Untitled Translate this page neumann, Johann (John) v. Mathematiker, Physiker. neumann, carl (gottfried),Mathematiker. neumann, carl, Industrieller. neumann, Caspar, ev. http://www.ndb.badw-muenchen.de/ndb19_artikel.htm
Extractions: Name Beruf Nauwach, Johann Komponist Naves, Johann v. Reichsvizekanzler Karls V. Naville-Neher, Gustave Ingenieur, Industrieller Nawatzki, Viktor Schiffs- und Maschinenbauingenieur, Werftdirektor Nawiasky, Hans Jurist Nay, Ernst Wilhelm Maler Nay, Joe Schlagzeuger, Jazzkomponist Naz (Naso), Johannes (IV.) Bischof von Chur Neander baltische Familie ev. Theologe Neander, Joachim Dichter geistlicher Lieder Nebbien, Heinrich Landschaftsarchitekt, Agrarreformer Nebe, Arthur Leiter des Reichskriminalpolizeiamtes Nebel, Christoph Weihbischof von Mainz Nebel, Otto Maler, Zeichner, Schriftsteller Nebel, Rudolf Erfinder, Raketenpionier Nebenius, Carl Friedrich badischer Minister Tibetologe Necheles, Heinrich Physiologe Neckel, Gustav Germanist, Nordist Necker (Necheles), Moritz Literaturhistoriker, Journalist Neckermann, Josef Neef, Ernst Neefe, Christian Gottlob Komponist Neeff, Theodor Neergaard, Kurt v. Mediziner Nees v. Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Naturforscher, Naturphilosoph Nees (von Esenbeck), Friedrich
Ernst Neumann Ernst neumann was born at Königsberg, capital of former eastern prussia, asgreatson of Karl gottfried Hagen (friend of Immanuel Kant, Professor of http://www.ernst-neumann-koenigsberg.de/Ernst_Neumann/ernst_neumann.html
Extractions: Brittinger,G. (Division of Hematology, Dapartment of Medicine, University of Essen, Germany: Life and work of Ernst Neumann. Lecture to the presentation of the Ernst Neumann Award and Medal to Professor Donald Metcalf,M.D Literatur: Neumann-Redlin von Meding,E: Ernst Chr. Neumann (1834-1918); Die Beschreibung der funktionellen Morphologie des Knochenmarks am Pathologischen Institut Königsberg und dessen Einfluß auf die Hämatolgie des 19.Jahrhunderts. in: Die Albertus Universität zu Königsberg und ihre Professoren: Hsg. Dietrich Rauschning und Donata v. Nerrée. Verlag Duncker und Humblot Berlin (1995), S.425-437. Ernst Neumannn und Anna Koenig Ernst Neumann private: He was married with Anna Koenig, daughter of Friedrich Koenig, mathematician, Prof. at the Kneiphöf´schen Gymnasium, and brother of Rudolph Koenig, see below. Ernst and Anna got 6 children, of which two of them, Gustav and Walter died 1882 of diphtheria four and two years old. Another son died 1876 at the age of 15 years because of an accident. The daughter Helene Neumann became a painter (see below), Paul (1872-1920) was physician and Ernst Richard Neumann studied mathematics like his grandfather Franz and his uncle Carl, see below. Ernst Richard Neumann was professor of mathematics in Breslau and Marburg, see below.
Welcome Translate this page Who was Ernst neumann? He was a member of the family of scientists as well asKarl gottfried Hagen, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and Franz neumann. http://www.ernst-neumann-koenigsberg.de/
Extractions: window.open('http://ptbanner.gmx.de/werbungpt1.php3?domain=ernst-neumann-koenigsberg.de','ptIlD7kwLtUI','width=488,height=50'); Lieber Leser - im Übergang zu Windows XP und alten Netobject Programm ist nichts mehr kompatibel. Bis zur Reparatur gehen Sie bitte auf meine zweite Homepage: www.gelehrtenfamilie-koenigsberg.net Look at the moment of the link see above - there are big technological problems - sorry The First International Ernst Neumann Award 1995 consists of a gold medal (see side award), a copy of the original, which was donated to Ernst Neumann in 1913 from the Königsberg (Koenigsberg) university/ Prussia/ Germany. The new medal 1995 has been sponsored by the Joosub HS Ebrahim Foundation in Pretoria. The first recipient was Prof. Donald Metcalf from Melbourne. Who was Ernst Neumann? He was a member of the family of scientists as well as Karl Gottfried Hagen, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and Franz Neumann. They all worked at Königsberg university. Ernst Christian Neumann (1834-1918) Cytologist, Pathologist and Hematologist at the Institut of Pathology/ Albertus Universität in Königsberg/Prussia/Germany
Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge neumann, Karl gottfried neumann, Karl gottfried - neumann, Karl gottfried - 1861 NEUMANff, Karl gottfried - 1862 http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5011551
Imago Mundi - Frantz Neumann / Karl Neumann. Translate this page neumann (Karl gottfried), mathématicien, fils de Franz Ernst N. (ci-dessus), néà Koenigsberg le 7 mai 1832. Il a fait ses études dans sa ville natale et a http://www.cosmovisions.com/Neumann.htm
Karl Gottfried NEUMANN (1832 - 1925) Translate this page Karl gottfried neumann, Matemático alemán. Profesor de Leipzig, hizo contribucionesa las ecuaciones diferenciales, las ecuaciones integrales y las http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/carl_neumann.htm
Extractions: Luftwaffe "Aces" The following is a partial list of Luftwaffe "aces" (using the Allied standard of 5 kills) that mostly flew Messerschmitts during their careers. Scoring five kills under the German system did not garner one the German title of " Experte ". The title was conferred on those that only exihibited consistent excellence and leadership in combat and in which the tally of victories played a minor part. For example, a German pilot may not have been considered an "Experte" until he scored his 60th victory or more. The list is ordered from left to right alphabetically by last names, first names, and victory tally (" abschuss " or " endgueltige Vernichtung "; not award points Machold, Werner Mackenstedt, Willy Mader, Anton Mai, Lothar Makrocki, Wilhelm Maltzahn, Guenther Freiherr von Marquardt, Heinz Marseille, Hans-Joachim Matoni, Walter Matzak, Kurt May, Lothar Mayer, Egon Mayer, Hans-Karl Mayer, Otto Mayer, Wilhelm Mayerl, Maximilian Meckel, Helmut Meier, Johannes-Hermann Meimberg, Julius Meltzer Menge, Robert Mertens, Helmut
Browse Authors neumann, Franz Ernst neumann, Karl gottfried Neumayr, Melchior Neumeister,Richard Nevill, Edmund Neville New York (State) State Museum http://digital.libraries.ou.edu/histsci/browse.asp?tab=4&limit=N
1817-1871 Translate this page neumann, carl Niemeyer, August Hermann Niemeyer, Franz Anton Schütz, ChristianGottfried Schütz, Friedrich Karl Julius Schwalbe, Gustav http://www.catalogus-professorum-halensis.de/1817.html
Steinke - Familie carl gottfried Steinke, *1.9.1829 http://home.fhtw-berlin.de/~frank/ahnen1.html
þÕ½µÂ¹ú¿Õ¾üÍõÅÆ Translate this page neumann, Karl 75 JG 5,7 Grollmus, Helmuth 75 JG 54 Bunzek, Johannes 75 JG 52,Meltzer, Nordmann, Karl-gottfried¡¢Eder, Georg-Peter ºÍ Ewald, Wolfgang 78 http://www.afwing.com/combat/luftace/luftace-3.htm
***Klugmann In Bublitz*** * = Birth + = Death Oo = Marriage Totgeb Translate this page Anna Louise Sell *12 jun 1795 +22 nov 1823 carl gottfried Klugmann *15 jun 1820 Kühl 9 Oct 1853 Wilhelm gottfried Friedrich Kühl *29 Jul 1855 Bertha http://www.baumanor.com/bublitz/klugmann.txt
LDS Microfilm 1193857 - Taufen, Heiraten, Tote 1820-1829 Translate this page Mstr Johann Lange Mstr carl Mielke 24)Niemeier 25)Zembke 26)Görken 27)Kühl Zembke Andreas gottfried Klugmann 51)Erdmann 52)Eick 53)Schultz 54)Kranz http://www.baumanor.com/bublitz/bublitzbirths18201830.txt
N - Nsmes Translate this page neumann, Friedrich, 1887.01.12. neumann, Friedrich Karl Wilhelm, 1892.01.20 neumann, Robert, 1885.01.18. neumann, Rudolf gottfried, 1902.03.01 http://www.iaapa.org.il/N.HTM
Extractions: A file for each person exists in the German State Archive (except those marked with *, who were the victims in Stetten) (Names beginning with "N") Last name First name (Maiden name) Born Necker * Necker * Neuschler * Kurt Neutz * Else Niethammer * Maria Nabholz August Nabuda Marie (geb. Sedlick) Nachtigall Agnes Nachtigall Hermann Nachtigall Katharina (geb. Kopp) Nachtigall Rudolf Karl Gottfried Nachtmann Emil Nachtmann Karl Nachtwey Franz Nack Anna Maria Nacke Hedwig Nacken Anna Nadler Oskar Nadol Franz Nadolny Hans Nadrag Ferdinand Nagel Adolf Nagelberg Johanna Franziska Auguste Nagel Elsa Luise Nagel Emilie (geb. Benz) Nagelfeldt Margarethe Nagel Franz Nagel Hans Nagel Heinrich Nagel Heinrich Nagel Ida (geb. Kienke) Nagel Kreszens Nagel Lydia Nagel Peter Jakob Elisabeth Nagelski Sina Nagel Therese Nagengast Johann Nagengast Maria Nagi Alfred Nagler Lina (geb. Reber) Naglo Sophie Nagl Peter Nagorski Margarete Nagott Meta (geb. Sommerfeld) Nagurnewicz Josefa Nagy Ludwig Klara Nahl Mathias Hermann Nahrstedt Walther Otto Theodor Nairz Anton Nairz Franz Najewitz August Nakolnig Stefanie Nalbach Maria Nam Marie Gertrud Nast Adolf Wilhelm Nast Emma Natebus Minna (geb. Schukat)
Grünhartau - Denkschrift (Anhänge) Karl gottfried Winkler (Br. des V.) 1852; Scholz Ernst Siegmund Rudolph S.); gottfried Scholz 1852; Gottlob Schadock 1852; Ernst neumann (S. des http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bgwiehle/schlesien/kirchen/grunhart2.ht
Extractions: ZWEITER ANHANG ANHANG a) im 17. Jahrhundert von 1634 bis 1699 b) im 18. Jahrhundert 7. Fortsetzung c) im 19. Jahrhundert bis jetzt Karl Wilhelm Winkler 1812 Friedrich Winkler (aus Peterw.) 1825 Karl Heckert (aus Gollschau) 1831 Joh. Ben. Winkler (S. des Karl W.) 1843 Karl Gottfried Winkler (Br. des V.) 1852 ; Scholz Ernst Siegmund Rudolph (S. des Vor.) 1852; Heinr. Igel (aus Pfaffendorf) 1853 ; Friedrich Winkler (S. des Friedr. W.) 1857 ; Kretschmer Gottlob Benjamin Dittrich und Karl Friedrich Scholz 1857; Dom.-Restgutsbes. Friedrich Woll 1858. II. In Reisau a) im 17. Jahrhundert b) im 18. Jahrhundert c) im 19. Jahrhundert
Neumann Und Angeheiratete Aus Meekow Kreis Sternberg Translate this page gottfried Kaulmann, Friedrich neumann, gottfried Paschke, gottfried Genge Karl Friedrich neumann hat einen ausführlichen Lebenslauf hinterlassen. http://www.gca.ch/Genealogie/Sternberg/Neumann/neumann_und_angeheiratete_aus_me.
Rimbaud Verlag - Karl Schwedhelm Translate this page Gerhard neumann Erinnerungen Briefe Karl Schwedhelm an Gerhard neumann In das Jahr 1948 fällt der erste Brief Karl Schwedhelms an gottfried Benn, http://www.rimbaud.de/schwedhelm.html
Early Moravian Settlers, M-Q carl Ludwig Meinung (17431817) arrived in 1771 and married Maria Magdalena Höpfner . She married the widower gottfried Aust in March, 1779, http://www.fmoran.com/sett4.html
Extractions: Frederic William Marshall and his wife Elisabeth arrived in February 1768. He was the business manager for the Wachovia settlement, and his name appears on many deeds and legal records. Johann Samuel Mau arrived in 1766, and returned to PA in 1774. Juliana Mauersberg (1717-1807) was born at Panten, Silesia, and married the Rev. Abraham von Gammern in Europe in 1751. They came to America in 1761, and moved shortly thereafter to NC, arriving in June, 1762. He died in 1765, and she returned to Bethlehem in 1768, where she became Deaconess of the Widows' Choir. She died in 1807, ninety years old. Carl Ludwig Meinung (1743-1817) arrived in 1771 and married Christopher Merkley, one of the first party of settlers in 1753, was 39, born in Nuremberg district, Wurttemburg, Germany, a baker and farmer. He died in Salem in 1798. Salome Meurer arrived in 1766. She married first Toego (Tycho) Nissen , with whom she had four children. In 1796 she married Abraham Hessler, the minister at Bethabara. After Hessler died in 1800 she moved back to Salem and became a teacher in the Little Girls School and later a supervisor of the Widows House. She died in Salem in 1821. Jacob and Catharina Meyer arrived in June 1767, the only new arrivals that year.
Extractions: Berlin: Zentralverlag, 1946 Transkript Buchstabe N, Seiten 293-300 N abor, Nabor, Des Reiches neue Nachbarn. Nachrichten-Fibel Nachrichtenverbindungsdienst. Nachrodt, Nachrodt, Hohe Nacht der klaren Sterne, 1940 s. Engelmann, Katrin [Verf.] Nacht Nagel, Nagl-Exner, Engleski napad Nar, Nassen, Der Nationalismus Der neue Nationalismus. Nationalsozialismus Nationalsozialismus Der Nationalsozialist Naturforschung Naujoks, Naumann, Nauticus, Nebe, Nebinger, Neckel, Neckel, Neef, Neeff, Negrelli-Moldelbe, Neher, Neher, Nehring, Nehring, Nehring, Nehring, Nehring, Nehring, Nein! Neitsch, Neitsch, Otto s. N e i t s c h, Christian Ludwig. Nemirovic-Dancenko, Neresoff, Nestler, Neubronn, Auslandsorganisation der NSDAP. Neuerburg, Neufert, Neufert, Neugebauer, Zur Neugestaltung Neujahr, Neulandhalle, Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, Neumeister, Neumeister, Neumeyer, Neunzehnhundertachtzehn