Independent Online Edition > News & Advice : App5 Unlike previous selections, the choice is not being made by travellers and writerssuch as Antipater of Sidon and philon of byzantium.
Extractions: Ads_kid=0; Ads_bid=0; Ads_xl=0; Ads_yl=0; Ads_xp=''; Ads_yp=''; Ads_opt=0; Ads_wrd=''; Ads_prf='art=25335'; Ads_par=''; Ads_cnturl=''; Ads_sec=0; Ads_channels=''; var articleheadline = "Simon Calder: The Man Who Pays His Way" Vote early, vote often: if you want one of Britain's creations to make it to the self-styled official list of world wonders, just log on and click. Time after time. Vote early, vote often: if you want one of Britain's creations to make it to the self-styled official list of world wonders, just log on and click. Time after time. You may have heard this week that the UK apparently has little to offer the world in terms of top-grade attractions - those works of man that make you go "wow" or even utter an expletive. The assessment is courtesy of a curious online organisation,
Machinery The following wrote books on machinery Diades, Arkhutas, Arkhimedes, Ktesibios,Nymphodoros, philon of byzantium, Diphilos, Demokles, Kharias, Poluidos,'s what Things/machinery.htm 'These Will Be The Enduring Symbols Of Our World' Antipater of Sidon, philon of byzantium and others created different versions ofthe list, but there was a consensus of sorts. The top 7 ancient wonders
Australian Financial Review - effort to survey humanity for its views on the New Seven Wonders of the World,an updated version of the list compiled by philon of byzantium in 200BC.
Extractions: Cullen Murphy Atlantic Monthly The Name of the Rose was the choice for 1980, Zane Grey's Riders of the Purple Sage for 1912.) Meanwhile, the editors of Time magazine decided that the New Year 2000 issue should bear a portrait of the Person of the Century, and in addition to selecting a winner (Albert Einstein) by means of internal discussion, they decided to poll the planet. Time 's website eventually logged about 4.5 million submissions, and although Einstein, Roosevelt and Gandhi received substantial global support, the person who topped the list (after Jesus was disqualified) was Elvis Presley. Now a Swiss filmmaker named Bernard Weber has launched an effort to survey humanity for its views on the New Seven Wonders of the World, an updated version of the list compiled by Philon of Byzantium in 200BC. The original wonders included four structures that many people today can name or recognise (the Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Lighthouse of Alexandria) and three that never seem to stick in anyone's memory (the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia). Weber, motivated by equal measures of idealism and a sense that the Ancient Wonders no longer fire the imagination, began soliciting internet votes for a New Seven Wonders in June of 2000, and he will keep the site open until November of 2005. Already ballots have been cast by more than 16 million people from all over the world, and Weber expects 60 million votes by the time the polls close.
ATATÜRK KÜLTÜR MERKEZÝ ULUSLARASI III Ibn alAmid uses the Aristotelian denial of the vacuum and relies upon experimentsby the Alexandrians Heron and philon of byzantium.
Extractions: THE CONTRIBUTION OF ABU'L-FADL IBN AL-'AMID (died 360/970-1) HANS DAIBER* In the cultural history of Islam the 4th/l0th century deserves our special attention. The cultural revival of this time is classified by orientalists as " Renaissance of Islam " . During this heyday of islamic culture sciences of antiquity were reactivated, integrated in the theoretical and practical interests of Muslim scholars and developed to a new science. An important role played l0th century Persia. At that time the ruling family of the Buyids consolidated their power and built up good relations to the caliphate in Baghdad. A member of this family, the ruler `Adudaddaula, became a generous patron of the sciences. At his court in Shiraz he organized regular meetings of poets, scholars and scientists. Discussions, which took place during these meetings, were stimulated by the curiosity of the participants, by their desire to take part in academic disputes with renowned persons. Moreover, a look at the discussed themes of philosophy and science gives us an idea of the manifolded interests, which were not restricted to purely theoretical questions. With this background as starting point scholars of the l0th century developed a truly cosmopolitan attitude. I shall introduce to you an example, the Buiyide wezir Abü l-Façil Ibn al-Amid, who died in 970 A.D. He was active at the court of the Buiyide ruler Ruknaddaula in Rayy and he developed during hie life universal interests. He served as administrator, as politician, statesman and commander-in-chief. In the obituary of his contemporary, the historian and philosopher Miekawaih, who administrated his library, he is also praised as an artist and scientist. Miskawaih praises hie knowledge of philosophical and scientific works and later authors of biobibliographies even call him the second Gâhiz, because of hie capacity as poet and prosewriter. - What S Online WONDER WORLD In 200 BC, philon of byzantium proposed a list of human civilization smost masterful architectural accomplishments.
Entrez PubMed have been mentioned as a device for spraying rose water (philon of byzantium,about 230 BC), and for fighting fires (Heron of Alexandria about 110 AD).
BGreek: PEIRAZW & EKPEIRAZW (fwd) technological writer philon of byzantium Philo Mechanichus (Belopoecia 50.34;51.9), and by the author (PseudoCallisthenes)
Manuscripts Catalogue - Document Details Athenaeus, Biton, Heron and Philon belonged to the period between Alexander andAugustus, author, philon of byzantium Biographical notes
Mosaic De Paraules Al Vent (des D'Irlanda). The commonlyknown Seven Ancient Wonders of the World were all man-made monuments,selected by philon of byzantium in 200 BC.
Extractions: Curiositats Abans d'ahir vaig fer un esborrany amb dues queixes, avui el publico pero afegint-n'hi una tercera. Potser em poso alla on no em demanen, pero exposare les tres queixes que tinc en quan al web Una d'elles, es veure com el titol del web es: "La meva web .info" i el subtitol: Diaris digitals gratuits en catala. En canvi podem veure com una de les bitacoles mes actives no es ni tant sols en aquesta llengua: No es que tingui pas res en contra d'aquesta bitacola, de fet nomes la he visitat un sol cop, pero si son diaris personals en catala, estaria be que fossin en catala. -Per altra banda el tema de l'spam, revisant posts anteriors he vist que en un post de 11 respostes, 10 eren spam: Suposo que ha de ser prou complicat controlar l'spam pero crec recordar que abans del canvi de format no passava. -Per acabar, la tercera es que ja hi ha hagut varis dies en que es impossible accedir a la nostra bitacola des de, ja sigui per a visualitzar-la o be per a postejar un nou escrit. Ahir en va ser un exemple, quan mitja tarda batallant-hi (tot i ser el dia del bloc) i va ser impossible accedir-hi.
Focus: Fora philon of byzantium Plato Porphyry Posidonius Proclus Ptolemy Pythagoras SerenusSimplicius Sporus Thales Theaetetus Theodorus Theodosius
The Art Of Invention - Bibliography Translate this page philon of byzantium, 1899. Pneumatica, in Opera quae supersunt, Philon ofByzantium, 1989. Le livre des appareils pneumatiques et des machines
Central America Weekly Greek writers, Antipater of Sidon, and philon of byzantium compiled the two mostwell known lists. Most of the lists agreed on six items on the list,
Extractions: The ancient Greeks were the first to begin compiling lists of the most marvelous structures they knew about. These included historical structures that had long been destroyed, yet were widely chronicled. Greek writers, Antipater of Sidon, and Philon of Byzantium compiled the two most well known lists. Most of the lists agreed on six items on the list, however, the seventh item was widely debated upon. Up until the sixth century AD, the seventh item was usually declared either the Walls of the City of Babylon or the Palace of Cyrus. Finally, around 600 AD, the seventh item was acknowledged as The Lighthouse of Alexandria. Places such as Stonehenge, or The Great Wall of China were beyond the limits of the Ancient Greek World. Thus, the Seven Wonders were mainly confined to the reachable surroundings of the Ancient Greek Empire.
The Philoís Line The line is name after philon of byzantium, an ancient Greek engineer. This problemwas devised by Philo as a reduction to the duplication of the cube
Extractions: The Transversal "AB" drawn through a given point "P" within a given angle "RCS" so that the sides of the angle intercept on the transversal a segment of minimum length has become known as the Philo Line (or Philon Line) of the point for the given angle. The line is name after Philon of Byzantium , an ancient Greek engineer. This problem was devised by Philo as a reduction to the duplication of the cube problem, and because of this link to this famous problem, it has excited interest over the ages. References [1] Howard Eves, Scripta Mathematica , vol.26, 1959, pp. 141-148 [2] Sir Thomas L. Heath, A Manual of Greek Mathematics , Oxford University Press, 1963, pp.262-264 [3] B. Bhattacharya and G. Toussaint, Computing Shortest Transversals , Computing, vol. 46, 1991, pp 93-119 [4] Coxeter and Van de Craats, Philon Lines In Non-Euclidean Planes , Journal of Geometry, vol. 48, 1993, pp 26-55 [5] David Hounshell, Grolier Electronic Publishing, 1995.
Deutsches Museum - Machine Components of gears may be found in the writings of philon from byzantium (around 230 BC) . philon aus Byzanz (um 230 v. Chr.) ist der erste, von dem praktische
Extractions: Simple gears are straight toothed wheels. The teeth on helical gears and bevel gears are set at an angle and are thus able to transmit more power. The optimal curvature of the tooth flanks for the teeth to engage was calculated by Leonhard Euler in 1750. Aristoteles erwähnt Zahnräder bereits um 330 v. Chr.
Extractions: As Antigas Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Maravilhas do Mundo ou Maravilhas da Antigüidade , na Foram os gregos , provavelmente entre os anos 150 e 120 a.C. , os primeiros a listar os monumentos erigidos até então pelas mãos do homem que se destacavam pela sua grandeza, suntuosidade e magnitude. Chamaram o conjunto deles de " Ta hepta Thaemata ", ou seja, "as sete coisas dignas de serem vistas " - as sete maravilhas do mundo Apesar da lista ser grega , apenas uma das obras situava-se na Grécia: a Estátua de Zeus . Três outras encontravam-se na Ásia Menor - o Colosso de Rodhes , o Templo de Ártemis , em Éfeso , e o Mausoléu de Helicarnasso . Duas outras maravilhas - as Pirâmides de Gizé e o Farol de Alexandria - poderiam ser vistas no Egito. Finalmente, no atual Iraque, poder-se-ia contemplar os Jardins Suspensos , situados na Babilônia Com o passar do tempo, estas obras maravilhosas desapareceram das mais diversas maneiras. De algumas, restam ruínas. De outras, apenas história. No entanto, uma
Suyderland Lexicon philon van byzantium (ca. 280 220 vC) Weinig werk is van hem bekend. Wordt genoemddoor Viruvius (Romein 1e eeuw vC), Heron van Alexandrië en Eutocius.
Extractions: Vroeger eiland voor de kust van Alexandrië, dat nu deel van de stad uitmaakt (kustgedeelte). Hier stond vroeger de "pharos" (vuurtoren) van Alexandrië. Één van de 7 wereldwonderen. De opdracht tot de bouw ervan werd rond 280 v.C. gegeven door Ptolemaeus Soter. Philon van Byzantium (ca. 280 - 220 v.C.) Weinig werk is van hem bekend. Wordt genoemd door Viruvius (Romein: 1 e eeuw v.C.), Heron van Alexandrië en Eutocius. Delen van een belangrijk werk van hem zijn bewaard dat mechanica behandelde, hij beschreef hierin o.a. de door Ctesibius uitgevonden katapult en maakte reizen naar Rhodos en Alexandrië om katapults te bestuderen en te beschrijven, mogelijk was hij ook militair raadgever in zijn tijd. Beweerd wordt dat hij een lijst maakte van de 7 wereldwonderen, dit wordt tevens sterk in twijfel getrokken: men vermoedt dat iemand anders het heeft geschreven na zijn dood die zich uitgaf voor Philon, om zo sneller bekendheid te verkrijgen over zijn werk. Philoon van Alexandrië (Latijn: Philo) (ca. 20 v.C. - 50 a.D.) Joods wijsgeer. Probeerde een synthese te bereiken van Grieks en Joods denken (O.T. met Hellenistische conceptie). Uitgaande van het Griekse denken verklaarde hij Oudtestamentische geschriften, als zodanig had hij grote invloed op de opkomst van het christelijke denken. Het orthodoxe jodendom maakte zich hiervan los.
DeTraveller - Books, Trips & Tips De zeven oude wereldwonderen waren allemaal met de hand gemaakt en in 200 voorChristus geselecteerd door een zekere philon uit byzantium.
Extractions: Welkom bij deTraveller. Hier vind je reisverslagen voorzien van allerlei interessante links en fotos over de diverse reizen die we tot nu gemaakt hebben en de landen waar we geweest zijn. Kies hieronder via de wereldkaart een werelddeel of zoek via het (foto) menu. Verder vind je hier op een makkelijke manier je reisgids, reisboek, plattegrond, kaart, reismagazine taalgids of muziek van je favoriete vakantieland. deTraveller heeft een mooie selectie uitgezocht. Laat je droomreis nu al thuis beginnen en bereid je voor aan de hand van een reisgids. Lees over de verschillende bezienswaardigheden van je vakantieland. Het vergelijken van reisgidsen is je makkelijker gemaakt. Daarnaast vind je een korte omschrijving of recensie van de reisgids aan. Om direct naar reisgidsen te gaan klik je hier We zijn inmiddels in Guatemala beland. De eerst indruk is prima: mooi landschap, mooie mensen en lage prijzen. De grensovergang viel gelukkig mee. Weinig militairen te zien, alleen veel geldwisselaars. We zijn dan ook binnen een mum van tijd de grens over. De bus naar Huehuetenango staat al klaar. Rugzakken op het dak en rijden maar. Lees verder over dit mooie werelddeel in Midden Amerika Op 1 januari 1502 kwam een Portugese ontdekkingsreiziger aan bij de baai van Guanabara. Hij ging er vanuit dat de baai de monding van een rivier was, keek op zijn kalendar en noemde de rivier:
LacusCurtius • Trajan's Column — Roman Artillery & Siege Engines (J Fragments of treatises by Athenaeus, Biton, Heron, Apollodorus and philon ofByzantium, a contemporary of Ctesibius, who treats of the Greek fire,
Extractions: you need to use a compliant browser rather than Internet Explorer. Fig. 10. Dacian Balista. Mounted as a wall piece. One of the most interesting features in the sculptures of the Trajan Column is the representation, difficult to meet with elsewhere, of the artillery of the Romans. The Romans well understood the advantage, not only of being able to inflict loss on an enemy at long ranges, while he was too distant to annoy their own troops, but also of the moral weight which the possession of mechanical contrivances for this purpose would give them. Some advantage was gained by the Carthaginians when they brought elephants into battle. Besides being formidable in the actual shock of battle, those monsters inspired terror from their size, their supposed ferocity, and the prevailing ignorance about them. In more ancient times the weight, size and space of ground covered by ranks of armed chariots, in the Asiatic and Greek armies, the mere noise produced by these vehicles, the roar of a thousand wheels (without springs) rolling over rough ground, probably contributed to demoralize an enemy before any actual contact with the rank or phalanx of spearmen.
Extractions: Flags Maps Sightseeing Travel Warnings ... National Parks More Categories Introduction Topography Local Life Local Cuisine Local Holidays Festivals-Events Embassies Administration News Stand Worth a See !! Sight Seeing Maps Flags Shopping Eating Out Recreation Travel Essentials Country Facts Geography People Government Economy Communications Transportation Military Is it simply a temple? How could it take its place among other unique structures such as the Pyramid, the Hanging Gardens, and the Colossus of Rhodes? For the people who actually visited it, the answer was simple. It was not just a temple... It was the most beautiful structure on earth... It was built in honor of the Greek goddess of hunting and wild nature. That was the Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus. The story goes as, in 1100 A.D a troop of Crusaders stops at a muddy little village in Asia Minor. Their leader looks around. Confused ,he dismounts. This place is not what he expected. He read in the ancient texts that this was a large seaport with many ships docked in its bay. It isn't. The sea is almost three miles away. The village is located in a swamp. There are no ships to be seen. The leader accosts a nearby man.