobe .PDF format by Ed Thelen September 2000 from a first edition copy lent by Michael R. Williams - one of the contributors. To make the contents of this 266 page book more accessable for Internet viewers: Introduction .................................... vii William Aspray Chapter One: Early Calculation Michael R. Williams Chapter Two: Difference and Analytical Engines Allan G. Bromley
The Wilhelm Schickard Museum Of Computing History Welcome to the wilhelm schickard Museum of Computing History at Concordia UniversityWisconsin. The Museum Collection Learn more about any computer in the http://www.cs.cuw.edu/museum/Index.html
Wilhelm Schickard However, that distinction actually belongs to wilhelm schickard, a universityprofessor and Lutheran minister. schickard was born on April 22nd, http://www.cs.cuw.edu/museum/Schickard.html
Extractions: It is widely believed that the first mechanical calculating device was created by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal in 1642. However, that distinction actually belongs to Wilhelm Schickard, a university professor and Lutheran minister. Schickard was born on April 22nd, 1592 in Herrenberg, Germany. Little is known about his early life. He attended the University of Tübingen, earning a B.A. in 1609 and M.A. in 1611. In 1613, he became a Lutheran minister, serving several towns around Tübingen. He served in this capacity until 1619, when he was appointed Professor of Hebrew at the University of Tübingen. He taught Biblical languages until 1631, when he became Professor of Astronomy. In 1623, Schickard built a mechanical device which could perform mathematical operations. In a letter to Johannes Kepler, written on September 20, 1623, Schickard described his machine as follows: What you have done by calculation I have just tried to do by way of mechanics. I have conceived a machine consisting of eleven complete and six incomplete sprocket wheels; it calculates instantaneously and automatically from given numbers, as it adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. You would enjoy to see how the machine accumulates and transports spontaneously a ten or a hundred to the left and, vice-versa, how it does the opposite if it is subtracting ... Unfortunately, the only two original copies of Schickard's machine were lost, one in a fire and one after his death from plague in 1635. However, in the 1950s, scholars who were collecting the works of Kepler found, tucked into a book, Schickard's original drawings of his device. This made it possible for Professor Bruno Baron von Freytag Loringhoff of the University of Tübingen to reconstruct Schickard's calculator.