EWM Newsletter 4, 1997 Waltraud Voss ruth moufang Eine Mathematikerin zwischen Universitaet und Industrie.Anhang Dokumentation der Promotionsunterlagen ua Irene PieperSeier http://www.math.helsinki.fi/EWM/news/news97.html
Extractions: cahobbs@brookes.ac.uk I. EDITORIAL II. REPORTS OF MEETINGS HELD DURING 1996 III. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FORTHCOMING MEETINGS IV. OTHER NEWS ``What is EWM for?" is an important question that often arises (especially among new members of EWM) to which I am not sure there is a definite answer. Let me try to suggest a few answers here that the reader might like to comment on or extend with her/his own point of view on the question. First of all, EWM offers a
A Guide To The Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1979 Recollections of ruth moufang famous student of Dehn of Dehn s sayings, photocopy,undated. From the Collected Works of André Weil, copy of page 460461 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00192/cah-00192.html
Extractions: TARO Repository Browse List Print Version Raw XML File (32k) ... Accessing Materials Described Here Descriptive Summary Biographical Note Scope and Contents Restrictions ... Photographs, with letter from the Institute of Advanced Study, signed by J. Von Neumann, C. L. Siegel and others, three photos of architectural details of tigers on buildings, one attached to letter, March 28, 1935 Descriptive Summary Creator Dehn, Max, 1878-1952 Title Max Dehn Papers Dates: Abstract Collection documents the career of Max Dehn (1878-1952), relating chiefly to his research in geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. Accession No. Extent 2 ft., 2 in. Languages Collections materials are written in English, French and German. Repository Center for American History,The University of Texas at Austin Max Dehn (1878-1952) was a mathematician whose research focused on geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. He began his career at Frankfurt University (1921-1935) and in 1940 immigrated to the United States where he worked with the Black Mountain college. Return to the Table of Contents The Max Dehn Papers document the career of Max Dehn (1878-1952) and relate chiefly to his research in geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. Most of the papers are from Dehn's years at Frankfurt University and, after his immigration in 1940 to the United States, Black Mountain College in North Carolina. Included are lecture notes by E. Hellinger, correspondence, notebooks, manuscripts of publications, reprints, and lecture and course notes by Dehn. Correspondents include E. Artin, O. Blumenthal, H. Bohr, S. Breuer, C. Caratheodory, M. Kneser, E. Noether, M. Pasch, O. Toeplitz, and E. Zermelo. The majority of the materials are written in German, with some English and French.
SJSU Math Department Colloquium ruth moufang and. the foundations of geometry. Wednesday, May 5, 400 pm, MH 234.Abstract A less fancy title for this talk is How to draw a tiled floor . http://www.math.sjsu.edu/~rocha/mathcolloq_Stillwell.htm
Extractions: SJSU Math Department Colloquium Series Spring 2004 is pleased to present a talk by Ruth Moufang and the foundations of geometry Wednesday , May 5, 4:00 pm, MH 234 Abstract: A less fancy title for this talk is "How to draw a tiled floor". The projective geometry of tiled floors was understood (to some extent) by Renaissance artists, but the first to isolate the geometric axiom involved was Ruth Moufang, around 1930. She showed that the structure of a tiling picture depends on a special case of Desargues' theorem. Following up this investigation, she discovered a new and deeper foundation for projective geometry in the so-called "little Desargues' theorem". This allows projective planes to be coordinatized, not only by real numbers, complex numbers, and quaternions, but also by octonions. Refreshments precede the talk from 3:30 - 3:55 p.m. in MH 331B (new room). Students are particularly encouraged to attend the talk and to come and have refreshments beforehand! For additional information contact Amy Rocha at (408) 924-5099 or rocha@math.sjsu.edu
SJSU Math Colloquium Fall 2003 ruth moufang and the foundations of geometry. Abstract A less fancy title forthis talk is How to draw a tiled floor . The projective geometry of tiled http://www.math.sjsu.edu/~rocha/mathcolloq.html
Extractions: are Wednesdays , from 4:00 - 4:50 p.m. in MH 234. For a schedule of CS talks click here: http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/colloquium/index.shtml Refreshments precede the Math Colloquium talks from 3:30 - 3:55 p.m. in the Hoggatt room, MH 331A. The Math Department is in MacQuarrie Hall, adjacent to the northwest corner of the 7th Street parking garage. A map of the SJSU campus is available on-line at: http://www.sjsu.edu/about_sjsu/campus_maps/ For directions to campus click here: http://www.sjsu.edu/about_sjsu/campus_maps/directions/ For additional information contact Amy Rocha (408) 924-5099 or rocha@math.sjsu.edu This page was last updated on 4/19/04 Date Speaker Title and Abstract Feb. 4 Arek Goetz Math Department San Francisco State University It is a wonderful world. The dynamics and geometry of microscopic structures in piecewise isometries. Abstract. This talk, accessible to undergraduate students in mathematics and computer science, will introduce the audience to an active area of dynamical systems, called piecewise isometries. While the talk will be mathematical in nature, it will be augmented by frequent interactive computer animations and rigorous symoblic computations.
The Science Bookstore - Chronology moufang,, ruth Born 1/10/1905, 1905 AD. Anderson, Carl D. Born 9/3/1905, 1905 AD.Segre, Emilio Born 2/1/1905, 1905 AD. Hauck, Guido Died 1/25/1905 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=27
Indice Cron. Delle Donne Matematiche ruth moufang (19051977) Kate Fenchel (1905-1983) Maria Cinquini-Cibrario (1905-1992)Grace Brewster Murray Hopper (1906-1992) Olga Taussky-Todd (1906-1995) e soc/Elenco cronologico.htm
Drei Mathematiker In Frankfurt - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Translate this page Festkolloquium aus Anlass der hundertsten Geburtstage von ruth moufang, ruth moufang erhielt die venia legendi an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/org/ltg/admin/muk/pm2005/0605/123/
Extractions: Zur Navigationshilfe Zur Navigationshilfe Suche Suche abschicken erweitern Informationssystem UnivIS Vorlesungsverzeichnis Veranstaltungskalender Kontakt/Standorte/Lagepl¤ne Studien-Service-Center AStA Studentenwerk Bibliotheken Universit¤tsarchiv Hochschulrechenzentrum Botanischer Garten Klinikum Campuservice Uni-Shop Webmail Zur Navigationshilfe Marketing und Kommunikation Pressemitteilungen Drei Mathematiker in Frankfurt Wolfgang Franz (4.10.1905 - 26.4.1996) war ein bedeutender Topologe (Topologie ist eine moderne Form der Geometrie), der als erster und zun¤chst einziger Professor nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg mit dem Wiederaufbau des Mathematischen Seminars in Frankfurt begann; er lehrte ¼ber seine Emeritierung im Jahre 1974 hinaus. 1964/65 war er Rektor der Universit¤t Frankfurt und 1971 bis 1973 erster Dekan des Fachbereichs nach der Einf¼hrung des neuen Hessischen Hochschulgesetzes. Wie Gottfried K¶the (1957) war auch Franz im Jahre 1967 Vorsitzender der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Mit bedeutenden Beitr¤gen zur Theorie der Linsenr¤ume f¶rderte Franz die Entwicklung der algebraischen Topologie. Seine beiden B¤nde ¼ber Topologie und Algebraische Topologie wurden von den Studierenden sehr gesch¤tzt.
Untitled Document ruth Gentry ruth moufang Sheila Edmonds Sheila Scott Macintyre Sofia KovalevskayaSof ja Janovskaja Sophie Germain SunYung Alice Chang Susan Solomon http://science.kennesaw.edu/~mmyers/1101fa03/bio_misc.html
Ruth Moufang Université Montpellier II Translate this page ruth moufang (1905-1977). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1581
January 2003 ruth moufang, 11 Guidobaldo del Monte, 12 Kurt August Hirsch, 13 Gertrude Mary Cox,14 Alfred Tarski, 15 Sofia Kovalevskaya. 16 William Werner Boone, 17 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/January2005.html
Groupes, Géométrie Et Logique Translate this page La condition de moufang est une condition de transitivité du groupe mis enévidence par ruth moufang en 1932 dans le cas de plans projectifs. http://igd.univ-lyon1.fr/~ould/GGL.html
Extractions: Résumé : Ever since the result of Philip Hall characterizing solubility for finite groups in terms of arithmetical statements about orders of subgroups, there has been interest in finding properties that distinguish the finite groups that are soluble from those that are not. Three such properties will be discussed in the lecture.
Frauen In Der Mathematik Translate this page ruth moufang hat in Frankfurt Mathematik und Physik studiert und dort 1930 Ab 1946 konnte ruth moufang dann ihre unterbrochene Universitätskarriere doch http://mnd-w1.fh-friedberg.de/25Jahre/beitraege/mathematikerinnen.htm
Extractions: Quelle: http://www.didaktik.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/gdm/mitteilungen/mit64.html Bisher wurde gewöhnlich angenommen, daß Emmy Noether als erste in Deutschland geborene Frau an einer deutschen Universität in Mathematik promovierte. Studien im Universitätsarchiv Heidelberg erbrachten, daß bereits 1895 Marie Gernet (1865-1924) mit einer Dissertation bei Leo Königsberger, bei dem schon Sofja Kowalewskaja 1869 Vorlesungen gehört hatte, zur Doktorwürde geführt worden war. Der Vortrag beleuchtete das Promotionsverfahren, wobei Marie Gernet in der ersten mündlichen Doktorprüfung (Nov. 1894) im Fach Mechanik scheiterte und die Wiederholungsprüfung bestand, zeigte ihr Engagement bei der Reform des Mädchengymnasiums in Karlsruhe, an dem sie bis zu ihrem Lebensende tätig war, und bettete diesen Lebensweg einer promovierten Mathematikerin bzw. Mathematiklehrerin in die Entwicklung des mathematischen Frauenstudiums und der Promotionen von Frauen seit dieser Zeit (in Deutschland bis 1933) ein. Literatur:
Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944 Translate this page W, moufang, ruth, Zur Struktur der projektiven Geometrie der Ebene. Frankfurt,17.10.1931, Geometrie, Affine und Profektive Geometrie, Math. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/dissertationen/1931.html
CAMEL-Women-Biographies from St Andrews, Agnes Scott; ruth moufang, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott;Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott , MathNews http://camel.math.ca/Women/BIOG/Biographies.html
Extractions: Biographies of Women Mathematicians Collections Individuals Collections Many biographies of women mathematicians may be found at the extensive History of Mathematics collection, at St Andrews University, Scotland. Others (many modern) are listed at the Women Mathematicians Project , at Agnes Scott College, U.S.A. 4000 Years of Women in Science lists several women mathematicians (with photos ). A few biographies of women mathematicians have been published in mathNEWS , the University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics student newspaper. A text called Math Odyssey 2000 by Clem Falbo for a liberal arts course provides a few others. For a print listing, see Biographies of Women Mathematical Scientists and History of Women in Mathematical Sciences from the Women in Math Project (directed by Marie Vitulli). Another list: Distinguished Women of Past and Present: Mathematics, a collection by Danuta Bois. Individual Women Mathematicians Hypatia of Alexandria , from
Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society 73. ruth moufang, Alternativkörper und der Satz vom vollständigen Vierseit, Abh.Math. Sem. Hamburg 9 (1933), 207222. 74. Susumu Okubo, Introduction to http://www.ams.org/bull/2002-39-02/S0273-0979-01-00934-X/home.html
Extractions: Retrieve article in: PDF DVI TeX PostScript ... Additional information Abstract: The octonions are the largest of the four normed division algebras. While somewhat neglected due to their nonassociativity, they stand at the crossroads of many interesting fields of mathematics. Here we describe them and their relation to Clifford algebras and spinors, Bott periodicity, projective and Lorentzian geometry, Jordan algebras, and the exceptional Lie groups. We also touch upon their applications in quantum logic, special relativity and supersymmetry. References: John F. Adams, On the non-existence of elements of Hopf invariant one
Autres Mathématiciennes Bhama SRINIVASAN ruth moufang, 1905 1977, The Mathematical IntelligencerVol.6 No.2 (1984), 51-55. ruth Rebekka STRUIK Claribel Kendall (1889-1965), pp. http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/natacha.portier/fem/biblio/biblio-1-13.html
Quasigroup - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A moufang loop (named after ruth moufang) is a quasigroup (L, *) satisfying.(a*b)*(c*a) = (a*(b*c))*a. for all a, b and c in L. As the name suggests, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_(algebra)
Extractions: The Red Cross and other charities also need your help. (Redirected from Loop (algebra) In abstract algebra , a quasigroup is a algebraic structure resembling a group in the sense that " division " is always possible. Quasigroups differ from groups mainly in that they need not be associative edit Formally, a quasigroup Q , *) is a set Q with a binary operation Q Q Q (that is, it is a groupoid or magma ), such that for all a and b in Q there are unique elements x and y in Q such that The unique solutions to these equations are often written x a b and y b a left and right division . In this encyclopedia, it will be assumed that a quasigroup is nonempty. A loop is a quasigroup with an identity element . It follows that each element of a loop has both a unique left inverse and a unique right inverse A Moufang loop (named after Ruth Moufang ) is a quasigroup ( L , *) satisfying for all a b and c in L . As the name suggests, Moufang loops are actually loops (a proof is given below).
NFFG - Vortrag BS Engl. Using the example of the academic job history of the mathematician ruth moufang,in which reassurance, rejection, honors and discrimination cross through http://www.nffg.de/b_vortragbsengl.htm
Extractions: Regina Becker-Schmidt Womens studies, Gender studies and Studies of Gender-based Societal Arrangements pick up at the establishment of contextual main points. In this paper, I will attempt to work through how the emphases are set in these three approaches. I assume herewith that this listing cannot be about a hierarchy in the sense of a scientific "advancement," nor, as is often implied, about womens controversial political positions. This concerns mostly a differentiation, although I need to emphasize that there are smooth transitions. I believe that Womens Studies, Gender Studies and Studies of Gender-based Societal Arrangements are in competition with each other. What measures are appropriate for a feminist research project depends on the questions asked. I will proceed by briefly introducing the three approaches and illustrating their central points through examples. For one thing, can we really say what it means to "be a woman?" In the history of western societies, men have had the power to define how this was to be understood. Teresa de Lauretis named the dilemmas in which women scientists find themselves when they try to replace negative prejudices about feminine abilities and inabilities, viewpoints and orientations (which were postulated by scientists of philosophy, nature and the humanities) with positive assessments. Researchers of women must, according to de Lauretis, rationally break through the historical shaping of "femininity," consider it as a product of discourse, which has come forth out of specific patriarchal conditions of power. Furthermore, it should be considered, against the naïve belief that women are the better half of humanity, that the effects of unequal treatment are not seen on the outside, but rather leave scars. How can we know what "authentic femininity" is, when it has not yet been able to develop unadulterated or fully autonomously? This is not to say that women have no self-awareness. We simply need to be aware of refractions which have formed cultural patterns of femininity. We are all subject to such patterns, even if we believe we have individually freed ourselves from them.