Lissajous, Jules Antoine lissajous, jules Antoine (18221880). French physicist who from 1855 developedlissajous figures as a means of visually demonstrating the vibrations that
Extractions: Lissajous first reflected a light beam from a mirror attached to a vibrating object such as a tuning fork to another mirror that rotated. The light was then reflected onto a screen, where the spot traced out a curve whose shape depended on the amplitude and frequency of the vibration. He then refined this method by using two mirrors mounted on vibrating tuning forks at right angles, and produced a wider variety of figures. By making one of the forks a standard, the acoustic characteristics of the other fork could be determined by the shape of the Lissajous figure produced.
MSN Encarta - Lissajous, Jules Translate this page lissajous, jules (1822-1880), physicien français à lorigine de courbes utiliséesdans les Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher lissajous, jules
Lissajous lissajous, jules Antoine. (18221880). Francouzský fyzik zabývající se vlnami akmity. Vyvinul speciální optickou metodu pro jejich sledování.
Extractions: Lissajous, Jules Antoine Francouzský fyzik zabývající se vlnami a kmity. Vyvinul speciální optickou metodu pro jejich sledování. Sledoval i zvukové vlny pomocí odrazu svìtelného paprsku od zrcadla dotýkajícího se zdroje zvuku. Také sledoval záznìje. Na jeho poèest jsou pojmenovány Lissajousovy obrazce vznikající pøi skládání dvou kolmých kmitù, je-li pomìr frekvencí roven malým celým èíslùm.
The ABC's Of Lissajous Figures jules Antoine lissajous was a French physicist who lived from 1822 to 1880.Like many physicists of his time, lissajous was interested in being able to see
Extractions: To view this page, you need a plug-in called Shockwave that you can download free from the web. Jules Antoine Lissajous was a French physicist who lived from 1822 to 1880. Like many physicists of his time, Lissajous was interested in being able to see vibrations. He started off standing tuning forks in water and watching the ripple patterns, but his most famous experiments involved tuning forks and mirrors. For example, by attaching a mirror to a tuning fork and shining a light onto it, Lissajous was able to observe, via another couple of mirrors, the reflected light twisting and turning on the screen in time to the vibrations of the tuning fork. When he set up two tuning forks at right angles, with one vibrating at twice the frequency of the other, Lissajous found that the curved lines on the screen would combine to make a figure of eight pattern. The ABC logo is a 3:1 Lissajous figure if Lissajous wanted to see this pattern he would have to get one of his tuning forks to vibrate three times faster than the other. Why did the ABC choose a Lissajous figure for its logo?
Jules Antoine Lissajous - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia jules Antoine lissajous. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. jules Antoinelissajous (182203-04 - 1880-06-24) was a French mathematician,
Extractions: Retrieved from " Categories 1822 births 1880 deaths Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox In other languages Deutsch Polski This page was last modified 20:13, 2004 Oct 30. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details).
Xah: Special Plane Curves: Lissajous lissajous is two such motions in perpendicular directions History. Studied byNathaniel Bowditch in 1815 and jules Antoine lissajous (18221880).
Lissajous Lab Use lissajous figures to create colorful patterns and string art. LEEsuh-zhoo)figures were discovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous.
Extractions: Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo ) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies.
Lissajous Lab lissajous Figures. lissajous (pronounced LEEsuh-zhoo) figures were discoveredby the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous.
Extractions: Lissajous Figures Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo ) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies.
No. 1305: A=440 3351. lissajous, jules Antoine, The Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol . Tyndall s (1876) representation of lissajous s tuning fork calibration
Extractions: A by John H. Lienhard Click here for audio of Episode 1305. Today, we set the pitch of a concert A . The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. T he story is told of a conductor who had problems with an out-of-tune soprano. Finally he turned to her in frustration and hissed, "Madam, would you please give the concertmaster your A Today's A above middle C has been set at 440 cycles per second or 440 Hertz. Before the concert, the concertmaster bids the oboist play an A for the winds. Then he tunes to that A and plays it for the strings. In the end, all ninety players should be agreed on the same 440 A , but the best human ear is hard put to tell a 440 A from, say, a 442
Music For A While(The CD Script) lissajous experiment Enter now physics professor jules Antoine lissajous.lissajous had written a thesis on tuning forks. He d developed clever means for
Extractions: Track 1: Introduction (2:30): Let us think for a while about music what it is and what it does. Music is, of course, no human invention. Birds, whales even far lesser creatures were making music in many forms, long before we humans arrived upon the scene. And, as soon as we learned to shape bone, wood, stone and entrails, we found ways they could aid us in our music-making. No sooner had we learned to organize and retain our thoughts, than we applied that organization to creating ever-more-sophisticated yet ever-primal music. But, when we gave music over to our tools, and to our systematic ways of thinking, it took on radically new dimensions. So let us look at the gifts that we humans have brought to, and taken from, this essential animal act of expressing the inexpressible. We give the technology of music-making greater power in our lives than any other. We give to it the power to disturb as well as to resolve to activate our intellect, as well as to walk around analytical thought. Of course anything that strong will work its mischief. Music can pander, inflame even mislead us. We find ways to misuse any of our technologies.
Lissajous Lab Translate this page Figuras de lissajous Las figuras de lissajous (se pronuncia Li-su-sho) fuerondescubiertas por el físico francés jules Antoine lissajous.
Extractions: Explicación de los valores de las lecturas xFreq Es el número de ciclos horizontales por cada cuadro del dibujo. yFreq Es el número de ciclos verticales por cada cuadro del dibujo. hueFreq Es el número de ciclos del color por cada cuadro de la figura. Cada ciclo representa un espectro completo de colores. Samples Es el número de segmentos de línea que se usarán para dibujar cada cuadro. Incrementar este número hace las curvas más suaves. Decrementarlo, aumenta la inclinación de cada línea, haciéndolo parecer más macramé que una curva matemática. Las figuras de Lissajous (se pronuncia Li-su-sho ) fueron descubiertas por el físico francés Jules Antoine Lissajous . Él usó sonidos de diferentes frecuencias (agudos y graves) para hacer vibrar un espejo. Un rayo de luz reflejado en el espejo dibujaba figuras, cuya forma dependía de la frecuencia de los sonidos. El experimento de Lissajous es similar al aparato que se utiliza en la actualidad para proyectar espectáculos de luz lasser.
Lissajous Curve -- From MathWorld (independently) by julesAntoine lissajous in 1857 (MacTutor Archive).lissajous curves have applications in physics, astronomy, and other sciences.
Extractions: MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon Geometry Curves Plane Curves ... General Plane Curves Lissajous Curve Lissajous curves are the family of curves described by the parametric equations sometimes also written in the form They are sometimes known as Bowditch curves after Nathaniel Bowditch , who studied them in 1815. They were studied in more detail (independently) by Jules-Antoine Lissajous in 1857 (MacTutor Archive). Lissajous curves have applications in physics, astronomy, and other sciences. The curves close iff is rational Lissajous curves are a special case of the harmonograph with damping constants Special cases are summarized in the following table, and include the line circle ellipse , and section of a parabola parameters curve line circle ellipse section of a parabola It follows that gives a parabola from the fact that this gives the parametric equations , which is simply a horizontally offset form of the parametric equation of the parabola SEE ALSO: Harmonograph Simple Harmonic Motion [Pages Linking Here] REFERENCES: Cundy, H. and Rollett, A. "Lissajous's Figures." §5.5.3 in
Lexikon Jules Antoine Lissajous jules Antoine lissajous aus der freienEnzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz.
Extractions: Lissajous wurde durch die Entdeckung der nach ihm benannten Figuren bekannt. Sie entstehen bei der berlagerung linearer Schwingungen , ihre Form ist vom Frequenzverh¤ltnis und der zu Beginn vorhandenen Phasenwinkeldifferenz abh¤ngig. Bei ungleichen Frequenzen ergibt sich eine unver¤nderliche Lissajous-Figur , wenn beide Frequenzen ein rationales Verh¤ltnis bilden. Anderenfalls wiederholen sich die Bahnkurven nicht, die Lissajous-Figur ver¤ndert sich st¤ndig. Bei gleichen Frequenzen ergeben sich Ellipsen unterschiedlicher Exzentrizit¤t . Im Jahr 1855 beschrieb Lissajous eine Methode zur Darstellung derartiger Schwingungen. 1873 wurde er von der Academie des Sciences mit dem Lacaze-Preis f¼r seine Arbeiten zur Beobachtung, Messung und Deutung von Schwingungen ausgezeichnet. Eine einfache Versuchsanordnung zur Nachahmung von Lissajous Arbeiten k¶nnte wie folgt aussehen: Ein
Cool Math 4 Kids .com - Cool Things figures were discovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous. The lissajous Lab provides you with a virtual oscilloscope which you can
Extractions: by Ed Hobbs To operate: Select the Preset buttons at the left to see sample patterns. To create your own patterns, type in stuff in the spots on the right. Change the settings by clicking on the digits: clicking near the top of a digit increases its value; clicking near the bottom decreases its value. Lissajous Figures (All this stuff is a bit advanced, but you might want to try it!) Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies. Lissajous figures often appeared as props in science fiction movies made during the 1950's. One of the best examples can be found in the opening sequence of The Outer Limits TV series. ("Do not attempt to adjust your picturewe are controlling the transmission.") The pattern of criss-cross lines is actually a Lissajous figure.
Science And Society Picture Library - Search jules lissajous, French physicist, mid 19th century. jules lissajous (18221880)invented the vibration microscope, an optical method for studying
Science And Society Picture Library - Search More results from lissajous 3DJules lissajous was a french scientist who lived in the nineteenth century.He generated the curves that later got his name by attaching mirrors to a pair, JULES
NetLogo User Community Models: Lissajous calculation of the angle is increased. A color choice could be added. CREDITS ANDREFERENCES. jules Antoine lissajous (*1822 +1880) french physician.
Lissajous Curve: Information From lissajous curve lissajous figure on an Oscilloscope lissajous figure in threedimensions In and later in more detail by jules Antoine lissajous.
Extractions: showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Lissajous curve Wikipedia Lissajous curve Lissajous figure on an Oscilloscope Lissajous figure in three dimensions In mathematics , a Lissajous curve Lissajous figure or Bowditch curve ) is the graph of the system of parametric equations which describes complex harmonic motion . This family of curves was investigated by Nathaniel Bowditch in , and later in more detail by Jules Antoine Lissajous The appearance of the figure is highly sensitive to the ratio a b . For a ratio of 1, the figure is an ellipse , with special cases including circles A B radians ) and lines parabola a b a b is rational . The visual form of these curves is often suggestive of a three-dimensional knot , and indeed the many kinds of knots, including those known as Lissajous knot s, project to the plane as Lissajous figures. Lissajous figures are sometimes used in graphic design as logos . Examples include the logos of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation a b Lincoln Laboratory at MIT a b Lissajous curves can be traced mechanically by means of a harmonograph a b a odd
1857: Information From jules lissajous b. Versailles, France, March 4, 1822, d. Plombieresles-Dijon,France, June 24, 1880 invents a machine for making lissajous figures,
An Introduction To Lissajous Patterns figures were discovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous. lissajous setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to
Extractions: An Introduction to Lissajous Patterns First draft by Michael Kramarczyk,Chris Kolodz, Adam Matheny Updated by Michael Kramarczyk EE 482-Capstone: Computer System Design Michigan State University Property of: Design Team #2 : SPEED Draft: 4/23/99 Lissajous patterns created on the scope using 2 function generators Purpose Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies.Lissajous figures are useful in the calibration of frequencies in tuning forks. With these properly calibrated tuning forks one is able to verify the functionality of police radar, or the tuning of musical instruments. A Lissajous pattern is a graph of one frequency plotted on the y axis combined with a second frequency plotted on the x axis. Y and X are both periodic functions of time t given by equations such as x = sin (w*n*t + c) and y = sin w*t. Different patterns may be