Regione Piemonte Web On Line - Sito Ufficiale Della Regione Piemonte - Librinlin Translate this page maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de - La figure de la terre determinee par lesobservations de Messieurs de maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monier, . = 'A AMS
Rbb Preußen-Chronik Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis Translate this page Webangebot zur Fernsehserie Die Preußen-Chronik vom Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg,Erstsendung Dezember 2000. louis moreau de_ma
Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis Translate this page pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (1698 - 1759). (Saint Malo, Francia, 1698-Basilea,Suiza, 1759). Matemático y astrónomo francés.
Extractions: La Haye, 1745 Maupertuis' work is an early attempt at a materialistic explanation of the origin of species, anticipating Darwin by a century. Excerpt: Natural variation and selection give rise to functional design "Could one not say that, in the fortuitous combinations of the productions of nature, as there must be some characterized by a certain relation of fitness which are able to subsist, it is not to be wondered at that this fitness is present in all the species that are currently in existence? Chance, one would say, produced an innumerable multitude of individuals; a small number found themselves constructed in such a manner that the parts of the animal were able to satisfy its needs; in another infinitely greater number, there was neither fitness nor order: all of these latter have perished. Animals lacking a mouth could not live; others lacking reproductive organs could not perpetuate themselves... The species we see today are but the smallest part of what blind destiny has produced..." (my translation). "Ne pourrait-on pas dire que, dans la combinaison fortuite des productions de la nature, comme il n'y avait que celles où se trouvaient certain rapport de convenance qui puissent subsister, il n'est pas marveilleux que cette convenance se trouve dans toutes les espèces qui existent actuellement? Le hasard, dirait-on, avait produit une multitude innombrable d'individus; un petit nombre se trouvait construit de manière que les parties de l'animal pouvaient satisfaire à ses besoins; dans un autre infiniment plus grand, il n'y avait ni covenance, ni ordre: tous ces derniers ont péri; des animaux sans bouche ne pouvaient pas vivre, d'autres qui manquaient d'organes pour la génération ne pouvaient se perpétuer... les espèces que nous voyons aujourd'hui ne sont que la plus petite partie de ce qu'un destin aveugle avait produit..."
Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis maupertuis, maupertuis (1698-1759), filosofo e scienziato, fu una delle personalità più
Extractions: "La Venere fisica" A cura di Federico Focher. "La Venere fisica" pubblicata anonima nel 1745, è una breve opera sugli aspetti fisici dell'amore e sull'origine degli uomini e degli animali. Un libro ricco di brillanti intuizioni "evolutive" e "genetiche", in cui la discussione dei fatti e delle ipotesi scientifiche viene qua e là piacevolmente interrotta da galanti digressioni rivolte al raffinato pubblico femminile, destinatario formale dell'opera. La "Vénus" ebbe all'epoca notevole successo: citata più volte nell'Encyclopédie, fu elogiata da Buffon nella "Histoire naturelle" ed esercitò una palese influenza sul pensiero biologico del XVIII secolo. Introdotta da un ampio saggio sulla figura e l'opera di Maupertuis, viene qui fedelmente riproposta la rara traduzione italiana, pubblicata nel 1767 a Venezia con il titolo "La Venere fisica del signor di Maupertuis, traduzione dal francese di Diodato Anniani Romano". Fu autore di diverse opere scientifiche ("Saggio di cosmologia", 1750, "Lettera sul progresso delle scienze", 1752), e di opere morali ("Saggio di filosofia morale", 1749).
Liste Auteurs Translate this page de maupertuis, pierre Louis, voir MOREAU de maupertuis, pierre Louis. de MOLINA, L.1535. de MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem
Biografia De Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau De ULBDüsseldorf - Autoren und Anonyma M - Translate this page Moreau de maupertuis, pierre L. (Fachbibliothek), phie61800. Moreau de maupertuis,pierre L. rome61660. Moreau, Clement, kunb68080
Extractions: Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de (Saint Malo, Francia, 1698-Basilea, Suiza, 1759) Matemático y astrónomo francés. En 1731 fue nombrado miembro de la Academia de las Ciencias de París, desde cuyo atrio se convirtió en uno de los más firmes defensores de la teoría de la gravitación de Newton. En 1736 dirigió una expedición a Laponia para medir la longitud de un arco de meridiano terrestre de 1º de longitud angular con tal de verificar la hipótesis newtoniana de que la Tierra es una esfera achatada por los polos. El éxito de la expedición le valió el ser nombrado miembro de la Academia de las Ciencias de Berlín y, más tarde, su presidente. En 1744 enunció el principio de la mínima acción a partir de la hipótesis de Fermat sobre el comportamiento de los rayos luminosos según la cual cuando la luz atraviesa varios medios de distinta densidad, sigue el camino por el cual el tiempo de recorrido es mínimo (camino óptico). Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio
Pierre Louis Maupertuis - Encyklopedia pierre Louis maupertuis. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. pierre Louismaupertuis. pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (17 lipca 1698 27 lipca 1759) to
Extractions: Kategorie stron Francuscy matematycy Fizycy Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Pierre Louis Maupertuis Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis 17 lipca 27 lipca ) to matematyk fizyk filozof i astronom francuski W zostaÅ czÅonkiem Akademii Nauk. W wziÄ Å udziaÅ w wyprawie do Laponii celem pomiaru dÅugoÅci poÅudnika Jego prace z matematyki dotyczyÅy analizy matematycznej i geometrii . Najbardziej znana jest sformuÅowana przez niego w fizyce " zasada najmniejszego dziaÅania Jego najważniejsze prace to: en:Pierre Louis Maupertuis fr:Pierre Louis Maupertuis sl:Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis ... fi:Pierre Louis Maupertuis Źr³dÅo: "
Project MUSE Terrall s intellectual biography of pierreLouis Moreau de maupertuis continuesthis pattern, demonstrating in the process the historiographical riches
Extractions: [Access article in PDF] For some time, historians of early modern science have evinced less interest in the content of scientific work than in its social context. Terrall's intellectual biography of Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis continues this pattern, demonstrating in the process the historiographical riches still to be mined with this approach. Terrall distinguishes her study from previous works on Maupertuis by arguing that earlier investigations failed to illuminate "what it meant to do science and be a man of science in the eighteenth century" (7). Search Journals About MUSE Contact Us
Extractions: Résumé de la communication : Maupertuis et le principe de moindre action , par J.L. Rivail Le principe de moindre action a également alimenté un débat dune grande actualité en ce milieu du 18 e siècle, celui des causes finales. Maupertuis se place délibérément à mi-chemin entre les rationalistes qui nadmettent aucune considérations métaphysiques dans leur raisonnement et les autres qui cherchent à établir les lois de la nature comme la manifestation dune sagesse supérieure. Ce débat apparaît comme exemplaire du retournement opéré par le Siècle des Lumières. Nous savons aujourdhui que pour établir son principe, Maupertuis a commis une double erreur, dune part en assimilant la lumière à une particule obéissant à la mécanique classique, et dautre part en utilisant lhypothèse que la vitesse de la lumière est proportionnelle à lindice de réfraction, alors quil sagit dune relation de proportionnalité inverse, hypothèse utilisée par Fermat pour établir le chemin de temps minimum, et dont le principe est toujours tenu pour vrai. Le paradoxe de cette démonstration fausse a été résolu au 20 e siècle lorsquil fut montré par Einstein que la lumière est à la fois onde et particule (le photon) dont la quantité de mouvement est proportionnelle à lindice de réfraction, puis par L. de Broglie quune particule matérielle peut être représentée par une onde, et que les principes de Fermat et de Maupertuis sont équivalents si lon applique cette correspondance. Par la suite, Feynman montrera que le chemin qui vérifie le principe de moindre action nest autre que le chemin de probabilité maximum au sens de la mécanique quantique.
Sosna:Geschichte Der Kartographie Translate this page maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de(1698-1759) Mercator, Gerhard(1512-1594)Mollweide, Karl Brandau(1774-1825) Nicolosi, Giovan Battista(1610-1670)
MAUPERTUIS - VOYAGE EN LAPONIE MONUMENT La pierre sur laquelle ces lignes sont gravées est composée de
Maupertuis, Pierre De (1698-1759) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific B Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive HM Book Pier Translate this page pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis. Eine Bilanz nach 300 Jahren, Berlin, 1999 (ISBN3-87061-843-4). Contents. Irene PASSERON maupertuis, passeur
Extractions: French physicist who formulated the least action principle which states that nature chooses the most economical path for moving bodies, light rays, etc. The principle was mathematically refined later by William Rowan Hamilton . Maupertuis claimed that the principle provided a metaphysical proof of the existence of God. Maupertuis also investigated polydactylism and the transmission of abnormal characteristics. His interest in the subject was founded in embryology, however, rather than heredity. He was the driving force behind expeditions to Lapland, near the North Pole, and Peru, on the equator, to measure the difference in the Earth's radius. He accompanied the team (which included Clairaut ) to Lapland and, in 1747, the two groups proved Newton's prediction that the earth was an oblate spheroid to be correct, while Descartes's theory which predicted an ovate Earth to be wrong.
Maupertuis Translate this page maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de, * 1698 in St.Malo, 1759 in Basel. Seine Jugendverbrachte er als Soldat in der französischen Armee, dann trieb er als
Pierre Louis Maupertuis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia pierre Louis maupertuis, here wearing lapmudes or a fur coat from his Lapland Enlarge. pierre Louis maupertuis, here wearing lapmudes or a fur coat
Talk:Pierre Louis Maupertuis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia some of your edits to pierre Louis maupertuis are not really in keeping with I was thinking of an addition to the bottom of the maupertuis page. let
Extractions: The Red Cross and other charities also need your help. Dear fellow Maupertuis students, I have added a good piece stating the case for his elevation to the exalted status of founder of modern evolutionary theory. I have been pretty careful about the particulars and I hope it is all accurate, reliable, unbiased, and not too boring! I do hope that the section will be retained without too much alteration. I am fairly confident it is clearly written as of my umpteenth revision 2:47 P.M., 03/07/05. If anyone has a good counterargument, I would love to hear it! Randall As I mentioned on your talk page, some of your edits to Pierre Louis Maupertuis are not really in keeping with Wikipedia's style. You modified your original edits to remove first-person narrative and signing your name, but there are still issues of: Some of your paragraphs read like an essay arguing a point of view. That's fine for articles in periodicals or scholarly journals that publish original research, but it's not in keeping with Wikipedia policy (Wikipedia aims to be an encyclopedia and not a journal for submitting original scholarly research). Curps 20:07, 7 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Pierre Bouguer -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article more info and facts about pierre Louis maupertuis) pierre Louis maupertuis as He was afterwards promoted in the Academy to the place of maupertuis,
Extractions: His father, John Bouguer, one of the best hydrographers of his time, was regius professor of (The science of the measurement and description and mapping of the surface waters of the earth with special reference to navigation) hydrography at Croisic in lower (A former province of northwestern France on a peninsula between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay) Brittany , and author of a treatise on (The guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place) navigation . In 1713 he was appointed to succeed his father as professor of hydrography. In 1727 he gained the prize given by the (Click link for more info and facts about French Academy of Sciences) French Academy of Sciences for his paper On the best manner of forming and distributing the masts of ships ; and two other prizes, one for his dissertation On the best method of observing the altitude of stars at sea , the other for his paper On the best method of observing the variation of the compass at sea In 1729 he published Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumière , the object of which is to define the quantity of light lost by passing through a given extent of the (The envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body) atmosphere . He found the light of the (A typical star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system)
Pierre Bouguer: Information From and succeeded pierre Louis maupertuis as associate geometer of the Academy of He was afterwards promoted in the Academy to the place of maupertuis,
Extractions: showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Pierre Bouguer Encyclopedia Bouguer, Pierre pyÄr bÅ«gÄr ) , 1698â1758, French mathematician and hydrographer. He made some of the first photometric measurements, calculating the intensity of the light of the sun as compared with that of the moon, and invented (1748) the heliometer. His works include Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumi¨re (1729) and La Figure de la terre Wikipedia Pierre Bouguer Pierre Bouguer February 16 August 15 ) was a French mathematician His father, John Bouguer, one of the best hydrographers of his time, was regius professor of hydrography at Croisic in lower Brittany , and author of a treatise on navigation . In 1713 he was appointed to succeed his father as professor of hydrography. In 1727 he gained the prize given by the French Academy of Sciences for his paper On the best manner of forming and distributing the masts of ships On the best method of observing the altitude of stars at sea , the other for his paper On the best method of observing the variation of the compass at sea In 1729 he published Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumi¨re , the object of which is to define the quantity of light lost by passing through a given extent of the atmosphere . He found the light of the sun to be 300 times more intense than that of the moon , and thus made some of the earliest measurements in
N Translate this page LEBAILLEUL-maupertuis, pierre Sexe Masculin Naissance 1755 à FRA,PDL,F72,Sablé Décès FRA,PDL,F72. Enfant(s). LEBAILLEUL-maupertuis, pierre
Active Skim View Of: Index 225, 277 lead diagonal, 272 trace of, 273, 274, 283 Maugham, Somerset, 29Maupertuis, pierre de, 370 Maxwell, James Clerk, 226 Measure theory, 88