Ju-Jutsu JuLis JuSchG Ju 13 Ju 13 Ju 20 Ju 287 Ju 288 Translate this page jules Antoine lissajous - jules Antoine lissajous ( in , 106. jules Dassin -jules Dassin ( in Middletown, , 107. jules Dupré 108. jules Favre - jules http://www.melifon.de/?Ju
Lissajous Translate this page jules lissajous (1822 - 1880) Curvas de lissajous. Curvas planas que dan lasposiciones sucesivas de un punto sometido a dos oscilaciones sinusoidales http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/lissajous.htm
Skolavpohode.cz lissajous, jules Antoine (18221880). Francouzský fyzik zabývající se vlnami akmity. Vyvinul speciální optickou metodu pro jejich sledování. http://www.skolavpohode.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=3751
Lexikon: Ju - Begriff jules Antoine lissajous jules Bastien-Lepage jules Blanchard jules Bordet jules Claretie jules Crozet jules Dassin http://lexikon.donx.de/?show=Ju
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï lissajous, jules Antoine lissajous Born 4March 1822 in Versailles, France Died 24 June 1880 in Plombières, France http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=L
List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page lissajous, jules Antoine. Lister, Joseph. Lister, Joseph Jackson. Lister, Martin.Lister, Martin. Litke, Fyodor Petrovich. Litke, Fyodor Petrovich http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/l.html
Extractions: La Brosse, Guy de La Brosse, Guy de La Brosse, Guy de La Condamine, Charles-Marie de La Condamine, Charles-Marie de La Faille, Charles de La Hire, Gabriel-Philippe de La Hire, Gabriel-Philippe de La Hire, Gabriel-Philippe de La Hire, Philippe de La Hire, Philippe de La Hire, Philippe de La Hire, Philippe de La Mettrie, Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Julien Offray de La Mettrie, Julien Offray de La Rive, Arthur-Auguste de La Rive, Charles-Gaspard de La Rive, Charles-Gaspard de La Rive, Charles-Gaspard de La Roche, Estienne de Lacaille, Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille, Nicolas-Louis de Lack, David Lambert Lacroix, Alfred Ladenburg, Albert Ladenburg, Rudolf Walther Lagny, Thomas Fantet de Lagny, Thomas Fantet de Lagrange, Joseph Louis Lagrange, Joseph Louis Lagrange, Joseph Louis Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas Lalla Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre- Antoine De Monet de Lamb, Horace Lamb, Horace Lamb, Horace Lambert, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Johann Heinrich Lamont, Johann von Lamont, Johann von
The Sailors Arms lissajous patterns are hardly new. They were first recorded by jules AntoineLissjous and were used for measuring frequencies. They are patterns made by http://jepri.perlmonk.org/programs/liss/
Extractions: Home programs liss Sections Programs Modules Articles Other Highlights PDAV Static Webpages Network Troubleshooting Glade tutorial Other Debian Packages Misc Downloads Lissajous patterns are hardly new. They were first recorded by Jules Antoine Lissjous and were used for measuring frequencies. They are patterns made by plotting one frequency on the x axis and a different frequency on the y axis. In Australia, the ABC station's test pattern is a lissjous figure, made by setting the y axis to three times the frequency of the x axis. To experiment with this I recommend the lissajous lab These lissjous figures are done in 3-D using OpenGL. The attraction is that I can draw them in 3-D, and rotate them to look at them from all sides. Eventually I would like to have a mode where the camera races along the 'wires', giving a virtual rollercoaster ride. Regrettably that will have to wait for me to get a fair chunk of spare time together. There is more to this screensaver than just the shapres. The lissajous patterns rotate and the beads follow each other 'nose to tail'. The movements follow a regular pattern but are just a little too complicated for the eye to follow. Some people enjoy this effect. I have also managed to get some different models (other than balls) to draw the patterns with. My favourite is the flying gears(ripped from the gears demo), but I would really like to have teacups and saucers. It's a terribly cliche, but I can't seem to restrain myself. Can anyone point me to some GL code to draw cups and saucers? And maybe some sailing ships to replace the bars.
Famous Curves Nathaniel Bowditch and later, in 1857, by the French mathematician julesAntoinelissajous. lissajous curves have applications in physics and astronomy. http://www2.kenyon.edu/People/holdenerj/Calcprojects/ParametricPlotsProject/Para
Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel lissajous-Figur aus der freien Enzyklopädie dem französischen Physiker jules Antoine lissajous (1822-1880). http://lexikon.golem.de/Lissajous-Figur
Extractions: News Forum Archiv Markt ... Impressum Lexikon-Suche Lizenz Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Lissajous-Figur aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar, dort kann man den Artikel bearbeiten Letzte Meldungen Samsung X1: Breitbild-Notebook mit 1,7 Kilogramm Windows Vista: Microsoft nennt Hardware-Anforderungen ... Originalartikel Lissajous-Figuren Schwingungen Jules Antoine Lissajous mit Hilfe des Oszilloskops eine Rolle. Mathematisch handelt es sich um parametrische Schaubilder von Funktionen der Form Diese Funktionen sind genau dann periodisch rational t komplett aus. Die Amplituden A x und A y v und der Phasendifferenz ab. Die folgende Tabelle zeigt einige der einfachsten Lissajous-Figuren. Dabei wird der Einfachheit halber A x A y angenommen.
MSN Encarta - Dictionary - Lissajous Figure two repeating vibrations that are at right angles to each other. Late 19thcentury. After jules Antoine lissajous (18221880), French physicist http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_561531991/Lissajous_figure.html
Extractions: Web Search: Encarta Home ... > > Click here to search all of MSN Encarta Dictionary Find in Click here to search all of MSN Encarta Dictionary Thesaurus Translations A B ... Print Preview Search for " Lissajous figure " in all of MSN Encarta Download the MSN Encarta Right-Click Dictionary Lis·sa·jous fig·ure plural Lis·sa·jous fig·ures document.write(' Also on Encarta Compare online degrees Train for a better career College life Encarta word of the day Our Partners Book bargains on MSN Shopping ClassesUSA.com: Compare online degrees CollegeBound Network: ReadySetGo Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions ... The Princeton Review Also on MSN Going Tribal, on Discovery
Lissa - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Lissa lissajous figure lissajous figures lissajous, jules Antoine Lissamphibia Lissamphibia Lissamphibia Lissamphibia Lissauer, Ernst http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Lissa
About The ABC lissajous figures are named after jules lissajous, a 19th century physicist.They are the figures seen as an oscilloscope measures modulation, http://www.abc.net.au/corp/hist1.htm
Extractions: A Short History of the ABC For seventy years the ABC has been a distinctive part of the Australian way of life. Australia's only national, non-commercial broadcaster, the ABC has shared its history and development with the growth of our nation. From its beginnings during the Depression years, the ABC has grown into Australia's largest broadcaster, entertainment and marketing organisation. It has become an important part of Australia's cultural heritage, fostering the arts and reflecting the nation's cultural diversity. HISTORY OF ABC LOGO When television transmission began in Australia in 1956, channels experimented with on-air presentation styles and ways of filling the time between programs. They wanted to ensure that, although programs had differing durations, each program started at the scheduled time - usually on the hour or half hour. Commercial channels used paid advertisements but the ABC had to look for other means including live on-camera presentation. Where this was not possible, filmed 'fillers' were used and viewers were subjected to endless charming and picturesque scenes of boat trips up local rivers and the like. A senior engineer on the ABC staff, Ken Middleton, conceived the idea of using Lissajous figures or waveforms with appropriate background music as a form of fill- in material. Lissajous figures are named after Jules Lissajous, a 19th century physicist. They are the figures seen as an oscilloscope measures modulation, notably in sound and vision.
Extractions: Lissajous s'est interessé aux ondes, et a développé une méthode optique pour l'étude des vibrations. Il a d'abord étudié les ondes produites par un diapason en contact avec l'eau. En 1855, il a inventé une méthode pour étudier les vibrations acoustiques, par réflexion de signaux lumineux sur un miroir attaché à l'objet vibrant.
Lissajous Java simulation of an oscilloscope. Use lissajous figures to create colorfulpatterns and string art. http://home.wanadoo.nl/kroonart/virtueelexpo/Lissa/lissa.html
Extractions: Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo ) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies.
Extractions: L Levacher Levaillant L'Hospital Liouville ... Lyvois MENU LEVACHER Gilles. (Paris, 1737) ; Dissertation sur le cancer des mamelles ACCUEIL SOURCE LEVAILLANT Parmi les comptes rendus de ses travaux, il faut mentionner les Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique ACCUEIL SOURCE L'HOSPITAL , Michel de. ACCUEIL LIENS EXTERNES SOURCE LIOUVILLE Joseph. Navier et la de Monge . Il fonde le ACCUEIL SOURCE LISSAJOUS Jules Antoine. ACCUEIL SOURCE LOBINEAU Guy Alexis. ACCUEIL SOURCE LOURMEL (Paris, 1853). ACCUEIL SOURCE LOUYER-VILLERMAY Jean Baptiste de. Corvisart et de Bichat (Paris, 1802), et un (Paris, 1816, 1832). ACCUEIL SOURCE LOYNES Antoinette de. Morel Dorat ACCUEIL SOURCE LUCAS ACCUEIL SOURCE LUCE Siméon Auguste. Né en 1833 à Bretteville-sur-Ay (Manche) Historien. Lauréat de l'Ecole des Chartes, Luce y devient enseignant. Il est spécialiste de la fin du Moyen Age, archiviste aux Archives nationales, et il est admis, en 1882, à l'Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres. Il disparaît en 1892 à Paris. Luce a publié des études sur Jeanne d'Arc, Du Guesclin, la Jacquerie, et, en leur adjoignant des analyses, des documents d'époque, parmi lesquels les chroniques de Froissart (1873).
Scientifique Bourguignon Versailles, mort en 1880 à Plombières-les-Dijon. Figures de lissajous http://amp2005.ac-dijon.fr/Scientifiques/Notices/lissajous.htm
Extractions: Jules-Antoine LISSAJOUS l'étude des mouvements vibratoires Né en 1822 à Versailles, mort en 1880 à Plombières-les-Dijon. Figures de Lissajous On lui doit la mesure de fréquence de déphasage qui permet de comparer un signal de fréquence inconnu à un signal connu. Il a étudié les vibrations transversales des lames élastiques ainsi que la composition de tout mouvement vibratoire par un procédé optique (1873). Ses travaux sont complémentaires de ceux d'Etienne-Jules Marey. Jules-Antoine Lissajous crée aussi un comparateur optique et un télégraphe optique utilisé en 1870 pendant le Siège de Paris. La Courbe de Lissajous est décrite par un point dont le mouvement résulte de la composition de deux mouvements sinusoïdaux perpendiculaires l'un à l'autre. Ces courbes permettent l'étude visuelle directe sur un écran de mouvements vibratoires et notamment la comparaison des sons donnés par 2 instruments.