Extractions: oversikt forrige neste Helland Abraham Abrahamss. Helland Amund Helland Anne Olsd. Helland Helland Ingeborg Thorsd. Helland Helland Reidar Eilifss. Helland-Hanss. Kjeld Hellberg Lars, professor i Uppsala Helle Jon Helle Knut Helle Peder Helle Helleberg Berthe Helleberg Synneve Nielsd. Hellegaas Jul. Cathr., g.m. Knag Hellegaas Lars, skomaker Helleland Botolv Helleman Adriana Helleman Cornelis Helleman Petter Hellemann Helle Hellemann Isach Hellemann Sophie Hellen Einer Hellen Eirik Hellen Eirik H. Hellen Gunhild Hellen Hans Hellen Hans H. Hellen Hellen Ingeborg Hellen Ingri Hellen Johannes Hellen Jon Hellen Jon Trondss. Hellen Knud Hellen Marit Hellen Ole Hellen slegt i Vaage Hellen Hellen Tord Hellen Aagot Hellen Aaste Heller Ditmar, sorenskr. Helleren Anders Helleren Margr. Pedersd. Hellerud Edmund Hellesd. Anne, g.m. 1) Juel, 2) Lundager Hellesd. Gundel, g.m. Iverss. Hellesd. Kirsten Hellesd. Maren Sophie, g.m. Pay Hellesd. Maren, g.m. Diderich Helless. Anders Helless. Helless. Christen Helless. Halvor Helless. Hans, kbm. i Chr.ia Helless. Kristen Helless. Niels, i Oslo Helless. Pouel, adelsm., lagmann
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï henrici, olaus Magnus Friedrich Erdmann henrici Born 1840 in Meldorf,Holstein (now Germany) Died 10 Aug 1918 in Chandler s Ford, Hampshire, http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=H
Ingelbertus Olai Helsingus olaus henrici Salamontanus, född 157090 ca i Kumla, död 1636-08-02 henrici Salamontanus, olaus f 1570 15 Henriksdotter, Elisabeth f 1615 i Stora Skedvi http://members.tripod.com/~masgen/ingelber.htm
Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page henrici, olaus (1840 - 1918) Hensel, Kurt (1861 - 1941) Herbrand, Jacques (1908 -1931) Herigone, Pierre (1580 - 1643) Hermann, Jakob (1678 - 1733) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html
Extractions: Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Swenske Songer på titelsidan en gång ha ägts av en person vid namn Clemens henrici. I olaus Petri den mångsidige svenske reformatorn nio föredrag om olaus http://www.kb.se/F1700/Psalmbok.htm
Extractions: versosidan rad 4 står "Gudzküdskap", rad 11 "naturligh"; A rektosidan rad 15 är insatt " til tess han betalade then skuld"; C rectosidan står "scal"; E versosidan rad 5-6 nedifrån står "helga"; på E I Collijn, 1927-31 I. Collijn , s. 368 f., O.D. Schalin, 1933 Upplagor I. Collijn 1927-31, s. 38, S. Ek 1918, s. 20 ff. Swenske songer eller wisor I bokens förord redovisas principerna för den reformerta psalmdiktningen. Sångerna ska, säger författaren, skrivas på "förstondeligit mål", det vill säga på svenska språket, för att kunna förstås av alla, de ska ha sin fasta grund i skrifterna och de ska lära och förmana människorna. Liknande krav återkommer i flera skrifter av Olaus Petri och är ett av skälen till att han kan knytas till upphovsmannaskapet (jfr s. 137 ff.).
Helsingin Yliopisto: Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640-1852 83, 1640/41 olaus henrici Borkhuus. Näin M. Caloniuksen matrikkelissa (signumViOBa1.1), mutta puhtaaksikirjoitetussa matrikkelista (signum ViOBa1.2) http://matrikkeli.helsinki.fi/ylioppilasmatrikkeli/haku3.php?select=1006
Helsingin Yliopisto: Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1640-1852 1786 Viipurilaisen osakunnan matrikkeliin 1640/41 olaus henrici Borkhuus.Näin M. Caloniuksen matrikkelissa (signum ViOBa1.1), http://matrikkeli.helsinki.fi/ylioppilasmatrikkeli/henkilo.php?id=83
DMV Translate this page Lindemann, F. olaus henrici. 36, 157-162 (1927). Löbell, F. Eine Konstruktiondes Punktepaares, das zu zwei gegebenen Punktepaaren der komplexen http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/jb/band/j_31_u.html
Extractions: Bernays, P.: Bernstein, F., Doetsch, G.: Berwald, L.: Zur Geometrie einer n-dimensionalen Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeit im ( n +1)-dimensionalen Euklidisch-affinen Raum Bieberbach, L.: David Hilbert zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 23. Januar 1922 Blaschke, W., Reidemeister, K.: Dingler, H.: Berichtigung Doetsch, G.: Der Sinn der angewandten Mathematik Fekete, M., Neumann, J.L. v.: Fraenkel, A.: Fuhr, H.: Hertz, P.: Jolles, S.: Eugen Jahnke Mack, K.: Meyer, W.F.: Nagy, J. v. Sz.: Zur Theorie der algebraischen Gleichungen Ostrowski, A.: Auszug aus einem Briefe an L. Bieberbach Polya, G.: Arithmetische Eigenschaften und analytischer Charakter Prasad, B.N.: Remark on infinite derivates Reinhardt, K.: Extremale Polygone gegebenen Durchmessers Rothe, H.: Runge, C.: Vektoranalytische Behandlung der Geometrie der Mechanik Scheffers, G.: Eine die konformen Abbildungen kennzeichnende Eigenschaft Schoenflies, A.: Zur Erinnerung an Georg Cantor Severi, F.:
Borchs Kollegiums Eforer Og Alumner Siden 1691. olaus Borrichius, th. Udnævntes 1/6 1709 11/10 170911/6 1714. 92. StephanusCasparides, th. Robertus Stephanus henrici 1736b- 1741b. http://www.borchskollegium.dk/alumner.html
ANHANG II Translate this page 10, olaus henrici, Integration einiger Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnungzweiten Grades mit Hilfe der Methode der höheren Algebra. (Hesse/5.6.l863) http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/edd/kern/text-A2.htm
History Of Numerical PDEs Last revised June 15, 1996); olaus Magnus Friedrich Erdmann henrici (18401918) heintroduced a Mechanics Laboratory and a Harmonic Analyser. http://www.maths.dundee.ac.uk/~dfg/histlinks.html
Extractions: L. F. Richardson, The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems involving differential equations with applications to the stress in a masonry dam , Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A210, 307-357, 1910. L. F. Richardson, Weather Prediction by Numerical Process , 1922, Cambridge University Press The deferred approach to the limit , Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A, vol. 226,229-361, 1927 Uber die partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik , Math. Ann., 100,32-,1928. Translated by Phyllis Fox: On the partial differential equations of Mathematical Physics A practical method for numerical evaluation of solutions of partial differential equations of the heat-conduction type A study of the numerical solution of partial differential equations , J. Math. Physics, 29, 223-251 (1951) A. R. Mitchell, Relaxation Methods in Compressible Flow , Ph D Thesis, St Andrews, (1950) Relaxation methods applied to determine the motion in two dimensions of a viscous fluid past a fixed cylinder , Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 129-145, 8, 1955.
FILE Authors.lst A Supplement To Webster S Revised Unabridged i Proverbs /i 12721307 Henfrey Henfrey, Arthur (Eng. botanist) 1819-1859henrici henrici, olaus (Ger. math. at Univ. of Lond. http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gcide/dictionary-0.41/uncompressed/authors.lst
Extractions: Abp. Abbot Abbot, Abp. George (English divine) 1562-1633 Abbott Abbott, Benj. Vaughan. [ Law Dict. ] 1830-1890 E. A. Abbott Abbott, Edwin Abbott (Eng. author) 1838- L. Abbott Abbott, Lyman (Am. Clergyman) 1835- Ld. Abinger Abinger, Sir James Scarlett, Ld. (English advocate) 1769-1844 Abney Abney, Capt. Wm. de Wiveleslie (English writer on photog.) 1843- James Adair Adair, James (Indian trader) [ Hist. of Am. Indians Cath. Dict. Dict. of Authors , Phila., 1886] 1816-1889 The American (a weekly journal pub. in Phila.) ND Am. Chem. Journal American Chemical Journal (bi-monthly, estab. 1879). ND Amer. Cyc. American Cyclop Voyage round the World in 1740-44] 1697-1762 Ansted Ansted, David Thomas (Eng. geol.) 1814-1880 F. Anstey Pseud. of Thomas Anstey Guthrie (Eng. novelist) 1856- Anti-Jacobin Anti-Jacobin Review and Mag. (Eng. pub., 1798-1821). ND Arbuthnot Arbuthnot, John (Brit. author) 1667-1735 Arch. Pub. Soc. Dict. of Arch. Issued by Architectural Pub. Soc. of Lond. ND Arden of Feversham (anon. historical tragedy, 1592.) ND Duke of Argyll Argyll, Geo. J. Douglas Campbell, eighth duke of (Brit. author) 1823-1900 Armstrong Armstrong, John (Scot. physician and poet) 1709-1779 E. Arnold Arnold, Sir Edwin (Eng. poet) 1832- M. Arnold Arnold, Matthew (Eng. poet and essayist) 1822-1888 T. Arnold Arnold, Thomas (Eng. historian) 1795-1842 Arnould Arnould, Joseph. [
Matematici Famosi Translate this page olaus henrici (1840-1918). Peter henrici (1923-1987). Analisi numerica.Gene Golub/Richard Varga Obituary to Peter henrici. Num. Math. 52 (1988), 481-482. http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-The-mathematician/t-Mathematicians-A-
Extractions: Math. Intell. 12/1 (1990), 40-44. 1261 J. May: Reminiscences on the life and mathematics of J. Frank Adams. Math. Intell. 12/1 (1990), 45-48. Matematica italiana, nata a Milano. La curva x^2y=a^2(a-y) porta il suo nome. Dedico' gli ultimi 40 anni della sua vita alla cura dei poveri. Scrisse in due volumi le "Istituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventu' ialiana" che contengono la nuova analisi differenziale di Leibniz e Newton. 12418 June Barrow-Green: Maria Gaetana Agnesi. EMS Newsletter March 1999, 18-19.
Biographies For Famous People Starting With The Letter H henrici, olaus Biography Henricks, Terence T. Biography Henriksen, LanceBiography Henry I, Biography Henry II, Biography Henry III, Biography http://www.biographycorner.com/biography_h.html
UCLA Library Scandinavian Culture Series Microform Collection Graan, olaus Stephani, Calendarium eller almanach på thet åhr effter wår Herres Carstenius, Henricus henrici, Cantio cygnea domini nostri Iesu Christi, http://unitproj.library.ucla.edu/yrl/scandinavian/index.cfm?Letter=C
UCLA Library Scandinavian Culture Series Microform Collection 52, Letris henrici Gödiani, Hauniae, 1663, 383, 1 Ekman, olaus Jonae,Siönödzlöffte aff twå deelar i then första, förestelles then förfalna http://unitproj.library.ucla.edu/yrl/scandinavian/index.cfm?Letter=S
WhoWasThere Reply olaus henrici was 70 this year and would die in a further 8 years. John McClintockwas 70 this year and would die in a further 6 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1910
WhoWasThere Reply olaus henrici was 60 this year and would die in a further 18 years. Ernst Abbewas 60 this year and would die in a further 5 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1900
Translating Latin Names Henricus, henrici, Henrico, Henry. Hereweccus, Herewecci, Herewecco, Hervey olaus, Olai, Olao, Olaf. Oliverus, Oliveri, Olivero, Oliver http://www.jaydax.co.uk/genlinks/latin-names.html
Extractions: (son, dau. by) English Adamus Adami Adamo Adam Adam Ade Ada Adam Ademarus Ademari Adamora Aymer Adhelina Adhelinae Adhelina Adeline Adomarus Adomari Adomaro Aymer Aegidius Aegidii Aegidio Giles Agelwinus Agelwini Agelwino Aylwin Agnes Agnetis Agnete Agnes Ailbertus Ailberti Ailberto Ethelbert, Albert Ailmaricus Ailmarici Ailmarico Emery Ailmerus Ailmeri Ailmero Aylmer Alanus Alani Alano Alan Alberedus Alberedi Alberedo Alfred Albaricus Albarici Albarico Aubrey Albinus Albini Albino Aubyn Albredus Albredi Albredo Aubrey Alexander Alexandri Alexandro Alexander Alianora Alianorae Alionora Eleanor Aloysius Aloysii Aloysio Lewis Aluredus Aluredi Aluredo Alfred Alricus Alrici Alrico Elfrie Amabilla Amabillae Amabilla Mabel Ambrosius Ambrosii Ambrosio Ambrose Amia Amiae Amia Amy Amicia Amiciae Amicia Amice Amicius Amicii Amicio Amyas Anabilia Anabiliae Anabilia Annabel Andreas Andreae Andrea Andrew Andreus Andrei Andreo Andrew Anicia Aniciae Anicia Annis Anthonius Anthonii Anthonio Anthony Araldus Araldi Araldo Harold Areturus Areturi Areturo Arthur Artorius Artorii Artorio Arthur Archibaldus Archibaldi Archibaldo Archibald Audoinus Audoini Audoino Owen Audomarus Audomari Audomaro Omer Augustinus Augustini Augustino Austin Avicia Aviciae Avicia Avis Bartholomaeus Bartholomaei Bartholomaeo Bartholomew Basilius Basilii Basilii Basil Baudwinus Baudwini Baudwino Baldwin Benedictus Benedicti Benedicto Bennet Bevicius Bevicii Bevicio Bevis Blasius Blasii Blasio Blaise Bogo Bogonis Bogone Bew, Bevis, Boeges